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1、The muscles of limbs 四 肢 肌 The muscles of upper limbThe muscles of upper limb 上肢肌上肢肌 The muscles of upper limb are divided into: The muscles of shoulder arm forearm hand Deltoid 三角肌三角肌 Supraspinatus 岡上肌岡上肌 Infraspinatus 岡下肌岡下肌 Teres minor 小圓肌小圓肌 Teres major 大圓肌大圓肌 Subscapularis 肩胛下肌肩胛下肌 Muscles of s

2、houlderMuscles of shoulder 肩肌肩肌 Deltoid 三角肌三角肌 nOrigin: lateral third of clavicle, acromion, and spine of scapula nInsertion: deltoid tuberosity of humerus nAction: abducts the arm; anterior part may flexes and medically rotates the arm and the posterior part extends and laterally rotates arm Muscle

3、s of shoulder 肩肌肩肌 Teres major 大圓肌大圓肌 nOrigin: dorsal surface of inferior angle of scapula nInsertion: crest of lesser tubercle of humerus nAction: medially rotates and adducts arm Muscles of shoulder 肩肌肩肌 nAntererior group qBiceps brachii 肱二頭肌肱二頭肌 qCoracobrachialis 喙肱肌喙肱肌 qBrachialis 肱肌肱肌 Muscles o

4、f arm 臂肌臂肌 Biceps brachii 肱二頭肌肱二頭肌 nOrigin: long head, supraglenoid tubercle; short head, coracoid process nInsertion: radical tuberosity nAction: supinator of forearm, flexor of elbow joint, weak flexor of should joint Posterior group: Triceps brachii 肱三頭肌肱三頭肌 nOrigin: long head, infraglenoid tuber

5、cle; lateral head, above groove for radical n., medical head, below groove for radical n. nInsertion: olecranon of ulna nAction: extends elbow joint), long head can extend and adduct shoulder joint Muscles of arm 臂肌臂肌 Muscles of forearm 前臂肌前臂肌 nSuperficial layer qBrachioradialis 肱橈肌肱橈肌 qPronator ter

6、es 旋前圓肌旋前圓肌 qFlexor carpi radialis 橈側(cè)腕屈橈側(cè)腕屈 肌肌 qPalmaris longus 掌長肌掌長肌 qFlexor carpi ulnaris 尺側(cè)腕屈尺側(cè)腕屈 肌肌 Anterior group (9) Pronator teres 旋前圓肌旋前圓肌 nOrigin: medical epicondyle of humerus and deep fascia of forearm nInsertion: middle of lateral surface of radius nAction: pronation of forearm nSecond

7、layer flexor digitorum superficials 指淺屈肌指淺屈肌 nThird layer qFlexor digitorum profundus 指深屈肌指深屈肌 qFlexor pollicis longus 拇長屈肌拇長屈肌 nFourth layer pronator quadratus 旋旋 前方肌前方肌 Action: flex radiocarpal joint and fingers, pronate forearm qExtensor carpi radialis longus 橈側(cè)腕長伸肌橈側(cè)腕長伸肌 qExtensor carpi radialis

8、 brevis 橈側(cè)腕短伸肌橈側(cè)腕短伸肌 qExtensor digitorum 指伸肌指伸肌 qExtensor digiti minimi 小指伸肌小指伸肌 qExtensor carpi ulnaris 尺側(cè)腕屈肌尺側(cè)腕屈肌 Posterior group (10) Superficial layer (5) nSupinator旋后肌旋后肌 nAbductor pollicis longus 拇長展肌拇長展肌 nExtensor pollicis brevis 拇短伸肌拇短伸肌 nExtensor pollicis longus 拇長伸肌拇長伸肌 nExtensor indicis 示

9、指伸肌示指伸肌 nAction: extend radiocapral joint and fingers, and supinate forearm Deep layer (5) Supinator nOrigin: lateral epicondyle of humerus and upper part of lateral border of ulna nInsertion: upper third of anterior surface of radius nAction: supination of forearm nLateral groupthenar 魚魚 際際 qAbduct

10、or pollicis brevis 拇短展肌拇短展肌 qFlexor pollicis brevis 拇短屈肌拇短屈肌 qOpponens pollicis 拇對掌肌拇對掌肌 qAdductor pollicis 拇收肌拇收肌 nAction: flex, abduct, adduct and oppose thumb Muscles of hand nMedial grouphypothenar qAbductor digiti minimi 小指展肌小指展肌 qFlexor digiti minimi brevis 小指短屈肌小指短屈肌 qOpponens digiti minimi 小

11、指對掌肌小指對掌肌 nAction: flex, abduct , and oppose little finger Muscles of hand nLumbricales 蚓狀肌蚓狀肌(4) flex metacarpophalangeal joints and extend interphalangeal joints nPalmar interossei 骨間掌側(cè)骨間掌側(cè) 肌肌(3) adduct fingers towards middle finger nDorsal interossei 骨間背側(cè)骨間背側(cè) 肌肌(3)abduct fingers away from middle

12、finger Intermedial group The muscles of lower limbThe muscles of lower limb 下肢肌下肢肌 The muscles of lower limb are divided into: The muscles of Hip Thigh Leg foot 一、The muscles of Hip 髖肌髖肌 (一)(一)Anterior group 1、Iliopsoas 髂腰肌髂腰肌 Psoas major 腰大肌腰大肌 起自椎體側(cè)面和橫突 Iliacus 髂肌髂肌 起自髂窩 Action:flexes the thigh an

