1、-作者xxxx-日期xxxx法國紀(jì)錄片家園Home中英文旁白【精品文檔】中英文對照字幕請聽我說Listen to me, please.你跟我一樣,是智人You're like me, a Homo sapiens.一個有智慧的人A wise human.生命是宇宙的奇跡Life, a miracle in the universe,出現(xiàn)于約四十億年前appeared around four billion years ago,而我們?nèi)祟愔挥卸f年歷史and we humans only 200,000 years ago.但是我們卻破壞了Yet we have succeeded
2、in disrupting the balance.地球生命賴以生存的平衡that is so essential to life on Earth.請細(xì)聽這個不尋常的的故事,你的故事Listen carefully to this extraordinary story, which is yours,然后決定你應(yīng)該做什么and decide what you want to do with it.這是我們的起源的軌跡These are traces of our origins.最初,我們的星球不過是一個渾沌的火球At the beginning, our planet was no mo
3、re than a chaos of fire,伴隨它的恒星-太陽誕生而形成的formed in the wake of its star, the sun.一團(tuán)粘聚的塵埃顆粒A cloud of agglutinated dust particles,就像宇宙里面許多類似的星云similar to so many similar clusters in the universe.然而生命的奇跡就在此誕生Yet this was where the miracle of life occurred.今天,我們的生命Today, life- our life-是地球上無數(shù)生物形成的生命鏈中的一環(huán)
4、is just a link in a chain of innumerable living beings.在近40億年里,這些生物被彼此繼承取代that have succeeded one another on Earth over nearly four billion years.即使到了今天,新的火山繼續(xù)改變我們的景觀And even today, new volcanoes continue to sculpt our landscapes.它們讓我們目睹了盤古初開時地球的樣子They offer a glimpse of what our Earth was like at i
5、ts birth熔石從深處涌出molten rock surging from the depths,開始凝固,裂開solidifying, cracking,冒著泡,或攤開形成薄的外殼blistering or spreading in a thin crust,然后再休眠一段時間before fabling dormant for a time.這些從地球內(nèi)部吐出繚繞的煙圈These wreaths of smoke curling from the bowels of the Earth.是地球原始大氣層的見證bear witness to the Earth's origina
6、l atmosphere.一個沒有氧氣的大氣層An atmosphere devoid of oxygen.稠密的大氣層,充滿水蒸氣和二氧化碳A dense atmosphere, thick with water vapor,full of carbon dioxide.一個熔爐A furnace.因為有水,地球有了一個與眾不同的未來But the Earth had an exceptional future, offered to it by water.地球與太陽之間的距離適中 不太遠(yuǎn),不太近At the right distance from the sun not too far,
7、 not too near因此地球上的水能夠處于液體狀態(tài)the Earth was able to conserve water in liquid form.水蒸氣凝結(jié)后形成滂沱大雨降落在地球上Water vapor condensed and fell in torrential downpours on Earth,河流出現(xiàn)了and rivers appeared.河流改變了地球表面The rivers shaped the surface of the Earth,刻削著河道cutting their channels,并沖刷出山谷furrowing out valleys.它們流向地
8、球上最低洼的地方形成海洋They ran toward the lowest places on the globe to form the oceans.水溶解了巖石的礦物質(zhì)They tore minerals from the rocks,漸漸的,海洋中的淡水a(chǎn)nd gradually the freshwater of the oceans.變成了咸水became heavy with salt.水是生命必需的液體Water is a vital liquid.它灌溉了這些廣闊的不毛之地It irrigated these sterile expanses.水流就像人體的血管The pa
9、ths it traced are like the veins of a body,樹木的枝丫,是讓大地蘇醒的液體導(dǎo)管the branches of a tree, the vessels of the sap that it brought to the Earth.40億年后Nearly four billion years later,地球上的某些地方還能找到這樣的藝術(shù)創(chuàng)作somewhere on Earth can still be found these works of art,火山灰混合著來自冰島冰川的水left by the volcanoes' ash, mixed
10、 with water from Iceland's glaciers.就是它們,物質(zhì)和水There they are- matter and water,水和物質(zhì)water and matter-軟硬組合,這對地球上所有生物都是至關(guān)重要的soft and hard combined, the crucial alliance shared by every life-form on our planet.金屬礦物元素比地球還要古老Minerals and metals are even older than the Earth.它們是星塵They are stardust.它們讓地球
11、五彩斑斕They provide the Earth's colors.紅色是鐵,黑色是碳Red from iron, black from carbon,藍(lán)色是銅,黃色則是硫blue from copper, yellow from sulfur.我們來自什么哪里?Where do we come from?生命火花從哪里迸發(fā)?Where did life first spark into being?一個時光奇跡A miracle of time,地球上的溫泉仍然有原始的生命存活primitive life-forms still exist in the globe's
