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1、精品文檔英美文學(xué)選讀試卷(二)40分,非選擇題60分,滿分100分??荚嚂r(shí)本試題分兩部分,第一部分為選擇題,第二部分為非選擇題。選擇題 間120分鐘。請(qǐng)將答案寫在答案寫在答題紙相應(yīng)位置上,否則不計(jì)分。PART ONEI . Multiple Choice (40 points, 1 point for each)Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Mark your choice by blackening the

2、 corresponding letter A,B,C or D on the answer sheet.“ A",for his con tributi on to the establishme nt of the form of the1. Henry Fielding has been regarded by some as moder n no vel.A . Father of the English NovelC. Father of the English DramaB. Father of the English PoetryD. Father of the Eng

3、lish Short Story2. T. S. Eliot 'most importa nt si ngle poemB_has bee n hailed as a Ian dmark and a model of the 20th-ce ntury En glishpoetry.A . The Hollow ManB . The Waste La nd C . Murder in the CathedralD . Ash Wed nesday3. William Blake ' central concern in the Songs of Innocence and So

4、ngs of Experienee isB _ , which gives the twobooks a strong social and historical referen ce.A . youthhoodB . ChildhoodC . happ in essD . sorrow4. Am ong the works by Charles Dicke ns_D_prese nts his criticism of the Utilitaria n prin ciple that rules over theEn glish educati on system and destroys

5、young hearts and min ds.A . Bleak HouseB . Pickwick PaperC . Great Expectati onsD . Hard Times5. The most dist in guish ing feature of Charles Dicke ns ' works is his =B_ .A . simple vocabulary B . bitter and sharp criticism C . character-portrayal D . pictures of happ in ess6. Because of her se

6、n sitivity to uni versal patter ns of huma n behavior,B_ has brought the En glish novel ,as an art ofform, to its maturity.A . Charlotte Bront?B . Ja ne Auste nC . Emily Bront?D . Ann Radcliffe7. All of the following poems by William Wordsworth are masterpieces on nature EXCEPTD A ."Wandered Lo

7、nely as a Cloud ”B. An Evening Walk ”C. Tin tern Abbey ”D . The Solitary Reaper ”8. Shakespears four greatest tragedies are _C_.A . Romeo and Juliet, Othello, King Lear, HamletB . Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, The Mercha nt of VeniceC . Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth精品文檔精品文檔D. Romeo and Juliet, The

8、 Mercha nt of Ven ice, Othello, Hamlet9. As one of the greatest masters of English prose, B defined a good style as proper words in proper places ”.A . Henry FieldingB . Jonathan SwiftC. Samuel JohnsonD. Alexander Pope10. Among the three major works by Joh n Milt on _D_ is in deed the only gen erall

9、y ack no wledged epic in En glish literature since Beowulf.A . Paradise Rega inedB. Sams on Ago ni stesC. LycidasD . Paradise Lost11. En glish Roma nticism, as a historical phase of literature, is gen erally said to have en ded in 1832 with A .A . the passage of the first Reform Bill in the Parliame

10、ntB . the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge 'Lyrical BalladsC . the publication of T . S . Eliot 'The waste LandD . the passage of the Bill of Rights in the Parliame nt12. Contrary to the traditional romance of aristocrats, the modern English novel gives a realistic presentation of lif

11、e of _A_ .A . the com mon En glish people B . the upper class C . the rising bourgeoisie D . the en terpris ing Ian dlords13. The major concern ofCfiction lies in the tracing of the psychological development of his characters and in hisenergetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist

12、 industrialization on human nature.A . Joh n Galsworthy ' B . Thomas Hardy ' C . D . H . Lawre nce 'D . Charles Dicke ns '14. The Nobel Prize Committee highly praised B_ _ for his powerful style-forming mastery of the art” of creating moder n fiction.A . Ezra PoundB . Ern est Hemin g

13、wayC . Robert FrostD . Theodore Dreiser15. In 1950, A_ was awarded the Nobel Prize for the an ti-racist In truder in the Dust.A . William Faulk nerB . Robert FrostC . Ezra Pou ndD . Ernest Hemi ngway16. The Portrait of A Lady is gen erally con sidered to be C masterpiece, which describes the life jo

14、urney of anAmerica nin a Europea n cultural environment.A . Henry Adams 'widowB . William James 'girlC . Henry James'girlD . Theodore Dreiser 'widow17. Hawthor ne inten ded toD in The Scarlet Letter.A . tell a story of pare ntal loveB . tell a story of sin and bloody violenceC . call

15、 the readers back to the pla ntati on way of livi ngD . reveal the huma n psyche after they sinned18. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. ” This iceberg analogy is putforward byD.A . Mark Twai n B . Ezra Pou nd C . William Faulk ner D . Ernest Hem

16、i ngway19. The white whale, Moby Dick, symbolizes B for Melville, for it is complex, unfathomable, malignant, and 精品文檔精品文檔beautiful as well.A . society B. Nature C. ocean animalsD. both A and C20. After the American Civil War, the literary interest in the so-called reality ” of life started a new pe

17、riod in the American literary writi ngs know an the Age of A .A . RealismB. Reas on and Revoluti onC. Roma nticismD. Modernism21. H . L . Men cke n con sideredB the true father of our n ati on al literature ”.A . Bret Harte B. Mark TwainC. Washington IrvingD . Walt Whitman22. Altogether, Emily Dick

