1、Chapter One1. Fill in the blanks to complete each sentence.(1) local legal system, political, exchange risks(2) open account, advance payment, remittance and collection(3) letter of credit, bank guarantee(4) price terms, delivery terms(5) least/minimum, most/maximum(6) advanee payment(7) open accoun
2、t(8) clean collect!on, documentary collection2. 略3. Tran slate the followi ng terms into En glish.(1) settlement on bank credit(2) the potential for currency fluctuation(3) to clear the goods for export(4) to pay the insurance premiumto carry out export formalities(6) the major participants in inter
3、national trade the commodity inspect!on clause(8) to fulfill the obligati on to deliver the goods(9) the goods have passed over the ship 1 s rail(10) Internatio nal con tract is con eluded in a completely different context than domestic ones4 Decide whether the following statements are true or false
4、.FFTTT T F (8)T(9)T(10)F5. Choose the best answer to each of the following statements(1) -(5) BCCBD (6)-(10) DACCC(11) (15) BDDCD (16)-(20) DCACDChapter Two1 Fill in the blanks to complete each sentence.(1) barter(2) medium of exchange(3) expensive, riskyour(5) Vostro(6) vostro(7) nostro(8) specimen
5、 of authorized signatures, telegraphic test keys, terms and conditions, Swift authentic keys2. Define the following terms(1) Corresp ondent relationship K A bank having direct conn ection or friendly service relati ons with ano therbank. 2(2) Intern ational settlements K International settlements ar
6、e finan cial activities con ducted among different coun tries in which payments are effected or funds are transferred from one country to another in order to settle accounts, debts, claims, etc. emerged in the course of political, economic or cultural contracts among them. 3(3) V isible trade K The
7、exchange of goods and commodities between the buyer and the seller across borders. 2(4) Finan cial tran sacti on K Inter national financial tra nsaction covers foreig n exchange market transacti ons, government supported export credits, syndicated loans, international bond issues, etc. 2(5) Vostro a
8、cco unt K Vostro acco unt is an account held by a bank on behalf of a corresp on dent bank. 33. Tran slate the following terms into En glish.(1) commercial credit(2) control documents(3) acco unt relati on ship(4) cash settlement(5) financ ial intermediary(6) credit advice agency arrangement(8) cred
9、it balance(9) reimbursement method(10) test key/code4 Decide whether the following statements are true or false.TFFTF5. Choose the best answer to each of the following statements(1) -(5) BCDAD (6)-(10) BBDABChapter Three1. Define the following Terms:(1) Negotiable in strume nt K "Anegotiable in
10、 strument is a chose in action, the full and legal title to which istransferable by delivery of the instrument (possibly with the transferor e' ndsorsement) with the result that complete ownership of the instrument and all the property it represents passes free from equities to the transferee, p
11、roviding the latter takes the instrument in good faith and for value. 3(2) Bill of exchange KA bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the pers on giving it, requiri ng the pers on to whom it is addressed to pay on dema nd, or at a fixed o
12、r determinable future time, a sum certain in money, to or to the order of a specified person, or to bearer. 3(3) Check K A check is an unconditional order in writing addressed by the customer to a bank signed by that customer authorizi ng the bank to pay on dema nd a specified sum of money to or to
13、the order of a n amed pers on or to bearer. 2(4) Documentary bill Hit is a bill with shipping documents attached thereto. 2(5) Crossing K A crossing is in effect an instruction to the paying bank from the drawer or holder to pay the fund to a bank only. 2132. Tran slate the followi ng terms into Eng
14、lish.(1) 一般劃線支票K generally crossed checkH(2) 特殊劃線支票 K specially crossed check 3(3) 過期支票 Ka check that is out of date 3 未到期支票 Kpost dated check 3(5) 大小寫金額 K amount in words 2(6) 白背書 K blank endorsement!(7) 特別背書 K special endorsement(8) 限制性背書 K restrictive endorsement 3(9) 跟單匯票documentary bill 2(10) 即
15、期匯票 Ksight draft 3(11) 遠(yuǎn)期匯票 K usance/term bill2(12) 承兌匯票 K acceptance bill 3(13) 可確定的未來某一天 K determinable future date 2(14) 光票 K clean bill 2(15) 流通票據(jù) K negotiable instrument 3(16) 貼現(xiàn)行 K discounting house 3(17) 商人銀行 K merchant bankU(18) 無條件的付款承諾 K unconditional promise of payment 2(19) 負(fù)連帶責(zé)任 K joint
