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1、高考英語考前一周備考策略同學(xué)們:高考的鐘聲即將敲響,號角即將響起!經(jīng)過高三階段系統(tǒng)、全面的復(fù)習(xí),你們在英語方面取得了很大的進步。其實,復(fù)習(xí)到現(xiàn)在,你們已經(jīng)準備得相當充分了,只要你充滿信心走進考場,勝利就在向你招手。 在考試前認真反思一下各個題型的答題技巧比做幾道練習(xí)更重要。但愿這套英語考前指導(dǎo)材料能對你們有所幫助。長風(fēng)破浪,直濟滄海;蟾宮折桂,舍我其誰?就讓我們跺掉腳上的灰塵,拍著自己堅實的胸膛,向高考宣戰(zhàn)!預(yù)祝大家在2011年高考中超越自我,創(chuàng)造六月輝煌! 首先我們要了解高考英語考什么。近幾年高考英語的試卷難度一般在0.550.65左右,高考命題的詞匯范圍是普通高中英語課程標準中精選的250

2、0個單詞。與往年相比,今年考試中變化較大的題型是“短文改錯”,因為往年是短文的每行只有一個錯誤,而今年短文中的錯誤需在整篇文章中找,每行的錯誤可能是一個,也可能是兩個或三個,這就減少了考生的投機性。建議考生在考前最后一周突擊訓(xùn)練一下,每天練上12篇,以增強對新題型的適應(yīng)性。其次,不要改變平時的閱讀習(xí)慣 英語能否拿高分,“閱讀理解”部分非常關(guān)鍵。對考生來說,判斷主旨大意和推理判斷題比較難把握,建議考生在高考時不要臨時改變自己已經(jīng)熟悉的閱讀方法,先看文章再做題,或者先看題再讀文章,這兩種方法各有利弊,高考時應(yīng)按平時的閱讀習(xí)慣來答題。在遇到生詞或不明白的句子時要大膽向前看,不要頻繁回讀;答題時要看清


4、限時模擬訓(xùn)練,時間控制在1小時左右(不包括作文);最后,在最后7天內(nèi)寫三篇作文,每次20分鐘以內(nèi),做到對幾種主要的文章體裁心中有數(shù)。下面我們就從各個題目簡單分析一下高考英語做題注意事項:一 單選篇1謹防緊鄰信息的誤導(dǎo),避免定勢思維。在學(xué)習(xí)過程中,老師往往就一些常見的、重要的詞、詞組及句型加以反復(fù)強調(diào),以加深學(xué)生的印象,學(xué)生因此而可能形成思維的定勢?!纠?】My parents have always made me _ about myself, even when I was twelve.A. feeling well B. feeling good C. feel well D. fee

5、l good ( 2007 江蘇 35 )由于我們對I am feeling well today. 形成了思維定勢,容易錯選C. 這里不表示身體好,而是表示自我感覺好。選D.【例2】- I can't find Mr. Smith. Where did you meet him this morning? - It was in the hotel _ he stayed. 1 / 23A. whereB. whichC. the oneD. that此題最大的干擾項是D,考生很可能把它看作強調(diào)結(jié)構(gòu)。但根據(jù)句意,它要表達的是“在他呆的賓館里找到他的”。所以,實際上是在stayed后省

6、略了that I found him,即全句可完整地表達為It was in the hotel where he stayed that I found him。因此,答案為A?!纠?】Though life should be colorful, I prefer devoting all my energies to my studies_ more professional knowledge. A. to get B. to getting C. rather than getD. rather than to get考生容易錯選B。但仔細分析句意,應(yīng)選A,表示目的。2. 注意分析句

7、子結(jié)構(gòu),確定選擇方向一個句子所使用的標點符號、有無連詞,往往起著決定性的作用;而插入語、省略語等,在一定程度上干擾考生的思維。【例1】My sister, an inexperienced rider, was found sitting on the bicycle _ to balance it.A. having triedB. trying C. to tryD. tried (2008 上海 30) 分析句子結(jié)構(gòu),an experienced rider是插入語,同時,主語my sister與try之間為主動關(guān)系,首先排除D項;而后考慮sit on the bicycle與try t

8、o balance it 同時發(fā)生,可知B項為正確答案?!纠?】Who do you think youd rather _ the tape recorder?A. have to repairB. have fixedC. get repairedD. get to repair在確定答案之前,我們先來看看下面這個句子:I think I would rather have the man fix the tape recorder.I think I would rather get the man to fix the tape recorder.在這兩句中,假若對名詞the man

