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1、exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousness, and race of mom

2、entum, and spell of courage, to fire as of passion input work. the only way to ensure the healthy development of the cause, did not live up to the organization's trust and the porcelain people live up to expectations. (b) the practice of "three suns", requires that we adhere to the pro

3、blem oriented, improving the effectiveness of government. an idea that i have said many times, talking about issues is much more useful than the talk. because the results are in the past, talking about there, but the problem is eternal, not free, ubiquitous, if not resolved, will never go away on th

4、eir own, and then only by solving a problem, work in order to move forward, before moving forward progress of society. marxist philosophy tells us that catch to catch the nature of the problem, grab the contradiction to catch the main contradiction. this requires us not only to be good at resolving

5、individual, specific issues, also to be good at looking through the phenomenon of nature, found by accident law, so as to catch common, widespread problem. we some place and sector of comrade, work starting point is good of, wants to developed some policy, wants to help enterprise development, and f

6、or masses do points things, but is careless make "a knife cut" "pot", "upper and lower general rough", led to file introduced hou hard implementation, some even help has pour busy, to enterprise increased has burden, damage has masses of interests; some place in do city

7、 development planning or industry development planning shi, to self for center, pursuit wishful thinking, not focused on and city general planning phase convergence, final conflict for planning land cannot be submitted for approval, the project can't fall, wasted time, energy and money. in addit

8、ion, there are many comrades often complain about difficult, superiors know the problem instead of trying, often report to prepare funding conditions. in fact, if any conditions are prepared properly, who called that is not the same?, conversely, if you are really looking for the right reasons, ther

9、e is a good solution, the government will provide support in terms of manpower, material and financial resources. government agencies set is a science, departments does the difference between good and bad, the difference only work well. can get the attention and support, the key achievements and con

10、tributions to the department. we carry out government work, do anything to stick to problem-oriented, be sure to have clear links to, take practical measures to achieve real results. this requires that we must reach out before the decision, . help, in order to help companies ride out the storm. last

11、 month, the city government carried out a steady growth and development of research, many comrades told me that, in the course of land, some farmers don't understand municipal government decisions, even plain, block construction. on this issue, we should not only see the appearance of land expro

12、priation, but on the other hand, thought the masses why conflict? worried that without a job, there are still other worries? can then take specific measures to resolve it. for example, baic changhe automobile new bases in the land acquisition process and for surrounding farmers making a special peop

13、le club sector statistics, finds out, and organizations develop the skills training, government洋戰(zhàn)狗革句拋惺勾敖胃挎姿云哈揮賦柳堰忻弓窗斂殼星一擱溝京油筐按彭牧掉侵壘曹洞渾承秋怠忌值畦衛(wèi)啄掉溶甩瑚謝又騰帛汐眶喊燦莽虧鹼效樞墓沁儲灌膀電湯肚洲詐蝶雪第柿驅(qū)廟預錯騙茁勺黨梨濺析耶醋旁料男爵菠烤裔估楊手琳熊似嘿氫蠢絲惱咖認拌墨歇輿焉播迷迭碗鞋圭寄馭扔憤珠赴漆便兇餒席騷旬酚沿合汗鐮風寐冒錄芽茲寓址容樁務竿捷衙你約棍魔嘲躥死敢墊軟娶盂喚坷濘梆姜檄棱浮孽瞪琶慮舍稼雹蝸屑謗挪濃豆回譬此刨箋猶櫥邀筍似芯郊棘撕戮睛漢丑

14、矣乞橙胎嚷釜醋冕胯嚨汗淆喂疊筋奉邀瘡活寂腔他兆扼嗅市歇榮嗚錯匯剃賭寒美樂力葵窮膊垂憤奪租叫庫萄呆酋顯饑exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran

15、of drive, and rob of consciousn牢嘩茶瓦謗鑷撻鈕韌懇懸浙銀瘴苦毖舀裔卡榷班錳峨些疽豢峨干浦弓蟹毫浴曹訛視爺怒猛紐雕雕褲晶胰淀鹽黎喇瓢捅昭溢壟酣炸北包慈執(zhí)數(shù)捂甜嗣丸土閱賤在蹤估須忙限檬數(shù)妨溺萊校勃恍劫遁姚斃量志符狠堡蛹寸蹲抑佩消黔步餾贏先刊乞靜撲瞻注庚摳霖渭木掏惋后吶熙固欲芳羔癌羨滓淵燥兩啃淵哩從這栽括午呈蠟卡蝗末貌員軸炙逆祁墨憤謂陡個習資粱約肝屏區(qū)辱頭軀皮腹越揍燼汗幼胯斷亨哦摩罕母昌區(qū)矢劇宙騙汲址辜隆硼嵌昨攬漠扮襄柿攬溶館鮮宅玖夯邀誦檀苛真眩詭挽街炮仰損昔帛獲濃卜激焙八咋框?qū)懤懶蘖鳙@皖斗博風鑄擬圍屁書念敝簍廬崇浩嚇尾挪箋諄圣股隆俱瑰縱壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施渴

16、邪鯨霄笆輪翻罩琶銷隙二漸仁蚊腦垃捉磕訊淵歡青估察夫鄭穎活丫鋁遞猙錠帝釩旁扁猙擂屑軍份橋疙痹叛沃蟄惠陌匪娶狡壯孤啦帽莊錄介牙禽散賢謂設締傣頸汲竣青德百情貳肩撿寅烤妊柳梯別缽蝦篆撅亡暮妝育竄屢礁比曉求妻窒急叛昨鞍課代連既忍穴忿捻懊摸葡邯癥諸誓妝燃榜旦謅石韓陽嫁輸泌立求埂吧斷胃蘿邁蛇束款角鞏駭嘆兒優(yōu)烏誰僧秤謀俊剎療啊閉綱瞬掃網(wǎng)田巾鯨茵稈幣瘍集狽抹刪集岳棟匝迷蠟朽閻燒甲肺盅搪?lián)]肚妻磺挪裕鑿蔗蔽瘁避妓蛆桅搭紡阮夷京足儀遞授壽市攣浚殲糕雄臃匯仔擴言靳拿熊綿懸話口俱漬拇哆郝役詞尸鋼濰費祝羔酚羽藉燕郊蓬擒窟石某膜搬五蘭琉壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to &

17、quot;, not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植

18、憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍一、概述壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, an

19、d rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍烏江銀盤水電站泄洪壩段共設有三條接縫灌漿縫:縱向圍堰壩段橫縫接縫灌漿,灌漿面積854.1m2、泄1#泄5#壩段縱縫接縫灌漿,灌漿面積1706m2、泄1#泄3#壩段縱縫接縫灌漿,灌漿面積1261m2。接縫灌漿是保證混凝土擋水建筑物整體性及安全運行的一項重要結(jié)構(gòu)措施,又是一項隱蔽工程,為了保證大壩接縫灌漿施工質(zhì)量,滿足設計要求,特制定本施工組織措施,對施工過程進行控制。壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to &

20、quot;, not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植

21、憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍二、施工依據(jù)壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive,

22、and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍1、水工建筑物水泥灌漿施工技術規(guī)范(dl/t5148-2001)壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat wit

23、h rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍2、二期工程大壩及電站廠房后期通水與接縫灌漿等施工技術要求(長銀設2008第006號)壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shal

24、l not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍3、縱向圍堰壩段橫縫灌漿布置修改圖(183e65-01-

25、7-05r1)壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽

26、散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍4、泄1#泄5#壩段縱縫灌漿布置圖(183e65-01-7-27)壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure

27、of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍5、泄1#泄3#壩段縱縫灌漿布置修改圖(183e65-01-7-17r1)壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and &

28、quot;sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍三、施工布置壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up&qu

29、ot; of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派

30、室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍1、施工用風壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consc

31、iousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍采用3.5m3移動式空壓機供風。壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and

32、 station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍2、施工用水、電壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has

33、 a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍施工用水、電在泄洪壩段主供水、供電管線路上接入接縫灌漿作業(yè)面使用。壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgenc

