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1、高考詞匯手冊詞組匯編61 exchange ideas 交流想法 exchange A for B 用A換B in exchange for 用以交換62 be excited by/ about/ at 對于sth興奮63 exclude sth from sth 把sth從sth排除 exclude sb from (doing) sth 排除sb做sth64 excuse doing 原諒做sth excuse sb for doing 原諒sb做sth an excuse for sth的借口65 do/ take exercise 做鍛煉66 on exhibition 在展出中67

2、 come into existence 產(chǎn)生,形成68 emergency/ fire exit 緊急出口69 expand the company/ business 擴(kuò)大公司70 expect ( sb) to do 期待sb去做sth expect a lot/ too much of sb 對sb期望高71 living expenses 生活費(fèi)用 spare no expense to do 不遺余力去做sth at the expense of 以sth的代價72 personal experience 個人經(jīng)驗(yàn) unforgettable experiences 難忘的經(jīng)歷73

3、 carry out/ perform/ do/ conduct an experiment 做實(shí)驗(yàn)74 be expert on/ in/ at 對sth精通75 explain sth to sb 向sb解釋sth76 expose sb to sth 使sb暴露在sth下77 express your views/ opinions 表達(dá)觀點(diǎn)78 to some/ an extent 在某種程度上79 become extinct 滅絕 in danger of extinction 處于滅絕的危險中80 go to extremes 走極端81 eye contact 眼神交流 cat

4、ch sbs eye 吸引sb的目光 eye exercises 眼保健操F 1 face to face 面對面 face sb/ sth 面對sb/sth be faced with 面對 face up to 勇敢地面對2 in fact= as a matter of fact 事實(shí)上3 fail (in) sth sth失敗 fail to do 未能做sth4 heart failure 心臟衰竭5 a faint hope 渺茫的希望6 lose/ have faith in 對sth失去/有信念7 fall apart 瓦解/崩潰 fall off the bicycle 從自

5、行車上掉下來 fall behind 落后 fall down 跌倒1 / 9 fall over oneself to do 爭先恐后去做sth fall on/ upon 由sb承擔(dān)或負(fù)責(zé)8 fame and fortune 名利9 be familiar with sth 熟悉sth be familiar to sb 對于sb來說是熟悉的10 be famous for/ as 因?yàn)閟th而出名/作為sth而出名11 as far as 就而言 far from +adj/n 遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)不是12 further information 進(jìn)一步的消息13 fancy doing 想象做sth1

6、4 farewell party 告別派對15 on the farm 在農(nóng)場上16 be fascinated by sth 被sth所吸引17 the latest fashion 最新的潮流 in/ out of fashion 流行/落伍18 fast asleep 熟睡19 fatal blow 致命的打擊20 be sbs fault 是sb的錯21 do sb a favor 幫助sb ask sb a favor= ask a favor of sb 請求sb幫助 in sbs favor 對sb有利 in favor of 贊同 owe sbs a favor 欠sb的人情2

7、2 fax machine 傳真機(jī) by fax 用傳真23 fear to do 害怕去做sth24 feed sth to sb 把sth喂給sb feed (sb) on sth 以sth為食25 feel like doing 想要做sth26 by ferry 用渡船27 fertile imagination 豐富的想象力28 fetch a doctor 叫醫(yī)生 fetch sb sth = fetch sth for sb 為sb去取sth29 have/ run a fever 發(fā)燒30 (quite) a few 好幾個 in the past few years 在過去的

8、幾年中31 figure out 計(jì)算出,想出32 fill A with B 用b來裝滿a be filled with 裝滿33 make a film 拍電影 watch/ see a film 看電影 develop a film 沖洗膠卷34 financial success/ crisis 經(jīng)濟(jì)成功/危機(jī)35 find out 找出36 finish off 吃完/完成 from start to finish 從頭至尾 finishing/ finish line 終點(diǎn)線37 catch fire 著火 make/ start a fire 生火 be on fire 著火了

9、set fire to sth= set sth on fire 放火38 be fit for 對sth適合39 in flames 在火焰中40 in a flash 瞬間 a flash in the pan 曇花一現(xiàn)41 a flight of stairs 一段樓梯42 focus on 集中于 come into focus 聚焦 bring sth into focus 使sth成為焦點(diǎn)43 heavy/ thick fog 大霧44 follow sbs advice 聽從sb的建議 as follows 如下 follow sb into/ to 跟從sb去45 the fo

10、llowing example 以下的例子46 be fond of 喜歡47 junk food 垃圾食品 the food chain 食物鏈48 make a fool of sb 取笑/作弄sb fool sb into doing 騙sb去做sth49 on foot 步行 set foot on 踏入50 forbid sb to do 禁止sb去做 forbid doing 禁止做sth forbid sb from doing 禁止sb去做sth God forbid. 天理不容51 force sb to do 強(qiáng)迫sb去做sth by force 用武力52 be fore

