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1、高二英語下Unit20同步測試 人教版I 單詞拼寫。1. You have bought a new flat. Now have you decided how to desig n anddit.2. Yesterday, the director of the hospital visited some patie nts, abyseveral doctors.3. The air here is badly polluted. So when you go out, you d better wear agas m.4. In the empire, the erules it.5.

2、 Look ing up, I saw his eyes fixed on me in( 好奇).6. They left London at a3 o clock.7. What s the距離)from here to Shanghai?8. The Qin dwas foun ded by Emperor Qin Shihua ng.9. A cin ema or a theatre is a place of( 娛樂).10. Our(平均)speed was still 40 miles an hour.n .單項(xiàng)填空。1.It was not un til darkhe found

3、he thought was the correctway to solve the problem.A. what;whatB.that;that what2.This sofa used toa bed whe n a relative came to stay with us.A. serve asB.use forC.make intoD.sta nd forfor a long time,but he tried to catch up with his classmates at last.3.He made all the arra ngeme nts himself, and

4、would let no one else have aA.se nseB.ha ndC.headD.voice4.There areof books in our school library.A.a good manyB.ma nyC.scoreD.a large qua ntity5.Jack tendsangry whe n people oppose toA.getti ngB.to gett ingC.getD.to getin them.6.his pla ns.A. Havi ng been illB.Bei ng illC.He was illD.Though ill7. T

5、he storythe 15th cen tury.A. datesB.is dated up toC.was dated back toD.dates back to8. What is therain fall for August in your coun try?A. averageB.sta ndardC.levelD.differe nt9. K no wi ng how long the test would last,the stude nts who fini shedback and waited un til the end of the exam.A. settleB.

6、settledC.settli ngD.to settle10. The Christmas treecolored lights.A. decorated byB.is decorated byC.decorated withD.is decorated with11.1 couldn t do my homework with all that noise.A. go ing onB.goes onC.we nt onD.to go on12. chievement,last week s ministerialmeeting of the WTO hereearned a low,tho

7、ugh not faili ng,grade.A. ln terms ofB.ln case ofC.As a result ofD.ln face of13. The old man lives in avillage and the people s life there is notconvenient.A.dista ntB.farawayC.separatedD.remote14.Every lorry should have a(n)wheel,especially one that runs a longdista nee.A.freeC.extraB. spareD.usefu

8、l15.The police are searchi ng everywhere for Mr.James,who they thi nk isto the crime.A.li nkedB. concernedD.mixedC. un ited川.完形填空。This was one of my experiences1 .When I was in my 30s,l wasworking for a large international company which had its head office in London. I was working in the 2 departmen

9、t.The company had a training centre which was just outside London. Differe nt courses were held there throughout3 and I 4 go on onetrai ning course a year. These usually started5 a Sun day eve ning and lasted six days.Once I was 6 a week s training course with about forty7 salespeople. I was in the

10、bar on the Friday eve ning and sudde nly a woma n who was 8 behind the bar asked me a curious question.“I hope you don t2.A.selli ngB.sales9my ask ing.she said: but Ive bee n 10 about it all week. Haveyou got a sister 11 Mary? ” The woman s name was June. And she used to do various jobs at the train

11、ing cen tre. She worked in the office, she orga ni zed all the food and drink for the centre and she worked in the bar at lunch time and in the eve ning.My an swer 12 June squesti onwas “ Yes ”,and June said, “Ithought13 .I met her last September whe n she was orga nizing a coursehere. ” At that tim

12、e, my sister was working for 14 company but in a differentpart of the country. That was 15 she came to be at thetraining cen tre.16 surprised me was how June guessed we were brother and sister.Three things made it even more 17 .First, she had met my sister six mon ths before she met me. Second, they

13、 have about sixty new people every week at the training centre. So about one thousand five hundred people had 18 the centre in those six mon ths. And19 :my sister is married,so she doesn t have the same family name as me.We re not 20 :but I guess we must look quite like each other.1. A.in workB.out