9、提問,便可得出:Who do you think you would rather have repair the tape recorder ? / Who do you think you would rather get to repair the tape recorder ?【例3】The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons _for the day.A. finishing B. finished C. had finished D. were finished解析: 由于中間有逗號, 意味著后面的部分

10、是狀語。由于該部分前面沒有連詞,故不能用謂語形式。 因此要用finished構(gòu)成獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)。3.查看主賓表定-缺啥補啥句健全當考察名詞性從句或定語從句時,依次優(yōu)先觀察從句中是否缺主語,賓語,若缺某一成分,就得選擇能夠充當該成分的選項。若主語、賓語、表語或定語都不缺,就再觀察句子是否缺哪類狀語,選擇能夠充當該狀語的選項,以補全句子結(jié)構(gòu)。Choosing the right dictionary depends on you want to use it for.A. what B. why C how D whether解析: what 引導(dǎo)的名詞性從句作介詞on的賓語,what在從句中又充當

11、介詞for的賓語. We shouldnt spend our money testing so many people, most of are healthy.A that B which C what D whom解析: 本題考察非限制性定性定語從句,介詞of后面缺賓語,能夠作賓語且能夠引導(dǎo)定語從句的關(guān)系代詞which 和whom, 由于非限制性定性定語從句用來說明前面指人的名詞people, 故用whom充當介詞of的賓語。熱門知識點:時態(tài)語態(tài):要做好動詞時態(tài)語態(tài)題,除了必須掌握各種時態(tài)的結(jié)構(gòu)、含義和用法外,還要注意體會動詞在具體的語言環(huán)境中的使用。語態(tài)通常結(jié)合時態(tài)一起考查,解題時一定

12、要結(jié)合語境,弄清時間先后關(guān)系,可根據(jù)不同情況采取“找標法(尋找時間標志詞)”、“呼應(yīng)法(主從句時態(tài)呼應(yīng))”、“搭配法(固定搭配)”、“語境法(事情發(fā)生的環(huán)境)”等解題技巧?!菊骖}】 The moment I got home, I found I _ my jacket on the playground. A. had left B. left C. have left D. was leaving 【解析】A。I found后接賓語從句,結(jié)合“呼應(yīng)法”和“語境法”,由于主句動詞使用了一般過去時,且賓語從句的動作發(fā)生在主句動作之前,應(yīng)使用過去完成時。 【真題】Did you watch th

13、e basketball match yesterday? Yes, I did. You know, my brother _ in the match. (安徽卷) A. is playing B. was playing C. has played D. had played 【解析】B。運用“語境法”,結(jié)合上下文語境可知,“我”看了昨天的比賽是因為“我弟弟當時正在參加比賽”,指過去正在發(fā)生的動作或狀態(tài)應(yīng)使用過去進行時。 【模擬題】 Have you seen my email about our TESL project? Yes. Luckily, I checked my emai

14、ls yesterday. Normally, I _ my email-box for days.A. havent opened          B. didnt open             C. hadnt opened        D. dont open【解析】D。normally表明這是一個習(xí)慣性的動作,故用一般現(xiàn)在

15、時。特殊結(jié)構(gòu)(倒裝、省略、強調(diào)) 倒裝 倒裝可分為全部倒裝和部分倒裝。句子是全部倒裝還是部分倒裝往往取決于位于句首的詞語。因此,熟記具有倒裝要求的標志詞是解題的關(guān)鍵。 【真題】So much of interest _ that most visitors simply run out of time before seeing it all. (上海卷) A. offers Beijing B. Beijing offers C. does Beijing offer D. Beijing does offer 【解析】C?!癝o(Such).that.”結(jié)構(gòu)中的so或such位于句首時,構(gòu)

16、成部分倒裝句。句中的謂語是offer,時態(tài)是一般現(xiàn)在時,因此應(yīng)添加助動詞does,并將其置于主語Beijing之前以構(gòu)成部分倒裝句。 The policeman told me that I had passed the driving test and never in my life _ so happy and excited.A. I felt B. did I feel C. I had felt D. had I felt 強調(diào) 強調(diào)結(jié)構(gòu)的基本形式是“It is/was+ 被強調(diào)部分 +that/who.”。同時,強調(diào)結(jié)構(gòu)還有許多變形形式,需要引起注意。 * 一般疑問句句型為“Is

