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1、涉外鉆井工程英語(yǔ)培訓(xùn)教材目錄a pre-drilling preparation鉆前準(zhǔn)備5a1 inspection for road and bridge conditions路橋監(jiān)測(cè)5a2 well site arrangements井場(chǎng)布局6a3 equipment inspection裝備探傷6a4 movilization and rigging up設(shè)備搬遷與安裝7a5 preparation for mud instruments泥漿檢測(cè)儀器的準(zhǔn)備8a6 preparation of fire equipment 消防設(shè)施的準(zhǔn)備8a7 preparation of daily-u

2、sed materials日常用料準(zhǔn)備9a8 transportation and communication交通與通信10a9 electrical equipment電器設(shè)備11a10 auxiliary equipment輔助設(shè)備11b drilling procedure鉆井程序12b1 drilling program鉆井設(shè)計(jì)12b2 drilling tool and bit鉆井工具及鉆頭14b3 common drilling instruments and drilling parameters常用鉆井儀表與參數(shù)16b4 common properties and testin

3、g of drilling fluid常用鉆井液性能及測(cè)試18b5 drill string assembly鉆具組合19b6 instructions of drilling operation and iadc report鉆井指令及iadc報(bào)表21b7 shifting and inspecting交接班及檢查22b8 the daily reports日常工作匯報(bào)23c well control井控26c1 basic knowledge of well control井控基本常識(shí)及原理26c2 installation,test and inspection of well cont

4、rol equipment井控裝備安裝測(cè)試與檢查28c3 the arrangement of well-control post井控崗位安排30c4 blowout drill井噴演習(xí)31c5 well-killing procedure壓井程序34c6 effect of killing operation壓井效果35d pooh/rih & reaming the hole起下鉆與劃眼37d1 common drilling tools常用工具37d2 drilling tools and bit鉆具與鉆頭38d3 safety operations安全操作40d4 reamin

5、g conversation劃眼常用對(duì)話42d5 various matching joints各種配合接頭43d6 drilling fluid circulation鉆井液循環(huán)44e solid control固相控制46e1 common knowledge基本常識(shí)46e2 normal solid control equipment常用固控設(shè)備47e3 solid control and down-hole固控與井下48e4 solid control and equipment life固控與設(shè)備壽命48f drilling trouble and shooting鉆井事故與解除49

6、f1 fishing tools打撈工具49f2 sticking and releasing卡鉆事故及解除50f3 drilling tools and processing鉆具事故與處理51f4 junk and fishing落物與打撈52f5 mud loss processing and bit balling井漏處理及鉆頭泥包53g coring job取芯工作54h. formation leak-off testing地層破裂壓力實(shí)驗(yàn)58i well testing油井測(cè)試60i1 testing tools and procedures測(cè)試工具和程序60i2 logging

7、parameters related測(cè)試相關(guān)參數(shù)62j running casing & cementing下套管與固井64j1 common casings下套管與固井64j2 preparation of running casing下套管準(zhǔn)備64j3 running casing tools下套管工具66j4 running casing下套管作業(yè)67j5 cementing operation固井作業(yè)69j6 completion logging and side tracking完井電測(cè)及側(cè)鉆71k major drilling equipment主要鉆井設(shè)備73k1 the

8、 power system動(dòng)力系統(tǒng)73k2 the circulating system循環(huán)系統(tǒng)74k3 the traveling system游動(dòng)系統(tǒng)75k4 top drive頂部驅(qū)動(dòng)76l special drilling特殊鉆井76l1 directional drilling tools定向鉆井工具76l2 the directional drilling technology定向鉆井工藝77l3 under balance drilling equipment and technology欠平衡鉆井設(shè)備及工藝79m hse management hse管理80n 英文信件結(jié)構(gòu)86

9、p 接聽電話的有關(guān)注意事項(xiàng)87q living生活88q1 living生活88q2 barracks營(yíng)房89q3 employee management雇員管理90a pre-drilling preparation鉆前準(zhǔn)備a1 inspection for road and bridge conditions路橋監(jiān)測(cè)(conversation between a rig manager and a supervisor平臺(tái)經(jīng)理與監(jiān)督對(duì)話)1supervisor: when do you plan to move?rig manager: we can move next saturday