12、hot springs.它們賦予溫泉顏色They give them their colors.它們叫做“古細(xì)菌”They're called archaeobacteria.它們都依靠地球熱能生存They all feed off the Earth's heat除了藍(lán)細(xì)菌,或是藍(lán)綠藻以外all except the cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae.只有它們可以向著太陽來吸取其能量They alone have the capacity to turn to the sun to capture its energy.它們是古今所有植種的
13、最重要的祖先They are a vital ancestor of all yesterday's and today's plant species.這些微小的細(xì)菌These tiny bacteria.及其數(shù)以億計的后代and their billions of descendants.改變了地球的命運changed the destiny of our planet.是它們改造了地球的大氣層They transformed its atmosphere.毒害大氣層的碳去了哪里?What happened to the carbon that poisoned the a
14、tmosphere?它還存在,只是被“囚禁”在地殼It's still here, imprisoned in the Earth's crust.想要了解地球歷史的這一篇章We can read this chapter of the Earth's history.卡羅拉多大峽谷的峭壁是最好的選擇nowhere better than on the walls of Colorado's Grand Canyon.它們展現(xiàn)了地球近20億年的歷史They reveal nearby two billion years of the Earth's hi
15、story.大峽谷曾經(jīng)是一個聚居著微生物的海洋Once upon a time, the Grand Canyon was a sea inhabited by microorganisms.它們汲取從大氣層溶解到海洋里的碳They grew their shells by tapping into carbon from the atmosphere.并長出外殼dissolved in the ocean.它們死后When they died, the shells sank.外殼沉到海床堆疊起來and accumulated on the sealed.這些地層就是它們無數(shù)的外殼構(gòu)成的Th
16、ese strata are the product of those billions and billions of shells.因為有了它們,碳從大氣層中排出Thanks to them, the carbon drained from the atmosphere,其他生物才能得以發(fā)展and other life-forms could develop.生命改變了大氣層It is life that altered the atmosphere.植物靠太陽能存活Plant life fed off the sun's energy,這能量使植物分離水分子which enabl
17、ed it to break apart the water molecule.并釋放出來氧氣and take the oxygen.空氣因而充滿氧氣And oxygen filled the air.地球的水不斷更新循環(huán)The Earth's water cycle is a process of constant renewal.瀑布,水蒸氣,Waterfalls, water vapor,云、雨、泉clouds, rain, springs,河流、海洋、冰川rivers, seas, oceans, glaciers.這個循環(huán)從未間斷The cycle is never brok
18、en.地球的水量恒久不變There's always the same quantity of water on Earth.歷來的生物都喝同樣的水All the successive species on Earth have drunk the same water.水是令人驚嘆的物質(zhì)The astonishing matter that is water.是最不穩(wěn)定的一種One of the most unstable of all.它可以是液態(tài)的流水It takes a liquid form as running water,氣態(tài)的蒸汽gaseous as vapor.或是固
19、態(tài)的冰or solid as ice.在西伯利亞,冬季結(jié)冰的湖面In Siberia, the frozen surfaces of the lakes in winter.蘊含著水在結(jié)冰時展現(xiàn)的力量contain the traces of the forces that water deploys when it freezes.冰比水輕因而浮于水面Lighter than water, the ice floats,不會沉到湖底rather than sinking to the bottom.它形成御寒的保護(hù)罩It forms a protective mantle against t
20、he cold,冰下的生命可以延續(xù)under which life can go on.生命的引擎連鎖結(jié)合The engine of life is linkage.一切都連結(jié)起來Everything is linked.沒有東西是自給自足的Nothing is self-sufficient.水和空氣不可分割Water and air are inseparable,為了地球上的生命而結(jié)合united in life and for our life on Earth.于是,形成于海洋上的云給陸地帶來降雨Thus, clouds form over the oceans and bring
21、rain to the landmasses,河流再將水帶回海洋whose rivers carry water back to the oceans.分享就是一切Sharing is everything.從云層窺望的大片綠色是空氣中的氧氣The green expanse peeking through the clouds is the source of oxygen in the air.七成氧氣來自海藻Seventy percent of this gas, without which our lungs cannot function,這些海藻給海洋表面染上了顏色comes fr
22、om the algae that tint the surface of the oceans.地球要依賴Our Earth relies on a balance.萬物各司其職in which every being has a role to play.互相依存的生態(tài)平衡and exists only through the existence of another being.一種敏感而脆弱的和諧,極易破碎A subtle, fragile harmony that is easily shattered.于是海藻和貝殼的結(jié)合形成了珊瑚Thus, corals are born fro
