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1、中國古典樂器Traditional Chinese musical instrument遠古時期遠古時期Ancient time以狩獵及歌舞以狩獵及歌舞伴奏為主,用伴奏為主,用的是打擊樂器,的是打擊樂器,如磬、陶鐘、如磬、陶鐘、銅鐘、祝、敔、銅鐘、祝、敔、管、篪、笙、管、篪、笙、夏商時期夏商時期Xia and Shang Dynasties出現(xiàn)定音的擊樂器出現(xiàn)定音的擊樂器和多管樂器,如婸和多管樂器,如婸鼓、鈴、編鐘、塤、鼓、鈴、編鐘、塤、龠、言、等,龠、言、等,先秦時期先秦時期樂器增加,鼓、鐘、樂器增加,鼓、鐘、簫、管、笛、竽、琴、簫、管、笛、竽、琴、瑟、箏等,表達的性瑟、箏等,表達的性能提高

2、,能提高,形成形成”八音八音”的分類法的分類法。秦漢隋唐秦漢隋唐時期時期樂器發(fā)展樂器發(fā)展的鼎盛時的鼎盛時期,彈奏期,彈奏樂器樂器( (如如琴、瑟、琴、瑟、箜篌、琵箜篌、琵琶、得到琶、得到空前的繁空前的繁榮與發(fā)展。榮與發(fā)展。琵琶則是琵琶則是唐代最為唐代最為重要的樂重要的樂器,專以器,專以演奏宮廷演奏宮廷燕樂為主燕樂為主。明清時期明清時期樂器有較大發(fā)展與集中,樂器有較大發(fā)展與集中,( (如二胡如二胡)與嗩吶蘆簧與嗩吶蘆簧樂器。笙與古琴在國家樂器。笙與古琴在國家音樂方面占了重要地位,音樂方面占了重要地位,琵琶則消失了其權(quán)威樂琵琶則消失了其權(quán)威樂器的地位。器的地位。元代時期元代時期這時期出現(xiàn)了這時期出

3、現(xiàn)了新的樂器,如新的樂器,如三弦、火不思、三弦、火不思、七十二弦琵琶、七十二弦琵琶、魚鼓、云魚鼓、云璈、等璈、等遼、宋、西夏與金時期遼、宋、西夏與金時期義手笛、羌笛、簫管等義手笛、羌笛、簫管等吹奏樂器以及葫蘆琴、吹奏樂器以及葫蘆琴、等弦樂器,還有流行在等弦樂器,還有流行在西北邊區(qū)的馬尾胡琴西北邊區(qū)的馬尾胡琴等等新樂器產(chǎn)生新樂器產(chǎn)生Timing Axis(時間軸)(時間軸)cataloguel Plucked String Instrument(弦樂器弦樂器)laerophone Instrument(單管口吹氣鳴樂器單管口吹氣鳴樂器)lpercussion Instrument(打擊樂器打擊樂

4、器)Guqin, It is a plucked seven-string Chinese musical instrument of the zither family with a history of more than 3000 years. The prefix gu- (meaning ancient) was later added for clarification. It can also be called seven-stringed instrument (七弦琴 ). 古琴,又稱稱中國國七弦琴,為為中國國最古老的彈撥樂彈撥樂器之一, 有文字可考的歷歷史有四千余年。 I

5、ts tone is deep, lingering long, deep Oriental culture characteristics. Guqin has always attaches great importance to for the literati class, is considered the father of Chinese music, saint. 其音色深沉,余音悠遠遠,深具東東方文化特色。 古琴歷來為歷來為文人階層階層重視視,被尊為為“國樂國樂之父”、“圣圣人之器”。clarification:n.澄清,說明;凈化澄清,說明;凈化lingering:adj.

6、拖延的;拖延的;v.徘徊,緩慢消失,沉思徘徊,緩慢消失,沉思 literati :n.人文的,文學(xué)界人文的,文學(xué)界-(復(fù)數(shù)(復(fù)數(shù)literatus)Guqin has traditionally been favored by scholars and literati as an instrument of great subtlety and refinement. Guqin has always been viewed as the first place among the four Chinese high culture activities such as Guqin, Che

7、ss, calligraphy and painting. 在中國國古代,琴、棋、書書、畫畫,歷來歷來被視為視為文人雅士修身養(yǎng)養(yǎng)性的必由之徑徑。古琴因其清清、和、淡、雅的音樂樂品格寄寓了文人風風凌傲骨、超凡脫脫俗的處處世心態(tài)態(tài),而在音樂樂、棋術(shù)術(shù)、書書法、繪繪畫畫中居于首位。subtlety:n.微妙,敏銳,精明微妙,敏銳,精明 On the night of one Mid-autumn Festival, YuBoya, enjoying the scenery from a riverboat, started to play a tune. When he finished, chee