10、if it clears up.監(jiān)督: 你們計(jì)劃什么時(shí)間搬遷?平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:如果天氣晴朗的話下周六可以搬遷。2supervisor: have you already prepared for moving?rig manager: everything has been put in order as required by the company.監(jiān)督: 準(zhǔn)備工作進(jìn)展得怎么樣了?平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:按照甲方指令要求全部落實(shí)到位。3supervisor: what i worry about most is the condition of the road and the bridge. do you

11、have any problem with it?rig manager: we did the inspection three days ago and the report will be presented to you tomorrow.監(jiān)督: 我最擔(dān)心的是路橋的狀況,這方面有什么問(wèn)題嗎?平臺(tái)經(jīng)理: 3天前,我們就已落實(shí)了此項(xiàng)工作,準(zhǔn)備明天將報(bào)告交給你們。4supervisor: who is in charge of the work?rig manager: i am.監(jiān)督: 誰(shuí)負(fù)責(zé)這項(xiàng)工作?平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:我是這項(xiàng)工作的負(fù)責(zé)人。5supervisor: please tell me

12、how far it is from the old well site to the new one?rig manager: about one hundred and twenty kilometers.監(jiān)督: 請(qǐng)告訴我新老井場(chǎng)之間的距離是多少?平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:大約120千米。6supervisor: how about the condition of the road?rig manager: the road is 30 kilometers long and 4 meters wide, wide enough for heavy equipment to pass.監(jiān)督: 路面狀況如

13、何?平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:有30千米長(zhǎng)4米寬的路面,可以滿足大型設(shè)備的通過(guò)。7supervisor: which equipment is the biggest?rig manager: scr (silicon controlled rectifier) house.監(jiān)督: 哪一件設(shè)備最大?平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:可控硅房。8supervisor: are there any obstacles, such as high voltage lines, telephone lines and viaducts?rig manager: there are high voltage lines in two plac

14、es, telephone lines in one place and a viaduct. all of them are over 4.5meters high.監(jiān)督: 空中是否有障礙,如高壓線、電話線、高架橋等?平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:有高壓線2處、電話線1處、高架橋1座,高度都在4.5 米以上。9supervisor: how many bridges are there along the road?rig manager: three concrete bridges altogether.監(jiān)督: 橋梁一共有幾座?平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:有3座水泥橋。10supervisor: what is the al

15、lowed maximum load?rig manager: 40 tons.監(jiān)督: 最大安全負(fù)荷是多少噸位?平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:40噸。11supervisor: which equipment is the heaviest?rig manager: the drawworks is about 30 tons.監(jiān)督: 最重的設(shè)備是哪一件?平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:絞車,大約30噸。12supervisor: what is the tonnage of the truck you use to carry the drawworks?rig manager: 40 tons.監(jiān)督: 用多大噸位的車搬運(yùn)絞車?平臺(tái)

16、經(jīng)理:40噸。a2 well site arrangements井場(chǎng)布局(conversation between a rig manager and a supervisor監(jiān)督與平臺(tái)經(jīng)理對(duì)話)1supervisor: hello, mr.li.rig manager: hello, mr. alen.監(jiān)督: 你好!李先生。平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:你好!alen先生。2supervisor: lets talk about the arrangements of the new well site.rig manager: sure, i am going to talk about it with yo

17、u.監(jiān)督: 我們討論一下新井場(chǎng)的布局好嗎?平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:當(dāng)然可以,我正想向你匯報(bào)這個(gè)問(wèn)題。3supervisor: i want to remind you that the new well site is 1000 square meters smaller than the old one.rig manager: then, how do you make a reasonable arrangement?監(jiān)督: 我要提醒你的是新井場(chǎng)比老井場(chǎng)小了1000平方米。平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:那我們?cè)趺磾[放設(shè)備才能做到布局合理?4supervisor: i suggest that the storehouse

18、s should be placed on the right of the rig, just between the rig and wellsite offices.rig manager: good idea! in this way we can save 60 square meters.監(jiān)督: 我建議材料房集中擺放在井架的右邊,正好位于井架與井場(chǎng)辦公室之間。平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:好主意!這樣我們可節(jié)約60平方米的面積。5supervisor: where do you think is the best place for the drill pipe sledge?rig manager:

