



1、八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)期末試卷魯教版八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè) 期末試卷 魯教版(答題時(shí)間: 90 分鐘)、單項(xiàng)選擇(共 15 小題,每小題 1分,計(jì) 15 分1. kind girl Nancy is! Yes, she is always ready to help others.A. WhatB. What a C. How D. How a2. What would you do if it tomorrow? We have to carry it on, since we 've got everything ready.A. rain B. rains C. will rain D. is

2、raining *3. Are you on business here, Kate? No, . It 's my holiday today.A. with pleasureB. my pleasure4. Look! What a nice garden! Yes. Itevery day.C. for pleasure D. much pleasure1 / 8A. is cleanedB. has been cleanedC. is being cleanedD. was cleaned5. After the education reform ( 改 革 ) in Shan

3、dong Province, the pupils have time to relax andhomework to do.A. less; more B. more; lessC. fewer; moreD. much; many6. do you prefer to study? I prefer to study in a group.A. How B. Why C. When D. Where*7. Since the villagers 'houses have been damaged in the earthquake, the soldiers are helping

4、 them tents (帳篷 ).A. put onB. put off C. put upD. put down8. This wine tastes a little bit strange.Yes. It's made apples.A. ofB. from C. byD. in9. More and more kids become unhappy they have too many activities to do.A. but B. orC. because D. so*10. How much time do you surfing the Internet ever

5、y week? Less than an hour.A. costB. payC. takeD. spend11. Many young people prefer the songs have great lyrics.A. whichB. whoC. whereD. whom12. Would you please help me with the questions? Sorry. You go and ask Mary.She know the answer.A. must; canB. can; mayC. need; canD. must; may13. Loud noise ma

6、y cause hearing for a short time or even for ever.A. resultsB. questionsC. accidentsD. problems14. Look, it 's raining. That's great. It's too hot these days.A. greatlyB. heavily C. quickly D. hardly15. How was your weekend, Mary?八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)期末試卷魯教版 I had a busy. I did a Iot Of thin gs.A. itB

7、. thisC. oneD. that二、完形填空(共10小題,每小題1分,計(jì)10分)OnCe there WaS a king who told some of his people to dig a Pond ( 池子).The king the n told his people that One PerS On 16_ each family had to bring a glass of milk during the night and PUt it into the pond. So, by the morning, the Pond should be 17_of milk.A

8、fter 18 the order, every OneWent home. AS One man PrePared his milk, he thought that SinCe every One WaS bringing milk, he would just 19 a glass of Water and PUt that into the Pond in stead.20 it WaS dark at ni ght, no one wouldno tice it, so he quickly Wentand PUt the Water into the Pond and 21 hom

9、e.In the morning, the king went to ViSit the pond. To his 22, the Pond WaS Only filled With Water! What happened? Yes!EVeryOne had the Same idea 23 that man. They all thought, “don 'have to WaSte my milk. SomeOne else will do it. ”Dear frien ds, Whe n you pla n to help poor people or people in t

10、rouble, do not think that 24 will take Care of it. In stead, it StartS With you. If you don 'do it, no one else will, so Change yourself and make a 25.16. A. atB. fromC. OnD. With17. A. filledB. emptyC. CrOWdedD. full18. A. givi ngB. refus ingC. receivi ngD. Offeri ng19. A. hideB. stealC. WaSteD

11、. drink20. A. IfB. Si nceC. WhileD. After21. A. leftB. CameC. returnedD. arrived22. A. SUrPriSeB. SatiSfaCt ionC. joyD. taste23. A. WithB. toC. asD. of24. A. OtherSB. the OtherSC. noneD. n either25. A. faceB. mistakeC. livi ngD. differe nce三、閱讀理解(共 20小題,每小題1.5分,計(jì)30分)APopular music in AmeriCa is What

12、 every StUdent likes. StUdents Carry small radios With earphOneSand listen to music before class, after class, and at lUnch. StUdents With CarS buy large SPeakerS and play the music loudly as they drive on the street.Adult(成年的)drivers listen to music on the Car radio as they drive to work. They also

13、 listen to the news about SPOrtS ,the weather, and the life of AmeriCan people. Most of the radio PrOgrammerS are music.Pop or popular music Singers make much money. They make a CD or tape WhiCh radio StatiOnS USe in many places. OnCe the popular Singer is heard all over the CoUntry , young people b

14、uy his or her tape. Some of the money from these tapes goes to the Singer. WhereVer the Singer goes, all the young people Want to meet him or her. Now the Singer has become a natiOnal star.There are other kinds of music that are important to AmeriCans. One is called folk( 民間)music. It tells StOrieS

15、about the com mon life of AmeriCans. Another is called WeStern or CoUntry music. ThiS WaS Started by cowboys( 牛仔)who would Sing at night to the cows they Were WatChing. Today , any music about CoUntry life and the love between a CoUntry boy and his girl is called WeStern or CoUntry music.26. kinds o

16、f music are mentioned(提至U) in this passage.A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD. FiVe27. When pop Singers, they will become natiOnal stars.A. make much moneyB. make a CD or tapeC. are loved by all the young peopleD. are Wan ted to Sing On the radio28. From the PaSSage We know that CoUntry music is about the.2 / 8

