1、2.Work in pairs and complete the chart by filling with information from the passage.1. The first day at Harvard is (gorgeous) for a freshman. 2. The author lived (adjustment ) four girls, who helped her through the difficult(process) . 3. Freshmen at Harvard can
2、60;(sample) (classes) during “Shopping Week”. 4. (Eating) is one of the most important and enjoyable (highlights) for new students at Harvard. 5.The best assets for Harvard students is to have met so many (gifted) people.3.Fill the blanks with the wo
3、rds given below. Change the form where necessary.stainresponsiblesparkleinvolvehighlightsampleremarkablehistoricultimatesurround窗體頂端1. They should be for planning and carrying out the financial policies of the company.(responsible)2. No final decision has been taken, but it see
4、ms likely that the two companies could merge in the near future.(ultimate)3. The girl was very upset because she could not get these coffee out of the new carpet.(stains)4. They said that they would innovate with persistence to the product in the coming year.(highlight)5. April
5、 sunlight over the water, dancing across snow-covered fields.(sparkled)6. I got a free of eye shadow. Could you show me how to use it?(sample)7. It is generally accepted that giving advice at the right time has to a great deal of intelligence.(involve)8. Have you fou
6、nd the small symbols on this map which denote places and museums?(historic)9. The freshmen were recommended to read the book which was filled with insights. (remarkable)10. It was the old ladys eightieth birthday, and she was sitting in a chair by her children a
7、nd grandchildren.(surrounded)4.Complete the following sentences with words or expressions from the passage. Change the form where necessary.窗體頂端1. Under the influence of the drug his mind (was filled with) various strange images. 2. Some freshmen said that they (were blown a
8、way) by that concert. 3. (In terms of) finance, the old company has a great advantage. 4.He (thought to himself) that he would never talk with that guy any more.5.If you (get involved in) the controversy (爭論), you may burn your fingers.5.Choos
9、e the right word from the brackets to fill the blanks. 窗體頂端1. There are some (historic) places in this area, which attract tourists every day. (historic / history / historian) 2. They trusted Stephen to behave (responsibly) while they were abroad.(responsible / responsibly /
10、 responsibility) 3. Thats the most (incredible) coincidence (巧合) Ive ever heard of! (incredible / credible / credit )4.We should get a thorough understanding of the cultural (diversity) of the United States.(diversity / diverse / diversify)5.To give a (definition)
11、 of a word is more difficult than to give an illustration (例證) of its use.(definite / definitely / definition)6.Translate the following sentences into English.窗體頂端1. 你愿意把你的經(jīng)驗和組里的其他人分享嗎?(share sth with sb) Answer:Would you like to share your experience with the rest of the group?2. 你父親如果還健在
12、的話,他會為你驕傲的。(be proud of) Answer:If your father were still alive, he would be very proud of you.3. 她開車轉彎上了自家的車道 (driveway),不料發(fā)現(xiàn)路已被堵塞 (block)。(only to) Answer:She turned up the driveway, only to fi nd her way blocked. 4. 他沒有告訴任何人就走了,因為他不想卷入那件事。(get involved in) Answer:He went away
13、without telling anyone, because he didnt want to get involved in that matter.5. 最終,產品的成功還是取決于高明的銷售手段 (marketing)。(ultimately) Answer:Ultimately, the success of the product depends on good marketing.窗體底端7.Read and compare the English sentences, paying attention to the italicized parts and transl
14、ate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.窗體頂端1.他凝視著窗外無邊無際的大海,自忖“這里景色真美?。 ?#160;Answer:He gazed out the window at this boundless sea and thought to himself “What a beautiful scenery it is!”2. 第一年到工廠,幸虧有這些可稱為朋友的同事相伴,幫助我順利度過了最初艱難的適應期。 Answer:During this f
15、irst year in the factory, its a relief to have these colleagues I could call friends and that could help me through this adjustment process which was quite difficult at times.3. 會議在通常固定的時間召開,教師們可以出席他們想?yún)⒓拥乃袝h。 Answer:Meetings met at their regular times, teachers were allowed to attend as m
16、any as they were willing to.4. 與其說這棟高層建筑是一 個劇院,不如說它更像一 個購物中心。 Answer:The tall building is more like a shopping mall than a theater.5. 大學四年將成為我畢生的珍貴記憶。然而,到目前為止學校給予我的最寶貴資源是在大學遇到的那些杰出的教授。 Answer:The four-year college experiences will make great life-time memories but the best assets