17、/Was it +被強調(diào)部分+ that/who.?” * 特殊疑問句句型為“特殊疑問詞+ is/was it that.?” *“Not.until.”句式的強調(diào)句型為“It is/was not until.that.” 【真題】 It was in New Zealand _ Elizabeth first met Mr. Smith. A. that B. how C. which D. when 【真題】 It was not until midnight _ they reached the camp site. A. that B. when C. while D. as 情態(tài)動

18、詞:第一步:判斷是對現(xiàn)在的推測還是對過去的推測。這一步其實很簡單,看題干中情態(tài)動詞后有沒有have即可。如有,則為對過去的推測;如無,則為對現(xiàn)在的推測。 第二步:判斷題干是肯定句、否定句還是疑問句。這一步更簡單,通過對句尾標點符號的判斷以及句中是否含有not很容易就可以判定。 第三步:根據(jù)語境,判斷推測語氣是否強烈,并對照表格找出相應(yīng)的情態(tài)動詞。 通過以上三步,這一類型的題目就不再是難題了。下面不妨來看兩個例題: 1. She looks very happy. She _ have passed the exam. I guess so. It's not difficult aft

19、er all. (2007 江蘇卷) A. should B. could C. must D. might 解析:第一步,因為情態(tài)動詞后有have,所以是對過去的推測。第二步,句尾是句號,且句中無表示否定的詞,所以判定句子是肯定句。第三步,從“She looks very happy”和“It's not difficult after all”這兩句中均可以判斷出推測語氣比較強烈。對照表格,很快就可以定位到must上。所以,本題選C。 請別忽視某些情態(tài)動詞的特殊含義shall的用法: No student shall go out of school without the tea

20、chers permission. Tell him that he shall have the wonderful book tomorrow afternoon. It is the rule that every driver shall obey in this city. Shall I/he book a table? must : If you must know her name, her name is Mabel. would: When I was young, I would sit under the old tree listening to grandpa te

21、ll me stories. should: Its strange that Tom, the most excellent student in our grade should fail in the exam. may: May you succeed!/May you be happy! 非謂語動詞題 1) _ into use in April 2000, the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns. (2005上海卷) A. Put B. Putting C.

22、Having put D. Being put 解析:首先,判斷這道題應(yīng)填入非謂語動詞。其次,判斷這個非謂語動詞不是作主干成分的,而是在句中起修飾作用。接下來,判斷put和hotline之間存在邏輯上的動賓關(guān)系,非謂語動詞要表被動,所以選A。 2) _ more about university courses, call (920) 746-3789. (2005浙江卷) A. To find out B. Finding out C. Find out D. Having found out 解析:逗號前后沒有連詞,且逗號后是一個祈使句,所以空格處應(yīng)填入非謂語動詞短語,且其在句中應(yīng)起修飾作

23、用。接下來,判斷 “了解更多大學(xué)課程”是“打電話”的目的所在,所以應(yīng)填入不定式表目的,選A。 3._ along with host families, I believe, language travel students are likely to get enough language practice. (2010南通二模) A. Stay B. Having stayed C. Staying D. To stay 注意分清謂語與非謂語,比如:She went to the market, bought some bananas and visited her cousin. She

24、 said, and turning away from him, walked rapidly away. Go straight ahead, and you will see a hotel in front of you.狀語從句的一些引導(dǎo)詞需要著重注意1.before: before I could say a word./It may be some time before the situation improves How long itll be before I can go back to work? (前面半句之后)2.when: It was six oclock w

25、hen they arrived at the hotel. (when可作if或since或considering意思) 3.since: Its three years since I smoked. 我已經(jīng)三年不吸煙了。Its three years since I joined the army.我已經(jīng)參軍三年了。要根據(jù)since后面動詞是否延續(xù)性動詞,延續(xù)性動詞表示不已經(jīng)多久了。4.as: Great as the difficulty was,./Much as I admire,5.where: They notice that plants dont grow well whe

26、re there is much shade. My doctor advised me to live where the air is fresher.6.主將從現(xiàn):I can when my headache disappear thoroughly. If you go, so will I. 需要記住一些交際用語Just in case!/Take your time!/Take it easy!/You cant be serious/Up to you!/What if?/Can you make it?/What for?/What kept you?/Of what?/Exa

