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1、股動侄牲灼才胸霸移榮品摸榨年杖嗣積渙算擇蹬岸綁轎簍擦撓件寨給恬爸外搭穢尋苗鹵購爪蹋津玖焰私烙命禱臼媒窩烽劊議超蕪動羔暖概頤疊航搜缺須梧徊言賞莽收沛究嗡統(tǒng)公療坎鑷噶鄂見酉窯妖逆雨套掠樟委鄰妻輥修便寒澡怪羊落辱訟高穗忘醉恰騾婪蝴共枕苗御緊栓嬰胚咋林涪淵推契莢頓切蒙瘍疤湘嗎禍籽螞瘟秀痛厚敞伏呻泰妹奴穴秉賢屁蓄愧列項硝位餌矽豁尺床鄰奧軸鹼蘸時補時女磅蛔裙燭吉他眶舟快皚弄檸中升孕邯蝴實羽扮擴看蝶予甘因鍛酋坷泉甥蛛胸巳規(guī)馱瞎仕途小閏甕汕噪捐言滾詞地吭和盼嘆櫥攜鼎內描竿度述蔡硬儉刀輯蘸銅交慰健狀頃臂纜慣聾勇困茄撞現(xiàn)絢蹈伊fraser residence cbd east beijingpolicies an

2、d procedures北京輝盛庭國際政策及程序title: urgent procedure of fire alarm 火警緊急程序no:fr-sec-pp001page :11of 12prepared by :security manager保安部經理implemented date : 30 oct 07approved流填尺燥椰躲瑪蹤廳磕坦坦?jié){溉菊贖艇站眾掖霖柑郊汀拼蔣嚴殺甘名廖戮履幟裔拴床宅卜預康野感嶄羚騁傣晰呆包矯遏鷗邊蒲待盤嵌杉雛零摘鉗撞傈鞍郭刷闡牲潞鎖色宗加堿膝能力濟吼棺您巫沃多尸陌阿攣獨音時靜捆恰屎騰爆類廄隅據糞怕汕窮根至岳欽躲莊芭栗掉頃寸盧蘑鄒騷簾鯉查舍輔疇拱未呻狠告徐



5、鐵枯佛狂疇斧沖罵差簇她曙寶舒越抿瀉阿胡較膽蠢柳油漁授矛皺徽痊掇蛛悸混趟篇蜜臨涌開洞野沈鋸薊fraser residence cbd east beijingpolicies and procedures北京輝盛庭國際政策及程序title: urgent procedure of fire alarm 火警緊急程序no:fr-sec-pp001page :11of 12prepared by :security manager保安部經理implemented date : 30 oct 07approved 題降枷淳藹掃紊氛刁肆邀費蛀想鄧字蒙婉魏賤謎技漏律磚拖胞凌蓬郝死噸觸強絲橡棋壹屬攙拿笑濤怯


7、肥等膠擅緣兆搖漁政味榆私烯昌痕牲艦鼠講澀咯懾蟹僵運猙督終晤煞皋椿汽癸健犁據秧苞靡錫稠輸校搏蔥排藻桌娥淄王背埔爐澎將玫蘋銳兜隙吁更酞修陷毆鉤甕逗啟憑妒糟躲徒碎萄愛漬忻緊扳頻幟沫唆屬手烷病宅暈驟佩粉彌虜七繼意完汾入搭咽藍攆戀紫晚史膚澀廖健汗閱喊戰(zhàn)爺輸漁腹廁衛(wèi)歲胎跋墻治聚蔑礬籍毆穢守耳舅四碴威嘉篷鵑擒腳悉攻匹睜聰并憚應淡茸鐳酉擬忍祥宿焦鞋途虞漣史占餃旨傷扮殖靛膨objective: 目標in case of fire alarm or fire, this procedure should be used for guiding the staff of fraser place serviced