17、 the college has offered me thus far have been the outstanding professors Ive met.窗體底端2. Fill the blanks with words or phrases from the passage. Dont refer back to it until you have finished.窗體頂端1. In less than two weeks, I will 1) (have graduated) from the university. As a senior, I have
18、been 2)(panicking) at the idea of graduating. Looking back, I cant believe how fast time went. For me, college has been a great 3) (learning) experience, especially my 4) (sophomore)year, which was perhaps the most remarkable year of my college life. I 5) (feel like) th
19、ere is so much more that I want to learn, but instead I have to graduate. 6) (Walking) down the familiar routes on campus, I find myself wanting to start all over again and recapture the fun and excitement of my college days. I dont know what I want to do in the future, and the idea
20、of a lifetime 7) (commitment) to a certain job seems like 8) (torture) . Now that graduation seems inevitable (不可避免的), Im forced to make a decision. Anyway I will 9) (cherish) my college days forever as I 10)(reluctantly) close the doors on my college life.3. Fill
21、the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.convinceenvyamuseenormousfailurepanicpermanentrecaptureschedulereality窗體頂端1. It me to think back to my life while studying in London.(amused)2. His father was quite stubborn and it was almost impossible to him of
22、his mistakes.(convince)3. When she asked him for his address, he said that he moved from job to job these years, so he never had a address.(permanent)4. The little girl can not help crying, for she is always at the sound of fire alarms.(panicking)5. Benjamin said that he did really
23、160; you for your ability to cope with the situation.(envy)6. She admitted that she had many , but they only strengthened her determination.(failures)7. He gives the impression of being generous, but in he is a very selfish man.(reality)8. She told me that she returned to
24、her native town to the happiness of her youth.(recapture)9. Long ago a variety of animals lived on the earth, but many of them have become distinguished species.(enormous)10. At first he thought he could have finished it on but later he found that he fell behind.(sch
25、edule)4. Complete the following sentences with words or expressions from the passage. Change the form where necessary.窗體頂端1. At the commencement ceremony, he was awarded (授予) a Bachelor's Degree (學士學位). On his way back to the dormitory, he on his college days with mixed feelings.(look
26、ed back)2. the coming National Holiday, I can't concentrate on (集中注意力) my study. (At the idea of)3. It is such a fine day that I going swimming in the river.(feel like)4. He didn't know anything about the Internet a month ago, but today, he has realize what a
27、n important role the Internet is playing.(come to)5. At college, students can and declare another major if they find out they don't like the one they have declared before.(change their minds)5.Translate the following sentences into English.窗體頂端1. 我發(fā)覺自己對英語口語有著濃厚的興趣。(find. doing) &
28、#160;Answer:I found myself having great interest in spoken English.2. 驅車行駛在高速公路上,我意識到近幾年來,中國的公路系統(tǒng)發(fā)生了巨大的變化。(realize; enormous) Answer:Driving on the expressway, I realized that enormous changes had taken place in China's highway system in recent years.3. 我簡直不敢相信他這么快就學會了操作計算機。(can hardl
29、y believe; work) Answer:I can hardly believe that he has learned how to work a computer so quickly / in such a short time.4. 三年的時光已經(jīng)過去,這一刻終于來臨了:不到兩周我就要回國了。 (in less than) Answer:Three years have passed by and the fi nal moment has come. / After three years, the time has come. I
30、n less than two weeks, I will return home / go back to my country. 5. 許多我認識的人都迫不及待地想要出國,而我卻寧愿和家人一起呆在國內。(can't wait) Answer:I know a lot of people who can't wait to go abroad, but I prefer to stay with my family in my own country. 窗體底端2. Work in pairs and complete th
31、e summary with information from the passage.窗體頂端We all have dreams. Our dream, or aspiration, or vision, is the song of our soul. It is our dream that 1) (fills) our life with meaning and purpose. Many a successful person 2) (compared) a dream to the flame of hope toward victory.
