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1、Unit 4Wheres my schoolbag?審核:權(quán)婷華備課:于林安劉艷玲Learning ObjectivesIn this unit, students will learn to talk about where things are.一、 Topics (話題) :Things around the house二、 Functions ( 功能 )Talk about where things are三、 Structures ( 結(jié)構(gòu) )Where questionsPrepositions: on, in, underConjunction and四、 Target Lan

2、guage ( 目標(biāo)語言 )Where is his pencil?It is in his schoolbag.Where s your ruler?It s under the chair.Where are my books?They re on the sofa.五、 Vocabulary(詞匯)Rooms of the house, furniture, table, bed, sofa, chair, desk, radio, clock, tape, tape player,model plane, on, under, where, their, come on六、 Skill

3、s ( 技能 )Listening and reading for specific information七、 Recycling(復(fù)習(xí)鞏固)Personal itemsQuestion forms with to be1Schoolbag, key, ruler, map, hat, CD, bag, book, pencil box, pencil, pen, computer game,dictionary, notebook, inI m., and my sister.八、教材分析本單元圍繞著Wheres my schoolbag?的話題, 共設(shè)計了三個部分的內(nèi)容。通過教授本單元,

4、使學(xué)生學(xué)會談?wù)摲块g里物品的位置,能讀懂有關(guān)物品位置的便條,并學(xué)會寫便條讓朋友幫自己從房間里取東西。Section A 讓學(xué)生通過活動,學(xué)習(xí)如何表達(dá)物品的位置,并能就物品位置進(jìn)行提問。1a, 1b, 1c學(xué)習(xí)表示物品的名詞,并能物品的位置進(jìn)行問答。重點運用where 特殊疑問句進(jìn)行談?wù)摗?a, 2b, 2c, 2d 繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)談?wù)撐锲返奈恢?。重點學(xué)習(xí)is/are 開頭的疑問句及其回答。3a, 3b, 3c 學(xué)習(xí)談?wù)撟约撼S梦锲返奈恢?,并能就兩個房間物品擺放位置的不同進(jìn)行問答。Section B學(xué)會通過觀察和聽音,來談?wù)摵陀涗浄块g里物品的名稱和位置。1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e 進(jìn)一步熟悉表

5、示物品的單詞,并能談?wù)摵陀涗浳锲返奈恢谩?a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3b 學(xué)會閱讀和書寫便條,并能描述自己房間里物品的位置。Self Check檢測本單元所學(xué)詞匯知識,學(xué)會閱讀便條,并根據(jù)便條內(nèi)容畫出房間。九、學(xué)情分析本單元的主要內(nèi)容是談?wù)撐锲匪诘奈恢?。通過這一話題,訓(xùn)練學(xué)生的聽、說、讀、寫四項基本技能, 讓學(xué)生通過詢問物品的位置,學(xué)習(xí)一些有關(guān)家居物品和學(xué)習(xí)用品的單詞,以及方位介詞 in, on, under, behind 等的用法;學(xué)習(xí)并掌握Where 問句的問答,一般疑問句提問并用方位介詞來回答;學(xué)習(xí)名詞單復(fù)數(shù)及人稱代詞they 的用法,同時培養(yǎng)學(xué)生養(yǎng)成干凈、整潔、合理擺放物品的好

6、習(xí)慣。十、課時安排The first period ( 第一課時 ): Section A (1a 2d)The second period ( 第二課時 ): Section A (Grammar Focus 3c)The third period ( 第三課時 ): Section B (1a 1e)The fourth period ( 第四課時 ): Section B (2a 2c)The fifth period ( 第五課時 ): Section B (3a Self Check )2The First Period (Section A, 1a 2d)Teaching aims

7、 (教學(xué)目標(biāo))1掌握有關(guān)物品的名稱table, bed, bookcase, sofa, chair, book, keys, bag, alarmclock, CD, tape, hat, etc.2學(xué)會談?wù)撐锲返奈恢谩anguage points (語言點)1. 要求掌握以下句式:Where s myschoolbag?It s under the table.2要求掌握以下詞匯:where, table, bed, chair, under, they, onDifficulties (難點):熟練運用表示方位的介詞in, on, under 等。Teaching steps (教學(xué)步

