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1、人教課標版人教課標版 高二高二 選修選修8Unit 1Extensive readingRevision Write an email or a postcard to a friend telling him about the place where you are on holiday. The place I would like to visit would beMars. I only know that it is the closest planet to the Earth, and it is the most similar to the Earth. Although

2、Mars isthe fourth closest planet to the sun, it is still much colder than the Earth. Like the satellites pictures showed that Mars has lots of craters, and scientists speculate that perhaps Mars used to be like the Earth billions of years ago. I think there is more to Mars than what the scientists b

3、elieve. I believe there is life on Mars. Perhaps the definition of life on Mars is different from the Earth. It could be that the life there does not need oxygen, but other kinds of gases. I would imagine that life may not be active, because Mars has been hit by meteorites andthe surface has been ve

4、ry much bombarded. So I presume the life that still exist would not be like life on Earth. I have no idea what the weather would be like, but I can presume it would be very cold, since Mars is much further from the sunthan the Earth. As for its special features, I think if one stands on the surface

5、of Mars, we can see the whole universe clearer than on the Earth. And perhaps its a million times more beautiful than the Earth. I hope one day we can have more exploration on Mars and solve the mystery. Listening on page 46Mardi Gras (狂歡節(jié)狂歡節(jié)) 的由來是在于天主教徒的由來是在于天主教徒在復活節(jié)之前會有齋戒的儀式在復活節(jié)之前會有齋戒的儀式, 通常在通常在Ma

6、rdi Gras Day 會有連續(xù)二星期的慶?;顒?。會有連續(xù)二星期的慶?;顒印?Mardi Gras is a traditional holiday celebrated in many of the southern states of the USA. It is the biggest carnival in America. The most famous celebration takes place in New Orleans, Louisiana. The people there enjoy this celebration by going to parades wher

7、e they catch “beads, cups, and trinkets” that are all thrown from floats. The official colors for Mardi Gras are purple, green, and gold. These colors where chosen in 1872 by the King of Carnival, Rex. He chose these colors to stand for the following: purple represents justice green stands for faith

8、 gold stands for powerparties We are going to listen to the introduction of a radio programme. Name of radio programme _Interviewers name _Travellers name _Place to be discussed_ Listen to the first speakers introduction and complete the notes.Travellers TalesTom PriceMandy LongNew Orleans1. Which p

9、art of the United States is it in? In the far south of the USA on the Mississippi River, not far from the Gulf of Mexico. Discuss the following questionswith your partner:2. Which kind of climate do you think it would have? Hot and humid, but warm and pleasant in the evening.3. What is this place fa

10、mous for? Mardi Gras and jazz.4. Where did the ancestors of the people living there come from? Africa, South and Central America, Europe.Answer key for Exercise 3:1. 2.3. 4.5. 6.7. 8.9. FTFTTFTTTListen to the tape again and tell whether the statements of exercise 3 are true or false.Listen to the ta

11、pe again and complete the activities.1. Put a cross on the map where New Orleans is located.Hot and humid2. What happened on these dates?1812 _1857 _ _Louisiana became a state of the USA.The first Mardi Gras celebration was held.3. Tick the graph below that best describes the population of New Orlea

12、ns.Listening Task on page 50 1. Have you heard this kind of music before? If so, where?2. What do you call this music?3. Where does it originally come from? When did it begin?Listen to the music and discuss:4. What race and nationality first developed this type of music?5. Do you like this music? Gi

13、ve reasons for liking or disliking it. Look at the pictures and discuss what you think is happening. A coffin is being carried by a horse-driven cart, and many people are marching behind it.Jazz funeral There is a brass band, with some people blowing trumpets.Many people are dancing in the street, a

14、nd some of them are holding umbrellas. brass musical instrument with a bright ringing tone; person who play the instrument consisting of a hollow round frame; ceremony of burying, burning dead people;trumpet:drummer:funeral: box holding a dead body; v. walk as soldiers do, with regular steps of equa

15、l length; n. piece of music written for marching to; rite; function; protocolcoffin:march:ceremony:Mandy is listening to a jazz CD she bought. She is talking to Phil about jazz funerals. Fill in the sentences.1. Phil thought the first music he heard was _.2. Mandy explained that they played this kin

16、d of music when _ _ _.sad the coffin was taken to the graveyard to be buried3. The second piece of music Mandy played for Phil was _.4. The third piece of music is an example of the kind of music that is played _ _.serious after the body has been buried and the people are leaving the graveyard5. Whi

17、le the third kind of music is playing, everyone _ _.6. They do this to _ _. begins singing and dancing celebrate the life of the person who has just diedReading task Louis Armstrong, was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, on August 4, 1901 (according to the most recent research), in the poorest section

18、 of town. He overcame poverty to become one of the most important people in the history of music, and his low rough singing voice is easy to recognize. He also appeared in many films. Louis Armstrong ParkSkimmingParagraphTopic123456Great jazz musicianChildhoodLearning to play musicPlaying & reco

19、rding Acting & writingDeathLouis ArmstrongTimeEvent1901Childhood12 years oldScanningbornsang to earn moneywas arrested and sent to schoolto learn how to play music14 years old1917Next few years1922worked in bands learned jazzworked in a best bandbecame a musician traveled in the USA introduced h

20、is jazz19241932By 1960s1971recorded his music popular as a jazz startraveled to EuropePlayed, recorded, acted, wroteDiedtraveled aboard as a ambassador, spoke publicly1. Some people are considered great, not just because of their achievements but also because of their personalities. 一些人被認為是偉大的一些人被認為

