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1、The self-regulating brain: Cortical-subcortical feedback and the development of intelligent actionReporter:xxxxxxxSelf-regulation revisited Vertical structure in the brain Cortical versus subcortical mediators of self-regulation Introduction Conclusion Development of cortical versus subcortical sour

2、ces of self-regulation Aim:1.examine the processes of self-regulation neural perspective how they work in real time; how they change over development2. whats cognitive and whats emotional in self-regulation1. emphasis on self-regulation2. determination to resolve cognition/emotion ambiguities 3. goa

3、l of anchoring psychological theory in neurosciencebackgroundstypical definition:controlling and making right some process that would otherwise run away or vary in undesirable waysstandardmechanicalsystemregulationHighly complex networkBiological systemSelf organizing systembrainIn real time:synapti

4、c and neurochemical synchronizationIn development:synaptic pruning and myelination throughout the cortex and limbic systemhard to see any particular neural process? selfNo self in self-organizationAuto-organizationBy the self? Of the self? By the self of the self?There are many levels of self Differ

5、ent brain regions are associated themHigher self regulates lowLower self regulates highcognitive & emotional regulationtypical classified method: cognition & emotion the brain process : have both aspects and do bothDifficult to fall apart? Even for the structures were designed as cognitive o

6、r emotional, they coupled within milliseconds.amygdalefear and rageappraisal Self-regulation revisited Vertical structure in the brain Cortical versus subcortical mediators of self-regulation Introduction Conclusion Development of cortical versus subcortical sources of self-regulation neuroaxisan im

7、aginary axis that moves up and out from the most primitive regions to the most advanced and evolved structures (cerebral cortex)The vertical dimension major levels: cerebral cortexlimbic structures and basal ganglia diencephalon brain stem lower level of neuroaxis:1. phylogenetically earlier and mor

8、e primitive;2. more directly wired to bodily systems;3. highly structured at birth and generally lacking in plasticity;4. manufacturing and releasing neurochemical that adjust higher-brain (as well as bodily) processes to correspond to motivational states;5. releasing motivationally relevant behavio

9、ral responses associated with more automatic perceptual and behavioral functionshigher level of neuroaxis:1. phylogenetically later and supporting more sophisticated functions; 2. directly connected to other (lower) brain systems;3. unstructured at birth and highly plastic;4. implicated in deliberat

10、e, executive activities associated with conscious or effortful self-controlPFC:the apex of the neural hierarchy (Mesulam,2002)stimulus (emotion ) responsecontributing to intelligent action by stretching out the time between stimulus and response (Tucker et.al,2000)to be deliberate is to be reflectiv

11、eSelf-regulation revisited Vertical structure in the brain Cortical versus subcortical mediators of self-regulation Introduction Conclusion Development of cortical versus subcortical sources of self-regulation fundamental organ: brainsimple one-celled animals nerve cell/neuronsevolve and cluster in

12、ganglia and brainmulticellular animalsregulate action regulate changes both inside and outside 1. In real time: the brain has to know what is important 2. In development: learning tunes the brain to the environment to the real word: Theories of autopoiesis: regulate changes both inside and outside H

13、ow the brain regulates? coordinationBrain systems can only be instrumental through coordination.function: 1. fMRI: areas that “l(fā)ight up” at the same time, or whose degree of activation is correlated, are presumably coordinated.2.EEG: measuring the correlation of activity of brain regions within the

14、same frequency range, or the actual cross-correlation of the waveforms themselves.research tools: the fundamental mechanism of stabilization;a neat generic model for self-regulation in complex systemsstatus: Development is comprised of differentiation and coordination.developmental thinking: in cogn

15、itive developmentHigher levels of coordination explain progressive stages.In emotional developmentcapacity to inhibit emotional impulses (3-4 years) better coordination, better regulation intentionalityAttention and action directed toward an expected outcome or goal (Freeman)concept: synchronize not

16、ions of coordination and regulation;superordinate function of all brain activitystatus: a single epicenter: cortex and hippocampus (Freeman);multiple neural system: different structures distributed along the neuroaxis (author)physiological basis: Self-regulation revisited Vertical structure in the b

17、rain Cortical versus subcortical mediators of self-regulation Introduction Conclusion Development of cortical versus subcortical sources of self-regulation the synchronization or coordination of activities all along the neuroaxisthrough reciprocal directions of influencevertical integration: Main pr

18、ocess:1. downward flow2. upward flowfrom holistic process toSeveral component systemshave different characteristics in self-regulation cortical self-regulationACCanatomical structure: 1. along the medial surfaces of the prefrontal cortex curves around the corpus callosum2. most interior, distant fro

19、m the surface of the head, and most adjacent to subcortical limbic structuresfunctions: 1.temporary activation of information in WM (dorsal ACC)2. formulate new actions (SMA)coordinationregulationprefrontal cortical areasexecutive processeslimbic structuresmemory activation;the selection of response

20、shypothalamusphysiological processes ; bodily statesbrain stemstereotypic motor responses;neurophysiological arousalcoordination: executive attentional processes;emotional responses; emotional consciousnessregulation: subcortical self-regulationanatomical structure: amygdala;hypothalamus;brain stemb

21、ottom-up processconvey powerneruomodulator regulation: 1. classic modulators: dopamine, norepinephrine, acetylcholine, serotonin2. process: from brain stem to cortex3. functions: activiation VS inhibitionbrain stem and hypothalamus : 1. perceptual orientation (brain stem);2. receive input from the i

22、nterior body (nuclei in both) mediate bodily sensations3. Computation about need (H) and satisfaction (BT)amygdala : 1.directs the pickup of sensory information in the posterior cortex2. its pathway project to the striatum summaryself : thoughtful self VS coherent selffeedback model : 1. tight coupl

23、ing between upward and downward regulation (negative correlation between ACC and AM)2. individual differences of it correspond with clinical differencesepicenters : 1. diverse epicenters of self-regulation 2. a habitual epicenter within a given cerebral hemisphere (left hemisphere VS right hemispher

24、e)Self-regulation revisited Vertical structure in the brain Cortical versus subcortical mediators of self-regulation Introduction Conclusion Development of cortical versus subcortical sources of self-regulation Developmental course of ACC-mediated self-regulation1. tasks: go/no-go task; stroop task;

25、 flanker task (attentional and emotional self-regulation)2.N2 wave: negative peak, generated by prefrontal regions (ACC)emotion regulation : By the age of 5, children are able to recruit dorsal cingulate systems to consciously override an impulsive response.executive function : Development through m

26、iddle childhood might be characterized by increasing efficiency in the activity of dorsal ACC systemsassociated with effortful self-regulation.behavioral flexibility : 1. greater recruitment of frontocortical control systems in children with more flexible self-regulation styles;2. frontalization: mo

27、re frontal activity in older children and increasing cortical efficiency continue into adolescence.other finding: the more complex the self-regulation task, and the more it taps complex rule use associated with dorsal prefrontalcortex, the more extended its developmental trajectory. Development of a

28、mygdala-mediated self-regulation1. subcortical system: highly plastic; the hallmark of function2. amygdala: mediates associative memory (learning) central for assigning emotional significance to objects and events anxiety disorders (PTSD) : 1. control an individuals appraisal and response tendencies2. circuitry continues to be modified by threatening events sculpt developmental trajectories anger and rage : The regulatory impact of aggre


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