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1、fancy style popular in those days. it was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels, which took the countrys best artists about ten years to make. in fact, the room was not made to be a gift. it was designed for the palace of fredrick i. however, the next king of prussia, fredrick william

2、i, to whom the amber room belonged, decided not to keep it. in 1716 he gave it to peter the great. in return, the czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers. so the amber room became part of the czars winter palace in st petersburg. about four metres long, the room served as a small reception hall f

3、or important vistors.  later, catherine had the amber room moved to a palace outside st petersburg where she spent her summers. she told her artists to add more details to it. in 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted. almost six hundred candles lit the room, and its mirrors and picture

4、s shone like gold. sadly, although the amber room was cnsidered one of the wonders of the world, it is now missing. in september 1941, the nazi army was near st petersburg. this was atime when the two countries were at war. before the nazis could get to the summer palace, the russians were able

5、 to remove some furnitures and small art objects from the amber room. however, some of the nazis secretly stole the room itself. in less than two days 100000 pieces were put inside twenty-seven wooden boxes. there is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for konigsberg, which was at a tim

6、e a german city on the baltic sea. after that, what happened to the amber room remains a mystery. recently, the russians and germans have built a new amber room at the summer palace. by studying old photos of the former amber room, they have made the new one looke like the old one. in 2003 it w

7、as ready for the people of st petersburg when they celebrated the 300th bithday of their city.   a fact of an opinion what is a fact? is it something that people believe? no. a fact is anything that can be proved. for example, it can be proved that china has more people than any

8、other country in the world. this is a fact. then what is an opinion? an opinion is what someone believes is true but has not been proved. so an opinoion is not good evidence in a trail. for example, it is an opinion if you say “cats are better pets than dogs”. it may be true, but it is difficul

9、t to prove. some people may not agree with this opinion but they also cannot prove that they are right. in a trail, a judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe. the judge does not consider what each eyewitness looks like or where that person lives or works. he/she

10、 only cares about whether the eyewitness has given true information, which must be facts rather than opinions. this kind of information is called evidence.   big feng to the rescue his friends and family call him “big feng” because he is bery tall and played basketball as a young

11、 man. but he is also big in a different way he fights hard to protect chinas past. his real name is feng jicai and he has written many novels about life in china. several years ago, however, he put down his pen for a while and began to protect the cltural relics in tianjin, where he lives. once some

12、on asked him why he no longer wrote. he replied that at the moment he felt protecting cultural relics was more important.  feng loves his hometown. he believes that old things must be given a plave next to new thins, or people will soon forget ther great past. he does not make speeches to get o

13、thers to help him in his projects. instead he goes out and does what he can himeself. if others follow him, so much the better. one of his biggest projects was to protect the oldest street in tianjin. along that street some shops had done business for seven hundred years. althought the city governme

14、nt rebuilt this street, they did save its oldest building. another project was more successful: he persuaded the city government to buy some land in the centre of the city so it could not be sold for businesses. this area is very improtant for the history of tianjin. it was here that the city was fi

15、rst built during the song dynasty. later many treasures were found here. to feng, digging down in to the earth is like reading page after page of a book. each dynasty found in the earth is like an interesting story. not long ago he and other writers and artists took photos of the old parts of t

16、ianjin. the photos were put into a book which was very popular. the money from the book helps his prjects. once, and old man asked feng to sign a book for him, saying he would give it to his grandson who was not yet born. feng was glad to do it - he knows that he past is not only for us to enjoy but

17、 also for the children of the future.  unit 2 an interview pausanias, who was a greek writer about 2000 year ago, has come on a magical journey on march 18th ,2007 to find out about the present-day olympic games. he is now interviewing li yan, a volunteer for the 2008 olympics ga

18、mes. p: my name is pausanias. i lived in what you call “ ancient greece” and i used to write about the olympic games a long time ago. ive come to your time to find out about the present-day olympic games because i know that in 2004 they were held in my homeland. may i ask you some questions abo

19、ut themodern olympics? l: good heavens! have reallycome from so long ago? but of course you can ask any questions you like. what would you like to know? p: how often do you hold your games? l: every four years. there are two main sets of gamesthe winter and the summer olympics, and bo

