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1、This is a still photograph, your psychological pressure is greater, the picture to rotate more quickly第1頁/共16頁The lines are parallel! The more people you, by the society of erosion is more severe, see straight the deformation.下圖里的橫線都是平行的!涉世越深的人,受下圖里的橫線都是平行的!涉世越深的人,受社會侵蝕越嚴重,看到的直線越變形。社會侵蝕越嚴重,看到的直線越變形。

2、第2頁/共16頁 can you see how much a person? 0- 4: stupid;5- 8: General;9- 11: special sensibility;11- 13: schizophrenia.0404張:弱智;張:弱智;5858張:一般人;張:一般人;911911張:張:特別感性;特別感性;11131113張:精神分裂。張:精神分裂。第3頁/共16頁第4頁/共16頁第5頁/共16頁1) often self-reflection, sensitive thinkerFor you and the environment than do most peop

3、le control better and more thorough.You hate superficial and skin-deep;You d rather be alone than have to other peoples gossip, your relationship with your friends are very strong, which gives you the inner tranquility and harmony.You dont mind a long time alone, but rarely boring. 1) 1) 時常自我反省時常自我反

4、省, ,敏感的思想家敏感的思想家 你對于自己及四周的環(huán)境能夠比一般人控制得你對于自己及四周的環(huán)境能夠比一般人控制得更好更徹底。更好更徹底。 你討厭表面化及膚淺的東西;你討厭表面化及膚淺的東西; 你寧愿獨自一人也不愿跟別人閑談,但你跟朋你寧愿獨自一人也不愿跟別人閑談,但你跟朋友的關系卻非常深入,這令你的心境保持和諧安逸。友的關系卻非常深入,這令你的心境保持和諧安逸。 你不介意長時間獨自一人,而且絕少會覺得沉你不介意長時間獨自一人,而且絕少會覺得沉悶。悶。 第6頁/共16頁2) independent, avant-garde, free2) independent, avant-garde, f

5、reeYour pursuit of free and unfettered, Your pursuit of free and unfettered, self life.self life.Your work or leisure activities.Your work or leisure activities.Your urge for freedom sometimes causes Your urge for freedom sometimes causes you to do an exceeding all to do an exceedin

6、g all expectations.Your lifestyle is highly Your lifestyle is highly individualistic; you never blindly individualistic; you never blindly following trends.following trends.On the contrary, you can according to On the contrary, you can according to their meaning and faith to life, even their meaning

7、 and faith to life, even if the upstream and also not to if the upstream and also not to hesitate to.hesitate to.2) 2) 獨立,前衛(wèi),不受拘束獨立,前衛(wèi),不受拘束 你追求自由及不受拘束,自我的生活。你追求自由及不受拘束,自我的生活。 你的工作及消閑活動都與藝術有關。你的工作及消閑活動都與藝術有關。 你對于自由的渴求有時候會使你做出令人出你對于自由的渴求有時候會使你做出令人出人意表的事。人意表的事。 你的生活方式極具個人色彩;你永遠不會盲你的生活方式極具個人色彩;你永遠不會盲目追逐

8、潮流。目追逐潮流。 相反地,你會根據自己的意思和信念去生活,相反地,你會根據自己的意思和信念去生活,就算是逆流而上也在所不惜。就算是逆流而上也在所不惜。 第7頁/共16頁3) be full of go, active, extroverted3) be full of go, active, extrovertedYou dont mind adventure, especially like You dont mind adventure, especially like fun, a plurality of, a plurality of work.In contra

9、st, regular course of official In contrast, regular course of official duties and practice will make you be out duties and practice will make you be out of spirits.of spirits.You like most is to be able to play an You like most is to be able to play an active role in events, so you can display activ

10、e role in events, so you can display ones skill to the full in front of a ones skill to the full in front of a crowd.crowd.3) 3) 精力充沛,好動,外向精力充沛,好動,外向 你不介意冒險,特別喜歡有趣的,多元化的你不介意冒險,特別喜歡有趣的,多元化的工作。工作。 相比之下,例行公事及慣例會令你沒精打采。相比之下,例行公事及慣例會令你沒精打采。 你最興奮的是可以積極參與任何比賽活動,你最興奮的是可以積極參與任何比賽活動,因為這樣你就可以在眾人面前大顯身手了。因為這樣你就可

11、以在眾人面前大顯身手了。 第8頁/共16頁4) pragmatic, clear-headed, harmony4) pragmatic, clear-headed, harmonyYou are a natural style, like the simple You are a natural style, like the simple things.things.People admire you stand on solid ground, they People admire you stand on solid ground, they think youre steady, t

12、rustworthy.think youre steady, trustworthy.Can you give me a sense of security, you give Can you give me a sense of security, you give a cordial, warm feeling.a cordial, warm feeling.You for tacky, brightly coloured things a You for tacky, brightly coloured things a contemptuous disregard, to fashio

13、n trends with contemptuous disregard, to fashion trends with suspicion;suspicion;For you, the clothes have done.For you, the clothes have done. 4) 4) 務實,頭腦清醒,和諧務實,頭腦清醒,和諧 你作風自然,喜歡簡單的東西。你作風自然,喜歡簡單的東西。 人們欣賞你腳踏實地,他們覺得你穩(wěn)重,值得人們欣賞你腳踏實地,他們覺得你穩(wěn)重,值得信賴。信賴。 你能夠給予身邊的人安全感,你給人一種親切,你能夠給予身邊的人安全感,你給人一種親切,溫暖的感覺。溫暖的感覺

14、。 你對于俗氣的,花花綠綠的東西都不屑一顧,你對于俗氣的,花花綠綠的東西都不屑一顧,對時裝潮流抱著懷疑的態(tài)度;對時裝潮流抱著懷疑的態(tài)度; 對于你來說,衣服必須是實用及大方得體的。對于你來說,衣服必須是實用及大方得體的。 第9頁/共16頁5) professional, practical, confidentYou take charge of your life, you believe that their own ability rather than believe in fate.You with practical, simple way to solve the problem.