17、八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)期末試卷魯教版A. common life of AmericansB. country life and love storiesC. life of cowboys D. school life in America29. Which of the following is true according to this passage?A. Most students in America like popular musicB. Students with cars in America like to listen to music while driving.C. Ad

18、ult drivers in America listen to music all the time while driving.D. Everyone in America wants to meet pop singers wherever they go.30. What would be the best title( 標(biāo)題 ) for the passage?A. American musicB. Popular MusicC. History of Music D. Western MusicBAll over the world people enjoy sports. Spo

19、rts help people to keep healthy , happy and help them to live longer.Sports change with reason. People play different games in winter and summer. Games and sports often grow out of people ' s work and everyday activities. The Arabs use horses or camels in much of their everyday life; they use th

20、em in their sports,too.Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them. Football for example , has spread around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers.Some sports or games go back thousands of years,like running or jumping. Chi

21、nese boxing ,for example ,has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. Neither one is a hundred years yet. People are inviting new sports or games all the time.People from different countries may not understand each other , but after a game they often become good friends. S

22、ports help to train a person' s character. One learns to fight hard but,figtohtwfainirwithout pride and to lose with grace( 文雅 )。31. According to this passage we know that .A. people began to play about one hundred years agoB. About one hundred years ago people ran or jumped when they playedC. B

23、asketball has a longer history than volleyballD. Not all the games have long history32. According to the passage, which of the fo llowing isn'?t trueA. S ports help to train a person's characters.B. People swim only because there are lots of rivers in their country.C. People from different c

24、ountries may not be able to understand each other before a game.D. Sports and games can develop the friendship between peoples all over the world.33. The writer didn' t tell us in this passage that .A. basketball was invented in AmericaB. sports change with the seasonsC. games and sports often g

25、row out of people' s workacatnivditeievserydayD. football is played all over the world34. A lot of people have more free time from their work to enjoy sports because .A. they like sports very muchB. they want to live longerC. they want to make a lot more friendsD. they don t h'ave to go to w

26、ork on Saturday or Sunday as before35. From this passage we can see that .A. sports and games are unimportant things that people do8 / 8B. SPortS and games should be treated Only as amuseme ntC. SPOrtS and games are Only USefUl to the oldD. none of the above is trueThere are 365 days in a year. We s

27、leep 8 hours a day, so We have 122 days for sleep ing. Then OUr work time has 243 daysleft . BUt there are 52 Weekends in a year. EaCh Weekend is two days. We lose another 104 days a year for work. It takes USabout One hour to have breakfast and supper. ThiS comes to 15 days over a year. BUt We Can-

28、We needvork all thholiday. Let ' S Say We have three WeekS ' holiday. We don ' t Work all day. Four free hours ea(UpevediaytaWes. have to remember that We get 2 daysholiday3EChtetmas and 1 at the NeW Year. There are also 4 Bank holidays. .Take those 10 days aWay and We have 32 days for W

29、ork. BUt the n We have Oneand a half hours IUnCh every day, arhalf an,hour S COffee break. That comes to 30 days a year. ThiS means that We have Only a feW days left for Work every year!注釋: 243 days left :剩下 243 天 Easter: n.復(fù)活節(jié) Oneand a half: 一 個(gè)半 half an hour:半小時(shí)36. How many days do We sleep in a y

30、ear?days.A.365B.122C.8D. 5237. We SPe nd 15 days On.A. restB. COffee break C. lunch38. WhiCh of the followi ng is true?A. EaCh Weeke nd is One day.B. We have 61 days for free time.C. We get 3 days ' holiday at Easter.D. COffee break takes US One hour.39. ACCOrd ing to the passage, We know that W

31、e donA. muCh tooB. so manyC. too muCh40. The Writer means.D. breakfast and SUPPert havetime to work every year.D. too manyA. We should know the nu mbersB. time is importa nt and WeC. We n eed more holidaysD. a few days for work is eno Ughd better not WaSte itDParents should stop blaming themselves b

32、ecause there 'nc a lot they Can do about it. I mean the teenager problem. WhateVer you do or however you choose to deal With it, at Certa in times a Won derful, reas On able and helpful child will turn into a terrible ani mal.I ' Ve Seen my friends deal Withit in all kinds of different ways.