19、 shall we put them on the empty space beyond the drill site?監(jiān)督: 你認(rèn)為鉆桿爬梨的最佳擺放位置在哪?平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:我想能否把鉆桿爬梨全部擺放在井場(chǎng)外邊的空地上?6supervisor: sure, but such arrangement should make it easy to load and offload.rig manager: any other requirements, such as the arrangement for the third party?監(jiān)督: 可以,但一定要方便裝卸。平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:還有別的要求嗎?如

20、:第三方設(shè)備的擺放?7supervisor: no. i was satisfied with your arrangement for the third party equipment last time, which, i think, is reasonable.rig manager: thank you for your praise, you will be satisfied this time.監(jiān)督: 沒有,上口井你們把第三方的設(shè)備布局得非常合理,我很滿意。平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:謝謝你的夸獎(jiǎng),這次我們?nèi)詴?huì)使您滿意。8supervisor: i hope so, good luck.rig

21、 manager: thanks, bye-bye.監(jiān)督: 我想會(huì)是這樣,祝你們好運(yùn)!平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:謝謝,再見。9supervisor: bye-bye.監(jiān)督: 再見。a3 equipment inspection裝備探傷(conversation between a supervisor and a h.s.e engineer監(jiān)督與安全員對(duì)話)1supervisor: can you tell me the date of the last inspection?engineer: it was on march 14 according to the daily record.監(jiān)督: 你能告

22、訴我上次裝備探傷的日期嗎?安全員:據(jù)日?qǐng)?bào)記錄是3月14日。2supervisor: how many days have passed since the last inspection?engineer: about 105 days.監(jiān)督: 到現(xiàn)在有多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間了?安全員:大約105天。3supervisor: how many pieces of equipment need inspecting this time?engineer: 18 types and 108 pieces.監(jiān)督: 這次共有多少件設(shè)備需要探傷?安全員:有18類、108件。4supervisor: how many

23、pieces of equipment have been inspected by now?engineer: 66 pieces, two of them are not up to the requirements.監(jiān)督: 到目前為止有多少件已經(jīng)探完?安全員:66件,其中2件不合格。5supervisor: which two? how should we replace them?engineer: we can use the 350-ton elevator and 8” non-magnetic drill collar. we have spare parts for them

24、. dont worry about it.監(jiān)督: 哪2件不合格,你們準(zhǔn)備怎樣更換?安全員:350噸吊卡和8無(wú)磁鉆鋌,我們有備用件,不用擔(dān)心。6supervisor: but please remember that the defective equipments should be marked with red paint, put separately and then recorded in the files.engineer: thank you for your reminding.監(jiān)督: 但要記住,不合格的設(shè)備要用紅漆記好,分別擺放,并記錄存檔。安全員:謝謝你的提醒。a4 m

25、ovilization and rigging up設(shè)備搬遷與安裝(conversation between a tool pusher and a rig manager帶班隊(duì)長(zhǎng)與平臺(tái)經(jīng)理對(duì)話)1toolpusher: how many vehicles have been arranged this time?rig manager: altogether 30, two 40-ton load, fifteen 25-ton load, thirteen 15-ton trucks.帶班隊(duì)長(zhǎng):經(jīng)理,這次搬遷組織了多少車輛?平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:共30臺(tái),其中40噸2臺(tái)、25噸15臺(tái)、15噸13臺(tái)。2

26、toolpusher: how many cranes are available? what are their lifting capacities respectively?rigmanager: there are six cranes, including two 30-ton cranes, one 25-ton crane, and three 20-ton cranes.帶班隊(duì)長(zhǎng):吊車有幾臺(tái)?各是多大噸位的?平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:吊車有6臺(tái),其中30噸2臺(tái)、25噸1臺(tái)、20噸3臺(tái)。3toolpusher: which equipments should be loaded first?ri

27、g manager: the derrick substructure.帶班隊(duì)長(zhǎng):哪些設(shè)備應(yīng)該先裝車?平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:井架底座。4toolpusher: our group is in charge of unloading and rigging up equipment on the new well site. have you any requirements?rig manager: please ensure safety and have someone to guide the crane operation properly and watch the operation care