20、th are held every four years on a regular basis. the winter olympics are usually held two years before the summer games. only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors. they may come from anywhere in the world. p: winter games? how can the run

21、ners enjoy competing in winter? and what about the horses? l: oh no! there are no running races or horse riding events. instead there are competitions like skiing and ice skating which need snow and ice. thats why theyre called the winter olympics. its in the summer olympics that you have the r

22、unning races, together with swimming, sailing and all the team sports. p: i see. earlier you said that athletes are invited from all over the world. do you mean the greek world? our greek cities used to compete against each other just for the honour of winning. no other countries could join in,

23、 nor could slaves or women! l: nowadays any country can take part if their athletes are good enough. there are over 250 sports and each one has its own standard. women are not only allowed, but play a very important role in gymnastics, athletics, team sports and  p: please wait a minute! a

24、ll those events, all those countries and even women taking part! where are all the athletes housed? l: for each olympics, a special village is built for them to live in, a main reception building, several stadiums for competitions, and a gymnasium as well. p: thats sounds very expansive. d

25、oes anyone want to host the olympic games? l: as a matter of fact,every country wants the opportunity. its a great responsibility but also a great honour to be chosen. theres as much competitions among countries to host the olympics as to win olympic medals. the 2008 olympics will be held in be

26、ijing. p: oh yes! you must be very proud.  l: certainly. and after that the 2012 olympics will be held in london. they have already started planning for it. a new village for the athletes and all the stadiums will be built to the east of london. new medals will be designed of course and &#

27、160;p: did you say medals? so even the olive wreath has been replaced! oh dear! do you compete for prize money too? l: no, we dont. its still all about being able to run faster, jumper higher and throw further. thats the motto of the olympics, you know“ swifter, higher and stronger.” p: we

28、ll, thats a good news. how interesting! thank you so much for your time. the story of atlanta atlanta was a greek princess. she was very beautiful and could run faster than any man in greece. but she was not allowed to run and win glory for herself in the olympic games. she was so angry th

29、at she said to her farther that she would not marry anyone who could not run faster than her. her father said that she must marry, so atlanta made a bargain with him. she said to him, “ these are my rules. when a man says he wants to marry me, i will run against him. if he cannot run as fast as me,

30、he will be killed. no one will be pardoned.” many kings and princes wanted to marry atlanta, but when they heard of her rules they knew it was hopeless. so many of them sadly went home, but others stayed to run the race. there was a man called hippomenes who was amazed when he heard of atlantas

31、 rules, “ why are these men so foolish?” hethought. “ why will they let themselves be killed because they cannot run as fast as this princess?” however, when he saw atlanta come out of her house to run, hippomenes changed his mind. “ i will marry atlantaor die !“ he said. the race started and a

32、lthough the man ran very fast, atlanta ran faster. as hippomenes watched he thought, “ how can i run as fast as atlanta?” he went to ask the greek goddess of love for help. she promised to help him and gave him three golden apples. she said, “ throw an apple in front of atlanta when she is running p

33、ast. when she stops to pick it up, you will be able to run past her and win.” hippomenes took the apples and went to the king. he said, “ i want to marry atlanta.” the king was sad to see another man die, but hippomenes said, “ i will marry her or die!” so the race began. three inspiring storie

34、s about the olympic games 1. the kind norwegian there is a cross-country skiing race which is part of the winter olympics. in 2006 a canadian skier, sara renner, was taking part in the cross-country final when her left pole broke. this was a serious problem as she needed the pole to help h

35、er travel quickly through the deep snow. immediately bjornar hakensmoen , the coach of the norwegian team, gave her another pole. so renner was able to get a silver medal. hakensmoen said that he had only behaved as any good sportsman should, but sara said that hakensmoen had shown everybody the tru

36、e meaning of sport. 2. the special olympic athlete for athlete eric williams gold medals are nice, but good sportsmanship is more important. eric has a low mental ability but this does not stop him from taking apart in the olympics. in 2005 eric competed in running races and the long jump.