23、m the marriage of algae and shells.澳大利亞沿海的大堡礁The Great Barrier Reef, Off the coast of Australia,綿延三十五萬平方公里stretches over 350,000 square kilometers.哺育著一千五百種魚類,and is home to 1,500 species of fish,四千種軟體動物4,000 species of mollusks.和四百種珊瑚and 400 species of coral.每個海洋的生態(tài)平衡都依靠這些珊瑚The equilibrium of every
24、ocean depends on these corals.地球計算時間以十億年計The Earth counts time in billions of years.它花了四十多億年創(chuàng)造了樹木It took more than four billion years for it to make trees.在物種的鏈條中In the chain of species,樹木是至高無上的trees are a pinnacle,是完美的活的雕塑a perfect living sculpture.它們蔑視地心吸力Trees defy gravity.它們是唯一永恒地朝向天空的自然元素They a
25、re the only natural element in perpetual movement toward the sky.它們的枝葉不疾不徐地向著太陽生長They grow unhurriedly toward the sun that nourishes their foliage.它們從微小的古細(xì)菌繼承了They have inherited from those minuscule cyanobacteria.吸收光線能量的能力the power to capture light's energy.它們儲存并利用此能量They store it and feed off
26、it,并使其變成木材和樹葉turning it into wood and leaves,然后又分解成水,礦物,植物which then decompose into a mixture of water,和生命物質(zhì)的混合體mineral, vegetable and living matter.就這樣And so, gradually,生命不可或缺的土壤逐漸形成the soils that are indispensable to life are formed.土壤是生物多樣性的工廠Soils are the factory of biodiversity.它們是不斷活動的世界They a
27、re a world of incessant activity.微生物覓食,挖掘,透氣,蛻變where microorganisms feed, dig, aerate and transform.它們制造腐植土,在這肥沃的土層上所有生命互相緊扣They make the humus, the fertile layer to which all life on land is linked.地球上的生命我們知道什么?What do we know about life on Earth?我們認(rèn)識多少品種?How many species are we aware of?十分之一?還是百分之
28、一?A 10th of them? A hundredth perhaps?對于它們之間的相互關(guān)系我們知道什么?What do we know about the bonds that link them?地球是個奇跡The Earth is a miracle.生命仍是個謎Life remains a mystery.動物的家族得以形成Families of animals form,至今仍存的習(xí)慣和儀式使它們凝聚united by customs and rituals that survive today.有些適應(yīng)了環(huán)境Some adapt to the nature of their
29、pasture,有些是環(huán)境適應(yīng)它們and their pasture adapts to them.雙方都受益And both gain.動物得到食物,而樹木能夠開花結(jié)果The animal sates its hunger, and the tree can blossom again.在地球上生命的偉大的歷險中In the great adventure of life on Earth,每種生物各司其職every species has a role to play,各有其位every species has its place.沒有多余或有害None is futile or harm
30、ful.它們互相抵消They all balance out.然后你們And that's where you,這些聰明的人類Homo sapiens- "wise human'-進(jìn)入劇情enter the story.你們得益于You benefit from a fabulous.地球四十億年的遺產(chǎn)four-billion-year-old legacy bequeathed by the Earth.你們只有二十萬年歷史You're only 200,000 years old,但你們已經(jīng)改變了世界的面貌but you have changed the
31、face of the world.盡管你們脆弱Despite your vulnerability,但你們占據(jù)了所有的棲息地you have taken possession of every habitat.征服了所有土地and conquered swaths of territory.之前任何生物都未曾做過like no other species before you.經(jīng)過十八萬年的游牧歲月After180,000 nomadic years,氣候變得溫和,人類開始定居下來and thanks to a more clement climate, humans settled dow
32、n.他們不再依靠打獵為生They no longer depended on hunting for survival.他們定居于充滿漁獵They chose to live in wet environments.和野生植物的潮濕環(huán)境that abounded in fish, game and wild plants.這里土地,水和生命結(jié)合There, where land, water and life combine.人類的天賦讓他們發(fā)明了獨木舟Human genius inspired them to build canoes,用于開拓新的視野an invention that op
33、ened up new horizons.人類變成了航海家and turned humans into navigators.即使今天,大部分人類Even today, the majority of humankind.都居住在大陸的海岸線lives on the continents' coastlines.或是河邊和湖畔or the banks of rivers and lakes.最初的城鎮(zhèn)出現(xiàn)在6000多年前The first towns grew up less than 600 years ago.這是人類歷史的一大步It was a considerable leap