8、驟)Lead in:T: Good morning , everyone! Last week, we finished Unit 3.Today we are going to study anew unit, Unit 4.Ask and answera. T: Can you tell me w hat the title of Unit 4 is? Yes, it s “ Where?” Whatsmy schoolbagdo you think the unit is about?b. T: Great! In this unit, we are going to learn to

9、talk about where things are. Do you stillremember some school things we have learned?c. T: What are they? OK. Let s start to talk about some school things first.【教學(xué)設(shè)計說明】通過設(shè)置讓學(xué)生幫助老師找東西這樣一個真實的場景來導(dǎo)入新課,能夠立刻調(diào)動學(xué)生的參與性,激發(fā)學(xué)生思維,啟動學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)興趣的發(fā)生。Step 1: Section A1aT: First, please open your books to page 19 and loo

10、k at activity 1a.31 Look and findT: Please look at the picture in activity 1a. There are some things in it. Do you know what they are?2 Match and discussa. T: Would you please match the words with the things in the picture?b. T: How many words do you know? Can you share the words you know with your

11、partners?c. T: Please discuss with your partners and check whether your answers are the same. 3 Check the answersT: Let s check the answers together.4 Reada. T: Please read the words after me. Table .b. T: I would like you to read each word twice. Table, table .c. T: Let s read the words one by one

12、together.【教學(xué)設(shè)計說明】通過學(xué)生之間相互猜測的游戲,能使他們剛被激發(fā)的興奮點持續(xù)下去。Step 2: Section A1b1 Listen and numbera. T: Listen to the recording for the first time.b. T: Number the things in the picture when you listen to it for the second time.2 Check the answersT: Let s check the answers.Answers: 1 books2 pencil box3computer

13、game4 keys3 Reada. T: I would like you to read the tape script together.b. T: Would you please read it by yourselves three times?c. T: This time I would like you to read it twice with your partners.d. T: Who would like to read for the class?44 Translate and explaina. T: Let s translate the conversat

14、ion into Chinese.b. T: Who can tell us what it means?c. T: Ye s. When we ask the positions of things, we use the word“ where ” . And from thepicture, we know that the word“on在”···means上面” “ in ” means“在 ····里面”“ under ”means “在····下面” . They are

15、 called prepositions “介詞” .【教學(xué)設(shè)計說明】由于課前引導(dǎo)學(xué)生通過自主學(xué)習(xí)初步接觸本課要學(xué)的新單詞,所以在新單詞的教學(xué)過程中,一些有能力的學(xué)生可以將自己已有的認(rèn)識水平與實際運用結(jié)合起來,使他們能體會到通過自主學(xué)習(xí)帶來成功的滿足感。通過這樣的方法呈現(xiàn)新單詞,效果遠(yuǎn)比教師單純地用圖片來傳授新單詞要大。Step 3: Section A1c1 ReadT: Would you like to read the conversation with your partners? 2Practicea. T: Would you please practice the conver

16、sation according to the picture in 1a?b. T: Please present your conversations to the class. Who would like to have a try?【教學(xué)設(shè)計說明】通過這種活動調(diào)動學(xué)生的視覺、感覺和記憶力來參與語言活動,并且使本課的主要語言知識得到重現(xiàn),加深印象;同時,小組之間的競賽體現(xiàn)了協(xié)作和團(tuán)隊精神。Step 4: Section A2a1 Look and saya. T: Let s moveactivityto 2a now. Could you please look at the thi

17、ngs and say them inEnglish?b. T: Let s take turns to say the things in English one at a time. Let s start with you2 Listen and numbera. T: Now, let s listen to the recording for the first time.b. T: Are you ready to do the activity 2a?5d. T: Please number the things you hear.3 Check the answersT: Do

18、 you have the answers? Let s check them together.Answers:2books6keys1computer game5ruler3. pencil box4 schoolbag【教學(xué)設(shè)計說明】學(xué)會利用一切可利用的學(xué)習(xí)資源,如詞典, 音像資料, 網(wǎng)絡(luò)等來獲取更多的學(xué)習(xí)信息。Step 5: Section A2b1 Listen and find the correct placesa. T: Listen to the conversation again and find the correct places for the things in