37、 he said, “ ive been competing in the special olympics ever since以最快速度解數(shù)算真題200題08廣東: 6. 一項(xiàng)任務(wù)甲做要半小時(shí)完成,乙做要45 分鐘完成,兩人合作需要多少分鐘完成? a.12 b.15 c.18 d.20 解:直接設(shè)90的總量,兩人每分鐘分別是3和2。所以90/(3+2)=18。 7. 22008 + 32008 的尾數(shù)是( ) a.1 b.3 c.5 d.7 解:求尾數(shù)的題目,底數(shù)留個(gè)位,指數(shù)除以4留余數(shù)(余數(shù)為0看為4), 比如20683847 就是留底數(shù)個(gè)位8,3847除以4得數(shù)是余3,取3,就變成求8

38、的3次方尾數(shù); 因此在這個(gè)題目中2008除以4余數(shù)為0,取4; 所以等于變成2的4次方+3的4次方,尾數(shù)是7。 8. 若在邊長20 厘米的正立方體表面上挖一個(gè)邊長為10 厘米的正方體洞,問其表面積增加多少平方厘米?a.100 b.400 c.500 d.600 解:實(shí)際增加了邊長10厘米的4個(gè)面面積,所以4*10*10=400。 9. 甲乙同時(shí)從a 地步行出發(fā)往b 地,甲60 米/分鐘,乙90 米/分鐘,乙到達(dá)b 地折返 與甲相遇時(shí),甲還需再走3 分鐘才到達(dá)b 地,求ab 兩地距離?a.1350 b.1080 c.900 d.750 解:甲需要多走3分鐘到b地,3*60=180米, 速度比是2

39、:3,所以路程比也是2:3, 設(shè)全長x米,則(x-180)/(x+180)=2/3,求出x=900, 實(shí)際也是選個(gè)180倍數(shù)的選項(xiàng),排除ad。 10. 2 年前甲年齡是乙年齡的2 倍,5 年前乙年齡是丙年齡的1/3,丙今年11 歲,問甲 今年幾歲?a.12 b.10 c.9 d.8 解:五年前乙是(11-5)/3=2歲,所以今年是7歲,兩年前是5歲。 所以2年前甲是10歲,今年是12歲,選a。 11. 某人工作一年的報(bào)酬是18000 元和一臺(tái)洗衣機(jī),他干了7 個(gè)月不干了,得到9500 元和一臺(tái)洗衣機(jī),這臺(tái)洗衣機(jī)價(jià)值多少錢?a.8500 b.2400 c.2000 d.1500 解:7個(gè)月得到9

40、500元和一臺(tái)洗衣機(jī),所以選項(xiàng)加上9500后能被7整除的只有2400, 選b。 12. 每次加同樣多的水,第一次加水濃度15%,第二次加濃度12%,第三次加濃度為多 少?a.8% b.9% c.10% d.11% 解:8%跟11%一個(gè)相差太大,一個(gè)相差太小,排除ad。 12%跟15%相差3%,9%也跟12%相差3%,添加后濃度差一定會(huì)變,所以排除b,選c。 上面的解法過于極端了-.-所以換一種: 因?yàn)槿苜|(zhì)質(zhì)量始終不會(huì)改變的,所以設(shè)鹽水有60克的鹽(15跟12的最小公倍數(shù)) 則第一次加水后溶液是60/0.15=400克,第二次加水后溶液是60/0.12=500克, 所以可知道是加了10

41、0克水,第三次加水后濃度是60/(500+100)=0.1,也就是10%,選c。 13. 60 個(gè)人里面有12 個(gè)人穿白衣服藍(lán)褲子,有34 個(gè)人穿黑褲子,有29 人穿黑上衣, 求黑褲子黑上衣多少人?a.13 b.14 c.15 d.20 解:直接容斥定理:34+29-(60-12)=15,選c。 14. 3 個(gè)單位要訂購300 本書。最少要訂購99 本,最多只能訂購101 本,求有幾種訂 購方法?a.6 b.7 c.8 d.9 解:(99,100,101)可以互換位置,這種情況一共有a(3,3)=6種; 再加上(100,100,100)這一種情況,所以有7種,選b。 15. 4 個(gè)班不算甲班有

