



1、Unit 10 Its a nice day, isnt it?I本單元語法講解1. 反意疑問句(附加疑問句):兩部分組成,前面是陳述句,后面是附加的簡短問句, 中間用逗號隔開。堅持“前肯后否, 前否后肯”2. 如果陳述句中有表示否定的never, hardly, little, few, nothing, nobody, no one, seldom等時,后面問句用肯定形式 She has few friends, does she?3. 回答:根據(jù)實際情況回答,事實是肯定的用yes,事實是否定的用no(注意前否后肯的句子中,yes含義為“不”no含義為“是” She is your sis

2、ter, isnt she? 她是你姐姐,不是嗎?Yes, she is. 是的,她是。No, she isnt. 不,她不是 She isnt your sister, is she? 她不是你姐姐, 不是嗎 Yes, she is. 不,她是。 No, she isnt. 是,她不是3.祈使句(除lets外)無論是肯定還是否定,均用will you. lets用shall we其他參照課堂筆記II短語1. feel like doing sth=want to do sth.=would like to do想要做某事feel like sth. 覺得像. The traffic is b

3、usy.交通繁忙2. a thank-you note for.感謝信 thanks (thank you) for doing sth 感謝3. look through 瀏覽 at least 至少4. get along/ on well with sb與相處得好 a ball game fan 一位球迷5. be friendly to sb. 對某人友好 come along出現(xiàn),來到6. the price is high/low價格高/低 the pen is expensive/cheap 東西貴/便宜7.be careful =look out 當心,小心be careful

4、 to do/not to do sth. 小心做/不做某事8. cross a street過街(穿過表面) by noon 到中午時9. watch sb do sth 觀看某人做某事watch sb doing sth 觀看某人正在做某事(類似用法的單詞see看,hear聽,feel)10. think of 想起 have a good day 祝你今天愉快11. make sb do sth 讓某人做 My mother makes me clean my room. Make sb/sth+adj 讓某人/物 The teacher makes math so easy.Frien

5、ds like you make it a lot easier to get along in a new place.1. How much did the shirt cost? 那件襯衫花了多少錢?2. help sb (to) do sth,幫助某人 help sb with sth/doing sth在方面幫助某人3. enjoy doing sth 喜歡/享受做 have a good time=have fun=enjoy oneself4. I hope so. 我希望如此。 small talk 閑談5. have a hard time (in) doing sth做費勁

6、/困難= have problems (in) doing sth I was having a hard time finding it until you came along.18. Hes really good, isnt he? 他真棒啊,不是嗎? He sure is. 確實是。Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?I本單元語法講解概念1現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)表示過去發(fā)生的動作對現(xiàn)在造成的影響或結果。結構 sb have/has done(動詞的過去分詞) 否定: have/has + not 一般疑問句: have/has 提前本時

7、態(tài)標志詞:already (“已經”,用于肯定句中,放在have /has之后或句尾); yet (“仍然”“還(沒)”,用于疑問句或否定句的句尾) just(“剛剛”,放have /has之后);before “以前”,ever“曾經”, never “從沒有”We have studied English already.I have not finished the homework yetHas our teacher just left? Yes, he has. No, he hasnt.概念2. 某個動作從過去已經開始,一直持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在。和這些時間連用時(for: +時間段,Sin

8、ce +時間點,since+過去時句子)動詞必須是延續(xù)性動詞 錯誤例句: She has borrowed the book for two days. 正確例句 She has kept(keep的過去分詞) the book for two days.II短語1. take a ride 兜風 take the subway2. have been to, have gone to during the daytime在白天3. on the one hand, on the other hand 一方面, 另一方面4. a good/ wonderful/great place to d

9、o sth 一個做的好地方an excellent place to take a vocation 一個度假的好地方5. end up 結束 take a holiday/vacation度假6. all year round 全年 such as例如take lessons上課7. wake up醒來 wake sb up喚醒/叫醒某人8. have a great/nice/wonderful/great time 玩得高興9. an English-speaking country一個講英語的國家10. be asleep睡著的 be awake 醒著的11. on board在船上

10、think about doing sth考慮做12. the best way to do sth 做的最佳方式 the best time to do sth做的最佳時間 Spring is the best time to travel to Beijing. 春天是去北京旅游的最佳時間13. improve my listening skills whetheror 不管還是 14. have problems (in) doing sth 做費勁/困難 15. Me neither. 我也一樣不 Me too. 我也一樣16. it's becausethat. 正是因為才

11、a flight attendant 空中乘務員17. Its fun to learn another language. 學習另一種語言有趣 Its +adj+ to do sth18. Three quarters of the population are Chinese.四分之三的人口是中國人(population指人口總數(shù),表示單數(shù)概念,指一部分人口,表復數(shù)概念)19. 分數(shù) of +名詞 ,謂語的單復數(shù)由分數(shù)后面名詞決定Three quarters of water is mine. Three quarters of oranges are mine.21. Whats the

12、 population of China?中國的人口是多少?(不用how much提問)現(xiàn)在完成進行時和現(xiàn)在完成時的區(qū)別:1現(xiàn)在完成進行時比現(xiàn)在完成時更強調動作的延續(xù)性:2如果沒有時間強調,現(xiàn)在完成進行時表示動作仍在進行,現(xiàn)在完成時則表示動作已經結束,3現(xiàn)在完成進行時一般不適用于表狀態(tài)的動詞,而現(xiàn)在完成時則可:Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?I本單元語法講解表示“向對方提出委婉的建議”的句型: 1.How/What about sth? 怎么樣 How/What about doing sth 做怎么樣?2. Why dont you do sth? =

