



1、學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載2011-2012 學(xué)年度第一學(xué)期六年級英語期末模擬試卷聽力部分(共 25 分)一. 聽錄音,排列圖片順序(5% )()()()()()()二.聽錄音,選擇正確的單詞( 5% )() 1.A. hobbyB. happyC. family() 2.A. footballB. basketballC. volleyball() 3.A. eatB. teaC. teacher() 4.A. grassB. glassC. class() 5.A. waitB. whatC. water三、選出與你所聽到的句子意思相符的選項。( 5 分)() 1.A. It s time to g

2、o homeB. It s time to get up.C. It s time to sing.() 2.A. He is an English teacher.B. She teaches English.C. She teaches Chinese.() 3.A. My father likes painting.B. My father likes fishing.C. My father likes playing football.() 4.A. He is not good at farming.B. He is good at playing football.C. He d

3、oes well in farming.() 5.A. Tom is late for school.B. Tom comes to school late.C. Tom comes to school early.四、聽問句,選答句。 (5 分)() 1.A. Yes , Id like to.B. I would.C. Thank you.() 2.A. By bike.B. At 7:00.C. Yes , I do.() 3. A. They play football.B. They are playing football.C. Yes , they do.() 4.A. Here

4、 you are.B. Yes , please.C. Thanks.() 5.A. It s OK.B. Yes , I am.C. No , it s too hard.五、聽短文,判斷正( T )誤( F)。( 5 分)() 1. Li Lei s bedroom is new.() 2.There are many books and some flowers on the book shelf.() 3.There are three windows in the wall of Li Leisbedroom.() 4.The man in the picture is Li Lei

5、s father.() 5.The woman is Li Leis grandma.筆試部分(共 75 分)一、英漢互譯。( 15 分)1. make a mess _2. get home _3. go to the cinema _4. stay up late _ 5. carefully _6. paint _7. November _ 8. 去上學(xué) _9. 在下午 _學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載10.小心,當(dāng)心 _11.一玻璃杯 _12. 茶 _13.第九 _14.足球 _15. 綠色的 _二、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空(5% )1. You must _ ( respect ) old peop

6、le and help them.2. Does he often go _ ( shop ) ?3. Everybody _ ( have ) hobbies.4. Can you answer my _ ( three ) question , Jack ?5. You can paint them in different _ ( colour ).6. Id like to _ ( invite ) you to my birthday party.7. It looks _ ( love ) .8. Dontforget _ ( write ) your name on the ca

7、rd.9. They can look after _ ( they ).10. Its much _ ( hot ) today than yesterday.三、選擇填空( 15% )() 1. Ask questions _ , please.A. activeB. activelyC. actD. acts() 2.I usually go to school _ bus.A. inB. onC. atD. by() 3.My grandpa is very kind _ me.A. atB. toC. byD. for() 4.Do you like _ ?A. toy carB.

8、toys carC. toy carsD. toys cars() 5.The boy _ likes keeping animals.A. alsoB. tooC. eitherD. /() 6. Id like _.A. two glass of apple juiceB. two glasses of apple juicesC. two glasses of apple juiceD. two glass of apple juices() 7. He never makes _ in class.A. many noiseB. a lot noiseC. noiseD. noises

9、() 8. Everyone in the class should hand your homework _ time.A. onB. toC. ofD. for() 9. He doesnt_ to help to _ the dinner table.A. likes, setsB. like, setC. liking, settingD. like, sets() 10. All of us should obey the home rules. We should go to bed _.A. lateB. till lateC. earlyD. till early() 11.

10、You must _ your room clean.A. putB. keepC. takeD. set() 12. Make a sign to tell people _.A. what must they do.B. what do they mustC. what they must do.D. what they do must() 13. I do my _ at 5:00.A. homeworkB. a homeworkC. homeworksD. some homeworks() 14. What are you doing ? I _ football.A. playB.

11、playsC. playingD. am playing() 15. _ candy paper must be very interesting .A. CollectB. CollectsC. CollectingD. To collecting四、按要求改寫句子( 10% )學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載1.Write on the wall.(改為否定句)_ _ on the wall.2.He gets up at 6:00 in the morning.(改為否定句)He _ _ up at 6:00 in the morning.3.Lucy reads newspaper in the ro

12、om. (就劃線部分提問)_ does Lucy _ in the room ?4.Young people like playing football.(寫出同義句)Young people _ _ football.5.Can he see a dog under the tree ?(否定回答)_ , he _.6.The students are going camping.(改為一般疑問句)_ the students going _ ?7.Id like some jelly.(改為一般疑問句)_ _ like _ jelly ?8.The cake is nice.(改為感嘆句)

13、_ _ the cake is !9.My brother has exams in July.(對劃線部分提問)_ does your brother _ exams ?10. He usually works in the office.(就劃線部分提問)_ does he usually _ ?五、完成句子( 8% )1、請仔細(xì)地聽老師講課。_ the teacher carefully.2、請愛護(hù)草坪。Please _ _ the grass.3、我將為你取些冰淇淋。I ll get _ for you .4、你想喝茶嗎?Would you like _ ?5、秋天天氣越來越?jīng)鏊?。In

14、 autumn, the weather gets _ and _.6、上課不要遲到。Dont_ class.六、按原文填空( 7% )Peter : _Yang Ming : Yes. He enjoys farming.Peter : Really ? _Yang Ming : Yes. He enjoys planting flowers and growing vegetables._Peter : _Yang Ming : He keeps chickens、ducks and some geese._Peter : _Yang Ming : No. Sometimes he goe

15、s fishing for the whole day but catches nothing.Peter : Nothing ? _ Ha , ha .學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載Is this your grandpa ?Is that his hobby ?What animals does he keep ?My grandpa also enjoys fishing.He also likes keeping animals.Is he good at fishing ?Isntthat funny ?drawing some nice flowers on the card with my c

16、olour pencils. Im going go draw a smalldog on it, too. My aunt likes dogs very much. My father and mother are going to buy a newradio for her. She can listen to music every day. We are going to have a good time with myaunt.七、閱讀理解( 10% )(一)We call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival. There s a n

17、ame for each Chineseyear. We may call it the year of the cock, the year of the horse or the pig. And this year is theyear of the monkey.Before New Years Day, people are busy shopping and cleaning the houses. On NewYears Eve, theres a big family dinner. After it, all the family stay up late to welcom

18、e theNew Year. Then people put on their new clothes and go to visit their friends. They say “Good luck ”and some other greetings to each other. They usually have a good time.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷正誤,正確的用T 表示,錯誤的用F 表示。() 1. Each Chinese year has its own name.() 2.This year is the year of the monkey.() 3.People are

19、ntbusy shopping and cleaning the houses before the Spring Festival.() 4.On New Years Eve, theres a big family dinner.() 5.On New Years Eve, people put on their new clothes,but dontgo to visit their friends.(二)Aunt Alice s birthday is coming. She is going to be thirty years old. She is in Beijingnow.

20、 Dad and mum are going to take me to her house. We are going to go there by train. Weare leaving on Friday evening and coming back on Sunday afternoon. Aunt Alice is going to give a birthday party on Sunday. I m going to give her a nice card. I m making it now. I m() 1. Aunt Alice is _ years old now.A. 30B. 29C. 31D. 20() 2. We are going to _.A. visit her friend


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