42、131 人,不算丁班有134 人,乙、丙兩班總?cè)藬?shù)比甲、丁兩班少 1 人。求4 個(gè)班的總?cè)藬?shù)是多少?a.177 b.176 c.257 d.256 解:乙丙丁=131 甲乙丙=134, 兩式相加,得到甲丁+2乙丙=265,根據(jù)乙丙+1=甲丁,代入旁邊的式子, 所以甲丁+2(甲丁-1)=265。求出甲丁=89,乙丙=88,所以總?cè)藬?shù)是89+88=177,選a。 孫建鵬的解法: 乙、丙兩班總?cè)藬?shù)比甲、丁兩班少 1 人,說明四個(gè)班的總?cè)藬?shù)是個(gè)奇數(shù),直接淘汰bd。 根據(jù)題意可以看出四個(gè)班人數(shù)不會(huì)相差太大,都差不多,不算甲班另三班有131人,不算丁班有134 人, 選項(xiàng)ac里面明顯是a。 07廣東: 1

43、地球表面的陸地面積和海洋面積之比是29:71,其中陸地的四分之三在北半球,那么南、北半球海洋面積之比是多少? a284:29 b.113:55 c.371:313 d.171:113 解:其實(shí)這有點(diǎn)像是考察地理常識(shí)的題目觀察4個(gè)選項(xiàng),南半球海洋面積大于北半球的,但是不至于相差到像a、b這種接近2倍甚至10倍的,根據(jù)常識(shí)都可以直接排除,c項(xiàng)比例太小,排除,所以選d。 常規(guī)解法是50-29*(1-/3/4):(50-29*3/4),解得171:113。 2. 小明前三次數(shù)學(xué)測(cè)驗(yàn)的平均分?jǐn)?shù)是88分,要想平均分?jǐn)?shù)達(dá)到90分以上,他第四次測(cè)驗(yàn)最少要多少分?a.98 b.96 c.94 d.92 解:前三

44、次平均88,要想4次達(dá)到90分,一次多了2分,所以三次多了6分,選b。 3.一個(gè)長方體的長、寬、高恰好是三個(gè)連續(xù)的自然數(shù),并且它的體積數(shù)值等于它的所有棱長之和的2倍,那么這個(gè)長方體的表面積是多少?a.74 b.148 c.150 d.154 解:設(shè)寬x,長x-1,高x+1,則x(x-1)(x+1)=2*4(x+x-1+x+1),整理得x2=25,所以x=5, 表面積則為2(5*6+4*5+4*6)=148,選b。 4.甲、乙、丙、丁四人共同做一批紙盒,甲做的紙盒是另外三人做的總和一半,乙做的是另外三人總和的1/3,丙做的是另外三人做的總和的1/4,丁一共做了169個(gè),問甲做了多少個(gè)紙盒?a.7

45、80 b.450 c.390 d.260 解:根據(jù)題目可以知道甲、乙、丙三人分別做了總數(shù)的1/3、1/4、1/5, 所以總數(shù)是169/(1-1/3-1/4-1/5)=780,甲就做了780/3=260,選d。 5.有濃度為4%的鹽水若干克,蒸發(fā)了一些水分后濃度變成10%,再加入300克4%的鹽水后,濃度變?yōu)?.4%的鹽水,問最初的鹽水多少克?a.200 b.300 c.400 d.500 解:4%跟10%最小公倍數(shù)20,所以取個(gè)特值20克的鹽,直接代入20/0.04=500,選d。 6.某校參加數(shù)學(xué)競(jìng)賽的有120名男生,80名女生,參加語文的有120名女生,80名男生,已知該??偣灿?60名學(xué)