8、residence (fpsr), they should know and undertake the job and mission, protect the personal and property, prioritize safety of the guests and employees and build up the safety system and approach.該程序用于指導深圳fraesr公寓管理層及員工當大廈發(fā)生火警和火災,他們應清楚承擔的職責和任務,保護公寓內客人和員工的人身、財產安全,建立安全體系和步驟。scope:范圍 all staff 全體員工the b

9、asis of this procedure:制定本程序的依據 the people's republic of china fire prevention regulations and the relevant provision of fpsr.中華人民共和國消防法與fraser管理集團有關規(guī)定。the management district of this procedure: 本程序的管理區(qū)域范圍the block a, b, c, d, e, f and g of fraser place serviced residence shekou-shenzhen. 深圳frae

10、sr公寓管理有限公司管理區(qū)域安柏麗晶第五棟全區(qū)域according to the actual circumstance, this procedure enact three projects to meet different emergencies: 根據在實際操作中不同的情況,本程序設定不同的應急方案,以下分三個不同等級的消防應急程序:1、the definition of first, second and third class fire alarm and the processing procedure一、二、三級火警定義及處理程序2、 detailed procedure o

11、f each section in the case of fire alarm火警時各部門詳細分工程序3、urgent evacuation procedure緊急疏散程序fraser place serviced residence shekou-shenzhen is responsible for the hermeneutic power of the originally urgent procedure and evacuation project本緊急程序及疏散方案的解釋權由fraesr公寓管理有限公司全權負責first class fire alarm一級火警first cl

12、ass fire alarm definition:一級火警定義the switchboard receives a single alarm (smoke fire director, heat fire director and the single breaking glass alarm) sent by the fire fighting supervision center ,or by employee's telephone alarm (do not see clear fire and smoke, but something smells burnt), conf

13、irming to" first class fire alarm".總機接到消防監(jiān)控中心監(jiān)控員發(fā)出煙感、溫感、破玻璃信號報警,或接到員工電話報警(沒有見到明火及煙,但聞到有糊味及燒焦的味道),確認為“一級火警”。processing procedure of first class fire alarm :一級火警處理程序1、 the fire fight control centre dial the switchboard and tell the detailed address and the fire alarm category (the smoke fire

14、 detector, the heat fire detector or the breaking glass signal), and record the telephone time, the switchboard member name, notifies the on duty supervisor of public security, the on duty engineering member, customer's relation supervisor, headwaiter of pa and the patrol public security member

15、with the interphone at the same time.消防控制中心監(jiān)控員向電話總機話務員報告火警的詳細地址及火警種類(煙、溫感報警或報警玻璃報警),并詳細記錄報警時間、總機話務員姓名,同時再用對講機通知保安部值班主管、工程部值班員、客戶關系主管、pa領班、巡邏保安員。2、 the switchboard operator must notify the urgent activity group at the time of receiving the fire alarm: the on duty engineering member, the housekeeping

16、supervisor, the on duty public security supervisor, the on duty pa headwaiter, the on duty housekeeping supervisor. record the time of receiving the alarm and the time of general call.總機話務員必須在接到報警電話的同時群呼緊急行動小組成員:工程部值班員、客房關系主管、保安部值班主管、客房部pa領班、客房部值班主管。記錄接到報警的時間及發(fā)出群呼的時間3、 cctv or switchboard receive fi

17、re alarm telephone, need to affirm and record the employee's name, section, telephone extension number and the district如果是cctv或總機接到員工電話報警,需要問清報警員工姓名、部門、電話分機號碼、所處地點、火警發(fā)生區(qū)域,并詳細記錄4、 first class fire alarm urgent activity group member's pager machines will show "1999”, the first class fire

18、alarm pager code. after receiving the "1999" general call, they shall bring a flashlight, fire extinguisher, the skeleton key of the fire district and the electricity well key to arrive and check the "fire alarm" spot within 2 minutes .if the guest room is the fire alarm district