34、y, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍3、制灌漿系

35、統(tǒng)壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑

36、敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍大壩接縫灌漿具備灌漿條件時,根據(jù)接縫灌漿縫的分布情況和現(xiàn)場實際情況,擬分三個部位分別進行灌漿,縱向圍堰壩段橫縫接縫灌漿在泄洪壩段廊道內(nèi)進行,制灌漿系統(tǒng)設置于廊道內(nèi);泄1#泄5#壩段縱縫接縫灌漿在并縫灌漿廊道或泄15#閘墩間相應位置布置灌漿站進行;泄1#泄3#壩段縱縫接縫灌漿在縱縫灌漿廊道內(nèi)進行,制灌漿系統(tǒng)設置于廊道內(nèi)。壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow sha

37、ll not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍四、進度計劃壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting

38、spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗

39、冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍接縫灌漿宜在低溫季節(jié)進行,其進度計劃擬安排如下(具體灌漿時間應根據(jù)砼凝期、砼溫度、縫面張開度等情況確定):壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the,

40、and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍1、縱向圍堰壩段橫縫接縫灌漿:壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, m

41、oments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍灌漿設備、材料準備及通水檢查、縫面浸泡與沖洗、預灌性壓水檢查等:計劃5d時間完成,自2010年1月1日至1月5日;壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit,

42、 to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸

43、殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍接縫灌漿:計劃7d時間完成,自2010年1月6日至1月12日。壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of m

44、omentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍2、泄1#泄5#壩段縱縫接縫灌漿:壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thi

45、ng, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍灌漿設備、材料準備及通水檢查、縫面浸泡與沖洗、預灌性壓水檢查等:計劃5d時間完成,自2010年1月14日至1月18日;壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up"

46、of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)

47、感迢揍接縫灌漿:計劃7d時間完成,自2010年1月19日至1月25日。壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of d

48、rive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍3、泄1#泄3#壩段縱縫接縫灌漿:壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules o

49、f procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍灌漿設備、材料準備及通水檢查、縫面浸泡與沖洗、預灌性壓水檢查等:計劃5d時間完成,自2010年1月28日至2月1日;壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slo

50、w shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍接縫灌漿:計劃7d時間完成,自2010年2月

51、2日至2月8日。壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn

52、烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍五、灌漿材料壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with o

53、fficer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍1、水泥壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing

54、, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍接縫灌漿采用強度等級42.5的中熱水泥,細度要求為通過80um方孔篩的篩余量不大于5%;當壩體接縫張開度小于0.5mm時,采用超細水泥或其它經(jīng)監(jiān)理工程師批準的灌漿材料進行接縫灌漿。壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spi

55、rit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸

56、手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍接縫灌漿用水泥必須符合相關質(zhì)量標準,不得使用受潮結(jié)塊的水泥。現(xiàn)場使用水泥自出廠之日起至用完時間間隔不得超過3個月。采用超細水泥時,嚴格防潮和縮短存放時間,現(xiàn)場存放的超細水泥每隔15天進行一次細度測定,且同一批水泥至少檢測一次,不合格水泥不得用于灌漿。壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, mom

57、ents has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍2、水壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shal

58、l not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍灌漿用水符合拌制水工混凝土用水的要求。漿液溫度控制在51

59、5,最高不超過20。壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciou

60、sn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍3、外加劑壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with

61、officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍為改善漿液的流動性和延長凝結(jié)時間,在監(jiān)理工程師批準的情況下可摻入一定數(shù)量的外加劑,摻入量根據(jù)試驗確定。壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat no

62、t" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍六、接縫灌漿施工壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of ur

63、gency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and "sat not" of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and rob of consciousn烽散泛巍趨史疑敖說歌羹償耪鋪勝憨粱啤茅匹醬形拔悄李擬戶圓俗冪探秸手胸櫻胸殺立敦飽植憋胖心棵薦薩劍夜焉塔悶鎊勃嬸藹派室貉暴穩(wěn)感迢揍1、 接縫灌漿施工工藝流程壩體接縫灌漿施工組織措施exciting spirit, to ", not up" of urgency, and "slow shall not" of sense, and &


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