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1、CHESM Field Inspection全球上游 -CHESM 現場檢查清單Global UpstreamChecklist為了記錄在檢查期間訪問的工作場所進行的觀察結果,本清單提供記錄格式。用本格式來填寫檢查結果并算出該承包商白健康、環(huán)境、安全( HES)得分。關于這些場所的檢查結果和需要改進措施的詳細信息(不是得分)需要與承包商現場代表進行溝通。填寫完成以后,將清單移交當地 HES 代表并向工作場所主管/領導提供一份拷貝。公司代表對承包商的工作場所和工作常規(guī)進行觀察。承包商是:根據適用的工業(yè)標準和合同和公司的規(guī)格,負責安全及時地完成工作的獨立承包商。如果承包商的工作場所或工作常規(guī)不安全

2、,立即停止他們的工作并通知承包商代表。之后,承包商負責評估現場情況、采取必要的糾正或補救行動并在可以安全工作時重新開始工作。除非情況緊急,公司不應直接指導工作或向承包商人員提供任何工作指示或糾正措施。除了中止不安全的工作常規(guī),公司檢查人員要限制檢查行為,獲取必須的信息,便于公司對承包商的HES 工作常規(guī)進行審計和評估。建議在現場檢查過程中對承包商現場人員進行面談,以避免不必要的重復訪問。This checklist provides a format for the recording of observations at work sites visited during the inspe

3、ction. Use this information for completing the inspection and providing the score required for the contractor s healtvhir,oennment and safety (HES) qualification rating. The summary of the inspection findings and detailed information about the areas needing improvement (not the scoring) shall be com

4、municated to the contractor s site representative. After completing, ttuhrins fitoirnmto your local HES representative and provide a copy to the work site supervisor/leader.s representCompany representatives observe the work site and work practices of the contractor. The contractor is an independent

5、 contractor responsible for the safe and timely completion of the work in accordance with applicable industry standards and the contract and company specifications. If the work site or practices of a contractor are unsafe, stop the work and notify the contractorimmediately. It is then the contractor

6、 s responsibility to evaluate the situation, take any necessary corrective or remedial action and restart the work when it is safe to do so.The company should not direct the work or provide any work instructions or corrective measures directly to the contractor personnel, except for situations where

7、 imminent danger exists. Other than stopping any unsafe work practices, limit inspections to obtaining information for the company audit and evaluation of the contractor .s HES practicesInterviewing contractor site personnel during the tour is advised to avoid making two trips.2.承包商信息 Contractor Inf

8、ormation承包商公司名 Contractor Company Name項目名或項目號 Project Name or Number雪佛龍發(fā)起部門 Chevron DepartmentSponsor支持雪佛龍作業(yè)的工人人數Numberof Employees Supporting Chevron Operations承包商關鍵人員 Contractor Key公司廠長經理Company Director/Manager:Personnel電話 Phone:傳真 Fax:email:現場主管 Site Supervisor:電話 Phone:傳真 Fax:email:HES 代表 HES R

9、epresentative:電話 Phone:傳真 Fax:email:3.工作場所情況和工作常規(guī)評估Work Site Condition and Work Practice Assessment類另ij Category可接受或不適 用Acceptableor N/A需要的改進措施ImprovementNeeded評論 Comments普通工作場所 General Work Site1.走道干凈清楚? Walkways clean and clear?5s 方法,GB59-992.米光良好? Proper lighting?3.工作場所無絆倒危險/障礙物? Work area clearo

10、f tripping hazards/obstructions?u4.適合的垃圾桶和垃圾處理點?Appropriatetrash cans and disposal locations?5. 正確容納流體?例如,不使用塑料桶容納燒 基流體 Proper containment of fluids? For example, no plastic buckets in use for containing hydrocarbon based liquid6.按照熱工工作規(guī)范指導意見使用電子通信設備? Electronic communication devices in use within h

11、ot work guidelines?7.在工作場所控制進/出? Control of entry/exit onthe work site?n8.后指定的吸煙區(qū)域?Designated smokingareas?Hazard Identification9.工作安全分析表(JSA)在工作開始前填寫完畢? JSA filled out before start of the work?|H 綜合信息 General Information10.全體人員參與填寫 JSA并簽名? Did the whole crew participate in filling out the JSA and s