16、ly and severally responsible U(20) 出票后 90 天付款 K payable 90 days after date 33. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.(1)T (2)FTTT(6)F(7)T(8)T(9)T(10) T(11)F (12) T(13) T(14) F(15) T(16) T (17) T(18) F(19) F(20) F4. Choose the best answer to each of the following statements(1) -(5
17、)CACBC (6)-(10) BACBB(11 )-(15) BDCCC(16)-(20) BBAAC5-7略Chapter Four1. Fill in the blanks to complete each sentence.(1) beneficiary(2) payment order / mail advice / debit advice(3) the remittanee amount is large / the transfer of funds is subject to a time limit / test key(4) sell it to his own bank
18、 for crediting his account(5) debits / credits(6) dema nd draft(7) act of dishonor(8) swiftness / reliability / safety / inexpensiveness(9) debiting remitting bank ' s nostro account(10) delivery of the goods2. Define the following Terms.(1) International remittanee means a client (payer) asks h
19、is bank to send a sum of money to a beneficiary abroad by one of the transfer methods at his option while the beneficiary can be paid at the designated bank which is either the remitting bank1 s overseas brandeehnotr its corresp onwith a nostro account.(2) Remitting bank is the bank transferring fun
20、ds at the request of a remitter to its correspondent or its branch in another country and instructing the latter to pay a certain amount of money to a beneficiary.(3) A mail transfer is to transfer funds by means of a payment order or a mail advice, or sometimes a debit advice issued by a remitting
21、bank, at the request of the remitter.(4) Dema nd draft tra nsfer is a remitta nee method using a bank demand draft. It is a n egotiable instrument drawn by one bank on its overseas branch or its correspondent abroad ordering the latter to pay on demand the stated amount to the holder of the draft.(5
22、) Cancellation of the reimbursement under mail transfer or telegraphic transfer is usually done before its payment is made at the request of the remitter or the payee who refuses to receive the payment.3. Tran slate the following terms into En glish.(1)匯款通知單 remittance advice(3)國(guó)際匯款單 international m
23、oney order(5)自動(dòng)支付系統(tǒng) automated payment system(7)賠償保證書 letter of indemnity(9) 匯票的不可流通副本 non-negotiable copy of draft(10) 首期付款 down payment(2)匯出匯款 outward remittance(4)往來賬戶 current account(6)作為償付in cover(8)信匯通知書mail advice4. Choose the best answer to each of the following statements(1) -(5) BCABD (6)-(
24、10) BBBAAChapter Five1. Fill in the blanks to complete each sentence(1) presenting bank(2) title docume nts / pays the draft / accepts the obligati on to do so(3) legal / the exchange control authorities(4) the payment is made(5) open account / advanee payment(6) In ward collectio n(7) the remitting
25、 bank(8) trust receipt(9) D/P at sight(10) documents, draft, and collection order2. Define the following terms(1) Collectio n is an arran geme nt whereby the goods are shipped and a releva nt bill of excha nge is drawn by the seller on the buyer, and/or shipping documents are forwarded to the seller
26、 bransk with clear instructions for collection through one of its correspondent banks located in the domicile of the buyer.(2) The case of n eed is the representative appoi nted by the prin cipal to act as case of n eed in the eve nt of non accepts nee an d/or non-payment, whose power should be clea
27、rly and fully stated inthe collection.(3) Documentary collection is a collection of financial instruments being accompanied by commercial documents or collection of commercial documents without being accompanied by financial instruments, that is, commercial documents without a bill of exchange. Alte
28、rnatively, the documentary collection is a payment mechanism that allows the exporters to retai n own ership of the goods until they receive payment or are reas on ably certai n that they will receive it.(4) Outward collecti on is a ban king busi ness in which a bank acti ng as the remitting bank se
29、nds the draft drawn against an export with or without shipping documents attached, to an appropriate overseas bank, namely, the collecting bank to get the payme nt or accepts nee from the importer.(5) Collection bill purchased is a kind of financing by banks for exporters under documentary collectio