46、生參加了競(jìng)賽,其中有75名男生兩科都參加了,問只參加數(shù)學(xué)競(jìng)賽而沒有參加語文的女生有多少人? a.65 b.60 c.45 d.15 解:參加兩科的一共有有2(120+80)-260=140人; 女生參加兩科的有140-75=65人,所以只參加數(shù)學(xué)沒參加語文的女生有80-65=15人。 7.甲早上從某地出發(fā)勻速前進(jìn),一段時(shí)間后,乙從同個(gè)地點(diǎn)出發(fā)以同樣的速度同向前進(jìn),在上午10點(diǎn)時(shí),乙走了6千米,他們繼續(xù)前進(jìn),在乙走到甲在上午10時(shí)到達(dá)的位置時(shí),甲共走了16.8千米,問:此時(shí)乙走了多少千米?a.11.4 b.14.4 c.10.8 d.5.4 解:根據(jù)題意,乙從10點(diǎn)到到甲10點(diǎn)所在的位置時(shí),兩人

47、走過的路程相等, 所以求出一段是(16.8-6)/2 =5.4, 加上之前走過的6千米,總共走過6+5.4=11.4千米。選a。 8.科學(xué)家對(duì)平海島嶼進(jìn)行調(diào)查,他們先捕獲30只麻雀進(jìn)行標(biāo)記,后放飛,再捕捉50只,其中有標(biāo)記的有10只,則這一島嶼上的麻雀大約有多少只? a150 b.300 c.500 d.1500 解:前后比例相等,所以10/50 =30/x,x=150,選a。 9一批零件,如果第一天甲做,第二天乙做,這樣交替做,完成的天數(shù)恰好是整數(shù)。如果第一天乙做,第二天甲做,這樣交替做,做到上次輪流完成時(shí)所用的天數(shù)后,還剩40個(gè)不能完成,已知甲乙工作效率的比是7:3,問甲每天做多少個(gè)? a

48、30 b.40 c.70 d.120 解:甲乙工作效率的比是7:3,所以甲是7的倍數(shù),只有c符合。 10.水池裝有一個(gè)排水管和若干個(gè)每小時(shí)注水量相同的注水管,注水管注水時(shí),排水管同時(shí)排水,若用12個(gè)注水管注水,8小時(shí)可注滿水池,若用9個(gè)注水管,24小時(shí)可注滿水,現(xiàn)在用8個(gè)注水管注水,那么可用多少小時(shí)注滿水池?a.12 b.36 c.48 d.72 解:典型牛吃草問題,設(shè)每小時(shí)注水1, 則排水管每小時(shí)排水量是(24*9-12*8)/(24-8)=7.5, 所以原來水池里水量是(12-7.5)*8=36,所以8個(gè)注水管用36/(8-7.5)=72小時(shí),選d。 06廣東: 61992 是 24 個(gè)連

49、續(xù)偶數(shù)的和,問這 24 個(gè)連續(xù)偶數(shù)中最大的一個(gè)是幾? a. 84 b、106 c、108 d、130 解:解:1992/24=83,可以知道第12個(gè)偶數(shù)是82,所以82+12*2=106,選b。 7.某商品按定價(jià)的 80%(八折)出售,仍能獲得 20%的利潤,問定價(jià)時(shí)期望的利潤率是多 少? a. 50% b、40% c、30% d、20% 解:定價(jià)x,成本y,則有0.8x=1.2y,所以x=1.5y,選a。 8.已知甲的 13%為 14,乙的 14%為 15,丙的 15%為 16,丁的 16%為 17,則甲、乙、丙、 丁四個(gè)數(shù)中最大的數(shù)是: a.甲 b乙 c.丙 d.丁 解:只需要比較甲乙,也

50、就是14/0.13 和15/0.14, 甲/乙=14/0.13/(15/0.14)>1,所以甲比乙大。選a。 9.甲、乙、丙三人,甲每分鐘走 50 米,乙每分鐘走 40 米,丙每分鐘走 35 米,甲、乙從 a 地,丙從 b 地同時(shí)出發(fā),相向而行,丙遇到甲 2 分鐘后遇到乙,那么,a. b 兩地相距多少 米? a. 250 米 b.500 米 c. 750 米 d. 1275 米 解:遇到甲2分鐘后遇到乙,丙乙一起走的路程是2*(40+35)=150, 則甲丙相遇的時(shí)間是150/(50-40)=15分鐘,所以全長是(50+35)*15=1275,選d。 10一批商品,按期望獲得 50%的利

