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1、Unit 2 PoemsGrammarRevision 1. 虛擬語氣在虛擬語氣在if條件狀語從句中的用法條件狀語從句中的用法 2.wish 引導的賓語從句中的虛擬語氣引導的賓語從句中的虛擬語氣3.表示要求表示要求,命令命令,建議的虛擬語氣建議的虛擬語氣 1. 虛擬語氣在虛擬語氣在if條件狀語從句中的用法條件狀語從句中的用法1.動詞過去式動詞過去式(或或were)2.助動詞(過去式)助動詞(過去式)+動詞原形動詞原形should/ would /could/ might+動詞原形動詞原形had+過去分詞過去分詞should/ would/could/might + have+過去分詞過去分詞s

2、hould/ would/ could/ might +動詞原形動詞原形1.should+動詞原形動詞原形2.動詞過去式動詞過去式3.were to+動詞原形動詞原形2.wish 引導的賓語從句中的虛擬語氣引導的賓語從句中的虛擬語氣與現(xiàn)在事實相反與現(xiàn)在事實相反 與過去事實相反與過去事實相反 與將來與將來 事實相反事實相反 過去時(過去時(were)had+過去分詞過去分詞would/could/might+動詞原形動詞原形He wished he _in such affairs. (involve) I wish I _a bird. (be)had never been involvedw

3、ere3.表示要求表示要求,命令命令,建議的虛擬語氣建議的虛擬語氣一個堅持一個堅持 _ 兩個命令兩個命令 _ 三個建議三個建議 _ 四個要求四個要求 _這些動詞后面的賓語從句要使用虛擬語氣用法。這些動詞后面的賓語從句要使用虛擬語氣用法。從句中的動詞使用從句中的動詞使用should + 動詞原形動詞原形, 或者將或者將should省略。省略。The doctor suggested that he (should) try to lose his weight.He insisted that we (should) tell him the news. insist order, comman

4、d advise, suggest, propose demand, require, request, desire 虛擬語氣虛擬語氣(二二)the Subjunctive Mood 在在suggestion, proposal, order, plan, idea, advice, decision等需要有內涵的名詞后面的表語從等需要有內涵的名詞后面的表語從句、同位語從句中,要使用虛擬語氣。其謂語動詞應用句、同位語從句中,要使用虛擬語氣。其謂語動詞應用should原形動詞。另外連接從句的原形動詞。另外連接從句的that不能省略。例:不能省略。例:My suggestion is that

5、we (should) go there at once.What do you think of his proposal that we (should )put on a play at the English evening?My idea is that we (should) get more people to attend the conference.I make a proposal that we (should) hold a meeting next week.一、表語從句、同位語從句中的虛擬語氣一、表語從句、同位語從句中的虛擬語氣It is strange that

6、_.他居然會這樣說,真是奇怪。他居然會這樣說,真是奇怪。 It is a great pity that_. 他居然會這樣想,真是一件憾事。他居然會這樣想,真是一件憾事。 It is natural that_. 鳥在樹上安歇是很自然的。鳥在樹上安歇是很自然的。 It is necessary that_. 有必要立即派他去北京。有必要立即派他去北京。 二、二、Its necessary/strange/natural/ important/pity/no wonder/impossible + that Clause 從句中的動詞要用虛擬從句中的動詞要用虛擬, 即即(should)+動詞原形

7、動詞原形he ( should ) say sohe ( should ) think soa bird ( should ) rest in treeshe be sent to Beijing right away三、在三、在It is/was suggested /ordered / demanded / proposed / etc. 結構中要使用虛擬語氣。如:結構中要使用虛擬語氣。如:Its suggested that the plan be carried out.It is ordered that all the troops (should) withdraw three