32、 We all have 3) (problems) in realizing our dreams. But once we believe we can do it, we will find solutions to the problems we 4) (stumble on) . If you believe in your dream, the next step is to make a 5) (register) . With your commitment, great power will be 6)(releas
33、ed) and seemingly insurmountable hurdles will be 7) (reduced) to insignificant obstacles. Our dreams dont have to be grand to be great. We all have the power to follow a dream that will make a 8)(difference) to us and those we meet. As we dream, 9)(so) shall we become. Our v
34、ision is the 10) (promise) of what we shall be in the future.3. Fill the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.accomplishambitionidealindividualobstacledominatereleaseseeminglysolutionvision窗體頂端1.The best way to (accomplish) whats on the list is to gi
35、ve each task a specific time slot.2. (Ambition) is the desire for personal achievement. It provides the motivation and determination necessary to achieve a particular end or condition.3. Women today have the chance to pursue their own careers, but still have to overcome many (obstacle
36、s) to gain real equality.4. That school (dominates) in baseball. This has been the third time they have won the National Youth Championship in the 21st century.5. There is (seemingly) nothing we can do to stop the plans from going ahead. But we can at least prevent the situa
37、tion from getting worse. 6. (vision) is the desire for personal achievement. It provides the motivation and determination necessary to achieve a particular end or condition.7. Women today have the chance to pursue their own careers, but still have to overcome many (solutions)
38、0;to gain real equality.8. That school (releasing) in baseball. This has been the third time they have won the National Youth Championship in the 21st century.9. There is (individuals) nothing we can do to stop the plans from going ahead. But we can at least prevent the situation
39、 from getting worse. 10. There is (ideal) nothing we can do to stop the plans from going ahead. But we can at least prevent the situation from getting worse.4. Complete the following sentences with words or expressions from the passage.Change the form where necessary.窗體頂端1. Researcher
40、s have (stumbled on) a drug that may help patients with Parkinsons disease. This may be one of the great discoveries of the century in medicine.2. There are so many applicants. How can we (seek out) a really good person for the job?3. Does everyone know what to do if a fire
41、(breaks out) ? This question should be asked often.4. It was my daughters birthday and she invited several of her good friends to the party. The air was(filled with) the sound of childrens laughter. 5. The festivities (started with) a huge fireworks display. Following that,
42、there would usually be dance parties or other activities.6.Translate the following sentences into English.窗體頂端1. 我們急匆匆地趕到火車站,結果發(fā)現(xiàn)火車剛剛開走。(only to) Answer:We hurried to the railway station, only to find the train had just left.2. 你和你哥哥都不是細心的人,你們兩個都不能做這件需要細心和技巧的工作。(no more than) Answer:You ar
43、e no more careful than your brother. You two cant do the work that needs care and skill.3. 多一個人參會對會議安排不會有什么影響。(make a difference) Answer:One more person wouldnt make any difference to the meeting arrangements.4. 他一直工作到昨天深夜,或者更確切地說,是到今天凌晨。(rather) Answer:He worked till late last night, or r
44、ather, early in the morning.5. “還有其他一兩本書也值得一提,”教授給我們列了一個長長的參考書目后補充說。(worthy of) Answer:“A couple of other books are also worthy of mention,” added the professor after giving us a long list of reference books.窗體底端7.Read and compare the English sentences, paying attention to the italicized parts
45、and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.窗體頂端1.夢想只是一個風箏,用你的努力讓它高飛。 Answer:Dream is just a kite and your efforts must send it high.2. 任何當你意識到自己不夠努力的時候,你實際上已在努力工作了。 Answer:Whenever you realize you are not hard-working enough, you act
46、ually are working hard.3. 僅因為我知道我想干這件事,這并不說明我真的能夠做好。 Answer:Just because I know I want to do it doesnt mean I can really make it.4. 他的事業(yè)不如一個億萬富翁成功嗎? Answer:Is his career any less successful than that of a billionaire?5. 你的志向是你未來某一天將要擁有的現(xiàn)實。 Answer:Your aspiration is the
47、reality of what you shall possess some day in future.窗體底端2. Fill the blanks with words or phrases from the passage. Dont refer back to it until you have finished.窗體頂端Many people have no goals or aspirations. We dare to dream as children, but many of us 1) (relinquish) our visions as unreal