19、2a.b. T: Number the things in the picture from 1 to 6.2 Check the answersT: Finished? Let s check the answers.Answers: 1 computer gamein the bookcase2 bookson the chair3 pencil boxunder the sofa4 schoolbagunder the table5 rulerunder the chair6 keyson the table3 Read the conversationa. T: Let s read

20、the conversation in the tape script together.b. T: I would like you to read it in pairs.c. T: This time I would like boys to read as Tom and girls to read as Helen.d. T: Who would like to read the conversation for the class?【教學(xué)設(shè)計說明】學(xué)會用英語詢問自己的或他人物品的具體位置。能夠合理地描述和設(shè)計房間。Step 6: Section A2c1 Read6T: Let s

21、 move to activity 2c. Shall we read the conversation together?2Guessa. T: Now, let s guess where the things are.b. Students work in pairs. Student A covers the picture in 2b. Ask about where the things arein the picture. Student B answers the questions.c. T: I would like to give you an example.Examp

22、le: T: Is the pencil box on the sofa?S: No, it isn t. It s under the sofa.d. T: Change roles after making one conversation and then practice again.【教學(xué)設(shè)計說明】學(xué)會用英語準(zhǔn)確描述物品所在的位置;培養(yǎng)學(xué)生整齊地擺放自己物品的生活習(xí)慣。Step 7: Section A2dRole-play the conversation. Show a picture of a room. Give the Ss one minute to look at it

23、,and then ask them what kind of things they saw and where the things are. Have a competitionamong groups. See which group can remember all the things and where they are.【教學(xué)設(shè)計說明】學(xué)會與他人合作交流, 并能把語言材料用到真實的生活中去;學(xué)會利用一切可利用的學(xué)習(xí)資源,如詞典,音像資料,網(wǎng)絡(luò)等來獲取更多的學(xué)習(xí)信息;在反思,頓悟和自醒中不斷調(diào)整自己的學(xué)習(xí)策略。Step 8: SummarizeT: Let s summarize

24、 what we learned in this period.Step 9: Homework1 Copy the words in activity 1a and the sentences in the grammar box.2 Read the tape script of activity 2a and 2b.The Second Period (Section A, Grammar Focus 3c)Teaching aims (教學(xué)目標(biāo))1要求熟悉物品的名稱;72學(xué)會談?wù)撐锲返奈恢?;Language points (語言點)1. 熟練運用 Where 問句和一般疑問句及其回答。

25、2掌握名詞單復(fù)數(shù)及人稱代詞they 的用法。Difficulties (難點):一般疑問句Is it? Are they的?回答。Teaching steps (教學(xué)步驟)Lead in:T: What did we learn yesterday? Who can tell us? Yes. Yesterday we learned the names forsome school things and how to ask where they are. Do you still remember how to say them? OK.Let s review them first.St

26、ep 1: Revision1Ask and answera. T: Would you please translate my words into English?桌子、棒球 ····b. T: Who would like to make conversations with“ where ” questions using the pictures inthe PPT?2DictationT: Please take out your dictation exercise books and let s have a dictation.【教學(xué)設(shè)

27、計說明】根據(jù)學(xué)生的年齡特征,他們非常喜歡這種情景猜測活動。這可以調(diào)動他們各方面的情緒來參與語言活動,激活他們已有的知識水平。Step 2: Grammar Focus1 ReadT: Read the sentences in the grammar box. 2Point out the noteswhere 的用法;on, in, under 的用法;the 的用法;8名詞的單復(fù)數(shù)?!窘虒W(xué)設(shè)計說明】通過對這個句型的大量操練,讓學(xué)生自己歸納,使學(xué)生掌握該句型的用法,避免單調(diào)枯燥的語法講解。Section A3a1Put the sentences in orderT: Let s go to

28、 activity 3a on page 21Please. fill in the blanks to complete the conversations. 2 Check the answersT: Have you finished? Please check your answers with your classmates.Answers: 1. A: Where are the keys? B: Theyonthre table.2.A: Where s thebook? Is it on your desk? B: No, itunder the chairs.A: Where