8、miles away. 根據(jù)命令,所有部隊撤至三英哩以外。根據(jù)命令,所有部隊撤至三英哩以外。It is arranged that he_. 照安排,他星期五動身去加拿大。照安排,他星期五動身去加拿大。It is suggested that_. 有人建議,英語晚會周六舉行。有人建議,英語晚會周六舉行。 leave for Canada on Fridaythe English evening beheld on SaturdayI would rather you could teach me again.I would rather_. 我寧愿他們明天來。我寧愿他們明天來。 The man

9、ager would rather that his secretary_.經(jīng)理寧愿他的秘書代替他去開會。經(jīng)理寧愿他的秘書代替他去開會。 四、四、would rather 后的賓語從句后的賓語從句would rather that與現(xiàn)在事實相反與現(xiàn)在事實相反 過去時過去時與過去事實相反與過去事實相反 過去完成時過去完成時與將來事實相反與將來事實相反 過去時過去時they came tomorrowwent to the meeting instead of him以以as if 、as though(似乎,仿佛)引出的方式狀語從,(似乎,仿佛)引出的方式狀語從,如果表示真實情況應該用直陳語氣;

10、如果表示非真實情如果表示真實情況應該用直陳語氣;如果表示非真實情況則應該用虛擬語氣況則應該用虛擬語氣, 其謂語動詞的虛擬式與其謂語動詞的虛擬式與wish后面后面賓語從句中謂語動詞的虛擬式相同。如:賓語從句中謂語動詞的虛擬式相同。如:The little boy knows so many things as if he was a man.He acted as usual as though nothing had happened.The boy acted _ he had never lived in Canada before. A. as though B. even if C.

11、as D. since 五、五、as if, as though引導的從句引導的從句六、由六、由if only (要是(要是,那該多好?。。┮龑?,那該多好?。。┮龑У捏@嘆句。的驚嘆句。If only I had passed the test !If only it stopped raining!比較比較if only與與only if only if表示表示只有只有;if only則表示則表示如果如果就好了就好了。If only也可用于陳述語氣。也可用于陳述語氣。I wake up _the alarm clock rings.只有鬧鐘響了,我才會醒。只有鬧鐘響了,我才會醒。_the al

12、arm clock had rung.當時鬧鐘響了,就好了。當時鬧鐘響了,就好了。_he comes early.但愿他早點回來。但愿他早點回來。 only ifIf onlyIf only It is (high) time that 后面的從句謂語動詞要用過去后面的從句謂語動詞要用過去式或用式或用should加動詞原形,但加動詞原形,但should不可省略。不可省略。It is time that the children went to bed.It is high time that the children should go to bed.It is high time that_

13、. 該是我們吃午飯的時候了。該是我們吃午飯的時候了。 It is time that_. 該是他作出決定的時候了。該是他作出決定的時候了。 七、七、It is (high) time that we had our lunchhe made up his mind八、虛擬語氣的其它用法八、虛擬語氣的其它用法在英語中,一些表示建議、請求、勸告、愿望、在英語中,一些表示建議、請求、勸告、愿望、祈禱、祝?;蛟{咒的句子,也需要使用虛擬語氣。祈禱、祝?;蛟{咒的句子,也需要使用虛擬語氣。如:如:Would you mind smoking here ?May you be lucky!Long live

14、the people of China !God save me.Multiple choices1.It was urgent that he _ her immediately.A. calls B. called C. call D. would call2. Its high time that something _ to prohibit selling fake commodities. A.must be done B. was done C. be done D. were done3. There was a traffic jam; otherwise I _ here

15、on time.A. would be B. had been C. should be D. would have been4.I didnt go to the party, but I do wish I _ there. A. was B. were C. had been D. went 5.The teacher agreed to the suggestion that the students _ two weeks to prepare for the exam. A. give B. should give C. be given D. would be given 6. It is strange that such a thing _ in your school. A. will happen B. happens C. should happen D. happened 7. Id rather you _ right away. A. leave B. left C. will leave D. to leave 8. It is required that you _ at six. A. will arri


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