51、潤來定價(jià),結(jié)果只銷售掉 70% 的商品,為盡早銷售掉 剩下的商品,商店決定按定價(jià)打折出售,這樣所獲得的全部利潤,是原來所期望利潤的 82% , 問打了多少折扣? a. 4 折 b. 6 折 c. 7 折 d.8 折 解:假設(shè)一共有100件,一件1元,折扣x,則(1.5x-1)*30+0.5*70=50*0.82,求得x=0.8,選d。 11一個(gè)俱樂部,會(huì)下象棋的有 69 人,會(huì)下圍棋的有58人,兩種棋都不會(huì)下的有 12 人, 兩種棋都會(huì)下的有 30 人,問這個(gè)俱樂部一共有多少人? a109 人 b115 人 c127 人 d139 人 解:還是容斥定理,a+b-ab都會(huì)=總 - ab都不會(huì),

52、69+58-30=x-12,解得x=109,選a。 12園林工人要在周長 300 米的圓形花壇邊等距離栽樹。他們先沿著花壇的邊每隔 3 米挖一 個(gè)坑,當(dāng)挖完 30 個(gè)坑時(shí),突然接到通知:改為每隔 5 米栽一棵樹。這樣,他們還要挖多少 個(gè)坑才能完成任務(wù)? a43 個(gè) b53 個(gè) c54 個(gè) d60 個(gè) 解:改成每隔5米的,需要300/5=60個(gè)坑,因?yàn)橥谕甑?0個(gè)坑的時(shí)候?qū)嶋H才挖了87米,所以加上先挖的第一個(gè)坑還有后面的15、30、45、60、75米這些距離的坑可以利用,要減去6個(gè),60-6=54,選c。 13某市居民生活用電每月標(biāo)準(zhǔn)用電量的基本價(jià)格為每度 0.60 元,若每日用電量超過標(biāo)準(zhǔn) 用

53、電量,超出部分按基本價(jià)格的 80%收費(fèi),某戶九月份用電 100 度,共交電費(fèi) 57.6 元,則 該市每月標(biāo)準(zhǔn)用電量為: a.60 度 b。70 度 c. 80 度 d. 90 度 解:直接列方程方便一點(diǎn),0.6x+(100-x)*0.6*0.8=57.6,求得x=80,選c。 孫建鵬的解法: 假設(shè):九月份用電100度,每度按照0.6元計(jì)算,需要60元,但實(shí)際收費(fèi)是57.6元,那么差額2.4元肯定有一部分是超出用電量所導(dǎo)致。那直接用差額2.4元 除以 差價(jià)(0.6*0.2),即2.4元/0.12元=20度。那么,從四個(gè)答案中可以直接得到c. 80度。 14有一個(gè)灌溉用的中轉(zhuǎn)水池,一直開著進(jìn)水管往

54、里灌水,一段時(shí)間后,用 2 臺(tái)抽水機(jī)排水, 則用 40 分鐘能排完;如果用 4 臺(tái)同樣的抽水機(jī)排水,則用 16 分鐘排完。問如果計(jì)劃用 10 分鐘將水排完,需要多少臺(tái)抽水機(jī)? a5 臺(tái) b6 臺(tái) c7 臺(tái) d8 臺(tái) 解:同上面一樣的牛吃草問題,設(shè)每分鐘排水1, 則每分鐘進(jìn)水(2*40-4*16)/(40-16)=2/3, 原來有水(2-2/3)*40=160/3,所以10分鐘排完,需要160/3/10+2/3=6,選b。 15一個(gè)容器內(nèi)有若干克鹽水。往容器內(nèi)加入一些水,溶液的濃度變?yōu)?3%,再加入同樣多 的水,溶液的濃度為 2%,問第三次再加入同樣多的水后,溶液的濃度是多少? a1.8% b1