33、 One StriCt mother inSiSted that her son, right from a child, should Sta nd UP Whe never anyone en tered the room, ope n door and Shake hands like a gen tlema n. I SaW him last Week Whe n I called round. SPraWIi ng himself On the sofa in full Ien gth, he made no attempt to turn Off the loud TV he Wa

34、S WatCh ing as I WaIked i n, and his greeting WaS no more than a quick glance at me. HiS mother WaS ashamed,"I don ' t khim these days, ” She said,“ He' S forgotten all the manners We taught him” . He hasn ' t forgotten them.not going to USe them. She Con fessed that She would like

35、to come UP beh ind him and throw him dow n from the sofa Onto thefloor.Another good friend Of mine Iet her two daughters climb all OVer the furniture, reach across the table, Stare at me and say,"I don ' t like your dress, it' S ugly. ” One of the daughters has recently been driven OUt

36、school. The other has left hom“ Where did We go wrong? ” Her Pare nts are now Very sad. PrObabIy no Where much. At least, no more tha n the UnfortUn ate Pare nts.41. ThiS text is most PrObabIy Writte n by.A. a SPeCiaIiSt in tee nager StUdieSB. a headmaster of middle schoolC. a Pare nt With tee nage

37、ChiIdre nD. a doctor for men tal health problems42. The Underlined word" it ” in the SeCOnd ParagraPh refers to.A. the Change from good to bad that ' S Seen in a childB. the Way that Pare nts ofte n blame themselvesC. the OPinion that a child has of his Pare ntsD. the advice that Parents Wa

38、nt their ChiIdren to follow43. The boy On the sofa would most PrObabIy he described asA. IazyB. quietC. Unu sualD. rude44. From the SeC Ond example We Can infer that the Pare nts of the two daughters.A. Pay no atte ntio n to themB. are too busy to look after themC. have come to hate themD. feel help

39、less to do much about them45. What is the author' S OPinion about the SUdden Change in teenage ChiIdren?A. Pare nts have no ChOiCe but to try to accept it.B. Pare nts should Pay still more atte nti On to the Cha nge.C. ParentS should work more closely With school teachers.D. Pare nts are at faul

40、t for the Cha nge in their ChiIdre n.四、詞匯運(yùn)用(共 20小題,每小題1分,計(jì)20分)(一)根據(jù)句意,完成已給出首字母的單詞。(10分)46. People thi nk We look the same, but I Can See that We have a few small d.47. In Order to ayour dream, you must work hard.48. I don ' t like young people who WearS Strange CWith colorful hair.49. Jis the fi

41、rst month of the year.*50. She has made a dto improve her En glish.51. The flowers n eed to be Wevery two days, or they will die.*52. There are many SUPermarketS here. It' S Very Cfor US to do shopping.53. Jane White is an hgirl. She n ever tells a lie.*54. We all know the iof lear ning En glish

42、 at PreSe nt.55. The SCie ntists Were tired and hun gry, so they la fire for breakfast.* (二)根據(jù)短文意思,用方框中所給詞語(yǔ)的適當(dāng)形式填空,使文章通順、完整(其中有兩個(gè)多余選項(xiàng))。(10分)at, hard, Cha nge, up, before, win,happe n,down, choose, practise, come, PartLife is not easy, So I ' Iike to Say Whenanything (56), believe in yourself! &q

43、uot; When I WaS a young boy, I WaS tooShy to SPeak to anyone. My CIaSSmateS often IaUghed (57) me. I WaS Sad but could do nothing. Later, SOmethinghappened, and it (58) my life. It WaS an English SPeeCh Contest( 比賽).My mother asked me to take (59) init. What a terrible idea! It meant I had to SPeak

44、(60) all the teachers and StUdents of my school!Come on, boy. BeIieVe in yourself! You are SUre to (61) .” Then mother and I talked about many different topics.At last I (62) the topic BeIieVe in yourself ”. I tried my best to remember all the SPeeCh and (63) it over 100times. With my mother ' g

45、reat love, I did well in the con test. I could (64)believe my ears Whe n the n ews Came that Ihad Won the first place. I heard the CheerS from the teachers and StUdents. Those CIaSSmateS who OnCe looked (65) Onme, now all Said Con gratulati OnS to me.五、任務(wù)型閱讀(共 5小題,每小題2分,計(jì)10分)When We think of harvest

46、s (收獲),We usually think of plants. BUt Can you also harvest a liquid? Sure. JUSt think of rain water. BeSt of all, it is free, except for the cost of a Way to collect it.One Way to harvest rain Water is With some tech no Iogy developed by Intern ati Onal Developme nt En terprises. It is in the Ameri

47、Ca n State of Colorado. It Created the tech no Iogy as a Way for people in develop ing CoUn tries to avoid havi ng to drink polluted (污染)ground water.The rainWater harvesting SyStem (系統(tǒng))Created by InternatiOnal Development Enterprises USeS PiPeS (管子)to collect Water from the tops of buildings. There

48、 are PiPeS between the buildings and two-meter tall StOrage tank (存儲(chǔ)容器),WhiCh PreVents dirt and IeaVeS in the Water from falling inSide the tank.A cover SitS over the tank. It PrOteCtS the Water inSide the tank from evaporating (蒸發(fā)).The cover also PreVents inSeCtS(昆蟲(chóng))from flying into the Water and I

49、aying eggs.InSide the tank is a low-cost PIaStiC bag that collects the water. The bag SitS inSide another PIaStiC bag. The two bags are SUPPOrted (支撐)inSide the metal tank. In all, the tank can collect to 3,500L of water.Intern ati Onal Developme nt En terprises SayS the bags in Side the tank may n eed to be replaced every two to three years. However, if the bags are not damaged (損壞)by SUn light, they could last even Ion ger.The developers Say OnetankCan PrOVide a family of five With eno Ugh rain Water to go through a


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