1、外語教學法第二章練習10 / 9I. Multiple choices.1. One of the disadvantages in the Grammar-Translation Method is that the texts are taken from , the language of which doesn't often meet the practical needs of the learners.A. literary worksB. newspapers C. talesD. critical reviews2. The theory of language un
2、derlying the Grammar-Translation Method was derived from Linguistics.A. Applied B. Comparative Historical C. Traditional D. Structural3. Which of the following is NOT emphasized by traditional linguists?A. Correctness.B. The purity of a language.C. Literary excellence. D. Communication.4. the first
3、language is used in the teaching of the second language in theGrammar-Translation Method.A. A lot ofB. A little of C. Little ofD. Not any5. The ultimate goal of learning a foreign language in a Grammar-Translation classroom is to enable the students to its literature.A. translate and writeB. read C.
4、 read and writeD. read and translate6. Some linguists thought that all languages and were ruled by a common grammar.A. originated from one languageB. started as the same languageC. came from many different languagesD. borrowed words from one another7. It is believed that grammar analysis and transla
5、tion began to be the basic procedures in foreign language teaching from .A. about 2,500 years agoB. almost 1,000 years agoC. the 16th centuryD. the beginning of the 20 th century8. In the Grammar-Translation Method, grammar analysis and translation proved to be instudying foreign culture through lit
6、erary works.A. ineffective meansB. unaffective meansC. affective meansD. effective means9. Which of the followi ng types of questio ns is NOT in eluded in the Grammar-Tra nslati onMethod?A. Questi ons whose an swers are lear ner's subjective judgeme nts.B. Questi ons whose an swers are based on
7、objective in formatio n in the text.C. Questi ons whose an swers are lear ner's inferences based on the text.D. Questi ons whose an swers are related to lear ners' own experie nee10. Before the 16th cen tury, Lati n was taught and lear ned for.A. read ing literature in Lat inB. spoke n and w
8、ritte n com muni catio nC. masteri ng grammarD. lear ning fine arts11. Overemphasis on tran slati on will usuallymake the learnerthe first Ian guage in thelearning of the sec ond Ian guage.A. in depe ndent ofB. depe ndent ofC. in depe ndent fromD. depe ndent on12. I n the Grammar-Tra nslati on Metho
9、d, un dersta nding and memorizati on ofwereregarded as importa nt mea ns of develop ing men tality.A. difficult vocabularyB. tran slati on passagesC. complicated grammatical rulesD. writte n exercises13. Traditional linguists believe that the written form of Ianguage is to the spokenform.A. seniorB.
10、 j uniorC. in feriorD. superior14. Which of the followingtechniques is NOT used in the Grammar-TranslationMethod?A . ReadingB. TranslationC. Writte n workD . Oral prese ntati on15. According to the Grammar-Translation Method, Latin grammar was considered to be thegrammar.A. best and oldest B . most
11、logical and well-organizedC. most widely learnedD . most popular16. With developme nt of moder n Ian guages, Lati n became a(n)Ian guage.A. scie ntificB. livi ngC. dead D. artistic17. Some lin guists believed thatIan guages origi nated from one Ian guage and were ruled by a com mon grammar.A. allB.
12、some C. European D.many18. The learning theory which served as the basis of the Grammar-Translation Method was Psychology.A. Development B. Faculty C. ChildD. Social19. The major focus in a Grammar-Translation classroom is .A. speaking and writingB. listening and speakingC. reading and speaking D. w
13、riting and reading20. Traditional linguists gave priority to the written form and took as their starting point.A. words B. phrases C. sentences D. paragraphs21. Overemphasis on translation can never free learners from dependence on the language.A. second B. target C. first D. foreign22. Most foreign
14、 language teaching experts concluded that the Grammar-Translation Method originated from the century.A. 15th B. 16th C. 17th D. 18th23. The primary purpose of learning Latin was to examine the in the Renaissance.A. classical culture B. Roman history C. Catholic doctrines D. religions24. Most of the
15、teaching activities in a Grammar-Translation classroom serve the purpose of mastering .A. vocabulary B. grammatical rulesC. skill of reading D. skill of writing25. In the Grammar-Translation Method, the teaching materials are arranged according to a system.A. languageB. contentC. logic D. grammar26.
