



1、初一閱讀、完形、選詞 8Bats are the only flying mammals in the world. They can t see very well. It waslong believed, and still is in many places, that all bats are blind.“ Blind as a boften heard. Yet they have no trouble flying on the darkest nights and finding their way around very well.How can bats fly and

2、see at night? They fly by radar!The bat s radar system works the same way as the one that ships and planes use.As a bat flies through the air, he makes a sound that is too high for our ears to hear. If the sounds hitthings they come back. The bat s ears receive the messages. In this waythey are able

3、 to tell the bat where the things are.Bats go out to look for food at night. In the day-time they hang in some dark places. Some peoplehave the bats as bad animals. In fact, they are useful animals.1. The article tells us about _ .A. the bat like a mouse with wingsB. the radarC. a blind manD. the ba

4、t used for playing table tennis2. The bat is _ .A. an animalB. a bird C. a fish D. a beast3.“ As blind as a bat” means a person who is _.A. blind in the left eyeB. able to see wellC. not able to see wellD. lame in the right foot4. Bats have no trouble flying on the darkest night because _ .A. they h

5、ave very poor sightB. they have a kind of radar system to help themC. they have to look for foodD. they can see things in the dark nights5. Bats go out to look for food _.A. at noon B. in the afternoonC. during the day-timeD. after sun sets and before the sun risesFire can help people in many ways.

6、But it can also _1_ suffering to people. Fire can heat water,warm your house, give light and cook food. But fire can burn things, _2_.Today people know how to make _3_ with matches. Children sometimes like _4_ them. Butmatches can be very dangerous. One match can burn _5_, and then it might burn a h

7、ouse. A small firecan _6_ a big fire very fast. Fires kill _7_ people every year. So we must _8_ matches. We should alsolearn how to put out fires. Cover a fire _9_ water, sand or a wet quilt. This _10_ the air away from a fireand kills it.1.A. takeB. carryC. catchD. bring2.A. alsoB. neitherC. tooD.

8、 either3.A. a fireB. a houseC. clothesD. food4.A. playingB. to playC. playing atD. to play withletter, enjoy, out , join, write, so , old, start, differenee,practicePeople from all over the world make friends by _ letters. One way to finda pen frie nd is to_ a club. Intern ati onal Pen Frie nds_ in

9、1967 and has over300,000 members in_ countries. Their youngest member is eight years old,and their_ member is over 80. Some people write to find_ about life inano ther coun try, others want to_their En glish, or enjoy their hobbies. Stampcollectors, for example, write to people in differe nt coun tr

10、ies so_ they cancollect the stamps on the _they receive . Most people just _ makingfriends, and they invite their pen friends to visit them.初一閱讀、完形、選詞 9New York has a larger population than any other American city. In 1970, its population was about 8000 000.Chicago has the sec ond largest populati o

11、n. More tha n 3 000 000 people lived in Chicago in 1970.The third largest city is Los An geles with a population of 2 810 000. Philadelphia is the fourthlargest city. More than 2 000 000 people live in Philadelphia, a first capital city of the United States.New York, Chicago, Los An geles and Philad

12、elphia are all larger tha n the n ati on capital city,Wash ington ,D.C. The populati on of Wash ington is more tha n 700 000, but several cities have alarger population than that. Washington is one of the most beautiful American cities, but it is only theninth city in size.1. New York has_ populatio

13、n in the United States.A. the sec ond largestB. a largerC. the largestD. more2. Los Angeles is the third largest American city in_ .A. sizeB. populatio nC. build ingsD. shops3. _is the capital of the United States.A. New York B. Philadelphia C. ChicagoD. Washi ngton D. C.4. Wash ington is more beaut

14、iful tha n_ America n cities.5. A. a paper6. A. become7. A. much8. A. careful9. A. in10.A, keepsB. piece paperB. turnB. ple ntyB. careful ofB. withB. stopsC. a piece of paper D. a paper of pieceC. changesC. manyC. be carefulC. byC. makesD. gotD. lotsD. be careful withD. useD. takesA, most of the B.