14、of workC. at workD.about workC.saleD.sold3. A.the yearC.the week4. A.used toC.get used to5. A.atC.duri ng6. A .onC.duri ng7. A.otherC.the other8. A.heari ngC.servi ng9. A.matterC.remi nd of10. A.u ndersta ndingC.discoveri ng11. A.calledC.calli ng on12. A. ofB. the monthD. the dayB. onceD. was used t

15、oB. inD.o nB. inD.overB. a no therD.one otherB. waiti ngD.seei ngB. care forD.mi ndB. w on deri ngD.worryi ngB. calli ngD.calli ng upB. aboutC.to13. A.thatC. such14. A.the sameC. ano ther15. A.whereC. what16. A.AIIC. That17. A.surpris ingC. stra nge18. A.passed throughC. left19. A.fin allyC. at last

16、20. A.frie ndsC. twi nsIV .閱讀理解。AB. itD. soB. a differe ntD. the otherB. whe nD. howB.WhatD. ItB.surprisedD. puzzledB.passed awayD. passed byB.at the endD. laterB.relativesD. brother and sisterD.forWhen a Swedish ship that sank in 1628 was recovered from the port ofStockholm,historiansand scientists

17、 were overjoyed with the chanee toexam ine the remai ns of the past. The ship con struct ion showed how shipswere built and operated duri ng the seve ntee nthcentury. In this way,artifacts, objects made by human beings, provideda picture of daily lifealmost 400 years ago.Un derwaterarchaeology the s

18、tudy of ships,aircraft andhuma nsettleme nts that have sunk un der large bodies of wateris really a productof the last 50 years. The rapid growth of this new area of study has occurredbecause of the inven ti on of better diving equipme nt. Besides the Swedishship wreck(殘骸),underwaterarchaeologists h

19、ave made more excitingdiscoveries such as the 5,000-year-old boats in the Mediterra nean Sea.Un derwater archaeology can provide facts about the past. I n an cie nt ports all over the world are ships sunken in the past 6,000 years. There are also sunken settlementsin seas and lakes telling of people

20、 way of life andtheir systems of trade in an cie nt times. Un derwater archaeologists want to study these objects to add to the worldno wledge of kiistory, but theyhave to fight two enemies. One enemy is treasure hunters who dive for an cie nt artifacts that they can sell to collectors. Once sold, t

21、hese objects are lost to experts. The sec ond en emy is dredgi ng mach in es(挖掘機(jī))ofte n usedto repair ports. These machi nes destroy wrecks and artifacts or bury themdeeper un der sand and mud. By teach ing the public about the importa nee of underwater“ museums ” of the past, archaeologists are hop

22、ing to getsupport for laws to protect un derwater treasures.1. Which of the followi ng is probably true accord ing to the passage?A. More tha n 6,000 years ago, people bega n to make boats or ships.B. There are laws to protect un derwater treasures in every coun try.C. The Swedish ship which sank in

23、 1628 was discovered in the Mediterra nean Sea.D. Archaeologists have eve n discovered some 5,000-year-old Swedish boatsin the Mediterra nean Sea.2. What purpose does Paragraph 1 serve in the passage?A. To provide backgro und in formatio n of the topic.B. To attract readers atte nti on to the topic.

24、C. To use an example to support the topic.D. To offer basic kno wledge of the topic.3. The aim of un derwater archaeology is to.A. exploit water bodiesB. search for un derwater lifeC. study un derwater artifactsD. exam ine un derwater en vir onment4. U nderwater archaeologists are worried because.A.