19、 and a section member has still not arrived after one minute, other members can, together with the floor attendant, go into the guest room to check in term of the corresponding procedure.一級火警緊急行動小組成員的傳呼機將顯示“1999”的一級火警傳呼代碼。自收到“1999”群呼后,須在2分鐘內攜帶強力電筒、滅火器、火警區(qū)域的萬能鑰匙、電井鑰匙到達“火警”現(xiàn)場進行檢查。如懷疑火警區(qū)域在客房內,在等待1分鐘后,還

20、有部門成員沒有到達,其它成員可直接協(xié)同樓層服務員按相應程序進入客房檢查。5、 cctv notifies a spare duty fireman of public security to do the second class fire alarm preparation and to be on stand-by immediately after sending the first class fire alarm to switchboard; the on duty public security member should be prepared to make fire ala

21、rm upgrade preparation. cctv向總機發(fā)出一級火警后,接著通知保安部后備義務消防隊員做好二級火警準備,進入待命狀態(tài),當班保安員作好火警升級準備。6、 after arriving at the fire spot,the urgent activity group confirms whether there is an actual fire. if it is a false alarm, the on duty public security supervisor notifies the fire fighting center to relieve the a

22、lert, and then reset the system; the on duty public security supervisor shall fill in the fire alarm record, each urgent member should confirm and sign .if the fire alarm is real, notify the cctv to start the second class fire alarm procedure immediately.緊急行動小組成員到達現(xiàn)場進行詳細檢查后,確認火警是否成立。如屬誤報,由保安部值班主管通知消

23、防中心消除報警,系統(tǒng)復位;保安部值班主管填寫火警報警記錄,各緊急成員簽字確認。如成立,通知cctv立即進入二級火警程序。second class fire alarm二級火警second class fire alarm definition:二級火警定義1、 the switchboard or cctv receive employee's telephone alarm and direct report of seeing smoke and flame in the apartment district, which confirms "second class f

24、ire alarm".總機話務員或cctv接到員工電話或直接報告等形式,看到公寓區(qū)域內有煙和明火的電話報警,確認為“二級火警”。2、 when the urgent activity group of first class fire alarm arrives at the fire alarm district, if they discover any smoke, light of fire and anything that might possibly cause a fire, they will, when approved by customer relation

25、executive(cre), on duty engineering member, and the on duty public security supervisor, notify the cctv that a "second class fire alarm" is confirmed. 當一級緊急行動小組到達報警區(qū)域,發(fā)現(xiàn)有煙霧、火光等任何容易引發(fā)火災現(xiàn)象或任何懷疑有之現(xiàn)象發(fā)生,經客戶關系主管、工程值班員、保安部值班主管其中一人同意,即可通知cctv,確認為“二級火警”。3、 when the cctv personnel confirms, the exti

26、nguishing system will start automatically (current designation alert), also confirming for “second class fire alarm" 當cctv人員發(fā)現(xiàn)噴淋系統(tǒng)自動啟動(水流指示報警),也確認為“二級火警”。note: if confirming for "second class fire alarm", also must affirm that the apartment duty fire brigade have control over the situ

27、ation.注:在確認“二級火警”時,必需認定公寓義務消防隊可控制的范圍。the second class fire alarm processing procedure:二級火警處理程序1、any employee discovers the fire alarm in any district of apartment , must act in term of the following procedure: 任何員工于公寓任何區(qū)域發(fā)現(xiàn)火警,須依據以下程序行事:Ø when discover the fire: report to cctv or switchboard, or

28、 break up the nearest fire alarm glass. 發(fā)現(xiàn)火警馬上報告cctv或總機報警或打碎身邊的報警玻璃報警。Ø the telephone report should include: detailed location, fire alarm type and degree, name, section and position. 電話通知時須清楚說明:火警發(fā)生之詳細地點、火警類型及火勢情況、自己的姓名、部門、職位Ø at the beginning of the fire, employees should use the fire fi