15、allC. some of the D. only a few5. There were about_people livi ng in New York in 1970.A. eighty thousa ndB. eighty millio nC. eight millio nD. eighty hun dredWhy do people drink? Often because they _1_, but this can t be the _2_ reason,there _3_ be other reas ons, too. I n many coun tries, whe n fri

16、ends see _4_ they ofte n drink while theysit and talk. Many English people don t need anyone else, they often _5_ a drink several times _6_day even if they are alone. In most countries people say _7_ when they drink together. The English _8_“Cheers” .In everycountry there are many places where drink

17、s can be _9_. Si nee there are so _10_ these places itseems that many people drink more often than they really need to.1.A. have thirstyB. have thirstC. are thirstyD. are thirst2.A. l on elyB. si ngleC. onlyD. alone3.A. shallB. mustC. shouldD. ought4.A. each otherB. themselvesC. themD. ano ther5.A.

18、drinkB. eatC. tasteD. have6.A. duri ngB. aC. toD. by7.A. someth ing speciallyB. someth ing specialC. specially somethi ngD. special somethi ng8.A. ofte n sayB. ofte n saysC. say ofte nD. says often9.A. boughtB. give nC. sellD. sent10. A. muchB. ple nty ofC. manyD. many ofthem, part, realize,about, c

19、ha nge,without,liste n , lear n, be, onlyBritish inven tor, Trevor Baylis, was liste ning to a radio programme one day_ health problems in Africa. He then_ how much a radio would help African peopleabout health and health care. Electricity and batteries_ expensive and hard to get in some_of Africa,

20、so he developed a clever radio that works_ batteries or electricity. It_the lives of many Africa npeople. Even in tiny villages which had no electricity, began to_to the radio,not _ for entertainment, but to educate_, too.初一閱讀、完形、選詞 10There are about 56 million people in the United Kingdom. This is

21、a big population for such a smallcountry. But large parts of the country have few people. Most of the population is crowded into the bigcities and industrial areas. About 90% of the people live in cities and towns. Only about 10% live in thecountryside. Today very few people -less tha n 2% of the po

22、pulatio n - are farmers and farm workers.England has the most people. About 46 million live in England. Of these, about 14 million live inLondon and the south-east. London is now a city of about 7 million people. Most of Scotlandspopulation of 5 million live in the middle part.Here are the cities an

23、d towns of the industrial area. The mountains in the north andthe south have a very small population. Fewer than 3 million people live in Wales. Like Scotland, mostof the population live in the industrial area in the south. There are only about one and a half millionpeople in Northern Ireland, and o

24、ne- third live in and around the big industrial city of Belfast.1. The United Kingdom _ .B. has many peopleD. is a small country without many peopleB. in the countrysideD. near riversC. crowdedD. newtion in the United kingdom.C. thirdD. fourth5. Northern Ireland is _ .A. the name of a countryB. a sm

25、all city of the UnitedKingdomC. a country with a smaller population D. one part of the United KingdomPeople in many countries are learning English. Some learn at school, others study by _1_. A _2_learn English _3_ the radio.Why do all these people want to learn English? Its difficult _4_ that questi

26、on.Many _5_ learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. _6_ people learn English because_7_ useful for their work. Many students often learn English for their _8_ studies because _9_ thecollege some of their books _10_ _11_ English.It is not _12_ to learn a foreign language. But the

27、re is _13_ difficult _14_ the world if you _15_ yourheart into it.1.A. himselfB. oneselfC. themselvesD.ourselves2.A.fewB.littleC.few ofD.little of3.A.ofB.withC.onD.in4.A.answerB. answeringC.answeredD.to answer5.A.workersB. boys and girls C. doctorsD. scientistsA. is a large countryC. has a small pop

28、ulation2. Most of the people live _ .A. in cities and townsC. in every part of the country3. London is a _ city.A. quietB. small4. Scotland is the _ largest inA. firstB. second6. A. SomeB. MuchB. itsC. A lotC. theyreD. A littleD. their7. A.its8. A. lowerB. l on gerC. shorterD. higher9. A. n earB. atC. onD. in front of10. A.writeB. wroteC. are writte nD. is writte n11. A.inB. withC. onD. from12. A.freeB. difficultC. busyD. easy13. A. someth ingB. anythingC. no thi ngD. some14. A.inB. onC. overD. of15. A. keepB. putC. takeD. bringcomputer, lot , send, open, message, ask, about, if, like,


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