29、 are the pencils? B: I donw.Aretknothey in the schoolbag? A: Yes, they are.3 Reada. T: Let s read the conversations together.b. T: Who would like to read them for the class?【教學(xué)設(shè)計說明】設(shè)置任務(wù),通過對比的方式讓學(xué)生理解方位介詞。利用表格直觀體現(xiàn)出兩幅圖的不同點,再將它的不同點復(fù)述出來,其目的在于培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的語言組織能力。Step 3: Section A3bPairworka. T: Let moves to 3b no

30、w. There are some things in the pictures and can you makeconversations about where they are.b. T: Let s make conversations in pairs.c. T: Who would like to present their conversations to the class?【教學(xué)設(shè)計說明】話題由課本知識向?qū)嶋H生活延伸,體現(xiàn)語言的語用原則。Step 4: Section A3cGame: Find the differences9a. T: Now it s time for

31、a game. Let s play the game in pairs. Student A looks at the pictureon this page. Student B looks at the picture on page 19. What do you find?b. T: Yes, the two pictures are similar. But there are still some differences between them.Try to find out the differences by asking and answering questions.T

32、hingsPict Pict _sc undon _pe_bo_ke_coure ure hooerthe nciloksysmp1 2 lbathe tabl boxutergtablegaeme_c. T: I would like to give you an example.Example: T: Where s the pencil box? Is it on the table?A: No, it isn t. It is in the schoolbag.d. T: I am sure you are clear about what to do. Let s see who c

33、an find all the differences first.Let s start!【教學(xué)設(shè)計說明】設(shè)置任務(wù),通過對比的方式讓學(xué)生理解方位介詞。利用表格直觀體現(xiàn)出兩幅圖的不同點,再將它的不同點復(fù)述出來,其目的在于培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的語言組織能力。Step 5: SummarizeT: Let s summarize what we learned in this period.Step 6: HomeworkTry to memorize the conversations in 3a.The Third Period (Section B, 1a 1e)Teaching aims (教學(xué)目標(biāo))

34、1熟練運用Where is/are問?句和一般疑問句及其回答;2熟練運用in, on, under, behind, in front of, near等介詞。Language points (語言點)1. Where s ? It s in/on/under2. Where are ? They re in/on/underDifficulties (難點):10方位介詞的正確使用。Teaching steps (教學(xué)步驟)Lead in:T: Good morning, boys and girls. Shall we continue our lessons? Could you ple

35、ase tell me what we learned in Section A? Yes. We learned to ask where things are.Step 1: Revision1 Review some prepositionsa. T: I will show you some pictures. Please answer my questions by looking at them.Questions: (1)Where is the baseball?(2)Where are the books?(3)Where is the schoolbag?(4)Is th

36、e pen on the table?(5)Are the keys under the sofa?b. T: I would like some of you to ask the questions and others answer according to thepictures.2翻譯練習(xí):T: Let s do some translation exercises. Please translate my sentences into English. a. 那個棒球在哪里?它在書包里。b. 鑰匙在書架上嗎?不,不在。c. 你的書在哪里?它們在床頭柜上。d. 我的游戲機(jī)在沙發(fā)上。3

37、DictationT: Let s have a dictation.Step 2: Section B 1a1 Look and look upa. T: Open your books to page 22. Would you please look at activity 1a?b. There are some words in the box. Do you know what they mean? Please look them up inthe word list on page 90 and then write down the Chinese meanings unde

38、r each word.11c. T: Now, I am sure you know what they mean.2 MatchT: Please match the words with the things in the picture. 3 Check the answersT: Finished, everyone? Let s check the answers now.Answers: 1 a2f3 d4 e5 b6c4 Reada. T: Read the words after me. Radio, clock .b. T: Would you please read th

39、e words one by one?Step 3: Section B 1b1 Look and rememberT: Look at the picture in 1a for three minutes and try to remember the things in it as much as possible.2 WriteT: Write down the things you remember and where they are in your notebooks. 3 ReadT: Look at your notebooks and read what you wrote

