



1、知識目標(biāo):a 1)掌握和運(yùn)用本課時(shí)的四會單詞b 2)掌握本課的表達(dá)個人未來打算的句型:i would like toi want toi hope to等等。 能力目標(biāo):利用millie和sandy的表達(dá)對未來的打算信息的材料充分開展聽說讀寫活動提高學(xué)生的綜合運(yùn)用語言的能力.情感目標(biāo):根據(jù)所學(xué)內(nèi)容,激發(fā)學(xué)生樹立遠(yuǎn)大理想。重 點(diǎn):1) 本課的四會單詞、詞組 2)“聽” 獲取米莉和桑迪表達(dá)個人打算的信息 3) 談?wù)摵门笥鸦蜃约旱奈磥淼拇蛩汶y 點(diǎn):1)“聽”獲取米莉和桑迪的個人打算的信息2)談?wù)摵门笥鸦蜃约何磥淼拇蛩憬虒W(xué)方法:o understand and respond to factual i

2、nformation presented in written and oral forms.教學(xué)過程:part one pre-listening step 1 lead-in (出鏡) t: hello, boys and girls. welcome to my class. i am sure everyone has their own future plans. today we will talk about the future plans.同學(xué)們,大家好。我相信每個人在生活中都有自己的理想。今天我們將一起討論關(guān)于理想的話題。(出現(xiàn)姚明的圖片)t: first, look at

3、 the man. who is he ? oh, he is yaoming. he likes sports. he is good at sports. we can say he is sporty(愛好運(yùn)動的). read after me. sporty.he is sporty. if you and your friends all know him and like him. we can say he is famous.(出名的)。read after me. famous. he is famous. as we know, yaoming is a famous ba

4、sketball player now. do you want to be a basketball player? what would you like to be when you grow up? step 2 say something about your future plans. talk about what a social worker can do.t: now lets say something about our future plans. 好的,下面讓我們一起談?wù)勎覀兊奈磥淼拇蛩?。do you want to be a policeman ? yes, pol

5、icemen can listen to peoples problems and help people solve their problems. besides policemen, social workers can help people and solve peoples problems, too. now read after me. social. social worker.社會的,社會工作者。part two while-listening step 3 listen to the tape and put a tick in the correct boxes. he

6、lp millie finish the letter to mr. zhu.t: just now we talked about our future plans. today millie is talking about her future plans with amy, too. do you want to know something about her future plans? 剛才我們討論了我們的未來的打算。今天米莉也在和艾米一起談?wù)撍奈磥淼拇蛩悖阆肓私馑奈磥淼拇蛩銌??open your books and turn to page 16.look at part

7、a1.read the instruction first, please. t: now lets listen to the tape and put a tick in the correct boxes in the table below. 現(xiàn)在請聽磁帶在表示她的未來的打算的句子里打個構(gòu)。ok, lets check the answers. 好的,讓我們來進(jìn)行一個調(diào)查。請一個同學(xué)擔(dān)任調(diào)查員??梢杂孟旅娴木湫蛶椭阍儐柲愕幕锇?。would millie like to sing for people? does millie want to? does she try to? goo

8、d. step 4 check the answers.t: now, lets see what millie would like to do? millie would like to be kind to people. millie would like to be a social worker. she wants to listen to peoples problems and help people solve problems.step 5 finish the letter to mr. zhou.t:now millie is writing about her fu

9、ture plans to mr. zhou. he is an editor(編輯). please look at part a2. help her finish the letter. now, lets check the answers。step 7 lets read the letter together.step 8llisten to the tape. t:you have known more about millies future plans. today sandy also wants to write about her future plans to mr.

10、 zhou, too. she is talking to kitty about her plans, too. first, lets listen to the tape and choose the correct future plans.今天桑迪正在和她的好朋友一起討論她的未來打算。她也要把她的計(jì)劃告訴周編輯。請同學(xué)們聽一聽并選擇下面哪些是表示她的未來打算的句子。step 9 complete the letter.t: help sandy complete the letter to mr. wu with the information you heard from the

11、tape. now lets check the answers. 來源:z。xx。k.compart three post-reading step10 talk about friends future plans.t: now suppose sandy and millie are both your good friends. please talk about their future plans with your classmate. 假設(shè)你是桑迪和米莉的好朋友。請你和你的同學(xué)一起交流她們的未來的打算。part four speak up step 11 listen to t

12、he tape and talk about friends.t:we have known more about how to talk about friends future plans. who is your good friend? what does your friend look like? what is your friend like? what would your friend like to do when he grows up? today helen and sandy are talking about their friends. listen to the tape and think of the following questions. step 12 work in pairs.t: use helen and sandys conversation as a model. tell your partner about your friends.請你用她們的對話作為一個示范。與你的伙伴談?wù)勀愕暮门笥?。step13 make up a new conversation.lets make up a new conversation.讓我們一起來開始一


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