11、ign to sb 對sb來說陌生53 foresee the consequences 遇見結(jié)果54 forget to do 忘記去做sth forget doing 忘記做過sth forget about 忘記55 forgive sb for doing 原諒sb做sth56 in the form of 以的形式57 tell sbs fortune 給sb算命 make a fortune 賺大錢58 be frank about sth 對sth坦白 be frank with sb 對sb坦白 to be frank 坦白地說59 free from 免受的束縛 set sb

12、 free 釋放sb60 freedom of speech 言論自由61 freezing point 冰點(diǎn) freezing cold 冰凍 frozen food 冷凍食品62 make friends with 和sb交朋友63 frighten sb to death 嚇?biāo)纒b frighten sb into doing 恐嚇sb去做sth64 from then on 從那時起65 in front of 在的前面 in the front of 在的前面(內(nèi)部)66 be full of 充滿了67 have fun 玩地開心 for fun 為了娛樂 make fun of

13、sb 取笑sb68 much furniture 許多家具 a piece of furniture 一件家具69 in future 從現(xiàn)在開始的將來 in the (near) future 在不久的將來 a bright future 美好的將來G1 No pains, no gains. 沒有付出就沒有收獲。 gain experience 獲得經(jīng)驗(yàn) The watch gains 5 minutes. 這手表快了5分鐘2 an art gallery 藝術(shù)畫廊3 gamble (sth) on sth (horses) 在sth上賭sth4 video/ computer games

14、 電子游戲5 generation gap 代溝 close/ narrow the gap 縮小代溝6 gaze at 注視7 have a general idea of 大致了解 in general 一般而言 general public 大眾 generally speaking 一般而言8 be generous to sb 對sb慷慨 be generous with sth (time) 對sth大方 generous support/ donation 慷慨的支持/捐贈9 have a genius for sth 對于sth有天分10 in a gentle voice 用

15、溫柔的聲音11 get along with sb 和sb相處 get across 穿越 get on/ off 下車 get to 到達(dá) get up 起床 get away from 逃離,擺脫 get down to business 言歸正轉(zhuǎn) get down to doing sth 開始做sth12 have a gift for sth 對sth有天分13 give sb sth = give sth to sb 給sb sth give up doing 放棄做sth give in 妥協(xié) give out 分發(fā)14 be glad to do sth 高興去做sth15 g

16、lance at 瞥了一眼16 a pair of gloves一雙手套17 go on with sth 繼續(xù)做sth(同一件事情) go on doing sth 繼續(xù)做sth(同一件事情) go on to do sth繼續(xù)做不同事情 go over 復(fù)習(xí) go wrong/ bad 出錯/變壞 go back to (doing) 重新做sth go in for 喜歡,參加18 achieve/ reach a goal 實(shí)現(xiàn)目標(biāo) long-term/ short-term goal 長期/短期目標(biāo)19 pure gold 純金20 golden rule 金科玉律21 play g

17、olf 打高爾夫球22 gossip about sth 閑談sth23 graduate from 從畢業(yè)24 graduation ceremony/ certificate 畢業(yè)典禮25 take sth for granted 認(rèn)為sth是理所當(dāng)然的 take it for granted that26 grasp an opportunity 抓住機(jī)會27 be grateful to sb for sth 因?yàn)閟th而感謝sb28 be green with envy 非常妒忌 have green fingers 手巧,擅長于園丁工作29 greet sb 和sb打招呼30 bi

18、rthday greetings 生日問候31 grief over/ at 為sth而悲傷32 grow up 成長33 guarantee to do/ that 保證去做 guarantee sb sth 向sb保證sth a two-year guarantee 2年的保質(zhì)期34 be on guard 站崗35 make/ have a guess at sth 猜測sth wild guess 胡亂猜測36 be my guest 請隨便37 be guilty of doing sth 做sth而內(nèi)疚 have a guilty conscience 問心有愧38 play th

19、e guitar 彈吉他H1 be in the habit of doing 有做sth的習(xí)慣 have/ develop/ form the habit of 養(yǎng)成做sth的習(xí)慣 break the habit 打破/改掉習(xí)慣2 have black hair 有黑頭發(fā) a few white hairs 幾根白發(fā) not turn a hair 非常鎮(zhèn)靜3 half an hour 半個小時 one and a half (days) 一天半 two and a half 2個半4 give up halfway 半途而廢 be/ come/ go halfway to doing st

20、h 在做sth的中途5 shake hands with sb 和sb握手 take sb by the hand 抓住sb的手臂 raise your hands 舉手 on the one hand on the other hand 在一方面,在另一方面 give/ lend sb a hand 幫助sth give sb a helping hand hand in hand 手牽手 hand down to 世代相傳 hand in 上交 hand over 移交6 get a handle on sth 掌握sth,對sth了解7 hang-hanged-hanged 上吊,絞死

21、hang-hung-hung 懸掛 hang on 堅(jiān)持/別掛斷 hang out 出去玩 get the hang of sth 掌握sth,了解sth8 sth happen to sb sb發(fā)生了sth It happens that 碰巧 sb happens to do sb碰巧去做sth9 have a hard time doing sth 做sth很不愉快 10 hardly/scarcelywhen/ before 一就11 do sb harm = do harm to sb 給sb造成傷害 do more harm than good 壞處比好處多 There is no