25、 sea hun ters have better diving equipme ntB. their kno wledge of world history is limitedC. dredg ing machi nes cause damage to the portsD. sold artifacts can hardly be rega ined for research5. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To in troduce a young branch of lear ning.B. To discuss the sc

26、ientists problems.C. To explain people s way of life in the past.D. To describe the sunken ships.BThe Tuareg are an African people.They live on the edges of the western Sahara desert a san dy,rocky,a nd very dry wastela nd.Scien tists who study an cie nt peoples believe that the Tuareg have lived in

27、North Africa for a very long time more tha n 4000 years.Duri ng their longhistory,the lands where the Tuareg live have bee n inv aded and conq uered by different people.But the Tuareg have always fought fiercely for their in depe ndenceand the right to live in theirtraditi onalways.Forexample,about

28、1200 years ago,Arabs conquered North Africa.The Tuareg fought the Arab invaders,although they finally accepted their Muslim religion.They fought just as stubbornly when the French came to North Africa in the 1800s.Most Tuareg are nomads who wander from place to place instead of settling down in perm

29、anent homes.These people are always moving their herds of cattle,goats,and camels to new grazing lands and from one watering hole to the next.Tuareg society is controlled by nobles,the most important and powerful people.Second in importance are the warriors.Then come the craftspeople who make weapon

30、s and tools.At the bottom are farmers,who must stay on their land and are not free to wander.Once the least important people were the slaves,but there are no slaves among the Tuareg now.Tuareg men wear veils to protect themselves from the sun and sand.Women are very important among the Tuareg.They d

31、o not wear veils,as most Muslim women do.Everything children inherit,even their importance in the tribe,comes from their mothers rather than their fathers.The Tuareg make beautiful things.They are famous for the objects they make out of leather especially saddles.They also make excellent swords.The

32、Tuareg believe that their craftspeople have magical powers.People all over the world buy Tuareg jewelry.But here is an interestingfact.The Tuareg call gold animpure ” metal.They place a higher value onsilver and make most of their jewelry out of silver.In recent times,the Tuaregs worst problem has b

33、eewnetahteher.For manyyears,the area where the Tuareg live suffered a drought,a time when no rain thirst.People starved to death.Now all the Tuareg from nobles to farmers are poor.falls.Lack of water killed the farmerscrops.The nomadsanimal died ofMany Tuareg now stay around the towns and cities at

34、the edge of the Sahara.The young men think that getting a job and settling down are easier than life in the desert.Soon,these proud desert warriors may be just a memory.6. The Tuareg are the people who .A.don t like to be controlled by othersB.like to live in the same place all the timeC. like to fi

35、ght with other peopleD. don t like to have religion7. Which are the most important people in Tuareg society?A.Farmers. B.Warriors.C. Nobles. D.Craftspeople.8. Which of the following is NOT true?A.Tuareg women play an important role in educating their children.B.Tuareg women are good at making beauti

36、ful things.C. The craftspeople are thought to have magical power.D. Saddles made by Tuareg are especially good.9. “ Drought ” in the seventh paragraph means .A.a long period of dry weatherB.without river nearbyC. sand storm for a momentD. it doesn t rain much10. “ Soonthese proud desert warriors may

37、 be just a memory ” meansA.Tuareg people will stop wandering and change their life-styleB.Tuareg people are proud of their historyC. desert warriors will always remain in people s memoryD. desert warriors will not forget their historyV 短文改錯(cuò)。Many teachers worry about the effects of television on youn

38、g people.According to studies, any children spend more time1.watching television than they spend in school. Because so much2.viewing, children may not be develop the habit of3.read and the ability to enjoy themselves. No one worries4.much about the radio program young people listen5.to, although rad

39、ios can be very noise. Teachers also wonder about6.the effects of television commercials. On one year the7.average children will see 25 000 television commercials, all planned8.and written by grown-ups to make children to9.want things that they don t real need.10.參考答案.1. decorate2. accompanied3. mas

40、k4. emperor5. curiosity6. approximately7. distance 8. Dynasty9. entertainment10. averagen .1.選Bo It was notun til dark that.為強(qiáng)調(diào)句結(jié)構(gòu),意思是“直到才”,后一個(gè)空中 that 引導(dǎo)賓語從句, what 引導(dǎo)主語從句。2. 選 Ao serve as 表示“擔(dān)當(dāng);充任”,句意為“以前有親戚來和我們一起住的時(shí)候,這沙發(fā)可當(dāng)床” o B項(xiàng)應(yīng)為be used for ; C項(xiàng)意為“制成” ;D項(xiàng)意為“代表”。3. 選 Bo have a hand in 意為“插手;參與” o4