28、fully.帶班隊(duì)長(zhǎng):我們的任務(wù)是負(fù)責(zé)新井場(chǎng)的卸車及設(shè)備安裝,你有什么要求?平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:注意安全,要指定專人指揮吊車,動(dòng)作要規(guī)范,觀察要細(xì)心。5toolpusher: the driller is excellent in english and technology. can we let him be in charge of this?rig manager: ok. but please remember different slings should be purpose intended differently.帶班隊(duì)長(zhǎng):司鉆的英語(yǔ)好,技術(shù)精,由他來(lái)指揮怎么樣?平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:我看可以,但

29、切記,專繩專用。6toolpusher: we have prepared 8 pairs of sling, including two pairs of 1 3/8”, four pairs of 7/8”,one pair of 5/8”and one pair of 3/8”. rig manager: besides, you are supposed to make sure that the vehicles are transported properly, the cranes are operated steadily and equipment is put in the

30、 right place without failure and secured in right manner.帶班隊(duì)長(zhǎng):我們共準(zhǔn)備了8副繩套,其中13/82副、7/84副、5/81副、3/81副。平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:還要做到,車輛??亢侠恚踯嚻鸬跗椒€(wěn),設(shè)備一次就位,固定一次成功。7toolpusher: we'll do it according to the instruction and the requirements for a safe and effective operation. 帶班隊(duì)長(zhǎng):我們一定執(zhí)行你的指令和要求,爭(zhēng)取安全、快速、高效、一次成功。a5 preparati

31、on for mud instruments泥漿檢測(cè)儀器的準(zhǔn)備( conversation between a mud engineer and a mud man泥漿工程師與泥漿工對(duì)話)1engineer: have you got the mud instruments ready?mud man: yes, we have checked all the instruments.泥漿工程師:泥漿檢測(cè)儀器都準(zhǔn)備好了嗎?泥漿工: 是的,所有儀器都檢查完了。2engineer: do you need to replace or supplement any instruments?mud m

32、an: yes, we need to replace one, and supplement two.泥漿工程師:有需要更換和補(bǔ)充的儀器嗎?泥漿工: 有,一件需要更換,二件需要補(bǔ)充。3engineer: which instrument needs to be replaced and what instruments need to be supplemented?mud man: we need to change the specific gravity balance as its graduated arm is deformed. and more water-loss filt

33、er paper and ph test paper are needed.泥漿工程師:哪些儀器需要更換?哪些用品需要補(bǔ)充?泥漿工: 比重儀要更換因?yàn)榭潭葪U變型,失水濾紙和ph值試紙需要補(bǔ)充。4engineer: is there any new specific gravity balance in the warehouse?mud man: yes there is, but i dont know where it is exactly.泥漿工程師:材料房里有新比重儀嗎?泥漿工: 有,但是我不知道確切的地方。5engineer: ok, ill ask the materialman

34、for it. how many pieces of filter paper and test paper do you want respectively?mud man: 120 pieces of filter paper and 160 pieces of ph test paper.泥漿工程師:那好,我讓材料員落實(shí)。濾紙和試紙各要多少?gòu)垼磕酀{工: 濾紙120張、試紙160張。6engineer: any other concerns?mud man: no. no more except the site office. it needs cleaning.泥漿工程師:還有別的問(wèn)題

35、嗎?泥漿工: 除值班房衛(wèi)生外,一切正常。7engineer: please clean it as soon as possible.mud man: we'll do it right now.泥漿工程師:請(qǐng)抓緊清理!泥漿工: 我們馬上就做。8engineer: ok.see you tomorrow.mud man: see you tomorrow.泥漿工程師:好,明天見。泥漿工: 再見。a6 preparation of fire equipment 消防設(shè)施的準(zhǔn)備( conversation between a safety inspector and a driller安全

36、員與司鉆對(duì)話)1inspector: have you checked about the preparation for the fire equipment?driller: the assistant driller is doing it now.安全員:消防設(shè)施的準(zhǔn)備情況檢查了嗎?司鉆: 副司鉆正在做這項(xiàng)工作。2inspector: this is an exploration well, so the supervisor requires we should have sufficient fire control equipment which is in good condi

37、tion and in the right places.driller: through checking, we find that a pressure gauge on the 45-kilogram fire extinguisher is broken and three potable 8-kilogram fire extinguishers are out of date.安全員:這口井是探井,監(jiān)督要求消防設(shè)施數(shù)量充足,質(zhì)量合格,擺放到位。司鉆: 經(jīng)檢查,發(fā)現(xiàn)一只45千克滅火器壓力表壞損,三個(gè)8千克手提式滅火器過(guò)期。3inspector: please have a comp

