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1、nerc reliability functional model technical document version 5nerc reliability functional model technical documentversion 45this document is a companion to version 54 of the functional model. it provides context, explanations, opinions, and discussions on various aspects of the functional model. app

2、roved by standing committees: september 10-11,this is version 5 redline 2009 06 09 as further revised by my 2009 06 13(2) version of may 25, 2009 builds on functional modeltechnical dec 4, 2007 - post-call) changes made on call to p 4, 5, 6, 9, 30approved by standards committee: notes· agreed t

3、o do a planning roll-up - do in planning discussion section?september 22,·prepared by the functional model working groupjuneseptember 20098- 117 -table of contentsnerc reliability functional model technical document1table of contents2introduction64section i entity tasks and interrelationships75

4、1.reliability coordinator962.balancing authority1183.planning coordinator13104.transmission planner14115.resource planner18146.transmission operator20167.interchange coordinator23198.transmission service provider31239.transmission owner322410.distribution provider332511.generator operator342612.gene

5、rator owner352713.purchasing-selling entity362814.load-serving entity372915.compliance enforcement authority383016.standards developer393117.market operator (resource integrator)403218.reliability assurer4133section ii technical discussions42341.general clarifications of the functional model43352.re

6、liability standards48393.market operations (resource integration)50404.the functional model and market structures54445.providing and deploying ancillary and reliability-related services56466.managing bilateral interchange transactions basic concepts59487.managing bilateral interchange scheduling age

7、nts62518.non-coincident resource integrator and balancing authority areas63529.implementing the interchange coordinator665410.distribution provider as load-serving entity705711.planning functions755912.terminology changes in version 5796213.reliability areas and boundaries977113.generating versus tr

8、ansmission assets1027514.roles in load curtailment1037615.history of revisions10679nerc reliability functional model technical document1table of contents2introductionsection 1 entity tasks and interrelationships4section i entity responsibilities and interrelationships1.reliability coordinator51.reli

9、ability coordinator2.balancing authority723.planning coordinator93.balancing authority4.transmission planner1045.resource planner1156.transmission operator1367.interchange authoritycoordinator1478.transmission planner1689.transmission service provider18910.transmission owner191011.distribution provi

10、der201112.generator operator211213.generator owner221314.purchasing-selling entity231415.load-serving entity241516.compliance enforcement authoritymonitor251617.standards developer261718.market operator (resource integrator)271819.reliability assurer28section ii2 technical discussions291.general cla

11、rifications of the functional model302.reliability standards323.market operations (resource integrator)334.the functional model and market structures355.providing and deploying ancillary and reliability-relatedinterconnected operations services376.managing bilateral interchange transactions basic co

12、ncepts397.managing bilateral interchange transactions scheduling agents418.non-coincident resource integrator and balancing authority areas429.implementing the interchange authoritycoordinator functional entity4310.task assignment options10.distribution provider as load-serving entity4411.planning f

13、unctions11.demand response providers4612.reliability areas and boundaries12.planning functions4813.generating versus transmission assets13.terminology changes in version 55114.roles in load curtailment14.reliability areas and boundaries60611513.history of revisions6465nerc reliability functional mod

14、el technical document1table of contents2section 1 entity responsibilities and interrelationships341.reliability coordinator352.balancing authority373.resource planner394.transmission operator3115.interchange authorityinterchange coordinator3136.transmission planner3157.transmission service provider3

15、178.transmission owner3189.distribution provider31910.generator operator32011.generator owner32112.purchasing-selling entity32213.load-serving entity32314.compliance monitor32415.standards developer32516.market operator (resource integrator)32617.reliability assurer327section 2 technical discussions

16、3281.general clarifications of the functional model3292.reliability standards3323.market operations (resource integrator)3334.the functional model and market structures3355.providing and deploying ancillary and reliability-related services3376.managing bilateral interchange transactions basic concep

17、ts3397.managing bilateral interchange transactions scheduling agents3418.non-coincident resource integrator and balancing authority areas3429.implementing the interchange authorityinterchange coordinator function34310.task assignment options34411.planning functions34612.reliability areas and boundar

18、ies34913.history of revisions353introductionthis document is intended as a companion to version 45 of the functional model tothat will help the reader better understand the models functions, ffunctionalresponsible eentities and their relationships. it is also intended to explain the changes made to