16、 The Grammar-Translation Method came into being in the century.A. 16th B. 17th C. 18th D. 19ths most widely27. Before the 16th century was a language of communication, the worldstudied foreign language in the Western world.A. LatinB. German C. French D. Spanish28. Students with the Grammar-Translati
17、on Method are expected to memorize grammatical rules and .A. sentence patterns B. principles for translationC. structures D. bil in gual word lists29. In the 19th century, foreign Ianguage teachers usually adopted the strategy of combininggrammar roles with.A.readi ngB.speak ing C.writi ng D. tran s
18、lati ng30. In foreig n Ian guage teachi ng , the target Ian guage was in terpreted as a system of rules to beobserved in texts and sentences, and to be related to the first languageand meaning.A.words B.rulesC.se ntencesD. con text31. The most logical and well-orga ni zed grammar isgrammar.A. Germa
19、n B. French C. Lat in D. Russia n32. Differe nt questio ns are desig ned in a Grammar-Tra nslati on Method classroom for stude nts toan swer in order to check theirof the readi ng passage.A. structureB. orga ni zati onC. un dersta ndingD. compos ingII. Fill in the bla nks.1. The Grammar-Translation
20、Method proved to be an effective means in studying foreign_culturethrough literary works.2. The experts in grammar an alysis and tran slati on approach believed that the huma n minds couldbe trained by logical _analysisof the classic Ian guage, memorizati on of complicated rules,and tran slati on be
21、twee n Ian guages.3. When discuss ing the rule of Ian guage, traditi onal lin guists ten ded to take a _prescriptiveapproach.4. In the Grammar-Translation Method, the teaching materials are arranged according to_grammarsystem.5. Most of the teach ing activities in a Grammar-Tra nslati on classroom s
22、erve the _purposeofmastering grammatical rules.6. Gen erally speak ing, the Grammar-Tra nslati on Method bel ongs to the school of traditional lin guistics.7. I n the view of Grammar-Tra nslati on Method, the first Ian guage is mai ntai ned as the reference in the acquisiti on of the target Ian guag
23、e.8. The theory of learning underlying the Grammar-TranslationMethod was facultyPsychology.9. In Grammar-Translation Method, grammar is the main content in foreign Ianguage classrooms.10. The teacher uses the _firstIan guage of the stude nts as the main medium in teach ing in aGrammar-Tra nslati on
24、classroom.11. With the development of modern Ianguages, Latin gradually became displaced as a_livingIan guage.12. It was believed by traditional linguists that the _writtenform of Ianguage was superior tothe spoke n one.13. In a Grammar-Translation classroom, the basic unit of Ianguage teaching and
25、learning is the.sentence.14. The strategy of combining grammar rules with _translation was adopted by manyforeign Ianguage teachers in the 19th century.15. Latin grammar was at that time thought to be the most logical and _well-organizedgrammar.16. Some Grammar-Translation Method advocators thought
26、that all Ianguages originated from_one Ian guageso that they were gover ned by a com mon grammar.17. The ultimate _purpose of learning a foreign Ianguage in a Grammar-TranslationMethod classroom is to en able the stude nts to read and tran slate its literature.18. Only in the late 18th cen tury did
27、the _ combinationof grammar rules with tran slati oninto target la nguage become popular as the prin cipal practice tech niq ue.19. The major practice in a Grammar-Translation Method classroom is translating from and intothe .targetIan guage.20. The _mediumof in structio n in the Grammar-Tra nslatio
28、 n Method is the first Ian guage ormother ton gue.21. The experts in grammar analysis and translation approach believed that the human mindscould be trained by logical analysis of the classic Ianguage , memorization of complicated rules , and _translationbetwee n Ian guages.22. The fun dame ntal pur
29、pose of lear ning Lati n was to study the _clasicalculture which was worshipped in the Ren aissa nee.23. _latinwas a Ian guage of com muni cati on that people widely studied in the Westernworld before the 16th cen tury.24. The two steps in Phase One of a Grammar-Tra nslatio n Method classroom are ex