8、rs from a firewood gatherer, called ZhongZiqi, took him by surprise. After inviting him on board, YuBoya decided to test ZhongZiqis knowledge by asking the origin of his zither(guqin) and the meaning of two songs. ZhongZiqi answered perfectly. Knowing that he had finally found a friend who truly und

9、eretood his music, YuBoya proposed to become sworn brothers with him. They also agreed to meet again one year later.When that long awaited day finally came, ZhongZiqi was not seen, despite YuBoyas calling on the zither(guqin). So YuBoya went to search for him. On the shore, He saw a grave that stran

10、gely faced the river. It turned out to be ZhongZiqis grave.According to his last wish, the grave was built along the river so that ZhongZiqi could listen to YuBoyas songs even after his death. Deeply touched, YuBoya played a final heart-wrenching tune before breaking the zither(guqin) and promising

11、never to play again because he had lost the only one who truly understood his music. 少選之間,志在流水,少選之間,志在流水,鐘子期曰:鐘子期曰:“善哉乎,善哉乎,洋洋兮若江河洋洋兮若江河 !”伯伯牙所念,鐘子期必得牙所念,鐘子期必得之。之。 伯牙游于泰山之陰,伯牙游于泰山之陰,卒逢暴雨,止于巖下,卒逢暴雨,止于巖下,心悲。乃援琴而鼓之。心悲。乃援琴而鼓之。初為霖雨之操,更造初為霖雨之操,更造崩山之音,曲每奏,崩山之音,曲每奏,鐘子期輒窮其趣。伯鐘子期輒窮其趣。伯牙乃舍琴而嘆曰:牙乃舍琴而嘆曰:“善哉,善哉,子

12、之善哉,善哉,子之聽夫!志想象猶吾心聽夫!志想象猶吾心也。吾于何逃聲哉?也。吾于何逃聲哉?”Pipa is known as the king of traditional Chinese instruments(“民樂之王民樂之王”)and,the king of Plucked String Instruments(“彈撥樂器之王彈撥樂器之王”)。)。In the history of the so-called pipa, and not only refers to a pear-shaped soundbox QuXiang pipa, but many plucked instru

13、ments, similar in shape and size are different, like now LiuQin, yueqin, nguyen, etc., can be said is pipa kind of Musical Instruments To name a pa is according to play the instruments right hand techniques to the a and pa are the names of the two kinds of playing methods, is a right hand forward, p

14、a is right hand play back Pipa is the main instrument in our country has a long history。 The beginning The beginning Prototypes of the pipa already existed in China in the Qin Dynasty (221 BC - 206 BC). At that time, there were two types of pipa. One was straight-necked, with a round sound box const

15、ructed from lacquered Paulownia wood, and two faces mounted with leather. The other was believed to be inspired by the primitive forms of zheng, konghou, and zou. It also has a straight neck, a round sound box, and also four strings. This model was later developed into the instrument known today as

16、the ruan. The modern pipa is closer to the instrument which originated in Persia/Middle-East (where it was called barbat) and was introduced into China beginning in the late Jin Dynasty (265-420 A.D.).Prototypes:原型,技術(shù)原型,雛型原型,技術(shù)原型,雛型 lacquered:涂漆的,噴漆的涂漆的,噴漆的Paulownia:桐桐 Pipa is a plucked Chinese stri

17、ng instrument. Sometimes called the Chinese lute, the instrument has a pear-shaped wooden body. It has been played for nearly two thousand years in China, and belongs to the plucked category of instruments. Several related instruments in East and Southeast Asia are derived from the pipa; these inclu

18、de the Japanese biwa, and the Korean bipa. The Korean instrument is the only one of the three that is no longer used. Attempts to revive the instrument have failed, although examples survive in museums.pluckedplucked:adj.:adj.粗細不均的粗細不均的lute:n.lute:n.魯特琴,古琵琶;魯特琴,古琵琶; v. v.彈詩琴,用封泥封彈詩琴,用封泥封輕攏慢捻抹復(fù)挑,輕攏慢捻

19、抹復(fù)挑,初為霓裳后六幺。初為霓裳后六幺。大弦嘈嘈如急雨,大弦嘈嘈如急雨,小弦切切如私語。小弦切切如私語。嘈嘈切切錯雜彈,嘈嘈切切錯雜彈,大珠小珠落玉盤。大珠小珠落玉盤。間關(guān)鶯語花底滑,間關(guān)鶯語花底滑,幽咽泉流水下灘。幽咽泉流水下灘。水泉冷澀弦凝絕,水泉冷澀弦凝絕,凝絕不通聲漸歇。凝絕不通聲漸歇。別有幽愁暗恨生,別有幽愁暗恨生,此時無聲勝有聲。此時無聲勝有聲。銀瓶乍破水漿迸,銀瓶乍破水漿迸,鐵騎突出刀槍鳴。鐵騎突出刀槍鳴。曲終收撥當心畫,曲終收撥當心畫,四弦一聲如裂帛四弦一聲如裂帛uThe fine strings softly tinkled in murmuring The fine str