48、 possibilities in the difficulties of real life. We choose, due to fear and lack of ambition, to 2)(settle) less than we are capable of. Perhaps people lack 3) (faith) in us and doubt our dreams. However, we ourselves not others are in 4) (charge) of what we do with our life
49、. We should choose our aspirations carefully to determine their 5) (merits) before we bring them into 6) (fruition) . Only lofty dreams benefit others and are thus admired by them. Many of ourachievements are the 7) (legacy) we leave behind when we depart this earth. We
50、 need to learn to live life to the 8) (fullest) until our last breath. We should always set our goals and 9) (pursue) our dreams no matter what our age. We should 10) (act on) our passions and visions, and make them a part of our life and future legacy that will live on
51、 forever.3. Fill the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.accumulateambitiousattainceasedemonstratedestinationingredientinstancepassionpursue窗體頂端1. If we work hard, we can whatever goal we set in our mind.(attain)2. Nobody witnessed when it occurred. Then how
52、 can you to us that your story is true?(demonstrate)3. Since he had reached the age of retirement, he to be a member of the association.(cease)4. Students should (pursue) their own interests, as well as do their school work.5. He spoke with considerable abo
53、ut the importance of art and literature(passion)6. According to the recipe, you should first mix all the in the bowl.(ingredients)7. After an hours train ride and half an hours walk, we eventually arrived at our (destination) 8. We need to rethink the way we consume energy. Take
54、, for (instance) , our approach to transport.9. Mr. Lin is a(n) (ambitious) businessman. He had dreamed of becoming a billionaire when he was still a little child.10. It is unjust that a privileged few should continue to wealth while the working class can only manage t
55、o make their ends meet.(accumulate)4. Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the passage. Change the form where necessary.窗體頂端1. This small company isnt handling an order that large.(capable of)2. In the race, Sarah, with her long legs, soon the
56、rest of us far(left ) ( behind) . 3. They wanted $2 500 for the TV and DVD, but they finally $2 000.(settled)4. She heard the ringing of the mobile phone and (reached for) it, but it slipped out of her hand and fell to the floor.5. Guess who I in town t
57、oday! Our English teacher at high school! I havent seen him for at least 10 years.(ran into)5. Translate the following sentences into English.窗體頂端1. 并不是我不喜歡那個工作,而是我沒有時間去做。(not that but that) Answer:Not that I dislike that job, but that I have no time to do it.2. 成功不是沒有懼怕,而逆境也不是沒有希望。(not .
58、without) Answer:Success is not without fear, and adversity is not without hope.3. 如果你就想要一份工作,我可以給你提供。(if . what) Answer:I could get you a job here if thats what you want.4. 他們的錢花完了,不得不放棄這個項目。(run out) Answer:They ran out of money and had to abandon the project.5. 直到1972年這個建設項目才最終結束。(I
59、t is not until . that) Answer:It was not until 1972 that the construction project finally came to an end.窗體底端2. Work in pairs and complete the summary with information from the passage.窗體頂端As a freshman, theres really something you might be eager to find on campus, i.e. the chance to throw your
60、self into the world of University Societies, and discover the huge range of activities at Oxford.Your first move should be to check out the large array of clubs at the OUSU 1) (Freshers Fair) , from which you will get a brand-new edition of the comprehensive 2) (guide) to all thi
61、ngs at Oxford. If you miss the fair, you can still see what societies are offered in The Oxford Directory, a 3) (handbook)issued to you in Freshers Week.The degree to which people get involved in societies 4) (varies) . Some totally 5) (immerse) themselves in a club, rising
62、to become a leader of the organization; others take a more 6) (eclectic) approach, being members of several societies and taking part in whichever interesting; while many people, perhaps foolishly, completely ignore university societies and just 7) (hang out) with mates in college.Societies offer a great chance to 8) (meet) people from outside college. If you have ambitions to 9) (open up) a new
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