13、 Why not do sth? 為什么不?II短語1. fall asleep 入睡 give away 贈送;分發(fā) 2. rather than 而不是, instead代替3. hear of hear about 聽說 make friends with和交友4. take care of照顧 these days 目前,最近5. make a special meal 做一頓特別的飯 someone else 別人(else總是后置)6. encourage sb to do sth鼓勵某人做 make(great) progress 取得進步7. an 8-year-old chi

14、ld 一個八歲的孩子 8. take an interest in 對感興趣 a pig namedcalled Connie 被叫做, 被稱為9. a good way to learn to do sth 一個做的好方法 a good way to learn English10. too +adj + to do sth 太.不能 He is too young to go to school11. A be as+ adj或者adv原形+as B A和B一They sing as well as native speaker12. different kinds of 不同種類 mak

15、e her happy 使她高興13. in different ways以不同的方式 win the prize14. Thats too personal那太私人化了 Thats not interesting enough那不夠有趣not special creative enough不夠特別/不夠有創(chuàng)意 (enough修飾形容詞,副詞要后置)15. besides的意思是“除之外,還有”,是肯定的;,包括 besides 后面的賓語在內,含有“加上”的意思。I have three other pens besides this. 除了這支筆外,我還有另外三支筆。except(but)

16、的意思是“除之外,沒有”是否定的;不包括 except 后的賓語在內,含有“減去”的意思。Everybody is here except(but)Mary 除了Mary之外,大家都來了。15. sth cost sb ¥. 某物花費某人多少錢This bag cost me 200 RMB.It takes sb time to do sth 做花了某人多少時間 It took me a day to clean the room.Sb pay ¥ for sth某人為某物付了多少錢 I paid for the bag.Sb spend ¥ on sth 在某某上花了多少錢 I spent

17、 200RMB on the bag.Sb spend ¥(in) doing sth 在做上花了多少錢 I spent 200RMB in buying the bag.17 buy sb sth = buy sth for sb buy sb sth=buy sth for sb 為某人買某物Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?I本單元語法講解1.“禮貌的請求”句型: Would you mind (ones) doing sth? 你介意做.?Would you not mind (ones) doing sth 你介意不做?Woul

18、d you mind my cutting in line? 你介意我插隊嗎?Could /Would you please do(動原) sth? 請你做好嗎?Could/Would you please not do(動原) sth? 請你不要做好嗎?2. Would you mind (ones) doing sth? 的回答:針對mind, “yes”介意;“no”不介意 肯定回答:No, not at all. (不,不介意) Ok/Sorry, Ill do it right away. 否定回答:Im sorry, butII短語16. turn down/turn up關小聲/

19、調大聲音(電器)17. turn on/ turn off 打開/關閉(電器18. in a minute/right away立刻,馬上 not at all 根本不,一點也不 19. wait in line排隊等候 cut in line插隊 20. get mad/annoyed變得生氣 get+adj 變得21. sth happen to sb 某事發(fā)生在身上 put on穿上22. at first首先 at last =finally 最后 order a hamburger 點菜,訂購23. allow sb. to do允許某人做 be allowed to do某人不被允

20、許某人做24. in public 當眾地;公開地;公然地 in public places在公共場所 25. break the rule不遵守規(guī)則 wash/do the dishes洗餐具 feed the dog喂狗 26. pick up撿起 put out熄滅 drop litter扔垃圾 27. keep the voice down控制聲音 even if 即使28. take care當心 Its better to do sth 最好做.29. be at a meeting 開會 stand close to .站得近 welcome to 歡迎來到30. be late

21、 for school=arrive late for school 上學/上課遲到16. feel uncomfortable感覺不舒服 a bit+adj 一點=a little+adj17 try not to do sth 盡量不要做 go back to+sp 回到18. The pen you bought didnt work.19. one of +最高級+名詞復數(shù) “最之一” One of the most polite ways is to ask someone. 最有禮貌的方式之一就是詢問人家Unit 6 How long have you been collectin

22、g shells?I本單元語法講解1.現(xiàn)在完成進行時:表示從過去某時開始持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在,可能還要繼續(xù)下去。 結構:have / has +been+ doing 否定: have/has +not (縮寫: havent, hasnt) 一般疑問句: have/ has 提前I have been writing the letter since then.從那時起我一直在寫這封信。(動作從過去一直持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在還在繼續(xù))She has been collecting stamps for ten years.自從10年前她就收集郵票了(動作從過去一直現(xiàn)在還在收集)。 How long have yo

23、u been living here?你在這兒已經住了多長時間了。(“居住”動作從過去一直現(xiàn)在還在繼續(xù))2. for+時間段,可以用于多種時態(tài) (提問用how long)I skated for two hours./ I have been skating for two hours.since+時間點/過去時從句, 只能用于完成時 (提問用how long)I have been skating since nine oclock.II短語1. raise money for 為籌錢 collect stamps集郵 2. run out of 用盡/完 by the way 順便說一下3. be interested in 對感興趣 more than=over超過4. fly kites放風箏 the whole five hours 整整五個小時5. thousands of+名詞復數(shù) “成千的” ; 數(shù)字+thousand+名詞復數(shù) “幾千


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