19、version 34 of the model. a new version of the technical document was not issued with version 4 of the functional model. as a result, the present document also addresses changes made in version 4 of the model that have been retained in version 5. this document therefore provides context, explanation

20、and opinions. it is a companion to, rather than a formal part of, version 5 of the model. a new version of the technical document was not issued with version 4 of the functional model. as a result, the present document also addresses changes made in version 4 of the model that have been retained in

21、version 5. section i1 provides details about each of the responsible entities. some entities, such as the transmission owner or purchasing-selling entity, are adequately described in the functional model document, and there is little detail to add here. others, such as the interchange authorityautho

22、rityinterchange coordinator and balancing authority, are more complex both unto themselves and in their relationship with other entities, and this document provides additional explanations. section ii2 includes technical discussions on related topics and tasks such as managing arrangedbilateral and

23、confirmed interchange transactions, and functional entity confirmed interchange schedules, task assignment and delegation, the planning functions, and boundary conditions. . many of these topics are mentioned in the functional model, but the details may not be obvious. the discussion of market opera

24、tionsstructures addresses illustrates the various types of markets and pools, and concludes that the model applies to is not dependent on any particular different market structures. or pool “depth.” there is also discussion of a number of the concepts related to the functional model. of a scheduling

25、 agent, as well as discussion of the relationship of the market operator and balancing authority, under both bid-based and cost-based dispatch of resources. in addition, certain concepts and conclusions from the 2005 report of the functional model reliability standards coordination task force (fmrsc

26、tf) are also discussed. this includes the implementation of the reliability coordinator and interchange coordinator entities in standards; regional reliability plans, and responsible entity areas and boundaries. final report is dated march 11, 2005. see ftp:/bens note: a technical document with v4 o

27、f the fm was issued. both footnotes should be deleted.section i1 entity tasksresponsibilities and interrelationshipsthis section describes theversion 4 of the model, issued in 2008, clarified the concept of responsibility in the model, as reflected in the use of the term responsible entity. in parti

28、cular, it was clarified that while there were responsibilities of the entities in the functional model within the context of the model itself. it is important to recognize that , the responsibilities that will actually apply to an organization will be determined within nerc's registration, certi

29、fication and compliance processes and nerc's reliability sstandardssstandards, not by the model. the model describes a somewhat conceptualized state in which responsibility however, it subsequently became apparent to the functional model working group that having two different contexts for close

30、ly related tasks are inferred to be assigned to a single organization, avoidingresponsibility did not completely eliminate the potential complexity and ambiguity that could result from responsibility for these tasks being split between two or more organizations. the situation described in the concep

31、tualized state of the model will not always be achieved in actuality, because of factors related to particular organizational structures and relationshipsfor confusion. on this basis, version 5 goes one step further and eliminates reference to responsibility within the model, regulatory and legal re

32、quirements. addressing how such factors will impactreplacing the term responsible entity with the term functional entity. in version 5 of the model, an entity is defined by the functions tasks it is responsible for performings, not by the responsibilities isit has. in version 5 of the model, the fun

33、ctional model working group recommends usesing the term "functional entity" to apply to the entity given in the functional model (balancing authority, etc.). it is proposed that other nerc documents follow this usage, and also that they useing the terms "registered entity", "

34、;certified entity" and "responsible entity", in reference to specific organizations. for example, pjm is a registered entity and certified entity for the balancing authority functional entity.as a result of refocusing the jobmodel on tasks rather than responsibility, version 5 of the

35、technical document has removed discussions associated with responsibility of individual organizations. these matters are now addressed within the context of nerc's registration, certification and compliance programs, typically within nerc's rules of procedure. these include situations where:

36、· an organizations may "bundle" a number of different functions and registerreliability as the corresponding functional entities, for example reliability coordinator and transmission operatortwo or more organizations may register jointly with nerc as functional entities and thereby di

37、vide or share responsibility for meeting standards. requirements (joint registry organizations)· an organization may register and assume responsibility for tasks performed by others, such as a rural cooperative on behalf of its members.the model provides a framework and guidelines, it does not

38、specify responsibilities or requirements.conceptualized in which. are inferred to be assignedmentthe that could result from responsibility for these tasks being split between the situation described in the conceptualizedof in actuality1. reliability coordinatorthe reliability coordinators purview mu