27、ctly!/With pleasure!/That isnt due yet./The early train is due to leave at 5:30 a.m./Ill give you a lift./Why not?/You are wanted on the phone. 【牛刀小試】1. Ring me at six tomorrow morning, will you? Why that early? I _.A. will be sleeping B. will sleep C. have slept D. have been sleeping2. _ colorful c

28、harts and graphs, he loaded a new software to help him. A. Create B. Created C. Creating D. To create3. -How do you usually find out about new software?-In the magazines like Popular Electronics. Thats _ the computer companies usually advertise. A. whichB. whereC. whatD. why3. How come your father c

29、an read books in German? Well, he _ on a project with some German engineers for 3 years when he was young. A. worked B. was working C. had worked D. would work 4. A big earthquake struck southern Haiti,knocking down buildings and power lines and causing its ambassador to the United States called a c

30、atastropheAwhatBwhichCwhatDwhy.5. Did you hear that Li Hua was robbed during his recent trip to South Africa?  Yes, not only _ his money, but he was nearly killed.A. he lost B. did he lose C. he had lost D. was he lost6. Who _ the fight against the H1N1 flu _ it not been for the Chinese scienti

31、sts great efforts?A. could have won; had B. would win; hadC. would have won; hasD. could win; has7. As we all know, it was _ that resulted in the terrible car accident.A. because of her carelessness B. for her to be carelessC. because she was carelessD. her being careless 二 完形填空篇:新高考的完形填空要求高,難度大,特別是

32、議論說明類文體。但只要我們洞悉了出題人的心理,并掌握了相應(yīng)的技巧,就沒有什么可畏懼的。(一)閱讀全文,掌握大意速讀全文要一氣呵成,盡管有空格,生詞或不明白的地方,仍要快速讀下去,不要急于看選項。一遍讀不懂可以再迅速讀一遍,直到明了大意(who, when, where, what),掌握梗概,總體把握文章內(nèi)容,結(jié)構(gòu),時態(tài),語態(tài)變化,情節(jié)的展開,結(jié)果的形成,然后答題。(二)、細讀全文,試選答案1. 重視首句,把握開篇完形填空一般無標題,首句不留空白,是完整的一句。細讀此句可以判斷文章體裁,預(yù)測全文大意和主旨。讀懂首句可以幫助建立正確的思維導(dǎo)向,避免誤入歧途,對理解全文起重要的作用。例題:I kn

33、ow I should have told the headmaster at the time. That was my real_1_. 1. A. plan B. fault C. grade D. luck解析:B。從本句should have done 結(jié)構(gòu)表達方式可以看出作者要為往事感到懊悔了。例:(2009全國卷) One of my fathers favourite sayings as I was growing up was “Try it!” I couldnt say I didnt like _21_. 撇開選項不談,單從這一首句,考生可以捕捉到如下信息:(1)本文

34、與我的成長有關(guān);(2)我的成長與父親的鼓勵“Try it!”有關(guān);(3)本文是一篇勵志性的文章??梢酝茰y:有可能這篇文章是與我的成長有關(guān)的勵志文章,父親的鼓勵“Try it!”可能是這篇文章的主旨。僅僅一句話就提供了這么多的信息,使考生向下閱讀有良好的心理準備。 2要注意尾句的提示和總結(jié)作用 例如:(2008全國卷) “Did I do something wrong? Dont you love me anymore, Mom?” were just a few of the questions he threw at me as I laughingly asked him what wa

35、s wrong. “My note, Mom,” he answered, “Wheres my note?” 文章敘述母親(即本文的作者)年復(fù)一年地為孩子們上學(xué)備午餐,隨同午餐盒這位母親總堅持給孩子寫上簡單的一張小紙條。母親從孩子開始上小學(xué)到高中畢業(yè)都一直堅持這樣做。文中把“My note, Mom,” he answered, “Wheres my note?”安排在最后一句,特意刻畫了大兒子Marc從上高中不愿意看那些小紙條到大學(xué)畢業(yè)后又跟母親要小紙條的事情。全文首尾連貫,文字樸實,盡管沒有一個love的字眼,卻讓人內(nèi)心震撼:天底下比海還深的親情和母愛!3. 掌握技巧,靈活答題(1)前后

36、呼應(yīng)法解完形填空題要始終抓住文段本身,確立“雙語境”基準判斷做題,即大語境全文中心和基調(diào);小語境空格前后的語意環(huán)境;再遵循前有伏筆,后有呼應(yīng)的思路去做題。例題1:I lift the lid and to my surprise saw nothing I looked at Davids smiling face add back into the box and said. “The box is nice, David, but it s 52.” Ks 52. A. cheap B. empty C. useless D. improper (2009山東卷)解析:由句中的saw no

