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1、高中譯林牛津英語模塊一unit1教案modle1 unit1教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)   課題 awe m1 u 主備人 仇曉榮 項(xiàng) 目目 標(biāo) 要 求話 題scollife語言知識語音atura adluent onuniatnand inonatin 詞匯njoabe, exprienc, hadmaster, arn,evoe, ree, iterature, aveage,struggle,cllnging, encoremet, coin, era, fnd,lpture, esrt, satisfation, acemic, exchge, oe, graduae,flnt,indnes,

2、 spendid, npeden, tle, dynt, somehw, recen, rofessor, inorm,nate, run, ho, aprove, crge,shoolmat, oadcat, rearation, evn,outig, poet, generaton, litrary, elec, urtyar,comositonfofree, be od ,loobck n, make use o, incage o語法1.intoduction tatrtve cas use of pronoureativ功能1. descrbingsol f2. dscrbg sco

3、ol atiiies3. mparing scool f in the uk ad china語言技能聽stuents wil be ab to lten to a headmaertlk o shool actiti.說tudetswill beable to dcssdilschoollife and chooactviiesto tei classmate nd teache讀stuts will be al o rad a magazi artcle aboutscool lie nd o arices aout scool clus.寫tudents wil bableto writ

4、e a note bo school activite.情感態(tài)度stents now and accept diese cultus and brdnhorin.stetsr mor itrested inenglis.stents lr how t be coertve asell s ompettive ohers學(xué)習(xí)策略sumariz wats in stening and reding; t moeffort the difcultis; cooperaewih the;epandnowee inothe ways 注:目標(biāo)要求可參閱南京外國語學(xué)校仙林分校英語教學(xué)實(shí)施綱要第四

5、部分“目標(biāo)內(nèi)容”中的相關(guān)描述。課時(shí)主備教案 課型 lme& ord owr lrig bjecies:b he end ofthisperid,students i be ab to1. enlarge thei wn vocabulyyknowingthe xactnames of all kis ofschl fcilitie andactites;2.prov te spken skill byesribngheir favorit aciis t scholan shwing otersways;3. e awareofcultral fferencsy cpring scho

6、ol ifein chia an i ban.cus f th lesso:1.te names of soolfaciits. difftepresion tskand showysediced aa of icutie:usingltivepepoiis d pposiionl phae properlyarnin ads:. ppt2. backoadlarg procdure:procurecoetmethosuroseamng u1 dailreort: m dreamschool2.shaing ssow experiences:(1)sre with us yourfavorte

7、 art f our old/new schol lfe(2) wha schol ctity do youlie mo? giia spec.sing andanwig qusisto warmupheclas.oarus iners.pesentatn of welcoeto te uniintrodung oupiursof briish coolle:(1)wat isyomression ofthe chol ien bitsh af oking through th four picures?(2) at e the differences i schoollifocina and

8、of itai?sowing pictures.king an nswering quetions.air discussion.to kn wat shoolif inbitain loos lie.uputowelome to the tpreset thereult fthedcuson of achgrouppresetationto kowthe cultural iference a improe tir poken kils psenttion o word poer1. playagaege the ame of the buidns ccoding to heirf

9、uctionsblow) sd f difent eernts2) ued to eve hreemeal)2. more namesofte iltsbrainstorming inclas. toget stunts involvd n casandnlarg teir o enlrgeei vocaulry. lst difreays t ask ws2. ryt how your prtner way acoring to themapon p6. brinstming pairork go ver difrent preson toask andshow was cnidate th

10、 namsof scho facilitis.opt of word owu ar a group f new tuentsnd are trying to helpac othr tofndifernt plce you wt to go. make up a dio. please m sur eah one as est woancs o ave or her oice head. grop pforman.to racticewhat thy hve arnt nlas.mork1. finish the exrciseson p7.2. rememberthe n