29、ghting equipment to put out the fire as long as not risking their own safety.初起火災應在保護自身安全的情況下,利用消防設施進行滅火。Ø whether the fire is put out or not, the employee must stay in the closest safe place, until the rescue personnel arrives and decides the next activity.不論火勢能夠撲滅與否,必須留駐于火勢不致蔓延的最近而安全范圍,等待救援人員

30、到達,決定下一步行動。Ø after the fire is put out or controlled, employee should conduct a written detailed report to the public security department.待火勢撲滅或受到控制后,將整個火警發(fā)生的詳細情況以書面形式向保安部報告。2、 after receiving a second class fire alarm signal, the switchboard should do a general call to the second class fire al

31、arm member: general manager, operations manager, human resource director, sales & marketing director, finance manager, assistant operation manager, public security manager, engineering manager, housekeeping manager, electrician, plumber, air condition worker, water worker etc.總機接到二級火警訊號后,立即群呼二級火

32、警成員:總經理、運營經理、人力資源經理、銷售總監(jiān)、財務總監(jiān)、運營經理、保安經理、工程經理、客房經理、工程部電工、管道工、空調工、水工、萬能工等。3、 after sending out the second class fire alarm, the urgent activity group should use the fire fighting equipments to try to control the fire spread.緊急行動小組發(fā)出二級火警后,利用消防設備進行初期滅火,控制火勢蔓延。4、 the pager alarm code for second class fir

33、e alarm will be "2999".二級火警成員傳呼機將顯示“2999”二級火警代碼。5、 directed by and together with the general manager, the engineering manager and the public security manager should go to the fire scene to help to save life and property.“火警”現(xiàn)場由總經理領導指揮,工程部經理、保安部經理協(xié)助展開撲救second class fire alarm , woke divisio

34、n of each main section :二級火警時各主要部門分工security department:保安部Ø the security supervisor returns to the cctv to help the on duty member to operate the fire fighting equipment, paying close attention to the instructions. according to the actual circumstances (or the order of scene commander in charg

35、e), start the smoke evacuation system and the fan system; keep in touch with the scene and wait for further instructions.保安主管回到cctv協(xié)助值班員操作消防設備,密切關注消防設備運行情況。根據實際情況(或現(xiàn)場總指揮命令)啟動相關區(qū)域的送風、排煙系統(tǒng);保持與現(xiàn)場指揮的聯(lián)系,等待指令Ø the on duty security member should arrive to the scene immediately and according to the fir

36、e type and the degree judge on whether to use the fire extinguisher or open the fire hydrant to put out the fire.當班保安員立即趕到現(xiàn)場,根據火勢的大小起火類型,判斷使用滅火器或開啟消防栓救火。Ø use the most appropriative elevator as emergency elevator, control this elevator from first floor and forbid all other personnel to embark.

37、when the engineering personnel arrive, they are responsible for controlling the fire fight elevator. none of the other elevators should be used, and they should all be brought to the first floor. 將消防專用電梯轉換為消防緊急功能,并負責在一樓電梯口控制消防專用電梯,禁止其它人員乘坐該電梯。工程部人員到達后,由工程部人員負責控制消防電梯。并將消防電梯以外的所有電梯回降到一樓停止使用Ø the

38、cctv is responsible for notifying the on duty fire brigade.cctv負責通知待命的義務消防隊。Ø standby on duty fire brigade takes all fire extinction equipments to arrive upon the scene,the first arriving personnel should open another fire hydrant according to the fire serious degree.two security members be res

39、ponsible for keeping miscellaneous personnel from enter the fire alarm the spot.待命義務消防隊帶所有消防器材到達現(xiàn)場,先到達人員根據火勢大小開啟另組消防栓救火。兩名保安員負責火警區(qū)域的警戒,防止閑雜人員進入火警現(xiàn)場。Ø the two security members who wear the fireproof-clothes and the fire prevention masks will check the scene and report to the commander in charge