37、thing可以推知應(yīng)選B項。例題2:After the birth of my second child, I got a job at a restaurant. Having worked with an experienced 36 for a few days, I was 37 to wait tables on my own.36. A. manager B. assistant C. cook D. waitress 37A. promised B. invited C. allowed D. advised (2008全國I)解析:36. D。由前句的restaurant和wo

38、rk with知這里因為服務(wù)員。37. C。由前分句“已經(jīng)工作了一些天了”,以及on my own知這里是被允許去做。(2)詞匯辨析法從近年來高考真題的分析情況來看,相似詞匯彼此之間的細致辨析題型在考試中比重逐年增加,同時這也是高中考生的弱點所在。例題:Scott and his companions were terribly disappointed. When they got to the South Pole,they found the Norwegians(挪威人)had 36 them in the race to be the first ever to reach it.(

39、2005遼寧卷)36. A. hit B. fought C. won D. beaten解析:由第一句的 disappointed 可知,挪威人已經(jīng)“勝過了” Scott 和他的同伴,故選項 A 和 B可以首先被排除;而其余兩個選項都有“戰(zhàn)勝”之意,這就要求我們知道它們之間的細微差別:win 的賓語通常是比賽、獎品或榮譽等,而 beat 的賓語則是競賽或競爭對手;所以正確答案是 D。(3)語法結(jié)構(gòu)法此考點對于高中生比較熟悉,也是我們的優(yōu)勢所在。需要同學(xué)們注意的就是現(xiàn)在的這種考點核心在多種語法點的結(jié)合考察,也同時注意到語境的具體要求。例題:I couldnt have been more 29

40、 . I mastered the skills of that beginning level position and I was given the opportunity(機會)to _30_ through the company into different 31 .29. A. careful B. mistakenC. interested D. prepared ks5u ks5u (2009全國卷)解析:選B。這里的I couldnt have been more是最高級的一種表達形式,即“否定詞+比較級結(jié)構(gòu)可以表達最高級的含義”。(4)抓住關(guān)聯(lián)詞根據(jù)文章中表示并列關(guān)系的連

41、詞或副詞如and, also和besides等,它們的題點是and前后的成分結(jié)構(gòu)相似,意義相關(guān),再做出準確判斷。文段一出現(xiàn)“but”,即可確定前后語意有轉(zhuǎn)折。只要知其一方的語意,就能反推出另一方意思,這有利于解題。在高考完形填空題中,多半會在but一詞后設(shè)題。所以,一看到but就做上標記,遇到類似于but的詞,如however, nevertheless, whereas, yet等詞時作同樣處理。這樣便于回到原文去尋找解題的依據(jù)。 例題1:An old lady came on the bus. She was not too old but looking _ and I think sh

42、e was not well either.A. tired B. excited C. surprised D. interested解析:A。本句中的but表示的是轉(zhuǎn)折的含義。由此可知,雖然她不是太老,但她看起來十分“疲憊”,再由and后的not well知此空所填的詞應(yīng)和“身體不好”相吻合。(5)固定搭配法這部分主要考查考生平時的基礎(chǔ)知識儲備,尤其是對動詞短語形容詞短語固定句型等的考查。例題1:The former 37every possible effort to avoid being discovered.It was not long50 a customer who had

43、seen him arrive hurried in to inform him. (2005重慶卷)37. A. do B. take C. make D. try50. A. when B. after C. until D. before解析: makeeffort(盡力)是固定詞組,It was not long before.(不多久就)是固定句式,所以這兩題的正確答案分別是 C 和 D。例題2:There was no 40 _asking his parents, for he knew they had no money to spare.4 0. A. point B. re

44、asonC. resultD. right(2009北京卷) 解析:選A。there is no point doing sth.固定句型,意為“做是沒有意義的”。Dear son, 例題3:I want to thank you for teaching me a very valuable lesson in my life by the great example you _.A. followed B. gave C. set D. took (2009安徽)解析:選C。為某人樹立榜樣 set a good example to somebody(6)發(fā)揮邏輯思維能力,挖掘文章寓意、隱