12、ign off?11.情況發(fā)生變化(天氣、人員、工作任務)時 填與新 JSA? New JSA filled out when a change occurred (weather, people, work tasks)?12.工作步驟以書面的形式表述清楚(不是預先 填寫的)?包括現場的特殊考慮?程序使 用? Task steps written out (not pre-f川ed in) to perform the job? Include site specific considerations? Procedure use?13.已經識別各種危險并有應對措施?Hazardsident

13、ified and addressed?14.工人遵守書面,作步驟或程序?Workerfollowing the written steps or procedure?D15.如果在同一區(qū)域有其他承包商一起工作,JSA內是否包含他們或與他們分享JSA? Wereother contractors included in the JSA or shared the JSA if working in the same area?16.工人是否了解"停工授權"? Are workers aware of the “stop work authority" ?基于行為的

14、安全情況Behavior-Based Safety17.已經識別了關鍵行為?Critical behaviorsidentified?18.是否進行觀察? Observations conducted?|H 綜合信息 General Information19.在觀祭后是否給予反饋?Feedback given afterobservation?n1120.觀察數據得到交流?Observation datacommunicated?n21.觀察數據被收集/分析/使用,以糾正錯誤? Observation data collected/analyzed/used to correct?新雇用的工

15、人 Short-Service Employee22.新雇傭的工人可清晰識別?SSEs are visiblyidentified?23.給新雇傭工人指派了師傅,且?guī)煾翟诂F場指 導? Mentor assigned and available?1 In24.師傅是否大口追他/她被指派,負貢新雇傭,人的 Does the mentor know that he/she is assigned to the SSE and is responsible for the safety of the SSE?111_125.生怦_L八逗、/女生F就氾,(甲人-M F組內 無新雇傭工人,2-4人工作組內

16、可由1名新雇 傭工人,5人以上工作組內新雇傭工人比例不 得超過20%,除非得到明確批準)Crew incompliance? (0 SSE on 1 person crew, 1 SSE on 2-4 person crew, and no more than 20% on 5+ person crew or an approved variance is in place)墜落保護 Fall Protection26.墜落保護設備經過檢查,處于良好狀態(tài)?Fallprotection equipment inspected and in good|H 綜合信息 General Informat

17、ioncondition?27.錨點已經指定? Anchorage location specified?28.墜洛保護設備穿戴正確?Fall protectionequipment properly worn?匚29.正確連接至指定的錨點?Tied off properly todesignated anchor?30.連接距離-救生索長度?Tie-off distance vs.lanyard length?31.在JSA中有專門的救援計劃?Appropriaterescue plan in JSA?32.后止確的救援設備?Proper rescue equipmentavailable?

18、33.當使用墜落保護設備時,是否現場至少有一個 人沒有穿戴保護背帶?Is there at least oneperson not in a harness on location while the fall protection equipment is in use?n電氣系統(tǒng) Electrical System34.掛鎖 /上牌系統(tǒng)? Lock-out/tag-out systems?u35.線纜受損? Damaged cords?36.防爆固定設施?Explosion-proof fixtures?二37.空中輸電線凈空距離?Overhead power lineclearance?

19、|H 綜合信息 General Information38.電氣控制面板關閉? Closed power panels?個人保護設備 Personal Protective Equipment39.頭部? Head?40.手部? Hand?41.眼部? Eye?42.腳? Foot?43.身體(如果需要)? Body (if required)?44.呼吸系統(tǒng)(如果需要)? Respiratory (if required)?手動和電動手工工具Manual and Power Hand Tools45.工具有缺陷? Defective tools?46.接地良好或雙重絕緣?Grounded o

20、r doubleinsulated?47.防護裝置就位?Guards in place?48.使用正確的工具? Appropriate tool used?類另ij Category可接受或不適 用Acceptableor N/A需要的改進措施ImprovementNeeded評論 Comments車輛 Vehicles49.有操作資質? Authorized to operate?n|H 綜合信息 General Information50.理解限速規(guī)定并遵守?Speed limits understoodand adhered to?51.車輛操作人員在移動車輛前是否圍繞車輛觀祭以評估危險

21、? Do vehicle operators conduct a walk around hazard assessment before moving the vehicle?LI52.首次前進時,車輛是否后退或停???Arevehicles being backed in or parked for first move forward?移動設備 Mobile Equipment53.吊車合格證? Crane certification?54.操作人員資質證明?Licensed/certifiedoperators?55.側翻保護結構?Rollover protective structur