11、ames tat yudontknowinthet at.3. prpae for te eaing d do pearation exeiss p4iniviual wkto consoaewhattyhave lant an prar hem frthenet perod  課型 radin(i) lerning objecves:y tend ths perod,sdentswill ableto w re inoratin otthe chool le in britai;2. lear o usetwo reading stratgies: kimmigand s

12、cning;3. forma esonble atitude difentwy f eduation.fcusof he esson:1 skmmg. scannigrediced area dificltie:wn adhow to us skimig and scannng?earnng ehods:1.ppt. backboadlernngproeres:proeductentmethodspurpoarng up1.daiy report my lfe in unior2. lean:age(between groups)te teche shws some itures o scho

13、ol faltie qikly anrops t to wri down the naes as my aspossibl. (ne pointfor each rigt name; mis wofor ey wrone.)acngrup competiio to wrmu th lasto o o wt they ave larnt in thelastcassaouse thir ntrest.redng comprhnsin1. inrodue th eadngtrategis:skimin &scannng. ue skmin oget te n da ohetet.

14、 (wich in re consde boreyug t main idea?) (fa readg)3. se scnning fin soethng pcifc. (refuedng)quik ansers to quetions abote etal f ei huas sco li.4 las assesments-basedadin  shwinthem th intrtions on p3.indiida work  rp coptton  goup work tru orfalng andanwerinillig inthe l

15、ankto elp stdets get somedea of the to stratgis topri sming   to get a etter understandng of the txt and pactic sag. to helpsudntsgap t text n the woe a o evuate howmuch tdets have go from th passgotpupot-reading asks:an nerview:hoose oneas ei huaan one s he clasmat in bitai

16、. the otes ct aepotegive anitview abot thir hool liei britin use s much nfoaion rom teteas pobe      group disussion  to helpncourag studets t al more t delop teir skills.t hepstuent ty to se th informainprovide ye tet in a thir person.homework1. dng exercisonpge 5

17、. 2 rad hetxt gai; undrine words, phrases and entencethat you thinkar ipotant or ou dot nderstan.writi nd kingo consoidat hat studentve earnd ncassn rpare tem o the ne erio.  課型rdi(ii) lerning jctve: he end of this period, tudnt wl beae t1. write out tetransformatio a prse of the y wordcor

18、ectly;2.sethe key words prperyn reevntasks;use ing m as sbjecs; gt a basi idea of atributve caue; 4. aisethe aarenesof lein ne words or phrses in acontextfouf the esson:1.usage ofthekeyws. vin m assubjecsprdicte r of diiclties:1 theusageof the aedeoteto attnphrass aout loka o o2. theproer usge of in

19、 frm bjects earinais:1. ppt. bckoarenng rocedures:rocedreotetmethospurosewarming p1. daly repor.2. anstrming:ifyou cn coose, whichschool d yo prefer, acie one abtish ne? stte yr reaso.actgaskin d anserig to war upthe cassth he daiyrerto aussudents intersitroduci th keyword1.gog to abitish highschool

20、 s enyable nd eiti experienc for me.à ejoy jy , eperiene experened2i as ery hapy wih thescool hour à baifi/please th3. this mes i an get upanou hasu. àeano do/ig; maning meaningful eningles; tha epcted. ,llf enew students atened nasseblyi à atte. te be wa to ea espt was toete our

21、el ostudyan hievehigh rades àa way t do st/ooig sth shw respct fr; respectable; respectfl à devote to tdig s; be dotedto6.this soundd like scolin hin.àsoundlinkingver7 is is abou te averag ize for à average; on ave8. iti a tuggl formet rmemer al te aean ames. à tugge to d 9.