34、 in human history.為什么呢?因為這能使人類更容易的保護(hù)自己Why towns? Because they allowed humans to defend themselves more easily.他們變成了社會人They became social beings,在一起分享他們的知識和手藝meeting and sharing knowledge and crafts,融合他們的共性和不同blending their similarities and differences.簡而言之,他們文明化了In a word, they became civilized.但他們可
35、用的能量只是雙臂But the only energy at their disposal was provided by nature.和大自然賦予的東西and the strength of their bodies.這是人類數(shù)千年來的故事It was the story of humankind for thousands of years.也是現(xiàn)今四分之一人類It still is for one person in four-即十五億人的故事over one and a half billion human beings-比富裕國家人口的總和還多more than the combi
36、ned population of all the wealthy nations.他們只從地球獲取必須的用品Taking from the Earth only the strictly necessary.很長一段時間,人類和地球的關(guān)系For a long time, the relationship between humans and the planet.平衡對等was evenly balanced.很長一段時間,經(jīng)濟(jì)看起來是自然公正的聯(lián)盟For a long time, the economy seemed like a natural and equitable allianc
37、e.但人類壽命短暫,艱苦勞動大行其道But life expectancy is short, and hard labor takes its toll.大自然的不可預(yù)知加重日常負(fù)擔(dān)The uncertainties of nature weigh on daily life.教育是罕有特權(quán)Education is a rare privilege.子女是家庭唯一資產(chǎn)Children are a family's only asset,每雙手as long as every extra pair of hands.對家庭的生存都要作出貢獻(xiàn)is a necessary contribu
38、tion to its subsistence.地球為我們提供食物和衣物The Earth feeds people, clothes them.以及日常所需and provides for their daily needs.一切來自地球Everything comes from the Earth.城鎮(zhèn)改變?nèi)祟惐举|(zhì)和命運Towns change humanity's nature, as well as its destiny.農(nóng)夫變成了工匠、商人和小販The farmer becomes a craftsman, trader or peddler.農(nóng)夫收獲,城鎮(zhèn)居民購買,或是物
39、物交換What the Earth gives the farmer, the city dweller buys, sells or barters.商品交易Goods change hands,伴隨思想交流along with ideas.人類的天份在于經(jīng)常洞悉自已的弱點Humanity's genius is to have always had a sense of its weakness.他們很想擴(kuò)張領(lǐng)土Humans tried to extend the frontiers of their territory,但明白自身局限but they knew their lim
40、its.大自然不曾賦予他們的能量和氣力The physical energy and strength with which nature had not endowed them.他們在動物身上找到,并馴養(yǎng)它們?yōu)榧悍?wù)was found in the animals they domesticated to serve them.空著肚子怎去征服世界?But how can you conquer the world on an empty stomach?農(nóng)業(yè)的發(fā)明The invention of agriculture.徹底改變了到處覓食的野獸本質(zhì)transformed the futu
41、re of the wild animals scavenging for food.成為真正的人that were humankind.農(nóng)業(yè)改寫了人類歷史Agriculture turned their history on end.農(nóng)業(yè)是人類的第一場偉大革命Agriculture was their first great revolution.八千至一萬年前開始Developed barely 8,000 to 10,000 years ago,農(nóng)業(yè)改變了人類與自然的關(guān)系it changed their relationship to nature.它終結(jié)了人類不穩(wěn)定的狩獵和采集時代It
42、 brought an end to the uncertainty of hunting and gathering.第一次有了盈余It resulted in the first surpluses.這催生了城市和文明and gave birth to cities and civilizations.為了農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)For their agriculture,人類利用動物或植物的能量humans harnessed the energy of animal species and plant life,并從中受益from which they at last extracted the pr
43、ofits.數(shù)千年艱苦覓食的記憶逐漸淡忘The memory of thousands of years scrabbling for food faded.他們學(xué)會將谷類適應(yīng)They learned to adapt the grains that are the yeast of life.不同的土壤和氣候to different soils and climates.他們學(xué)會增加農(nóng)作物的收成和種類They learned to increase the yield and multiply the number of varieties.像地球上所有動物L(fēng)ike every specie
