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1、 english usageliu yeling idiom phrase or sentence whose meaning is not clear from the meaning of its individual words and which must be learnt as a whole unit eg.give me a hand 幫我一下忙 foot the bill. 付賬 “honey, let me take you out to dinner. but you know i dont feel like dressing up to go someplace fa

2、ncy. how about just going down the street to the greasy spoon and getting hamburgers.” “親愛的,讓我?guī)闳ネ饷娉酝盹埌?。不過,我實在不想穿得必恭必敬的去那些大飯館。咱們就上街那頭那個小飯館小飯館去吃漢堡包,怎么樣? i havent had a chance to prepare any notes so all i can do is start talking and play it by ear. “我今天沒有什么準(zhǔn)備,所以就只好講到那兒就算那兒了.”in for a penny, in for a

3、pound you never know when hes done with you, and if youre in for a penny, youre in for a pound. 你根本不知道他什么時候會不要你,不過既來之,則安之。 this phrase is used when the same loss or danger is incurred whether the previous responsibility has been great or small 既來之,則安之; 騎虎難下; 一不做,二不休 some stock holders invested more

4、money on that stock for they are in for a penny, they are for a pound. 一些股民繼續(xù)投資買那支股票,因為他們已經(jīng)騎虎難下了。 its a wise man that never makes mistakes. 無論多么聰明的人,也難免犯錯誤。 “it is a形容詞名詞that.”結(jié)構(gòu)是一個特殊的習(xí)慣用法,意思是“無論怎樣的也不”。真正的句子意思與字面意思相反,它具有含蓄的讓步意味,切不可望文生義、譯成強(qiáng)調(diào)句型。 its a long lane that has no turning. 無論怎樣長的巷子也有轉(zhuǎn)彎處。 its

5、a good horse that never stumbles. 再好的馬也有失蹄的時候。 im too anxious to know the result. 我極想知道結(jié)果。 英語中“too.to.”結(jié)構(gòu)表示“太以致不”的意思。例如:the star is too small to see.但是,如果too后形容詞表示主語的狀態(tài)、心理活動、情感態(tài)度(常見的有g(shù)lad,easy,ready,anxious,eager,willing,happy等),并與其后的不定式構(gòu)成固定搭配,這時too含有肯定意義,表示“very,extremely”的意思。 they are too anxious

6、to leave. 他們急于離去 mr. smith was too eager to see her. 史密斯先生極想見到她。 its three years since he was a teacher. 他不當(dāng)教師已經(jīng)三年了。 在“it is some time since主語謂語其它成分?!边@一結(jié)構(gòu)中,如果從句謂語動詞是非延續(xù)性動詞,那么時間的計算就從該動作的發(fā)生開始算起。例如:its three years since he joined the army.他參軍已經(jīng)三年了。如果從句謂語動詞是延續(xù)性動詞,時間就要從該動作的結(jié)束算起。 its many years since they

7、 lived here. 他們不在這兒住已經(jīng)好多年了。 all that glitters is not gold. 閃光的東西不一定都是金子。 在句中當(dāng)不定代詞all,both,every及every的復(fù)合詞,副詞always,often,entirely與not一起使用時,表示部分否定,意思是“并非都是”,“不是每個人都”等。 i dont remember all these formulas. 這些公式我并非全都記得。 every man cannot do it. 并非每個人都能做這個。 注意:當(dāng)all,both,every等詞和帶im-,in-,un-,dis-等表示否定意義的前綴

8、的詞連用時,表示全部否定的意義。如:all your answers are incorrect.你所有的答案都不正確。再者,表示全部否定時,我們常使用no,not,no- body,nothing,never,nowhere,neither等詞。 none of the teachers smoke. 這些老師都不抽煙。 the mountain is not valuable because it is high. 山并不因為高而具有價值。(山不在高) 含有原因狀語從句的主從復(fù)合句,形式上雖然否定主句的謂語,然而意義上則是否定該原因狀語,譯為“并不因為而”。 galileo was not

9、 ready to accept it just because aristotle had said so. 伽利略并不只是因為亞里斯多德說過某事如何如何,就輕易相信它。 i didnt pretend to understand what he said. 我假裝沒懂他說的話。 常用動詞pretend,happen的否定形式有兩種:既可以否定pretend,也可以否定其后的不定式,其意義不變。 i didnt happen to be there.i happened not to be there. 我恰巧不在那兒。 lets have a rest under the big tree

10、. its nice and cool here. 讓我們在大樹下歇會吧。這兒很涼快。 nice and,good and都表示“很,非常,完全”的意思。and前的形容詞實質(zhì)上起副詞作用,修飾后邊的形容詞,表示強(qiáng)調(diào)。 i am good and ready. 我都準(zhǔn)備好了。 one cant be too honest. 人越老實越好。 句中“cannot.too.”意為“無論怎樣也不過分”或“越越好”。該句型中的not可以換成hardly,never或scarcely;too可以換成over或enough等,意思不變。 you cannot be too careful. you cannot be over careful.you cannot be careful enough. 你越仔細(xì)越好。 朋友越多越好。 a man can never have too many friends. this is the last thing i would ever want to do. 這是我最不愿做的一件事情。 “t


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