22、 itwas bt hlleging for m at irst àabit halenge10. coul send e-ils forfre. àfreeof hre;charge r10. i was g tt re fond of teckei ade.àbe fnof11. i ssed chinsefooalat lncmiss v; mis sth; mss doing12.i lk ack on m tme in te u wt satsfation,àlook bac n    stdentcha

23、ngethey hve nderlneda givthe xlaatins themlshe teche complete r nclues necessary.   to fid outte usagof h keywords fo e als.  to we ou the rasormatio an phraes ofthkey ords. tous the ky odspropl nrelevant ercse. praticding e elvant eere:lnfllimltile cicsiaguindiviua wor

24、group comintoconsoiate.outputmkin up shrtpssge wt theewordsgroupdscussiongrpealuationto iov heaits to use thene words an trather iaginatio nd ceatvt.homewoksoolassgnmensididua rkocsoiate 課型 rammar & sage lean objectves:the ed of hiseriod,sudns will beable to1. understadthegrammtcalfuctonof

25、atributive clause;2 userelatve pronou tht which wh wom whose;3. enjoy the neatnss nd by of attributie cuses comaing them wh sple senteces.fuof thees:the sge of relatvronounsedie area of ificuis:1 hesg of rativeponunsaring aids:1. ppt2 blackboardarning procedurs:preduretnmethodspurposwa up1. daily ro

26、rt2.fre tlkgive us an hrse you ike,using n adective to oy a nun o noun p ppitol phrasectingaskng and anering questinto use thedail repor ar u h cs toarous studnsiterestreenatin1. what ar aributive causes?2. whts attribue claue ok lke?. wat is name ofhe nns moifid bt case and wat i caletheountons in

27、the aus?4. oofor atibuivelausi teext on p9.5 udy ll the relaie poounon pag10, tel u what os each ne stand fr?6. atshedifferencebetween ta, which and whowm?7 whtis the dffreebtween whoandwhom?. whycan om eaive pronuselef t lik senteconp10?. wt isherelaion othe w nouns eore n aertheretiveprouns hose?0

28、the tecerkes acousio.icusson and prsentatonroup dscssionfretk    grou dsussion    to gt a basicidea ofatributve clauses     to larn ho o use rlaie prononsby stuying he gmatia henomen a ansering the question temseles   &#

29、160; pactceconslidtion exercise n p11indivdual wrt tet temselv howchty have uderstad otutmae up as anysenences usngatrbutive clauseas osibl no repeatig of tsentences iclass.udentscanefertoth picture on p0.guwork& group comeitntoimpre tudes aiitieso emoywt tyave earnt incas.oeworkwork8 &

30、 hoo asignmensindividual k   課型 task earin objectivs: the endf tis lesson,studnts willbalto. undersandh ates, tme, place in a prorm;2know ow t gheifration by comparing;3. reporthis or her son to the wholclass. writ notice.focusf th lesso:1. te-tak readng an lsenn writing anotcepreicte

31、dlearing diffiulties:1.he understandin of l numes apearin time,date oay2 writinga icelearnin id: 1. p 2 tap andtpe recodereanig podes:podurcontentmetodspupsearmigpaiy rport andcomentsersonal pesenttion sae penlxerienes1. branstoming dyou tten any summer coursetis ye?what nformationis realy ipor

32、tant when you makethe ecisio to ona program?. listen o a rogramadcirce thecorret wordsto complete te etab.( 13)freetalk   dsussion    iseningto arousudents irst abuth opic   to lp them t be ensiveo numbers.resntation. cmar the harts on p14 d p15tofid out

33、he sbecshat yuca atnd.2. make a decisinn h subjectsthat ouwat t attd 3.mae a eport yourdiin tourlsmats ad a last to resons e required fr yochoce.pi wrk eltheiability to proes infratonthey n et andmakea oer decision.practice.tuy the oiceon 16,pying atenton ote beginin of th not.2. wht shoul einclued

34、a oice?3. wite a tieourslvs.indiidualtdy   aking nd answriarrto help the kwhwto wrtea nti.to deeloptheirwriing skils.omewokwit a otieourlfwrig o cek how wl suenshvlan 課型 rojet arningobecivs:by th ndf thprod, stuet will beableto1. kow wht schooclb re ie;2. wrk out wih grou member howto sart aschol club;3. ear thimortae oerkfous of te esson:1. ettingo knowha schoo clubs ae lke2.how to sa a upreicedlearnigdifficulties:1. tesgn of a schol


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