44、s on Earth,人類每天的首要任務(wù)the principal daily concern of all humans.是喂飽自已和家人is to feed themselves and their family.當(dāng)土瘠水稀的時候When the soil is less generous and water becomes scarce,人類要為一點干燥土地humans deploy prodigious efforts to mark a few arid acres.而拼命勞作with the imprint of their labor.人類以極大的耐性和專注去模塑土地Humans
45、 shaped the land with the patience and devotion that the Earth demands,近乎祭神儀式般不停地重復(fù)in an almost sacrificial ritual performed over and over.農(nóng)業(yè)仍然是世界上最普遍的職業(yè)Agriculture is still the world's most widespread occupation.一半人類仍在耕種土地Half of humankind tills the soil,超過四分之三仍是手工操作over three-quarters of them
46、by hand.農(nóng)業(yè)像傳統(tǒng)般一代接一代Agriculture is like a tradition handed down.有血有汗地薪火相傳from generation to generation in sweat, graft and toil,因為它是人類生存的先決條件because for humanity it is a prerequisite of survival.人類依賴人力日久But after relying on muscle power for so long,開始發(fā)掘地球深處的能量humankind found a way to tap into the ene
47、rgy buried deep in the Earth.這些火焰也來自植物These flames are also from plants.一束陽光A pocket of sunlight.純粹的能量,太陽量Pure energy the energy of the sun于一億年前被數(shù)以百萬計的樹木captured over millions of years by millions of plants.俘虜了超過數(shù)百萬年more than a hundred million years ago.那是煤,是天然氣It's coal. It's gas.最重要的是石油And
48、 above all, it's oil.這束陽光把人類從辛勞的耕種解放出來And this pocket of sunlight freed humans from their toil on the land.石油令人類解除了時間的束縛With oil began the era of humans who break free of the shackles of time.石油令一部分人得享從未有過的舒適With oil, some of us acquired unprecedented comforts.五十年里,僅僅一代人的時間And in 50 years, in a
49、single lifetime,地球發(fā)生根本性的改變the Earth has been more radically changed.是前人從未做過的than by all previous generations of humanity.越來越快Faster and faster.過去六十年,人類人口倍增In the last 60 years, the Earth's population has almost tripled,超過二十億人移居城市and over two billion people have moved to the cities.越來越快Faster and
50、 faster.深圳四十年前只是偏僻漁村Shenzhen, in China, with its hundreds of skyscrapers and millions of inhabitants,現(xiàn)在擁有數(shù)以百計的摩天大樓和數(shù)百萬人口was just a small fishing village barely 40 years ago.越來越快Faster and faster.二十年來In Shanghai, 3,000 towers and skyscrapers.上海建了三千座高樓大廈have been built in 20 years.另有數(shù)百座正在建設(shè)中Hundreds m
51、ore are under construction.今天,地球上七十億人口有一半住在城市Today, over half of the world's seven billion inhabitants live in cities.紐約,世界上第一個超級城市New York. The world's first megalopolis.是人類無止境地is the symbol of the exploitation of the energy.剝削地球資源的像征the Earth supplies to human genius.數(shù)百萬移民的人力資源The manpower
52、 of millions of immigrants,煤的能量the energy of coal,及無約束的石油力量the unbridled power of oil.電的出現(xiàn)發(fā)明了電梯Electricity resulted in the invention of elevators,而電梯使得摩天大廈成為可能which in turn permitted the invention of skyscrapers.紐約在全球經(jīng)濟(jì)排名中位列16New York ranks as the 16th-largest economy in the world.美國最先發(fā)現(xiàn)和開發(fā)利用America
53、 was the first to discover, exploit and harness.珍貴而具革命性的能量“黑金”the phenomenal revolutionary power of black gold.借助它With its help,農(nóng)夫變成了農(nóng)業(yè)企業(yè)家a country of farmers became a country of agricultural industrialists.機(jī)器取代人力Machines replaced men.一升石油等于A liter of oil generates as much energy.一百雙手在24小時產(chǎn)生的能量as 100 pairs of hands in 24 hours,但在全球只有3%的農(nóng)民使用拖拉機(jī)but worldwide only three percent of farmers have use of a tractor.盡管如此,他們的糧食產(chǎn)出還是支配著地球Nonetheless, their output dominates the planet.美國只剩下三百萬農(nóng)民In the United States, only three million farmers are le
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