38、lete check according to the maintenance manual and record the details.driller: all right.安全員:請(qǐng)按照使用保養(yǎng)要求徹底檢查,并做好記錄。司鉆: 好的。4inspector: which warehouse are the new fire extinguishers in?driller: the 45-kilogram fire extinguisher is in no. 2 warehouse and the 8-kilogram ones are in no. 3 warehouse.安全員:新滅

39、火器放在幾號(hào)材料房?jī)?nèi)?司鉆: 45千克滅火器在2號(hào)材料房,8千克滅火器在3號(hào)材料房。5inspector: we are short of 60 meters of fire hose. how are you going to solve the problem?driller: we have prepared 100 meters of new fire hose, we can use the new hose.安全員:消防水龍帶少了60米,打算怎么處理?司鉆: 我們準(zhǔn)備了100米新水龍帶,在3號(hào)房?jī)?nèi),可以用新的。6inspector: we are short of three fi

40、re spades, and two fire pails are damaged. please have them ready as soon as possible.driller: no problem, please give the list to the material man and ask him for the stuff.安全員:消防锨缺3把,消防桶壞了2只,請(qǐng)馬上補(bǔ)充。司鉆: 沒問(wèn)題,但要把計(jì)劃交給材料員,讓他發(fā)放。7inspector: thats fine. i shall have them arranged as quickly as possible.dri

41、ller: ok.安全員:那好,我馬上就安排。司鉆: 好的。a7 preparation of daily-used materials日常用料準(zhǔn)備(conversation between a rig manager and a material man平臺(tái)經(jīng)理與材料員對(duì)話)1manager: have you got the everyday materials ready?material: yes, we have. we were about to report to you.平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:日常用料準(zhǔn)備得怎麼樣了?材料員: 正準(zhǔn)備向你匯報(bào)。2manager: good. what acc

42、essories have you prepared for daily drilling?material: now we have 200 singles of 2” joint and one 110 gasbag.平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:好,鉆配日常材料準(zhǔn)備了哪些?材料員: 2鏈條200節(jié),110氣囊一只。3manager: what spare pump parts do you have?material: six 150 and 160 liners, and twenty-four 150 and 160 pistons respectively.平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:泵配日常材料有哪些?材料員: 15

43、0、160缸套各6只,150、160活塞各24只。4manager: what materials do you have for the engine generators?material: eighteen pieces of air filter cloths, 16 engine oil filters and 24 diesel oil filter cartridges.平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:機(jī)房材料有哪些?材料員: 空氣濾網(wǎng)18只,機(jī)油濾子16只,柴油濾芯24只。5manager: what everyday-consumed electrical materials do you hav

44、e?material: 160 meters of 30mm2 cable, four 10-ampere air switches and three sets of 30-ampere explosion-proof plugs. 平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:電材日耗材料有哪些?材料員: 302 mm電纜160米,10安空氣開關(guān)4只,30安防爆插頭3套。6manager: how many commonly used hand tools have you prepared?material: 4 grease guns, 2 hacksaws, 30 steel brushes, 6 pairs of p

45、liers and a set of (double offset) ring spanner.平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:常用手工具準(zhǔn)備了多少?材料員: 黃油槍 4只、鋼鋸2把、鋼絲刷30把、手鉗子6把、(雙效補(bǔ)償)梅花扳手一套。7manager: if so, i can set my mind at rest now.平臺(tái)經(jīng)理:如果是這樣的話,那我就放心了。a8 transportation and communication交通與通信(conversation between a driller and a toolpusher司鉆與帶班隊(duì)長(zhǎng)對(duì)話)1driller: how many vehicles

46、are on duty during the inter-location move?toolpusher: three.司鉆: 搬家用值班車有幾輛?帶班隊(duì)長(zhǎng):3輛。2driller: how do you coordinate the move between the two sites with 3 vehicles? toolpusher: two for the old site and one for the new site.司鉆: 新老井場(chǎng)怎么分用?帶班隊(duì)長(zhǎng):老井場(chǎng)2輛,新井場(chǎng)1輛。3driller: how will you get the crew to the new si

