



1、精品文檔定語從句、狀語從句、名詞性從句綜合練習(xí)40題(附參考答案)1. Don t talk about such things ofyou are not sure.A. whichB. whatC.asD. those2. Is this factorysome foreig n frie nds visited last Friday?A. thatB.whereC. whichD. the one3. The wolves hid themselves in the placescouldn t be found.A. thatB.whereC. in whichD. in that4

2、. That tree,the bra nches are almost bare, is very old.A. whoseB. of whichC. i n whichD. on which5. Can you lend me the no velthe other day?A. that you talkedB. you talked about itC. which you talked withD. you talked about6. -How do you like the book?-It s quite different fromI read last monthA. th

3、atB. whichC. the oneD. the one what7 . An tarctic ,we know very little is covered with thick ice all the yearround.A. whichB. whereC. thatD. about which8. May the fourth is the daywe Chin ese people will n ever forget.A. whichB. whe nC. on whichD. about which9. We are going to spend the Spring Festi

4、val in Guangzhou, live mygran dpare nts and some relatives.A. whichB. thatC. whoD. where10 Un der the bridge, however, almost directly below,was a small canoe,with a boy in it.A. thereB. whereC. itD. which11. He is a man of great experie nee,much can be lear ned.A. whoB. thatC. from which D. from wh

5、om12. The dinner was the most expe nsive meal we.A. would have B. have hadC. had n ever hadD. had ever had13. The great day we looked forward toat last.A. comeB. cameC. comingD. comes14. They were in terestedyou told them.A. in whichB. in thatC. all thatD. in everythi ng15 -Have you known each other

6、 for long?-Not very long,we started to work in the compa ny.A afterB beforeC whe nD since16 The young man went into the cin ema and afterseemed half an hour hecame out.A thatB itC whatD which精品文檔17 I knowthey are getti ng along well with each other.A thatB howC ifD what18 you don like her is none of

7、 my bus in ess.A WhetherB ThatC IfD Whatthe19 It was in the lab was taken charge of by Mr. Smithexperime nt was done.A that; where B that; thatC where; thatD in which; who20 Most young people usually have less money at the end of the month tha natthe begi nning.A which isB which wasC they haveD it i

8、s21 It was twelve o clockthey finished the work.A sinceB whichC thatD whe n22 It is said that the famous football star is willi ng to play forwould pay himthree milli on dollars a year.A anyoneB whomeverC no matter who D whoever23 There is no doubtMr. Zhang will sig n the con tract with us.A whe nB

9、whetherC ifD that24 He made a promiseanyone set him free he would make him very rich.A thatB ifC whatD that if25We agreed to acceptthey thought was the best professor in the college.A whateverB whomeverC whicheverD whoever26 He is a strict but kin dhearted teacher,his stude nts respect but are afrai

10、d of.A one whomB for whomC whichD that27 This painting is sple ndid, butwe actually n eed it is a differe nt matter.A thatB whichC whetherD what28 It is your own faultyou are so tired. You ought n Cto have stayed up solate.D whyA whe nB howC where29 -Why do you work yourself so hard?-I don Cdo itI l

11、ike it. I just have to.A uni essB becauseC althoughD since30 -Don look down upon Mr. Smith. He has his own advantages.-Oh, yes.others are weak, he is strong.A WhereB IfC WhenD Though31 Perseveranee毅力)is a kind of quality and that it takes to do any thi ngwell.A whatB thatC whichD why32 Water to fish

12、 isair to huma n.A thatB whatC whoD how33 One of them held the viewthe book said was right.A that whatB what thatC thatD whether34 She has not yet an swered the questi onyou can depe nd on her.A ifB whetherC whichD what35 Is it truethe rain stops, it will be as hot as in the summer here?A whe nB that whe nC whe neverD that36 You won tfi nd it difficultyou have mastered it.A un tilB onceC beforeD though37 Why do you want a new jobyou ve got such a good one already?A thatB whereC whichD whe n38 At last, her dream came true. She became a doctor,she had hoped to be.A whoB whatC wh


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