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1、外研版新標(biāo)準(zhǔn)英語九年級上冊module 10 fitnessunit 1 ive got a friend shoes brother is training for the olympics.南寧市第十八中學(xué) 葛茂京課 型listening and speaking教材分析本模塊以談?wù)摻】禐樵掝}。而第一單元則是以對話的形式談?wù)撊藗內(nèi)绾伪3纸】?,讓學(xué)生能聽會說有關(guān)運(yùn)動項(xiàng)目的名稱,并就如何保持健康為話題進(jìn)行簡單的問答。內(nèi)容既接近生活又能激發(fā)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)的興趣。語言知識目標(biāo)1 正確使用下列單詞和詞組: ache,fit,exercise , weight, interest, running,heal

2、thy.2掌握并運(yùn)用下列詞組: do exercise go running stay fit/healthy take exercise train for the olympic do weight training bump into語言技能目標(biāo)1. 能夠聽懂對話中運(yùn)動的名稱、人物的情感以及如何解決健康問題的建議。2. 能夠簡單的詢問有關(guān)健康的信息,表達(dá)態(tài)度,提供建議。情感態(tài)度目標(biāo)1. 喚起學(xué)生熱愛生活,積極鍛煉的熱情2. 引導(dǎo)學(xué)生以健康的方式生活教學(xué)重點(diǎn)能理解談?wù)摫3纸】档膶υ捊虒W(xué)難點(diǎn)能簡單談?wù)摫3纸】档慕ㄗh教學(xué)設(shè)備ppt, blackboard、learning guide(學(xué)案)教

3、學(xué)方法task-based approach學(xué)案導(dǎo)學(xué),在做中學(xué),在做中練,在做中鞏固往往有良好的效果step 1 warming up相互問候,拉近師生的情感距離并引出話題q1: what kind of sport do you like best? why?q2: do you have any advice on keeping fit? what is it? try to say out what they have known as much as possiblestep 2lead-in 通過觀看圖片,讓學(xué)生談?wù)摫3纸】档幕就緩絘sk the students to disc

4、uss: the ways to keep fit.try to say out the ways follow the pictures and the key sentences.step 3presentation(pre-listening)復(fù)習(xí)保持健康的集中運(yùn)動方式的英文表達(dá)show the the key phrases to make sure the students understand the meaning of them:keep fit / keep healthydo taijiquando weight traininggo runningachestrong1.

5、 say the phrases one by one and tell the chinese of them.2. look and read the phrases on the ppttogether.step 4 listen and tick1.通過聽較短的對話錄音,檢測學(xué)生是否能聽懂運(yùn)動項(xiàng)目名稱2. 再通過聽一段長對話,檢測學(xué)生是否能聽明白對話所談?wù)摰降娜撕褪?. ask the students to listen to the tape of the activity 1 and number the sport as they hear them, and then tic

6、k them.2.play the recording of the activity -3.1 listen and tickthe sport as they hear them.2. listen and choose the right answers of the questions.step 5post-listening 1. 通過頭腦風(fēng)暴的活動讓學(xué)生將所學(xué)習(xí)的信息進(jìn)行整合2. 通過范例引導(dǎo)學(xué)生談?wù)撛掝}brainstorming1. show some pictures and ask the students to talk about it.2. ask the studen

7、ts to talk about the pictures follow the model.1. read the pictures and the words and think.2. try to talk “how to keep health?” into a short passage follow the model.3. check out.step sixspeaking drills 通過朗讀課文對話,理解和掌握課文內(nèi)容,并能說出本課的關(guān)鍵詞語及句子。1. play the recording. 2. ask the whole class to read the dial

8、ogue together.1. read after the recorder with books open2. read it by class3. read in pairsstep seven out-put以合作的方式,幫助學(xué)生能在口頭上運(yùn)用本課的重點(diǎn)句子。ask the students to discuss in pair to finish the short passage to retell the conversation.1.discuss in pairs and finish the short passage to retell the conversation

9、.2. ask some students to give out their answers one by one.step eightsummary and homework通過書寫性作業(yè),鞏固對詞組的記憶show the homework:finish the exercises on learning page.copy the homework.板 書 設(shè) 計module 10 fitnessunit 1 ive got a friend whose brother is training for the olympics.1. keep healthy= keep fit 保持健康