47、te?toolpusher: we shall use three trucks to get them there and keep one truck on duty.司鉆: 去新井場(chǎng)的人員怎么過(guò)去?帶班隊(duì)長(zhǎng):用3輛車一起送往新井場(chǎng),然后留下一輛車值班。4driller: what kind of vehicle is used to send water and food?toolpusher: the pick up.司鉆: 用什么車負(fù)責(zé)送水、送飯?帶班隊(duì)長(zhǎng):pk車。5driller: if the transportation truck breaks down on the roa

48、d, which truck is supposed to help?toolpusher: the one which is nearest to the incident spot.司鉆: 如果運(yùn)輸車在中途出現(xiàn)問(wèn)題,怎么處理?帶班隊(duì)長(zhǎng):出事地點(diǎn)距那個(gè)井場(chǎng)近,就由那個(gè)井場(chǎng)負(fù)責(zé)處理。6driller: how do you communicate between the two well sites?toolpusher: the two sites are close to each other this time, so we can use walkie-talkies for comm

49、unication.司鉆: 通信聯(lián)絡(luò)怎么辦?帶班隊(duì)長(zhǎng):這次兩個(gè)井場(chǎng)距離較近,對(duì)講機(jī)就能解決問(wèn)題。7driller: how will you share the walkie-talkies? who keep and use them? toolpusher: we have two for each well site, the toolpusher and the driller use them. 司鉆: 對(duì)講機(jī)怎么分配,由誰(shuí)來(lái)保管使用?帶班隊(duì)長(zhǎng):每個(gè)井場(chǎng)2臺(tái),由代班隊(duì)長(zhǎng)和司鉆使用。8driller: when will you fix the antenna of the wirel

50、ess radio station?toolpusher: the sooner, the better.司鉆: 無(wú)線電臺(tái)的天線什么時(shí)候安裝?帶班隊(duì)長(zhǎng):越早越好。a9 electrical equipment電器設(shè)備(conversation between an electrical engineer and an electrician電氣工程師與電工對(duì)話)1engineer: how many kinds of electrical voltages do you use on the well site?electrician: three, all together.電氣工程師:井場(chǎng)

51、常用電壓有幾種?電工: 3種。2engineer: what are they?electrician: 110 volts, 220 volts and 380 volts.電氣工程師:有哪3種?電工: 110伏、220伏和380伏。3engineer: what equipment are they used for respectively?electrician: 110-volt is used for imported electrical equipment.電氣工程師:這3種電壓分別用于什么設(shè)備?電工: 110伏用于進(jìn)口電器設(shè)備;4engineer: how about 220

52、-volt?electrician: it is used for office equipment and china-made lighting equipment.電氣工程師:220伏呢?電工: 220伏用于辦公設(shè)備、國(guó)產(chǎn)照明設(shè)備;5engineer: and how about 380-volt?electrician: the 380-volt is used for the china-made circulation system.電氣工程師:380伏呢?電工: 380伏用于國(guó)產(chǎn)循環(huán)系統(tǒng)。6engineer: how is the 110v electricity generat

53、ed?electrician: it is provided by the scr.電氣工程師:110伏電源是怎么產(chǎn)生的?電工: 110伏電源通過(guò)可控硅scr提供。7engineer: what advantages does it have?electrician: it can give electrical motors stepless speed change.電氣工程師:有什么優(yōu)越性?電工: 可使電動(dòng)馬達(dá)產(chǎn)生無(wú)級(jí)變速。8engineer: what effect does stepless speed change have on production?electrician: i

54、t is more convenient and flexible to operate, and meets various requirements in different working conditions.電氣工程師:這對(duì)生產(chǎn)有什么影響?電工: 它使日常操作靈活方便,可滿足各種工況下的作業(yè)要求。9engineer: what are the safety requirements for the electric circuit?electrician: the cable specifications must meet api standards.電氣工程師:對(duì)電路的安全要求是

55、什么?電工: 電纜的規(guī)格必須符合電氣工程師pi標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。10engineer: what are the requirements for the lighting system and electrical motors?electrician: all the electrical equipments must be explosion proof.電氣工程師:對(duì)照明系統(tǒng)及電動(dòng)馬達(dá)有什么要求?電工: 所有電器設(shè)施必須防爆。a10 auxiliary equipment輔助設(shè)備(conversation between a toolpusher and a driller帶班隊(duì)長(zhǎng)與鉆工對(duì)話)1toolpush


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