13、d rotate thigh laterally。 下肢固定時,可使軀干和骨盆 前屈。 腰大肌 髂肌 2、tensor fasciae latae 闊筋膜張肌闊筋膜張肌: 使闊筋膜緊張并屈髖。使闊筋膜緊張并屈髖。 闊筋膜張肌 止于股骨小轉(zhuǎn)子lesser trochanter (二)(二)posterior group 1、 Gluteus Maximus 臀大肌臀大肌 Action: extend the thigh and rotate the thigh laterally 使 大腿后伸和外旋 2、 Piriformis 梨狀肌梨狀肌 Action: rotate and abduct t

14、he thigh laterally 外旋外展大腿 Piriformis Piriformis piriformis Gluteus medius Gluteas minimus Obturator inernus Quadratus femoris Gluteus medius 臀中肌臀中肌 Gluteus minimus 臀小肌臀小肌 Action:abdut the thigh 外展大腿外展大腿 rotate thigh laterally Obturator internus 閉孔內(nèi)肌閉孔內(nèi)肌 Quadratus femoris 股方肌股方肌 Obturator externus 閉孔

15、外肌閉孔外肌 二、 The muscles of thigh 大腿肌大腿肌 (一)Anterior group 1、Sartorius 縫匠肌縫匠肌 Action: flexes the thigh and the leg ,When the knee is flexed, it medially rotates the leg. 2、Quadriceps Femoris 股四頭肌股四頭肌 Rectus femoris 股直肌股直肌 Vastue lateralis 股外側(cè)肌股外側(cè)肌 Vastus medialis 股內(nèi)側(cè)肌股內(nèi)側(cè)肌 Vastus untermedius 股中間肌股中間肌 縫匠

16、肌 股直肌 nOrigin: anterior superior iliac spine nInsertion: the upper part of the medial surface of the tibia 二、 The muscles of thigh 大腿肌大腿肌 2、Quadriceps Femoris 股四頭肌股四頭肌 Action: extend the leg ; rectus femoris also flexes the thigh 屈大腿作用屈大腿作用 股直肌 Origin: Rectus femoris: anterior inferior iliac spine V

17、astus medialis: medial lip of linea aspera Vastus lateralis: lateral lip of linea aspera Vastus intermedius: anterior surface of femur Insertion: tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament Adductor longus長收肌長收肌 Pectineus m.恥骨肌恥骨肌 Gracilis m.股薄肌股薄肌 Addcor magnus 大收肌大收肌 Adductor bravis 短收肌短收肌 (二)(二)Media

18、l group Adduct and rotate the thigh laterally 恥骨、股薄、三收肌恥骨、股薄、三收肌 (三)posterior group 1、 Biceps Femoris 股二頭肌 Action: extend the thigh and flexes the leg伸大腿,屈 小腿,可使小腿稍旋外, 2、 Semitendinosus半腱肌 3、Semimembranosus 半膜肌 Action: extend the thigh and flexes the leg 伸大腿,屈 小腿,使小腿稍旋內(nèi) 股二頭肌 半腱、半膜、股二頭半腱、半膜、股二頭 半膜肌 三

19、、The muscles of leg 小腿肌小腿肌 (一)Anterior group 前群前群 Extensor digitorum longus 趾長伸肌趾長伸肌 extend 1-4 toes Action of anterior group:Dorsiflex of ankle joint Tibialis anterior 脛骨前肌脛骨前肌 Invert the foot 使足內(nèi)翻使足內(nèi)翻 Extensor hallucis longus 拇拇長伸肌長伸肌 extend the big toes 伸拇趾伸拇趾 三、 The muscles of leg 小腿肌小腿肌 (二)(二)l

20、ateral group Peroneus longus 腓骨長肌腓骨長肌 Peroneus brevis 腓骨短肌腓骨短肌 Action: plantar flexes the ankle and the eversion of foot 跖屈踝關(guān)節(jié),跖屈踝關(guān)節(jié), 并使足外翻。并使足外翻。 (三)(三)The posterior group 后群后群肌肌 1、Superficial layer Triceps surae 小腿三頭肌小腿三頭肌 Soleus 比目魚肌比目魚肌 Gastrocnemius 腓腸肌腓腸肌 Action:plantar flexe the ankle, Gastro

21、cnemius also flex the leg Tendo calcaneus 跟腱跟腱 Gastrocnemius 腓腸肌腓腸肌 Soleus 比目魚肌比目魚肌 1、deep layer: consists of 4 muscles. Popliteus 腘腘 肌肌 Action: flex leg and rotate the leg medially Flexor hallucis longus 拇長屈肌拇長屈肌 Action: plantarflex ankle joint and flexes the big toe Flexor digitorum longus 趾長屈肌趾長屈

22、肌 Action: flexes lateral four toes, plantarflexes foot Tibialis posterior 脛骨后肌脛骨后肌 Action: plantarflexes and inverts foot 四、The muscles of foot 足肌足肌 (一)The muscles on the dorsum of foot 足背肌 extensor digitorum brevis 趾短伸?。篹xtense the 2-4 toe. extensor hallucis brevis 拇短伸肌:extense the big toe. 四、The m

23、uscles of foot 足肌足肌 (一)The muscles of the sole 足底肌 1. Medial group 內(nèi)側(cè)組內(nèi)側(cè)組 Abductor hallucis 拇展肌 Flexor hallucis brevis 拇短屈肌 Adductor hallucis 拇收肌 Abductor hallucis Flexor hallucis brevis 四、The muscles of foot 足肌足肌 (一)The muscles of the sole 足底肌 1. Medial group 內(nèi)側(cè)組內(nèi)側(cè)組 Abductor hallucis 拇展肌 Flexor hallucis brevis 拇短屈肌 Adductor hallucis 拇收肌 Adductor hallucis 四、The muscles of foot 足肌足肌 (一)The muscles of the sole 足底肌 2. intermediate group 中間組中間組 Flexor digitorum brevis 趾短屈肌 Quadratus plantae


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