22、es?56.運動警報裝置(后備警報裝置)Movementwarning devices (backup alarms)?57.使用抓斗穩(wěn)定索?Tag lines used?58.負荷極限清晰易識? Load limits visibly identifiable?59.工作記錄本在車上,記錄日期無遺漏?Logbooks available and current?腳手架 / 工作平臺 Scaffold/Work Platform60.組裝質量? Quality of assembly?匚|H 綜合信息 General Information61.固定良好,無位移? Secured agains

23、t movement?n62.進出上下安全? Safe access?i63.墜落保護/其他防護措施?Fallprotection/provisions?64.扶手、中部橫欄、踢腳板到位?Are guardrails, mid-rails, and toe boards in place?65.腳手架標牌正確?Scaffolds appropriatelytagged?焊接切割 Welding and Cutting66.氣瓶直立存放/位置固定良好? Gas bottles upright/secured?匚67.電氣焊接設備接地良好?Electric weldersgrounded?68.線

24、纜/噴嘴/接頭工作正常?Cables/hoses/fittings serviceable?69.備用著火人員/火火器? Standby fire watch/fire extinguisher?匚70.防止回火裝置就位?Are flashback preventersin place?匚衛(wèi)生 Sanitation71.飲用水 Drinking water?匚|H 綜合信息 General Information72.廁所設施? Toilet facilities?1 173.現場住宿條件? Field accommodations?74.衛(wèi)生住宿? Hygiene accommodation

25、s?物料儲放 Material Storage75.物資存放/堆踐女全穩(wěn)固? Materials are securely stored/stacked?匚76.物資通道開闊? Clear access to materials?匚77.物料存放架上標注負何額定?Load rating forshelves?78.架子穩(wěn)固? Stability of shelving?許可證制度Permit Systems79.上鎖/掛牌程序? Lock-out/tag-out procedures?匚80.熱工許可? Hot work permits?匚81.受限空間進入? Confined space e

26、ntry?82.救援程序? Rescue procedures?83.救援設備? Rescue equipment?1 184.挖掘許可程序? Excavation permit process?應急制度 Emergency Systems85. 應急計戈口? Emergency response plan?|H 綜合信息 General Information86.救援設備? Rescue equipment?1 187.醫(yī)療急救物資?First aid materials?匚88.洗眼站? Eye wash stations?89.消防? Fire protection?90.疏散程序?

27、Evacuation procedure?91.工人是否熟悉警報和緊急事件通知程序?Areworkers familiar with alarms and emergency notification procedure?挖掘/ 溝渠/ 基坑 Excavations/Trenches/Pits92.入口前5英尺之后有支護/斜墻? Shoring/Wall slope after five feet before entry?匚93. TrP Bffi? Undermining?匚94.浸水問題? Water problems?95.距離輸電線過近?Close proximity to powe

28、rlines?96.地下管線位直?Underground utility locations?匚97. 進出途徑合適? Adequate means of access and egress?98.有合適的方式監(jiān)視呼吸空間?Appropriatemeans to monitor breathing space?匚|H 綜合信息 General Information危險孑同 Hazardous Openings99. Guard-rail/barriers or coverings on or around?100. Floor/Roof/Wall openings?11101.罐/溝渠/基坑

29、/孔洞?Tanks/Trenches/Excavations/Pits/Ditches?1梯子 / 安全通道 Ladders/Safe Access102.梯子擺放正確/穩(wěn)固? Ladders correctlyplaced/secured?103.梯子情況/結構? Laddercondition/construction?104.正確的斜面和通道?(至少30英寸寬)Adequate access ramps and walkways? (minimum 30 inches wide)105.通道/斜面有扶手? Handrails onwalkways/ramps?環(huán)境 Environment

30、106. 照明良好? Adequate lighting?107. 針對高噪音,有適當保護? Adequate protection to noise level exposure匚108. 后毒蒸氣/煙霧? Toxic vapors/fumes?匚109.針對極端的溫度,有適當保護? Adequate|H 綜合信息 General Informationprotection to temperature extremes?危險品信息HazCom110.書面的危險品信息計劃?Written HazComprogram?111. 化學品安全數據表? MSDS?112.標簽系統(tǒng)? Labeling system?環(huán)境保護 Environmental Protection113.許可證合規(guī)? Permit compliance?114.防止污染? Pollution prevention?115.垃圾管理? Waste management?Total Score = Number of Acceptable


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