



1、浙江大學(xué)城市學(xué)院畢業(yè)論文 外文翻譯財(cái)務(wù)報表分析所有財(cái)務(wù)報表基本上是歷史上的歷史文獻(xiàn)。他們告訴了在一段特定時期發(fā)生了什么事情。然而,大多數(shù)財(cái)務(wù)報表的使用者在關(guān)注未來將發(fā)生什么。股東關(guān)心的是未來收益和股息。債權(quán)人關(guān)心的是公司未來償還債務(wù)的能力。經(jīng)理關(guān)心的是公司未來擴(kuò)張的融資能力。盡管財(cái)務(wù)報表也是一種歷史文獻(xiàn),它們?nèi)匀豢梢蕴峁┯嘘P(guān)這些問題的所有有價值的信息。財(cái)務(wù)報表分析涉及預(yù)測公司財(cái)務(wù)健康的主要財(cái)務(wù)報表數(shù)據(jù)。這可以通過檢查主要金融數(shù)據(jù)的趨勢,比較各公司財(cái)務(wù)數(shù)據(jù),分析關(guān)鍵財(cái)務(wù)比率來完成。經(jīng)理們也廣泛關(guān)注財(cái)務(wù)比率。首先比率能提供本公司及其業(yè)務(wù)部門運(yùn)行如何的指標(biāo)。這些比率通常被使用于平衡的記分方法。所選擇



4、近期的更改,例如,可能提供一個對未來樂觀的基礎(chǔ),盡管該公司過去的表現(xiàn)可能已經(jīng)平庸。一些在財(cái)務(wù)報表上出現(xiàn)的數(shù)字對于他們本身而言有很大的意義。這對于在財(cái)務(wù)報表分析中很重要,可能關(guān)系到另一個數(shù)字和金額,以及隨著時間推移的改變方向。分析師對信息關(guān)系的分析重點(diǎn)在哪里?分析師如何挖掘出重要的發(fā)展趨勢和公司改變的信息?三種分析技術(shù)被廣泛使用;報表上美元和百分比的改變,共同比財(cái)務(wù)報表和會計(jì)比率financial statement analysisall financial statements are essentially historically historical documents. they t

5、ell what has happened during a particular period of time. however most users of financial statements are concerned about what will happen in the future. stockholders are concerned with future earnings and dividends. creditors are concerned with the company's future ability to repay its debt

6、s. managers are concerned with the company's ability to finance future expansion. despite the fact that financial statements are historical documents, they can still provide valuable information bearing on all of these concerns. financial statement analysis involves careful selection of data fro

7、m financial statements for the primary purpose of forecasting the financial health of the company. this is accomplished by examining trends in key financial data, comparing financial data across companies, and analyzing key financial ratios. managers are also widely concerned with the financial rati

8、os. first the ratios provide indicators of how well the company and its business units are performing. some of these ratios would ordinarily be used in a balanced scorecard approach. the specific ratios selected depend on the company's strategy. for example a company that wants to emphasize resp

9、onsiveness to customers may closely monitor the inventory turnover ratio. since managers must report to shareholders and may wish to raise funds from external sources, managers must pay attention to the financial ratios used by external inventories to evaluate the company's investment potential

10、and creditworthiness.although financial statement analysis is a highly useful tool, it has two limitations. these two limitations involve the comparability of financial data between companies and the need to look beyond ratios. comparison of one company with another can provide valuable clues about

11、the financial health of an organization. unfortunately, differences in accounting methods between companies sometime makes it difficult to compare the companies' financial data. for example if one company values its inventories by the lifo method and another firm by average cost method, then dir

12、ect comparisons of financial data such as inventory valuations are and cost of goods sold between the two firms may be misleading. otherwise, the analyst should keep in mind the lack of comparability of the data before drawing any definite conclusion. nevertheless, even with this limitation in mind,

13、 comparisons of key ratios with other companies and with industry averages often suggest avenues for further investigation. an inexperienced analyst may assume that ratios are sufficient in themselves as a basis for judgment about the future. nothing could be further from the truth. conclusions base

14、d on ratio analysis must be regarded as tentative. ratios should not be viewed as an end, but rather they should be viewed as a starting point, as indicators of what to pursue in greater depth. they raise may questions, but they rarely answer any question by themselves. in addition to ratios, other

15、sources of data should be analyzed in order to make judgments about the future of an organization. the analyst should look, for example, at industry trends, technological changes, changes in consumer tastes, changes in broad economic factors, and changes within the firm itself. a recent change in a

16、key management position, for example, might provide a basis for optimism about the future, even though the past performance of the firm may have been mediocre. few figures appearing on financial statements have much significance standing by themselves. it is the relationship of one figure to another and the amount and direction of change over time that are important in financial statement analysis. how does the


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