15、You encountered in daily life things realistic comments, and the ability to handle a situation with ease.People know that you can take out a lot of work, so rest assured that leave it up to you.Your strong will make you always full of confidence.Did not reach their targets before, you will never giv

16、e up.5) 5) 專業(yè),實事求事,自信專業(yè),實事求事,自信 你掌管自己的生活,你相信自己的能力多于相信命你掌管自己的生活,你相信自己的能力多于相信命運的安排。運的安排。 你以實際,簡單的方式去解決問題。你以實際,簡單的方式去解決問題。 你對日常生活中所遇到的事物抱有現實的睇法,并你對日常生活中所遇到的事物抱有現實的睇法,并且能夠應付自如。且能夠應付自如。 人們知道你可擔重任,因此都放心把大量工作交給人們知道你可擔重任,因此都放心把大量工作交給你處理。你處理。 你那堅強的意志使你時刻都充滿信心。你那堅強的意志使你時刻都充滿信心。 未達到自己的目標之前,你絕不罷休。未達到自己的目標之前,你絕不

17、罷休。第10頁/共16頁6) gentle, careful, no attackYou are easy-going, but cautious.It is easy for you to make friends, but also enjoy your privacy and independence.Sometimes, you will be getting out from the crowd, a man quietly think the meaning of life, and for a time.You need space, so you escape to beaut

18、iful hideaways, but you are not a love alone.You tell yourself and the world will be able to coexist and land, and you are also very satisfied to the status quo.6) 6) 溫和,謹慎,無攻擊性溫和,謹慎,無攻擊性 你生性隨和,但處事謹慎。你生性隨和,但處事謹慎。 你很容易認識朋友,但同時享受你的私人時間你很容易認識朋友,但同時享受你的私人時間及獨立生活。及獨立生活。 有時候,你會從人群中抽身而出,一個人靜靜有時候,你會從人群中抽身而出

19、,一個人靜靜地思考生活的意義,并自娛一番。地思考生活的意義,并自娛一番。 你需要個人的空間,因此有時會隱匿于美夢當你需要個人的空間,因此有時會隱匿于美夢當中,但你并不是一個愛孤獨的人。中,但你并不是一個愛孤獨的人。 你跟自己及這個世界都能夠和陸共處,而你對你跟自己及這個世界都能夠和陸共處,而你對現狀亦非常滿意?,F狀亦非常滿意。 第11頁/共16頁7) be light of heart from care, naughty, nice peopleDo you like to take ones ease, remain free life.The motto: you only live o

20、nce, so you try to enjoy every moment.You are very curious about new things, open attitude; you want to change, hate bound.Do you think the environment around them are constantly changing, and often a surprise for you.7) 7) 無憂無慮,頑皮,愉快的人無憂無慮,頑皮,愉快的人 你喜歡自由自在,無拘無束的生活。你喜歡自由自在,無拘無束的生活。 你的座右銘是:生命只能活一次,因此你

21、盡你的座右銘是:生命只能活一次,因此你盡量享受每一刻。量享受每一刻。 你好奇心旺盛,對新事物抱有開放的態(tài)度;你好奇心旺盛,對新事物抱有開放的態(tài)度;你向往改變,討厭束縛。你向往改變,討厭束縛。 你覺得身邊的環(huán)境都不斷在變,而且經常為你覺得身邊的環(huán)境都不斷在變,而且經常為你帶來驚喜。你帶來驚喜。第12頁/共16頁8) love fantasy, romantic, emotionalYou are a very sensitive person. You refuse to only from a sober, rational understanding of things.You are ve

22、ry important. In fact, you feel it is important to have dreams to live fully.You do not accept those who despise romanticism and the reason the nose;And wont let anything affect the richness of your feelings and emotions.8) 8) 浪漫,愛幻想,情緒化浪漫,愛幻想,情緒化 你是一個感性的人。你拒絕只從一個嚴肅,理你是一個感性的人。你拒絕只從一個嚴肅,理智的角度去理解事物。智的

23、角度去理解事物。 你的感覺亦十分重要。事實上,你覺得人生必你的感覺亦十分重要。事實上,你覺得人生必需要有夢想才叫活得充實。需要有夢想才叫活得充實。 你不接受那些輕視浪漫主義及被理智牽著鼻子你不接受那些輕視浪漫主義及被理智牽著鼻子走的人;走的人; 而且不會讓任何事物影響到你那豐富的感情及而且不會讓任何事物影響到你那豐富的感情及情緒。情緒。 第13頁/共16頁9) analytical, reliability, confidence9) analytical, reliability, confidenceThe things you can find somebody else The things you can find somebody else sensitivity makes you have overlooked sensitivity makes you have overlooked something.something.These are your gems, you like to These are your gems, you like to explore these things.explor


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