41、. 選Do A、B兩項(xiàng)后接名詞時(shí)都不接介詞 of, scores of是正確的形式。a large quantity of 意思是“大量的”。5. 選 Do tend to do sth. 為固定短語,意為“傾向于;趨于” o6. 選C。本題容易出錯(cuò)的原因就是考生常誤認(rèn)為考查分詞短語作狀語。其實(shí)認(rèn)真研讀句子可以發(fā)現(xiàn)but所起的作用,but連接并列句,因此答案應(yīng)該選 C。不妨再考慮一下,去掉 but 后情況又如何呢?7. 選 C。 date back to/date from 表示“追溯到;發(fā)生在” ,其中 date 為不及物動(dòng) 詞,不用于被動(dòng)語態(tài)。另外該短語多用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)。8. 選A。此處意為

42、“平均降水量”,故用average。9. 選Bo該題考查句子結(jié)構(gòu)。學(xué)生易犯思維定式的錯(cuò)誤而選 C項(xiàng),其實(shí)who finished是定語從句,該處缺謂語動(dòng)詞10. 選D。be decorated with 是“用裝飾”之意;C項(xiàng)缺少謂語動(dòng)詞,故選 D項(xiàng)。11. 選A o with all that noise后面不能接謂語形式的 goes on 和went on ;如果接現(xiàn)在分詞形式, 表示正在進(jìn)行; 如果接不定式形式則表示將來。 根據(jù)句意應(yīng)選 A 項(xiàng)。12. 選Ao in terms of意為“就而言”,全句意為“就成效而言,上周的 WTO部長級會(huì)議雖然沒有失敗,但是收效甚微” in case

43、 of意為“假使;防備” ;as a resultof意為“由于;因?yàn)椤?;in face of意為“在面前;縱然;不顧”。13. 選 Do distant 和 faraway 指“遙遠(yuǎn)的”; separated 意為“分開的;分離的” ;remote意為“偏僻的;邊遠(yuǎn)的” 根據(jù)后句“人們的生活不方便”可判斷應(yīng)是一個(gè)“偏僻”的村子,A項(xiàng)為最佳選項(xiàng)。14. 選 Bo free 意為“空閑的;閑置的” ; spare 意為“額外的;備用的” ; extra 意 為“額外的;附加的” ;useful意為“有用的” 根據(jù)句意應(yīng)選B項(xiàng),表示“卡車應(yīng) 該有備用輪胎,尤其是跑長途的卡車” o15. 選 A

44、be linked to 意為 “與有關(guān)”;be concerned with 意為 “與有關(guān)”;united意為“聯(lián)合的;團(tuán)結(jié)的” ;be mixed up in 意為“與有牽連” 川.1.選C在這里表示“工作中的經(jīng)歷”,故為 at work 2. 選B 個(gè)公司的營銷部,常表達(dá)為 the sales department 3. 選 A。由下文“go on one training course a year” 可知。4. 選A used to表“過去常?!?,其后接動(dòng)詞原形5. 選D。具體某一天晚上要用介詞 on6. 選 A。 be on a course 表示“在上一門課”。7. 選A。數(shù)詞+other=anothe葉數(shù)詞,若有the,則用“the othe葉數(shù)詞”。8. 選C。由“ behind the bar”t可知oman 是服務(wù)小姐,應(yīng)為serving 。9. 選 D。 mind doing sth. 表示“介意做某事”; care for 表“喜歡;關(guān)心”。10. 選B。對某事一直想知道,要用 wondering 。11. 選 A。被叫做 Mary 的 sister。12. 選 C?!皢栴}的答案”為 answer to the question 。13. 選D。同意別人的想法為I t


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