39、st be broad enough to enable it to calculate interconnection reliability operating limits, which will involve system and facility operating parameters beyond its own area as well as within it. this is in contrast to the transmission operator, which also maintains reliability, but is directly concern

40、ed with system parameters within its own area.the reliability coordinator is the highest operating authority; the underlying premise is that reliability of a wide-area takes precedence over reliability of any single local area. only the reliability coordinator hashasis required to have the perspecti

41、ve/vision necessary to act in the interest of wide-area reliability. the reliability coordinator also assists the transmission operator in relieving equipment or facility overloads through transmission loading relief measures if market-based dispatch procedures are not effective.role in interchange

42、transactions. the reliability coordinator does not receive tags, but on may curtaildeny interchange transactions until they are arranged and ready for implementation as interchange schedules. as such, it does not approve or deny tags. however, once the reliability coordinator receives the interchang

43、e schedule information, it will have the necessary informationttransactions with respect to aid its assessment of the impacts of flowing and impending transaction schedules on its areas reliability. as necessary, the reliability coordinator may issue transmission loading relief requests (or similar

44、requests for congestion management) which may result in reducing, removing or halting flowing or impending interchange transactions. this is viewed by some as “denying” the interchange transactions although in this context, the “denialreliability and provides its denial” is not provided during the c

45、ollection of approval stage. bens response to mikes comment: it is ok to mention interchange schedules here. we dont really need to stick with arranged interchange and confirmed interchange only. to the interchange authorityinterchange coordinator.day-ahead analysis. the reliability coordinator will

46、 receive the dispatch plans from the balancing authority on a day-ahead basis. the reliability coordinator will then analyze the dispatch from a transmission reliability perspective. if the reliability coordinator determines that the balancing authoritys dispatch plans will jeopardize transmission r

47、eliability, the reliability coordinator will work with the balancing authority to determine where the dispatch plans need to be adjusted. the reliability coordinator obtains generation and transmission maintenance schedules from generator operators and transmission operators. the reliability coordin

48、ator can deny a transmission outage request if a transmission system reliability constraint would be violated.the transmission operator is responsible for the reliability of its “l(fā)ocal” transmission system in accordance with maintaining system operating limits (sols). however, in some circumstances,

49、 as noted above for reliability analysis associated with generation dispatch instructions, the reliability coordinator may become aware of a potential sol violation and issue a dispatch adjustment. therefore, inin this context, the reliability coordinatorcoordinator therefore also has a limited role

50、 regarding the transmission operator's management of sols. emergency actions. the reliability coordinator is responsible for real-time system reliability, which includes calling for the following emergency actions:· curtailing confirmed interchange schedulestransactions bens note: should be

51、 either confirmed interchange or interchange schedules. in this context, interchange schedules is more appropriate.· directing redispatch to alleviate congestion· mitigating energy and transmission emergencies· ensuring energy balance and interconnection frequency, and· directing

52、 load shedding.the reliability coordinator, in collaboration with the balancing authority and transmission operator, can invoke public appeals, voltage reductions, demand-side management, and even load shedding if the balancing authority cannot achieve resource-demand balance.system restoration acti

53、ons. the reliability coordinator directs and coordinates system restoration with transmission operators and balancing authorities.authority to perform its reliability functions. the reliability coordinators authority comes from nerc through its delegated responsibilities as the ero, as defined in th

54、e approved nerc standards, and is documented in one or more regional reliability plans, as applicable,athe regional rreliability pplan for the issued by the regional reliability organization for the region in which the reliability coordinator area is locatedresides. in cases where a reliability coor

55、dinators area spreads over multiple regions, its authority will must be documented in and accepted by all the concerned regions through their respective regional rreliability pplans.in addition, since the reliability coordinator may also have a role regarding the transmission operator's manageme

56、nt of sols, delineation of its authority and that of the transmission operator needs to be clearly defined in the reliability plan(s)regional rreliability pplan.see “electrical and physical boundaries”2. balancing authoritythe balancing authority operates within the metered boundaries that establish

57、 the balancing authority area. every generator, transmission facility, and end-use customer ismust be in a balancing authority area. the balancing authoritys mission is to maintain the balance between loads and resources in real time within its balancing authority area by keeping its actual interchange equal to its scheduled interchange and meetingproviding its frequency bias obligation. the load-resource balance is measured by the balancing authoritys area control error (ace). defined as:perfect balance occurs when ace = 0; however, perfect balance requires perfect resource contr


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