55、.5% c1% d0.5% 解:2%、3%最小公倍數(shù)6,可以設(shè)有鹽6克,則最先有6/0.03=200克溶液,后來是6/0.02=300克溶液,所以加了100克水,第三次則是6/(300+100)=0.015,選b。08北京應(yīng)屆: 11小五是某品牌鞋子的經(jīng)銷商,他以每4 雙鞋子300 元的價(jià)格直接從生產(chǎn)商進(jìn) 貨,同時(shí)以6 雙鞋子500 元的價(jià)格賣給分銷商。已知去年小五共賺了10 萬元 錢,問:小五去年共賣鞋子多少雙?( ) a8000 b10000 c12000 d4000 解:能被4,6最小公倍數(shù)60整除的選項(xiàng),只有12000,選c。   12一只小鳥離開在樹枝上的鳥巢,向北飛了10

56、 米,然后又向東飛了10 米,然 后又向上飛了10 米,最后,它沿著鳥巢的直線飛回了家,請(qǐng)問:小鳥飛行的 總長度與下列那個(gè)最接近?( ) a17 b40 c47 d50 解:小鳥最后沿著鳥巢的直線飛回家,走的軌跡相當(dāng)于個(gè)立方體的對(duì)角邊,根據(jù)立方體對(duì)角邊的平方等于周圍三邊平方和,加上前面走的3個(gè)10米,所以走的總路程是10*3+300,接近47,所以選c。   13有a,b 兩種商品,如果a 的利潤增長20%,b 的利潤減少10%,那么a,b 兩 種商品的利潤就相同了。問原來a 商品的利潤是b 商品利潤的百分之幾?( ) a80% b70% c85% d75% 解:根據(jù)題意,可知1.2

57、a=0.9b,所以a/b=0.75,選d。   14甲杯中有濃度17%的溶液400 克,乙杯中有濃度為23%的同種溶液600 克,現(xiàn) 在從甲,乙取出相同質(zhì)量的溶液,把甲杯取出的倒入乙杯中,把乙杯取出的 倒入甲杯中,使甲,乙兩杯溶液的濃度相同,問現(xiàn)在兩溶液濃度是多少?() a18.5% b19.6% c20.6% d21% 解:設(shè)現(xiàn)在濃度x,根據(jù)十字相乘法: 2.3%     x- 1.7%    600      x     

58、       = 1.7%     2.3%-x     400      即是3(2.3%-x)=2(x-1.7%),所以求出x=20.6%,選c。  孫建鵬的解法:(17%*400+23%*600)/(400+600)=20.6% 15甲乙兩人年齡不等,已知當(dāng)甲像乙現(xiàn)在這么大時(shí),乙8 歲;當(dāng)乙像甲現(xiàn)在這 么大時(shí),甲29 歲。問今年甲的年齡為多少歲?() a22 b34 c36 d43 解:很典

59、型的題目抓住年齡差永遠(yuǎn)不變, (29-8)/3=7,29-7=22。選a。   16某單位今年新進(jìn)了3 個(gè)工作人員,可以分配到3 個(gè)部門,但每個(gè)部門至多只 能接收2 個(gè)人,問:共有幾種不同的分配方案?() a12 b16 c24 d以上都不對(duì) 解:每部門都有三種選擇,再減去3人同一部門的情況,所以3的3次方-3=24,選c。   17某鞋業(yè)公司的旅游鞋加工車間要完成一出口訂單,如果每天加工50 雙,要比 原計(jì)劃晚3 天完成,如果每天加工60 雙,則要比原計(jì)劃提前2 天完成,這一 訂單共需要加工多少雙旅游鞋?( ) a1200 雙 b1300 雙 c1400 雙 d1500 雙 解:能被50、60整除的,排除b和c, 再依次代入a和d,a不符合,所以選d。   18有一堆棋子(棋子數(shù)大于1),把它們四等分后剩一枚,拿去三份零一枚,將 剩下的棋子再四等分后還是剩一枚,再拿去三份零一枚,將剩下的棋子四等 分還是剩一枚。問原來至少多少枚棋子?( ) a23 b37 c65 d85 解:倒推可以求出,3次四等分,而且每次都有余,所以一定比64大得多,直接選d。   19張先生向商店訂購某種商品80 件,每件定價(jià)100 元。張先生向商店經(jīng)理說


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