30、pla nati on ofnew words and expressi ons, and teach ing of new _grammar.25. Viewed the nature and purpose of education, the Grammar-Translation Method was anexpressi on of _ classicalhuma ni sm.III. Matchi ng: (10%)Directions: This sect ion con sists of two groups of pairs listed in two colu mns, A
31、and B. You are to match the one marked , or in Colu mn A with the one marked a, b,c, d, or e in Column B. One point is give n to each pair you match correctly.1. A. The eventB. The timeThe Grammar-Translation Method became the principal method of teaching modern, Ianguages in schools.a. In the 18th
32、cen tury. Grammar an alysis and tran slati on age teach ing.b. From the 18th cen tury. The Grammar-Tra nslati on Method origi nated,c. In the mid-19 也 ce ntury.Students were taught using the same basic procedures that were used for teach ing Lat in.d. Only in the late 18 th century. The regular comb
33、 in ati on of grammar rules with translation into the target Ianguage became popular as the prin cipal practice tech niq ue.e. From the 16th cen tury.1c 2e 3b 4a 5d2. A. FLTMB. Objective The Grammar-Tra nslati on Methoda. To help lear ners to get a practical comma nd of the four basic skills of Ian
34、guage The Direct Methodb. To en able the lear ners to use the target Ian guage com muni catively The Oral Approachc. To foster the lear ners' ability to com muni cate in the target Ian guageThe Audiolingual Methodd. To en able the lear ners to read and tran slate the literature of the target Ian
35、 guage The Cogn itive Approache. To develop in the learners the same type of abilities possessed by the n ative speakers1d 2c 3a 4b 5e3. AB oneof the main features of thegrammar-tra nslati on methodba. tran slati on thetheory oflear ningun derly ingthegrammar-tra nslati on methoddb. the emphasis on
36、the teaching of the sec ond Ian guage grammar An ultimate purpose of learning a foreign Ianguage in a Grammar-Translation classroom ec. superiority of the written form over the spoke n form of the Ian guage one of the tech niq ues of the grammar- tran slati on method ad. the faculty of psychology on
37、eof the main features of thegrammar-tra nslatio n methodce. en abli ng the lear ners toread andtran slate the literature of the target Ian guage4. A: tech niq ues used inB: the purposeGrammar-Tra nslati on Method: readi nga. to prese nt new items or to un dersta nd the passage an alysis and comparis
38、 onb. to apply the new items tran slati onc. to check the un dersta nding of the readi ng passage readi ngcomprehe nsionquestio nsd. to in troduce new words and grammar rules written worke. to apply the grammar rules to examples and to un dersta nd the readi ng passage5. A: the main feature of the G
39、rammar-B: the advantage or disadvantage associatedTran slati on Methodwith the feature.emphasis on the teaching of the secondIan guage grammara. little attention paid to speaking or listening.translation being the principal tech niquepracticeb. a good mastery of the grammar system of the target Iang
40、uage being helpful for students in teachers colleges.emphasis on reading and writingc. Ianguage learned being unable to meet the practical n eeds of learners.n ative Ian guage being the main medium of in structio nd. better un dersta nding of abstract words.priority of literary Ian guagee. few dema
41、nds on teachers6.A: adva ntage or disadva ntage associated with the featureB: main features of the Grammar-Tra nslati onMethod1. few dema nds on teachersa. priority of literary lang uage2. la nguage lear ned un able to meet the practical n eeds of learnersb. emphasis on reading and writing3. better
42、un dersta nding of abstract wordsc. native Ianguage being the main medium o' in structio n4. a good mastery of the grammar system of the target Ian guage helpful for teacher-to-be stude ntsd. tran slati on being the prin cipal practice tech nique5. little attention to speaking or listeninge. emphasis on the teaching of the secon( lang uage grammarIV. Questi ons for short an swers.1. What was traditi onal lin guists' attitude towards the writte n and spoke n form
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