30、n methods. It means that the remitting bank purchases the documentary bill drawn by the exporter on the importer. It involvesgreat risk for the remitting bank due to lack of a guarantee.3. Tran slate the following terms into En glish.(1) 承兌交單 acceptanee against documents 需要時(shí)的代理人case of need(5)物權(quán)單據(jù) t
31、itle document(7) 直接托收 direct collection(9) 付款交單 documents against payment 商業(yè)承兌匯票trade acceptance(4) 出押匯 export bill purchased(6) 以寄售方式 on consignment(8) 貨運(yùn)單據(jù) shipping documents(10) 遠(yuǎn)期匯票 time/ tenor/term/ usance draft4. Choose the best answer to each of the following statements(1) -(5) ABCAB (6)-(10)
32、 ACAADChapter Six1 Define the following terms:(1) Letter of credit K The Documentary Credit or letter of credit is an undertaking issued by a bank for the account of the buyer (the applicant) or for its own account, to pay the beneficiary the value of the draft and/or documents provided that the ter
33、ms and conditions of the documentary credit are complied with. 2(2) Confirmed letter of credit K A credit that carries the commitment to pay by both the issuing bank and the advising bank. 2(3) Revolving credit K A credit by which, under the terms and conditions thereof, the amount is renewed or rei
34、nstated without specific amendments to the documentary credit being required. 2(4) Confirming bank H A bank, usually the advising bank, which adds its undertaking to those of the issuing bank and assumes liability under the credit. 3(5) Applicant of the credit K The applicant is always an importer o
35、r a buyer, who fills out and signs an application form, requesting the bank to issue a credit in favor of an exporter or a seller abroad. 22. Translate the following terms or sentences into English.(1) 未授權(quán)保兌 K silent confirmation 3(2) 有效地點(diǎn)為開證行所在地的柜臺(tái)K to expire at the counters of the issuing bank 2(3
36、) 憑代表物權(quán)的單據(jù)付款 K to pay against documents representing the goods 2(4) 信用證以銀行信用代替了商業(yè)信用。KA credit places a bank ' s credit instead of commercial credit. 2(5) 信用證獨(dú)立于它所代表的商業(yè)合同。KA credit stands independent of the sales contract. 33. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. F F (3)M4)I
37、5)T F(7)F(8)T(9)F(10)F(11) T(12)T(13) F(14) F(15)T4. Choose the best answer to each of the following statements(I) -(5) BCDBA (6)-(10) DDCCC(II) (15) DDADB (16)-(20) DDDABChapter Seven1. Fill in the blanks to complete each sente nee.(1) completeness, correctness, consistency(2) underlying transactio
38、n(3) authorized signatures, test key(4) comply with(5) ISO currency code2. Translate the following terms or sentences into English.(1) 信用證表面的真實(shí)性 K the apparent authenticity of the credit U(2) 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)國(guó)際銀行慣例 K international standard banking practice U(3) 信息交換系統(tǒng) K data communication network 2(4) 有足夠的資金來支付信用
39、證 K to have sufficient funds to cover the credit 2(5) 買方考慮自 己的要求也同樣的重要 K It is equally important that the buyer ' sown requirements be taken into account. 33. Decide whether the followi ng state me nts are true or false. F F (3)FWD5)T T F (8)T(9)F(10)T4. Choose the best answer to each of the fol
40、lowing statements(I) -(5) CDCBC (6)-(10) CAADD(II) (15) ADDABChapter Eight1 Define the following terms:(1) Commercial invoice K The commercial invoice is the key accounting document describing the commercial transaction between the buyer and the seller. It is a document giving details of goods, serv
41、ice, price, quantity, settlement terms and shipment. 2(2) Export license kAn export license is a document prepared by a government authority of a nation granting theright to export a specific quantity of a commodity to a specified country.2(3) Bill of lading K A bill of lading is a document issued b
42、y a carrier to a shipper, signed by the captai n, age nt, orowner of a vessel, providing written evidenee regarding receipt of the goods, the conditions on which transportation is made, and the engagement to deliver goods at the prescribed port of destination to the lawful holder of the bill of ladi
43、ng.2(4) Inspection certificate K A document issued by an authority indicating that goods have been inspected prior to shipment and the results of the inspection. 3(5) Con sular in voice K A con sular in voice is an in voice coveri ng a shipme nt of goods certified in the country of export by a local