10、2. a little tired = a bit tired 有點(diǎn)累3. have a pain = ache a bit 有點(diǎn)痛4. do more exercise = take a lot exercise 多做運(yùn)動5. whats the matter = whats up? 怎么了?教學(xué)反思:本課是2013年我本人到靖西縣民族中學(xué)教授的一節(jié)研究課。本課采用的是“以學(xué)為主、先學(xué)后教”的課堂模式進(jìn)行授課,作為教師本身我與學(xué)生從未謀面,對學(xué)生的情況沒有一點(diǎn)了解。但是在課堂教學(xué)實(shí)踐中,師生、生生互動都進(jìn)行得很順利,教師和學(xué)生均享受到一次輕松愉快的學(xué)習(xí)旅程。學(xué)生們按照老師的引導(dǎo)和學(xué)案活動的指

11、導(dǎo),由淺入深打開思維,學(xué)生們在課堂上積極參與互動,從開始的靦腆到后面的爭先恐后地舉手回答問題,發(fā)生了很大的變化,從學(xué)生課后的反饋中可以看出學(xué)生很喜歡這樣的授課方式。本節(jié)課是本模塊第一單元的聽說技能課。所以,在設(shè)計上堅持了以下原則:1. 盡可能多的設(shè)計了讓學(xué)生看、聽、說、寫的活動,讓學(xué)生運(yùn)用多種感官共同參與信息輸入的學(xué)習(xí)活動。2. 還設(shè)計了多種形式的聽與說的活動,讓學(xué)生盡可能多的進(jìn)行聽與說的技能訓(xùn)練。3. 利用學(xué)案設(shè)計出能使學(xué)生重點(diǎn)要關(guān)注的信息,如:用選擇方式檢測學(xué)生對重點(diǎn)知識的聽力理解能力。目的是幫助學(xué)生化解聽懂大段對話的困難。在學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)效果產(chǎn)出環(huán)節(jié)設(shè)計了復(fù)述的活動,也采取了一些輔助的手段,如

12、給出兩選一的備選答案,簡化學(xué)生的思維過程,將時間重點(diǎn)落在訓(xùn)練學(xué)生說的能力上。堅持每一項(xiàng)輸入活動都及時進(jìn)行反饋。學(xué)生接觸這樣的學(xué)習(xí)活動方式只有一次,沒有辦法預(yù)計學(xué)生們是否可以按照本節(jié)課所介紹的方法來提升自己的學(xué)習(xí)技能。module 10 fitness 學(xué)案一unit 1 ive got a friend whose brother is training for the olympics.學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo):1. 能夠聽懂對話中運(yùn)動的名稱、人物的情感以及如何解決健康問題的建議。2. 能夠簡單的詢問有關(guān)健康的信息,表達(dá)態(tài)度,提供建議。activity 1 : listen and say. 一、聽第一段對

13、話,在所聽到的運(yùn)動項(xiàng)目名稱后的方框中打鉤: (1) doing taijiquan (2) walking (3) doing weight training (4) swimming (5) playing basketball (6) running 二、再聽第一段對話,根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,為下列問題選擇適當(dāng)?shù)拇鹫Z:( )1.what kind of sport does lingling do? a. playing football. b. weight training. c. doing taijiquan.( )2.which group of people is taijiquan

14、for? a. young people. b. people of all ages. c. old people.( )3. whats the best way of keeping fit for betty? a. running. b. doing taijiquan. c. doing weight training.三. write and read out ( 根據(jù)對話的對話內(nèi)容,完成短文并朗讀)。if you want to _ _, you can take lots of exercise, such as _, _, taijiquan and so on. at f

15、irst, you may feel tired and your legs may _ a bit. dont _ _. if you keep doing sports, you can not only be healthy but also exercise your _.activity 2 : read the conversation and answer the questions in pairs:閱讀第二段對話,回答問題( ) 1. how did tony find the basketball training? a. he found it was interesti

16、ng. b. he found it was tiring.( ) 2. why does lingling say tony is lucky compared with her friend's brother? a. because tony is only trained for the school basketball team. b. because tony is trained for the olympic.( ) 3. what will the boy in daming's team need to do? a. he needs to take a

17、good rest. b. he needs do a lot of exercise.( ) 4. why isn't tony allowed to use his father's camera any more? a. because he almost lost it last time. b. because he bought a new one by himself.( ) 5. who has betty just seen and what does she want to talk about? a .betty has just seen mr wang

18、 and he wants to talk about the school magazine with betty.b. betty has just seen her head teacher and he wants to talk about the school magazine with betty.activity 3: 根據(jù)課文對話內(nèi)容,選詞填空,完成短文寫作,并朗讀:tony did some _(train/ training) in the school team. it was ok, but he felt _(a bit/ bit) tired and his legs _(aches/ ached) a little. lingling told him not to_(give out/give up) if he wanted to


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