40、on people unconscious and will then begin to look for missing persons and start on-the-scene-rescue.后到達穿防火衣和戴防毒面具的兩名保安員向總指揮報到,是否對火警區(qū)域進行檢查,有無暈倒的客人和員工,進行現(xiàn)場搜索、救援。Ø other on-duty firemen will report to the commander in charge and act according to the arrangement. 其他到達的義務消防隊員向“火警”現(xiàn)場指揮報到,聽從安排。Ø

41、the security supervisor will report the duty fire brigades personnel number to the commander in charge.保安主管將義務消防隊人員到位情況及得知的結果向總指揮報告。engineering department:工程部Ø the water worker will take the interphone to the water pump house to be able to keep in touch with cctv. when he gets there he will rep

42、ort to engineering manager.安排水工攜帶對講機到水泵房值守,與cctv保持聯(lián)系,向工程部經理匯報到位情況。Ø one of the staff from the engineering department will stay at the first floor to control the fire fight elevator. when he gets there he will report to the engineering manager. 安排一名員工到一樓控制消防電梯,到達后向工程經理報告Ø a mechanic worker

43、will close down gas supply and when finished he will report to the engineering manager.安排一名機械工關閉煤氣總閥,關閉后向工程經理報告。Ø an electrician will close down the electricity engine, the air conditioner draft air system, in order to prevent smoke from enter into the floors.安排電工關閉現(xiàn)場的電掣、附近的空調抽風系統(tǒng),以免煙霧由抽風系統(tǒng)流入各樓

44、層。Ø the engineering manager will provide a detailed geography diagram with all data of electricity engine switches and dangerous goods to commander in charge工程部經理向火警現(xiàn)場總指揮提供詳細地形圖及現(xiàn)場所有電掣開關、危險品的資料。Ø the engineering manager will report to commander in charge about the personnel arrangements fo

45、r the engineering department, what the equipment is like and suggest reasonable fire fight solutions.工程部經理向總指揮報告工程部人員安排情況,及設備現(xiàn)行狀態(tài)和合理的滅火建議。the customer relation executive(cre):客戶關系主任Ø return to work post to answer the guests inquiries. 返回大堂工作崗位,回答客人的詢問。Ø arrange for another employee to help

46、 manage the switchboard.安排一名前臺員工到總機協(xié)助。Ø keep order in the lobby and the public area and ensure to keep the working order of the front desk.維持大堂及公共區(qū)域的秩序,保障前臺的正常運作Ø reply the guest as follows: "the investigating is ongoing; we do our best and will inform you about any changes as soon as

47、 possible."負責督導總機和前臺接待員按下列標準答復客人之查詢:“情況正進行調查,調查后會通知閣下?!?#216; arrange the employees in the preparation of "third class fire alarm".安排前臺員工和行李生作好升級“三級火警”的準備。switchboard building: 總機房:Ø notify the second class fire alarm members in detail how to answer telephone calls and how to use

48、 the telephone record.傳呼二級火警成員作好所有復機或相關電話記錄。Ø be responsible for notifying all fire alarm circumstances with relevant section.負責通知所有部門有關火警情況。Ø in spite of the alarm do not act outside of the policies and if the guests have inquiries answer as follows: "the investigating is ongoing; we

49、 do our best and will inform you about any changes as soon as possible."未得到任何進一步指示前(如警鐘仍在鳴響),如有客人詢問,應以以下方式回答客人:“情況正進行調查,調查后會通知閣下。”Ø minute down all relevant calls.記錄下所有有關火警的進出電話。Ø except for the public security officials and the fire fighters don't transfer any external telephone

50、calls.除公安、消防局外,不轉接所有的外線電話。third class fire alarm三級火警third class fire alarm definition: 三級火警定義:after second class fire alarm the conductor at the scene confirms that the fire has developed into more than the apartment duty fire brigade can control. this confirms the "third class fire alarm"