18、inson wrote 1775 poems, of which on ly _Cad appeared duri ng her lifetime.A . threeB . FiveC . sevenD . nine23. The B Age of the 1920s characterized by frivolity and careless ness is brought vividly to life in The Great Gatsby.A . LostB . JazzC . Reason D . Gilded24. Robert Frost is gen erally con s

19、idered a regi onal poet whose subject matters mainly focus on the Ian dscape and people in_ D .A . the west B . the southC. Alaska D . New En gla nd25. As _ C_ saw it, poetry couldplayavital part in the process of creat ing a new n ati on.It could en able America ns tocelebrate their release from th

20、e Old World and the colonial rule.A . Wordsworth Lon gfellowB.William Brya ntC . Walt WhitmanD . Robert Frost26. Walt Whitman is a poet with astrongsense of mission, having devoted all his life tothe creation of the§ingle ” poem,_D_ .A . The Love Song of J . Alfred PrufrockB . The Waste La ndC

21、. Murder in the CathedralD . Leaves of Grass27. Realism was a react ion aga inst Roma nticism and paved the way to A_ .A . ModernismB . Scie ntismC . Post-ModernismD . Femi nism28. Mark Twain employed an un prete ntious style ofCin his no vels which is best described asvern acular ”.A . sta ndard En

22、 glish B . Afro-America n En glishC . colloquialismD . urba nism29. The Petrarcha n sonnet was first i ntroduced into En gla nd byB_ .A. Surrey B. WyattC. Sid neyD. Shakespeare30. The British bourgeois or middle class believed in the following notions EXCEPT A _.A. self - esteem B. self -relianeeC.

23、self - restraint D. hard work31. “ Graveyard School ” writers are the followi ng sen time ntalists EXCEPTD_.A. James Thoms onB. William Colli nsC. William CowperD. Thomas Jacks on32. As a represe ntative of the En lighte nmen t,C was one of the first to in troduce rati on alism to En gla nd.A. Joh n

24、 Bu nya nB. Daniel DefoeC. Alexa nder PopeD. Jon athan Swift精品文檔精品文檔33. Charles Dicke ns' no velBis famous for its vivid descripti ons of the workhouse and life of the un derworld in thenin etee nth- cen tury London.A. The Pickwick PaperB. Oliver TwistC. David CopperfieldD. Nicholas Nickleby34.

25、Hemin gway's sec ond big success is _B, which wrote the epitaph to a decade and to the whole gen eratio n in the1920s, in order to tell us a story about the tragic love affair of a wounded American soldier with a British nurse.A. For Whom the Bell TollsB. A Farewell to ArmsC. The Sun Also RisesD

26、. The Old Man and the Sea35. Henry James is gen erally regarded as the forerunner of the 20th -cen tury “ streamof- con scious ness” noaeks thefoun der of B .A. n eoclassicismB. psychological realismC. psychoa nalytical criticismD. surrealism36. Realism was a react ion aga inst A or a move away from

27、 the bias towards roma nee and self- creat ing ficti ons, and paved the way to Moder ni sm.A. Roma nticismB. Rati on alismC. Post-modernismD. Cyn icism37. What Whitman prefers for his new subject and new poetic feelings isD , ” that is, poetry without a fixed beat orregular rhyme scheme.A. bla nk ve

28、rseB. free rhythmC. bala need structureD. free verse38. The Financier ,The Titan and The Stoic written by _B are called his“ Trilogy of Desire ”.A. Henry James B. Theodore DreiserC. Mark Twai nD. Herman Melville39. Most critics have agreed that Fitzgerald is both an insider and an outsider of _C_ wi

29、th a double vision.A. the Gilded AgeB. the Ratio nal AgeC. the Jazz AgeD. the Magic Age40. Charlotte ' s works are famous for the dephciof the life ofworki ng wome n, particularly gover nesses.A. the middle - classB. the lower - classC. the upper - middle - class D. the upper - classPART TWOn .

30、Reading Comprehension (16 points, 8 points for each)Read the quoted parts carefully and answer the questions in English. Write your answers in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.41. “ Shall compare thee to a summer'sday?Thou art more lovely and more temperate:Rough winds do shake the da

31、rli ng buds of May,And summer's lease hath all too short a date:”我能不能把你比作夏天?但你比夏天更可愛更溫和,狂風(fēng)搖撼著心愛的五月的蓓蕾,和夏天的租期實(shí)在是太短。Questions:A . Identify the poet and the poem from which the quoted lines are taken.精品文檔 識(shí)別詩人和這首詩是從哪里引用的。B Name the figure of speech employed in the poem.這首詩用了什么修辭方法C What is the them

32、e of the poem?這首詩的主題是什么A. Shakespeare; Sonnet 18B. PersonificationC. A nice summer 's day is usually transient ,but the beauty in poetry can last for ever.42. Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! And if God had gifted me with

33、some beauty, and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God's feet, equal as we are!”Questions:AIdentify the author and the novel fr

34、om which the quoted part is taken.識(shí)別作者和這部小說的出處。B To whom is the speaker speaking?說這句話的人是在對(duì)誰說這句話的。C What does the quoted part imply about the speaker?引用的這部分表達(dá)了說話者的什么含義。A. Charlotte Bronte; Jane EyreB.B. Jane Eyre is speaking to Rochester.C. Jane Eyre loves Rochester but she values her basic rights an

35、d equality as a humanbeing.川.Questions and Answers (24 points, 8 points for each)Give brief answers to each of the following questions in English. Write your answers in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.43. It is said that B. Shaw 's play, Mrs. Warren's Profession, has a strong realistic theme, which fully reflects the dramatist 's Fabia


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