20、ings softly tinkled in murmuring strain.strain.uWhen mingling loud and soft notes were When mingling loud and soft notes were together played,together played,uTwas like large and small pearls dropping on Twas like large and small pearls dropping on plate of jade.plate of jade.uNow clear like orioles

21、 warbling in flowery Now clear like orioles warbling in flowery land,land,uThen sobbing like a stream running along Then sobbing like a stream running along the sand.the sand.uBut the stream seemed so cold as to But the stream seemed so cold as to tighten the string;tighten the string;uFrom tightene

22、d strings no more sound could From tightened strings no more sound could be heard to heard to ring.uStill we heard hidden grief and vague regret Still we heard hidden grief and vague regret concealed;concealed;uMusic expressed then far less than silence Music expressed then far less than sil

23、ence revealed.revealed.uSuddenly we heard water burst a silver jar,Suddenly we heard water burst a silver jar,uThe clash of spears and sabres coming from The clash of spears and sabres coming from afar.afar.uShe made a central sweep when the music She made a central sweep when the music was ending;w

24、as ending;uThe four strings made one sound, as of silk The four strings made one sound, as of silk one is is rending. In ancient times, konghou also widely spreadIn ancient times, konghou also widely spreadeded in the folk in addition to court orchestra. In the in the folk in addition to

25、 court orchestra. In the Tang Dynasty, with the rapid development of Tang Dynasty, with the rapid development of economy and culture, its art performance has economy and culture, its art performance has reached a very high level and Chinese ancient reached a very high level and Chinese ancient harp

26、has also spreaded to Japan, Korea and harp has also spreaded to Japan, Korea and other neighboring countries in this period.other neighboring countries in this period.The vertical The vertical harpharp(豎箜篌豎箜篌)Phoenix Phoenix First HarpFirst Harp(鳳首箜篌鳳首箜篌)The horizontal The horizontal konghoukonghou(

27、臥箜篌)(臥箜篌)Xiao, also known as Xiao, also known as DongXiao, is Chinese DongXiao, is Chinese ancient aerophone.ancient aerophone.A Ab bout Its history, we out Its history, we can speak from the can speak from the panpipe. panpipe. laerophoneaerophone: :氣鳴樂器氣鳴樂器lpanpipepanpipe:排簫排簫 Todays Xiao have exi

28、sted in the Han Dynasty , Todays Xiao have existed in the Han Dynasty , but at that time it was called Qiang flute.but at that time it was called Qiang flute.After the development, Qiangdi gradually After the development, Qiangdi gradually evolved into Tin which was very similar to evolved into Tin

29、which was very similar to todays xiaotodays xiao. .lTinTin:六孔樂器:六孔樂器levolveevolve:進化:進化 Xiaos structure is relatively simpleXiaos structure is relatively simple. .In the upper edge of the mouthpiece, In the upper edge of the mouthpiece, blowing pronunciation.blowing pronunciation.lmouthpiecemouthpie

30、ce: :喉舌,樂器的吹口喉舌,樂器的吹口lpronunciationpronunciation:發(fā)音:發(fā)音 Qiangdi is Chinas oldest single reed Qiangdi is Chinas oldest single reed aerophone which has 2000 years of history, aerophone which has 2000 years of history, popular in the north of Sichuan where popular in the north of Sichuan where Aba Tibet

31、an and Qiang Autonomous Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture Qiang are living.Prefecture Qiang are living.lAba TibetanAba Tibetan:阿壩藏族:阿壩藏族lAutonomous Autonomous :自主的:自主的 Qiangdi is made Qiangdi is made from the oil from the oil bamboo growing bamboo growing on the local on the local mountain

32、s. The mountains. The bamboo joint is bamboo joint is long, the tube body long, the tube body is thin and is thin and d double ouble tubes side by side tubes side by side with winding line with winding line together.together.lbamboobamboo jointjoint:竹節(jié):竹節(jié) Qiangdi is mainly used Qiangdi is mainly use

33、d for solo.It has more than for solo.It has more than ten ancient Qupai first ten ancient Qupai first and the music content is and the music content is broad which is mainly broad which is mainly used to convey the Qiang used to convey the Qiang peoples feelings of peoples feelings of longing and yearning.longing and yearning. lsolosolo: :獨奏獨奏l(xiāng)longinglonging: :渴望渴望lyearningyearning: :思念思念percussion instrumentslpercussion n.打,敲,打擊打,敲,打擊樂樂在此錄入文字標題Chime is made of bronze.The chime is composed of nine ir thirt


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