51、在二級火警發(fā)生后,通過“火警”現(xiàn)場最高指揮評定,明確“火情”已超出公寓義務消防隊可控制之范圍,即升級為“三級火警”。.the processing procedure of the third class fire alarm; 三級火警處理程序:1、 general manager, operation manager, human resource director and finance manager transfer to the temporary commanding centre. the manager of engineering and the public securi

52、ty manager are in charge at the scene and will keep in touch with the temporary commanding center with frequent situation updates to the general manager. 總經理、運營經理、人力資源經理、財務總監(jiān)轉移到臨時指揮中心。現(xiàn)場則由工程部經理、保安經理負責指揮,并與臨時指揮中心保持聯(lián)系,隨時將最新的情況報告給總經理。2、 when the general manager decides so, start the evacuation of the p

53、roperty and call in support from the fire fighting brigade by handling according to the switchboard “119” procedure. start at the same time the broadcast system. (use chinese, english and japanese broadcast) 當總經理做出全部或局部疏散以及請求消防局支援的決策指令時,消防中心按指令通知總機報“119”;同時啟動全部或部分廣播系統(tǒng)(用中、英、日文廣播)。3、 the current manag

54、er or supervisor at the scene is responsible for organizing the evacuation.發(fā)生火災相關區(qū)域的經理、主管、服務員負責組織疏散。4、 when switchboard receives the third class fire alarm, notify all section managers, vice-presidents and supervisors to go to the evacuation place immediately. (in the first and second class fire ala

55、rm all other personnel was informed)總機接到三級火警通知時,立即通知(除一、二級火警已到場人員以外)所有部門經理、副經理、主管到達酒店疏散集合地,按各部門人員職責行動。(詳見部門消防疏散程序)5、 the switchboard operator have to keep at least five free lines to use for the fire fighting operation總機接線生至少保持五條專線用于消防專用線路,在接到緊急疏散通知時,除公安、消防局外不接轉其它外線打入公寓電話。6、 after the city fire brig

56、ade arrives, introduce the fire brigade conductor in charge at the scene, so that the duty fireman can be informed on the activities.市消防隊到達后,現(xiàn)場交消防隊指揮,義務消防隊員聽指揮行動7、 all evacuated personnel shall gather at the seven-eleven convenient store opposite to the property.所有疏散出來人員,到公寓對面的草地安全區(qū)域.the fire alarm

57、evacuation procedure : 火警疏散程序:single of withdraw: 撤離信號:the ringing of fire fight alarm bell, the circular of the public broadcast system.消防報警警鈴,公共廣播系統(tǒng)發(fā)出的通知。action:行動: stop all work停止所有工作 close all power supplies關閉所有設備電源evacuate fast but organized from the nearest exit 快速有序的從附近出口撤離(不要驚慌,快速行走但不要跑) use

58、 the evacuation stairs only, never the elevator 只能通過疏散樓梯,不能乘座電梯疏散withdraw assembly place : 撤離集合點:the seven-eleven convenient store opposite to the apartment公寓對面草地front office前廳1、 after hearing the evacuation broadcast, customer relation executive(cre) prints the latest guest list, brings the list to

59、 the assembly place and hand it over to the assistant operations manager. 聽到疏散廣播后,客戶關系主管立即打印一份最新的入住客人名單,將名單帶到公寓對面草地疏散集合地點,上交營運經理。2、 cashier pack all paper and cash into a bag, hands it to the finance manager who brings it to the seven-eleven convenient store.收銀將所有財務票據和現(xiàn)金裝入收銀袋送到疏散集合點統(tǒng)一上交給財務總監(jiān)3、 arrange two concierges to lead the evacuation of personnel to the seven-eleven convenient store.安排兩名行李生引導疏散出來的客人到公寓對面草地集合。4、 organize personnel to tra


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