40、 down.【教學(xué)設(shè)計說明】可以轉(zhuǎn)化成running dictation 活動。Task Who has a better memory?T: Let s perform a task now. Let s find who has a better memory. Just now, you write downthe things you remember. Would you please check the things and where they are with yourpartners by asking questions like: A: Where is the alar

41、m clock? B: It ons the table. If youranswers are the same, just go on. If your answers are different, please check the book and findout whose answer is correct. Finally, please check how many things you remembered correctly,and how many things your partner remembered correctly.Step 4: Section B 1c1

42、Listen and circle12a. Let s move to activity 1c now. It is a listening exercise. For the first time, I would likeyou to listen only.b. Now, for the second time, please listen again and circle the words you hear.2 Check the answersT: I think most of you have finished. Let s check the answers together

43、.Answers: circled items:English books,ruler,notebook,tape,【教學(xué)設(shè)計說明】通過小組對話、討論、調(diào)查和設(shè)計等一系列的課堂活動,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的合作精神。Step 5: Section B 1d1 ListenT: Listen to the conversation again. Just listen. 2 Listen and writea. T: Listen to the conversation and write where the things are.b. T: Listen to the conversation and ch

44、eck the answers by yourselves.3 Check the answersT: Let s check the answers together. Who would like to tell us what you wrote? Answers: The English books are under the radio.The ruler is on the bed.The notebook is under the model plane. The model plane is in the bookcase. The tape is in the tape pl

45、ayer.4 Read the tape scripta. T: Let s read the tape script together.b. T: Would you please read the tape script in pairs?c. T: Who would like to read it for the class?【教學(xué)設(shè)計說明】延續(xù)自我評價活動,把個人的生活經(jīng)驗與實際結(jié)合起來,完成自我觀點的sharing ,同時為最后的Project打基礎(chǔ)。13Step 7: Ask and answerT: Ask and answer questions about the thin

46、gs in Tom根據(jù)湯s姆room房間.里的物品位置進(jìn)行問答。Step 8: SummarizeT: Let s summarize what we learned insthiperiod.Step 9: HomeworkCopy the words in Section B, 1a and 1c.The Fourth Period (Section B, 2a 2c)Teaching aims (教學(xué)目標(biāo))1 Enable the Ss to talk about where things are.2掌握名詞單復(fù)數(shù)及人稱代詞they 的用法。Language points (語言點)1.

47、 掌握句型Where s the notebook? It ns theo bed.2. 生詞和短語English, clock, tape, tape player, hat, TomDifficulties (難點):正確寫便條。Teaching steps (教學(xué)步驟)Lead in:T: We have finished most of Unit 4 And in this period, we will continue to finish Section B. But before that, I would like you to review what we learned b

48、efore.Step 1: Revision1 Make a speechT: Can you make a speech to tell us where the things are in the picture in the PPT? 2DictationT: Let s have a dictation.Step 2: Section B 2a141 Write the words you know for the things in the picture.a. T: Let s go to activity 2a on page23Look at the picture and w

49、rite down all the wordsyou know for the things in the room.b. T: Share your list with your partners.c. T: Who would like to read out some of the things to the class?【教學(xué)設(shè)計說明】利用圖片和已學(xué)過的句型導(dǎo)入新課;利用直觀形體語言、動作、語境教等單詞,激發(fā)學(xué)生思維,幫助學(xué)生理解和記憶生詞。Step 3: Section B 2b1 Read the passage and answer the questions: Is Kate

50、tidy? Is Gina tidy?a. T: Let s move to the activity 2b.b. T: Would you please look read the passage and answer the two questions?2 Check the answersT: I think most of you have finished. Please read the passage with your partners and check your answers together.3 Reada. T: Would you please read the passage together?b. Who would like to read it for the class?【教學(xué)設(shè)計說明】感官材料與閱讀材料中內(nèi)容的差異對學(xué)生的記憶力無疑是一個巨大的挑戰(zhàn)。任務(wù)具有挑戰(zhàn)性和趣味性。Step 4: Section B 2c1 Complete the chart about the things Kate and Gina have and


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  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護(hù)處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負(fù)責(zé)。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
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