22、 harm in doing sth 做sth沒有壞處 It does no harm to do 做sth沒有壞處12 be harmful to 對sth有害13 in harmony 和諧地 14 hate doing/ to do 討厭做sth I hate it when you cry. 我討厭你哭。 hate sb doing 討厭sb做sth I hate to ask 我不想問15 have a look/ walk/ sleep/ talk/ think 看一下/散步 have lunch 吃飯 have sb do/ doing sth 使sb做sth/使sb持續(xù)做sth

23、 have sth done 使sth被做16 use your head 動動腦子 come into/ pop into your head 突然想到17 have a headache 頭痛18 damage your health 破壞健康 poor/ ill health 身體差 in good/ poor health 身體好19 hear sb do/ doing sth聽到sb做sth/正在做sth hear sth done 聽到sth被做 hear from 收到sb來信 hear of/ about 聽說20 know/ learn sth by heart 熟記sth

24、do sth to your hearts content 做sth直到你心滿意足 not have the heart to do sth 不忍心去做sth give/ lose your heart (to sb) 愛上sb lose heart 灰心21 10 meters in height 高十米22 help sb (to) do sth 幫助sb做sth help sb with sth cant help doing sth 情不自禁做sth cant help but do sth 不得不做sth help sb out 幫助sb擺脫困境 with the help of 在

25、的幫助下23 Here you are. 給你 Here comes the bus. 汽車來了24 hesitate over/ about 對sth遲疑 hesitate to do 猶豫不決去做25 without hesitation 毫不猶豫 have no hesitation in doing sth 做sth毫不猶豫26 hide sth from sb 向sb隱藏sth27 100 feet high 高100米 It is high time sb did sth sb做sth的時間到了28 speak highly of sb 高度贊揚(yáng)sb29 give sb a hin

26、t 提示sb30 hire sb to do 雇傭sb去做sth31 in history 在歷史上 in the history of mankind 在人類的歷史上32 hold on 堅(jiān)持/別掛斷 hold your breath 屏息 hold out 伸出 hold up 堵塞/耽擱33 on holiday 在度假 have/ take a holiday 34 feel at home 自在 make sb feel at home 使sb感到自在35 do ones homework 做家作36 to be honest 老實(shí)說37 Honesty is the best po

27、licy. 誠實(shí)是最好的政策。38 have the honor of doing 榮幸做sth in honor of 為了向sb表示敬意 a sense of honor 榮譽(yù)感39 by hook or by crook 不擇手段40 hope that/ to do 希望去做 hope for 希望得到 I hope not. 我希望沒有。41 on the horizon 在地平線上 broaden/ expand ones horizons開闊視野42 in horror 恐懼地 to sbs horror 使sb恐懼的是 horror film 恐怖片43 in hospital

28、 生病住院 in the hospital 在醫(yī)院里44 host country / nation 主辦國45 a hot topic 流行的話題 in hot water 在水深火熱之中 have a hot temper 脾氣壞46 stay at a hotel 住在賓館 check into a hotel 入住賓館 check out of a hotel 退房 check in at the hotel 入住賓館47 pay sb by the hour 按小時付給sb酬勞 office/ opening hours 營業(yè)時間 working hours 48 bring the

29、 house down 獲得滿堂彩49 a sense of humor 幽默感 black humor 黑色幽默50 hunger for sth 急需sth51 hunt for 尋找52 in a hurry 匆匆忙忙地 in ones hurry to do sb匆忙去做sthI1 have an idea 有一個主意 have no idea 不知道 It is a good/ bad idea to do 做sth是個好主意/壞主意 the idea of doing 做sth的想法2 an ideal place 一個理想的地方 an ideal world 一個理想的世界3 i

30、dentify sb as 把sb確認(rèn)為 identify with sb 和sb產(chǎn)生共鳴 identify sb/sth with sb/ sth 認(rèn)為a和b相同4 if necessary 如果有必要的話 if not 如果不是 if only 要是就好了 as if 似乎,好象 even if 即使 5 be ignorant of/ about 不知道,對sth無知6 think/ speak ill of sb 對sb評價差7 improve sbs image 改進(jìn)sb的形象8 an imaginary story 虛構(gòu)的故事 an imaginative child 一個富有想象

31、力的孩子9 beyond sbs imagination 難以想象10 imagine doing 想象做sth imagine sb as 把sb想象為11 have an impact on 對sth有影響12 be impatient with sb 對sb有耐心 be impatient to do 耐心去做sth13 import sth from 從sp進(jìn)口sth import sth to 把sth進(jìn)口到14 of importance 重要的15 impose sth on sb/ sth 把sth強(qiáng)加在sb身上16 impress sb with/ by sth 用sth來使sb有印象 impress sth on sb sth對sb有印象17 give sb a (good) impression 給sb一個好印象 leave/ make a (good) impression on sb18 low/ high income 收入高/低 source of income 收入來源19 be independent of 獨(dú)立于,不依賴于 independent learning/ study 獨(dú)立學(xué)習(xí)20 individual needs 個人需要21 heavy/ light industry 重/輕工業(yè) tourist/


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