21、是偉大的, 不僅僅是因不僅僅是因為他們的成績?yōu)樗麄兊某煽? 而且是因為他們的品而且是因為他們的品質(zhì)。質(zhì)。第一第一, 作作“考慮、思考考慮、思考”時的搭配如下時的搭配如下:consider + n. / pron. Have you considered the suggestion?2) consider + v-ing, 但不能接不定式的但不能接不定式的一般式一般式 We considered going to see the doctor the next day.consider的用法的用法: You must consider to tell him something about i

22、t. (錯誤錯誤)3) consider + 疑問詞疑問詞 + 不定式不定式, 例如例如: He is considering how to improve his English.4) consider + 從句從句, 例如:例如: Have you considered when we should go there?第二第二, 作作“認為、把認為、把當作當作/看作看作”等等意思時的搭配如下:意思時的搭配如下:consider + sb./sth. + (to be/as) + n. / adj., 例如:例如: I consider him to (be/as) my best frie

23、nd.1) Everyone considers him (to be) clever.2) consider + sb. /sth. + 不定式短語不定式短語 (作作賓語補足語賓語補足語), 不能接不定式的一般式不能接不定式的一般式 We consider them to be working very hard. We consider them to have finished the work.We consider him to be the clever in our class. We must consider him to go there at once. (錯誤錯誤)3)

24、 consider + 賓語從句賓語從句 We considered that the film was worth seeing for another time. I dont consider that he has a final say in this matter.as well as 用來強調(diào)用來強調(diào)“前者前者”, 后者只后者只起陪襯作用。如果起陪襯作用。如果A as well as B短語短語用作主語的話用作主語的話, 則后面的謂語的單復則后面的謂語的單復數(shù)當與數(shù)當與A保持一致。而保持一致。而not only A but also B 是強調(diào)是強調(diào)B。as well as與與n

25、ot only.but also.Liu Fang as well as her parents was invited to the party. Not only he but also his father is coming to see you.2. Although some boys in his situation might have turned to crime to get money for food and clothing, Louis never did. 盡管處于他這種情況的一些孩子可盡管處于他這種情況的一些孩子可能轉(zhuǎn)向犯罪來獲取衣食的錢能轉(zhuǎn)向犯罪來獲取衣食的

26、錢, 但劉易但劉易斯從來也沒有這樣做。斯從來也沒有這樣做。may (might) have + done sth, can (could) have + done sth. 表示過去表示過去, 推推測過去時間里可能發(fā)生的事情。測過去時間里可能發(fā)生的事情。He may (might) have been hurt seriously in the car accident.情態(tài)動詞情態(tài)動詞+have done的其他用法:的其他用法:must have +done sth, 對過去時間對過去時間里可能發(fā)生的事情的推測里可能發(fā)生的事情的推測, 語氣較語氣較強強, 具有具有“肯定肯定”的意思。的意思。

27、 -Mary has gone to work, but her bicycle is still here. -She must have gone by bus.2) ought to have done sth, should have done sth. 本應該做某事本應該做某事, 而事實上并而事實上并沒有做。否定句表示沒有做。否定句表示“不該做某事而不該做某事而做了做了”。 You ought to (should) have been more careful in this experiment. He ought not to have thrown the old cloth

28、es away. (事實上已扔了。事實上已扔了。) ought to 在語氣上比在語氣上比should 要強。要強。3) neednt have done sth. 本沒必要做某事本沒必要做某事 I dressed very warmly for the trip, but I neednt have done so. The weather was hot.3. Instead he and several other boys sang on the streets of New Orleans to earn a few cents from passers-by. 相反他和其他幾個孩子

29、在新奧爾良相反他和其他幾個孩子在新奧爾良的大街上唱歌的大街上唱歌, 從過路人那里掙得幾從過路人那里掙得幾分錢。分錢。辨析辨析: instead與與instead of1) instead意為意為“代替代替”“”“替代替代”, 作副作副詞用詞用, 通常位于句尾。如位于句首時通常位于句尾。如位于句首時常用逗號與后面閣開。常用逗號與后面閣開。instead在順接在順接句子中作句子中作“代替代替”講講, 而在轉(zhuǎn)折而在轉(zhuǎn)折(或逆或逆轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn))句子中作句子中作“然而然而”講。講。 Lily isnt here. Ask Lucy instead. Lily不在這兒不在這兒, 去問去問Lucy吧吧. 注意注意:

30、 當當instead在祈使句中時在祈使句中時, 只能位于只能位于句末。句末。 She didnt answer me, instead, she asked me another question. 她沒有回答我她沒有回答我, 反而問了我另外一反而問了我另外一個問題。個問題。2) instead of是介詞短語是介詞短語, 意思是意思是“代代替替”、“而不而不”, 它后面常接賓語它后面常接賓語,賓語多由名詞、代詞、介詞、短語、賓語多由名詞、代詞、介詞、短語、動詞動詞+ ing 形式充當。形式充當。 Ill go instead of her.= She wont go. Ill go inst

31、ead. 我會替她去。我會替她去。 Instead of going to Qingdao, Im going to Dalian this year. 今年我將去大連今年我將去大連, 而不去青島。而不去青島。As Im busy, could you attend the meeting instead of me? 因為我很忙因為我很忙, 你能替我去參加會議嗎?你能替我去參加會議嗎?Yesterday I went to school on foot instead of by bus. 昨天我是步行而不是坐公共汽車去昨天我是步行而不是坐公共汽車去學校的。學校的。4. When Joe Oliver left New Orleans in 1917, Louis took over his job in one of the best bands in town. 當喬當喬奧利佛于奧利佛于1917年離開新奧爾良年離開新奧爾良時時, 劉易斯接管了他在這鎮(zhèn)上最好劉易斯接管了他在這鎮(zhèn)上最好的一個樂隊的工作。的一個樂隊的工作。take over 接任接任;接管接管The new department head took over yesterday. 新的部門


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