44、 consul of the country for which the merchandise is destined. 3 II. Translate the following into English:(1) 戰(zhàn)略產(chǎn)品 K strategic commodity U(2) 普惠制 K General System of Preference 3(3) 有預(yù)訂的泊位 K with reserved berth 3(4) 多式聯(lián)運(yùn)提單 K multi-modal transport bill of lading 2(5) 抽樣方式 K sampling methodology 23. De
45、cide whether the following statements are true or false.(1)F(2)F T T F F (7)F(8)T(9)T(10)F4. Choose the best answer to each of the following statements-(5)(11)ABDAC(6)-(10) CCCDA(15) DDAAA (16)-(20) ABACDChapter Nine1. Fill in the blanks to complete each sente nee.(1) acceptable accounts receivable
46、/ non-recourse and notification(2) collection as well as the risk of credit losses(3) the level of sales(4) changes in the world economic structure(5) growing demands(6) purchasi ng the die nt1 s acrceocue nivtasbles(7) financial and administration(8) the in voice date / the customer makes his payme
47、 nt(9) market conditions and his assessment of the risks involved in a particular transaction(10) fluctuations in the exchange rate / in the status of the debtor2. Define the following terms(1) Factoring is a form of trade financing that allows sellers to sell their products to overseas buyers essen
48、tially on an open account basis. In simple terms, factoring is the purchase of claims, arising from sales of goods, by a specialized company known as factoring company or factor. Factoring is in fact a three-party transaction between the factor and a business entity, i.e. the exporter selling goods
49、or providing services to foreign the importer.(2) Forfaiti ng is the term gen erally used to denote the purchase of obligati ons falling due at some future date,arising from deliveries of goods and services-mostly export transactionswithout recourse to any previous holder of the obligati on. Simply
50、speaking, forfaiti ng is the busi ness of disco unting medium-term promissory notes or drafts related to an in ternational trade tran saction.3. Tran slate the following terms into English.(1) 或有負(fù)債 contingent liability(3) 賣方信貸 supplier credit(5) 信用審定 credit approval買方信貸擔(dān)保buyer credit guarantee(9) 貿(mào)易
51、壁壘 trade barrier(2) 信用額度 credit limit(4) 無追索權(quán)的 without recourse資本貨物capital goods(8)福費(fèi)廷融資便利forfaiting facility(10) 大宗采購折扣 bulk purchase discount4. Choose the best answer to each of the following statements(1)8(2)A (3) D (4) C (5) DChapter 101 Fill in the blanks to complete each sentence.(1) secure me
52、chanism for payment / default instrument(2) party ten deri ng / the con tract has bee n awarded(3) presentati on of the ben eficiary1 s dema nd and stipulated docume ntationJ/ )/ 1/ J/ 7 J/4 5 6 7 8 9 /IV /( /( /fl /t /(issue a guarantee directly to the beneficiaryUnconditional bondswithdraw its bid
53、 / accept the award of con tract in its favor / betwee n 2% and 5%UCP for docume ntary credits / Uniform Rules for Dema nd Guarantee.An advanee paymentborrower (the principal) / the lender (the beneficiary)(10) counter inderrmity2. Define the following terms(1) A bank guara ntee is an in strume nt f
54、or securing performance or payme nt especially in inter national busi ness .It is a writte n promise issued by a bank at the request of its customer, un dertaki ng to make payment to the ben eficiary within the limits of a stated sum of money in the eve nt of default by theprin cipal. It may also be
55、 defi ned as an in depe ndent obligati on where the guarantor has to make a special agreement with its customer, ensuring that it will be refunded by him for any payment to be effected under the con tract of guara ntee.(2) A beneficiary is the party in whose favor the guarantee is issued. He is secu
56、red against the risk ofthe principal1 s not fulfilling his obligations towards the beneficiary in respect of the underlyingtran sacti on for which the dema nd guara ntee is given. He will not obtai n a sum of money if the obligati ons are not fulfilled.(3) An in direct guarantee is a guara ntee wher
57、e a sec ond bank, usually a foreig n bank located in thebeneficiary 1 s country of domicile, will be requested by the initiating bank to issue a guarantee in return for the latter1er.(4) A performanee bond is an undertaking given by the guarantor at the request of a supplier of goods or services or a contractor to a buyer or beneficiary, whereby the guarantor undertakes to make payment to the ben eficiary within the limit of a stated sum of money in the eve nt of default by the supplier or thecon tractor in d
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