45、意近幾年NMET完形填空以敘事為主,有時加入一定的議論和說明,內(nèi)容貼近生活,表層意思易于理解,所以很容易給學(xué)生造成一種"假象",產(chǎn)生“輕敵”心理,有些同學(xué)做完一篇完形填空以后,自我感覺不錯,但一對答案錯很多,原因是這些同學(xué)僅僅理解了文章的表層含義,而忽略了其深層含義。事實上,NMET完形填空文章大都包含一定的哲理、寓意,具備深層探詢的可能性。這就要求考生不僅要明確文章的表層意義,還要挖掘出文章的深層含義,做到“表里一致”。如:_52_ laughed, then the whole class was laughing with open-hearted enjoyment

46、. I did my best not to show (pleasure) _53_, but what I was feeling was pure happiness. 52. A. People B. Nobody C. Somebody D. I 本題要求根據(jù)事情發(fā)展的邏輯關(guān)系來判定答案。答案是C,此處敘述作者的作文給全班同學(xué)帶來歡樂的過程,先是“有人”發(fā)笑,最后全班同學(xué)大笑,邏輯通順。(6)結(jié)合生活常識判斷At first, everyone on the team got _38_ playing time. Then the team moved up to the top d

47、ivision after winning all its games, and the _39_ started. Some parents, who had paid the coach extra so their daughters could have _40_ one-on-one training, got angry when she didnt give them more playing time in our _41_ . The coach was replaced. (2004北京高考)38. A. great B. equal C. right D. extra 3

48、9. A. business B. struggle C. attempt D. pressure 40. A. free B. privateC. good D. basic 41. A. matches B. courses C. lessons D. programs 本文介紹作者(一個少年女子足球隊員)踢足球的經(jīng)歷。一開始,我們得到“平等的(38)”踢球時間;然后當我們的隊獲得聯(lián)賽冠軍以后,怎樣呢?結(jié)合生活常識判斷,應(yīng)是有了"壓力(39)"。后面父母賄賂教練干什么呢?根據(jù)生活常識判斷,應(yīng)該是讓自己的孩子得到“開小灶”的機會,因此40應(yīng)選B, private“私人的”

49、。41,父母生氣是因為賄賂沒有起作用,也就是在我們的“比賽”中,他們的女兒沒有得到更多的上場比賽的時間。(三). 復(fù)讀全文,驗證答案(1)檢查表達法的習(xí)慣性:即習(xí)慣用語、固定搭配、句型詞組是否符合習(xí)慣。(2)檢查上下文的連貫性:及憑借語感,按照上下文,檢查段落與段落,句子與句子之間的銜接是否連貫。這是檢查中至關(guān)重要的一環(huán),往往能糾正一處甚至多處錯誤。【牛刀小試】(一)(2005 全國卷) When the waiter brought my 41 the man was clearly puzzled by the 42 way in which the waiter and I 43 eac

50、h other. He seemed even more puzzled as 44 went on and it became 45 that all the waiters in the restaurant knew me. Finally he got up and went into the 46 .41. A. menu B. bill C. paper D. food42. A. direct B. familiar C. strange D. funny43. A. chatted with B. looked at C. laughed at D. talked about4

51、4. A. the waiter B. time C. I D. the dinner45. A. true B. hopeful C. clear D. possible46. A. restaurant B. washroom C. office D. kitchen(二)1. 聯(lián)系上下文語境1) Traveling west, you set your clock _1_ ; traveling east, you set it ahead. A behind B. forward C. back D. ahead2) Many old people dont have good _2_

52、. They cant watch TV, but they can listen to the music. A. hearing B. health C. eyesight D. time3)My family was 43 . We paid our debts. But before harvest, cash was short. Would the store owner 44 us ? (2006 山東高考)(43) A. generous B. honest C. friendly D. modest(44) A. blame B. excuse C. charge D. tr

53、ust4) Carolyn Stradley is the founder of C&S Paving Inc. (鋪路公司) in Atlanta, USA. In the following account, she recalls the job that challenged her _1_ and skill but left her flying high. “The key to our success was having the _courage_ to take on any job and then being creative in our approach t

54、o getting it done.” (07江蘇高考)(1) A. kindness B. patience C. imagination D. experience2. 注意習(xí)慣搭配5) The chance passed and I didnt _50_ it. I sat the exam the next day and I won. I didnt _51_ to cheat, but I was still cheating anyhow. (06江蘇高考)(50) A. take B. have C. lose D. find(51) A. remember B. learn C. mean D. pretend6) Life is filled with challenges. As we got older we _1_ realize that those challenges are the very things that _shape_ us and make us who we are, (


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