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1、第五單元 凝練翻譯法5.1 翻譯理論介紹 凝練翻譯法:凝練翻譯法: “凝練”即緊湊簡練,“緊湊”即“密切連接,中間沒有多余的東西或空隙”。“簡練”的意思是“(措辭)簡要;精練”。簡而言之,就是做到“文約而意豐”。凝練譯法又叫減詞譯法:凝練譯法又叫減詞譯法: 減詞是指將原文中需要、而譯文中又不需要的詞語省去。 減省的詞語應(yīng)是那些在譯文中保留下來反而使行文累贅嚕嗦、且不合漢語語言表達(dá)習(xí)慣的詞語。 凝練或減詞一般用于以下兩種情況:一是從語法角度進(jìn)行減?。欢菑男揎椊嵌冗M(jìn)行減省。一、從語法角度進(jìn)行減省 英漢兩種語言在語法上差異較大,例如: 英語有冠詞,而漢語卻沒有; 英語重形合、連接詞較多,漢語重意合

2、、連接詞較少; 英語中介詞豐富,漢語中介詞則較少; 英語中經(jīng)常使用代詞,尤其是經(jīng)常使用人稱代詞、關(guān)系代詞等,而漢語中代詞則用得較少; 5.2 翻譯方法講解 因此,英譯漢時(shí)可根據(jù)具體情況將冠詞、連接詞、介詞、代詞略去,使譯文練達(dá)曉暢。例如:1. We are a state-operated corporation handling light industrial products. 譯文:我們是經(jīng)營輕工業(yè)產(chǎn)品的國營公司。(省略冠詞)2. Smoking is not allowed in the store-house. 譯文:倉庫重地,嚴(yán)禁吸煙。(省略介詞) 3. As this item

3、 is handled by our Shanghai Office, please get in touch with them directly. 譯文:此項(xiàng)商品是上海公司經(jīng)營,請與他們直接聯(lián)系。 (省略連詞) 4. If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 譯文:冬天來了,春天還會遠(yuǎn)嗎? (省略連詞) 5. When we made delivery to the buyers, they refused it on seeing the damaged condition. 譯文:我們向買方交貨時(shí),他們見到殘損情況拒絕收貨。 6. We be

4、lieve we can persuade users to divert their purchases to Chinese products. 譯文:我們相信能說服用戶轉(zhuǎn)而購買中國產(chǎn)品。7. He shrugged his shoulders, shook his head, cast up his eyes, but said nothing. 譯文:他聳聳肩,搖搖頭,兩眼看天,一句話不說。8. It is time for lunch. 譯文:該到吃飯的時(shí)間了。 9. It was he who telephoned me yesterday. 譯文:是他昨天給我來的電話。(省略代詞

5、) 10. When the pressure gets low, the boiling point becomes low. 譯文:氣壓低,沸點(diǎn)就低。(省略動詞) 11. If you write to him, the response would be absolute silence and void. 譯文:你寫信給他,永遠(yuǎn)是石沉大海。(省略連詞) 13. Use your head, and youll find a way. 譯文:動動腦子,你就有辦法了。(省略連詞) 14. Stainless steel possesses good hardness and high st

6、rength. 譯文:不銹鋼硬度大,強(qiáng)度高。 15. He deserves not the sweet that will not taste the sour. 譯文:不吃苦中苦,難得甜上甜。 16. He sat down and began talking incessantly. 譯文:他坐下滔滔不絕地講個沒完。 17. The Chinese government has always attached great importance to environment protection. 譯文:中國政府歷來重視環(huán)境保護(hù)工作。 二、從修飾角度進(jìn)行減省 有些詞語在英語里是必不可少的,

7、但在漢語中卻并非如此,如直譯成漢語則往往顯得累贅嚕嗦。為了使譯文簡潔曉暢、“文約而意豐”,這樣的詞語必須省去或是精簡。 例如: 1. I felt a trifle shy at the thought of presenting myself to a total stranger with the announcement that I was going to sleep under his roof, eat his food and drink his whisky, till another boat came in to take me to the port for which

8、 I was bound. 譯文:我要去見一個素不相識的陌生人,向他宣布我得住在他家、吃他的、喝他的,一直等到下一班船到來,把我?guī)У轿乙サ母劭跒橹瓜氲竭@兒,我真有點(diǎn)不好意思了。 2. To learn is not an easy matter and to apply what one has learned is even harder. 譯文:學(xué)習(xí)不容易,使用更加不容易。 5.3 翻譯練習(xí):1. There was no snow, the leaves were gone from the trees, and the grass was dead.2. You are reques

9、ted to inform us which one of the three types is of interest to you.3. He who has never reached the Great Wall is not a true man.4. The above information is given confidentially and without responsibility on our part.5. We are well acquainted with the market condition in Japan.6. The quality does no

10、t suit the purpose.7. We hope you will bid for this article if you have interest in it.8. Will you kindly reconsider your previous decision and mail us a check to cover the gap in our profit margin which resulted from your late delivery.9. The price of the products should be fixed by the two parties

11、 at a level that will bring profit to both. 10. Their respective destinies are becoming increasingly interdependent.11. The purpose of insurance is to provide protection against financial loss at a reasonable cost.12. No man can be brave who considers pain the greatest evil of life; or temperate, wh

12、o regards pleasure as the highest good.參考譯文: There was no snow, the leaves were gone from the trees, and the grass was dead. 天未下雪,但葉落草枯。2. You are requested to inform us which one of the three types is of interest to you. 三種類型中你對哪種有興趣、請告知。3. He who has never reached the Great Wall is not a true man.

13、不到長城非好漢。4. The above information is given confidentially and without responsibility on our part.對以上情況請保守秘密,我方對此不負(fù)責(zé)任。 5. 這種飲料男女老少皆宜。This drink is suitable for men and women, old and young.6. Speed and reliability are the chief advantages of the electronic computers.速度快,可靠性高是電子計(jì)算機(jī)的主要優(yōu)點(diǎn)。7. We hope you

14、will bid for this article if you have interest in it.貴方若對此貨有興趣,望出盤。 8. Will you kindly reconsider your previous decision and mail us a check to cover the gap in our profit margin which resulted from your late delivery.請重新考慮你們的決定,并寄來支票,以彌補(bǔ)你方晚到貨而造成的損失。9. The price of the products should be fixed by the two parties at a level that will bring profit to both.產(chǎn)品價(jià)格應(yīng)由雙方共同商定,需照顧到雙方的利益。 10. Their respective destinies are becoming increasingly interdependent.他們的命運(yùn)日益休戚相關(guān)。11. The purpose of insurance is to provide protection against financial loss at a rea


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