1、學習必備歡迎下載Literature Spot 4The Pearl教材:北師版英語4 必修模塊 適用年級:高一下學期一、教學對象分析本校是省老一級達標學校,生源素質(zhì)處于全市中上水平,屬較好程度,總體而言,學生有較清晰的目標,學習較自覺主動。經(jīng)過一學年的學習,學生已基本適應了高中英語的教學特點,掌握了部分高中英語閱讀的技巧和策略,如預測內(nèi)容、略讀、精讀等,并能在閱讀中較熟練地使用這些策略,內(nèi)化閱讀信息。同時,學生處在青少年的黃金年齡期,具有強烈的好奇心和求知欲,渴望更多地了解他們所處的世界。然而,對于英語文學閱讀,大部分學生卻很少有這樣的經(jīng)歷,尤其是對于典型英語國家的那些著名作家的經(jīng)典文學作品
2、,涉獵較少,這就決定了教師在教學過程中,需要讓學生了解文學背景,把握文章脈絡,理清故事情節(jié)并引導他們理解文本及所體現(xiàn)的價值意義和深刻內(nèi)涵,從而培養(yǎng)他們的閱讀興趣和形成正確的人生觀和價值觀。二、教材內(nèi)容分析本課內(nèi)容是北師版高中英語教科書模塊四Literature Spot 部分,課型是小說閱讀課。在北師版教材中, Literature Spot 屬于選用和泛讀的性質(zhì),平時由于教學進度等因素的影響, 教師往往忽略這部分內(nèi)容, 只是讓學生自己抽時間閱讀。 然而,課標在七級目標中指出 “(學生)能讀懂供高中學生閱讀的英文原著簡寫本 ”;在八級目標中又說 “(學生)能在教師的幫助下欣賞淺顯的英語文學作品
3、 ”;隨著福建省高考英語閱讀理解逐年對文學作品的閱讀的重視,以及近兩年廈門市教育局對中小學閱讀的重視,教材中這部分內(nèi)容也相應變得愈發(fā)重要。本課內(nèi)容是 John Steinbeck 的小說 The Pearl 的節(jié)選,講述了一個叫 Kino 的采珠人的兒子 Coyotito 被蝎子蟄傷,為了給兒子治療, Kino 下海采珠,結果找到了全世界極為罕見的一顆大珍珠, Kino 對未來的美好生活充滿了期待。然而,為了得到這顆大珍珠,鎮(zhèn)上貪婪的人們紛紛登場,使出了渾身解數(shù), Kino 全家倍受傷害。為了擺脫這些人, Kino 決定帶領全家逃離小鎮(zhèn)。不料,他們竟被殘忍追殺,茅草窩被燒,賴以生存的小船被毀,
4、兒子被擊中身亡。最終, Kino 將那顆使他家破人亡的大學習必備歡迎下載珍珠扔回了大海。文章情節(jié)跌宕起伏,詞匯難度適中,故事寓意深刻。充分體現(xiàn)了It is upon bad fortune that good fortune leans; it is upon good fortune that bad fortune rests.(禍兮福所倚,福兮禍所伏)的思想。三、教學目標(1) 通過瀏覽、查讀和細讀等閱讀技巧讀懂小說故事情節(jié),理清人物關系。(2) 通過比較,小組討論等方式,理解小說的深刻寓意: It is upon bad fortune that good fortune leans
5、; it is upon good fortune that bad fortune rests(.禍兮福所倚,福兮禍所伏)。(3) 按照故事發(fā)生的時間順序,復述故事,完成語言輸出任務。(4) 通過該篇小說的閱讀,提升對外國文學作品的閱讀興趣及欣賞能力。(5) 學會包容閱讀材料中不影響理解的生詞,并形成敢于閱讀篇幅長生詞多的文章的心理素質(zhì)。四、教學過程Step 1 Warm-up and lead-in (5)1. 自由交談教師先問學生幾個問題,了解學生對于美國文學及作家的熟悉程度(同時,教師在屏幕上展示 Ernest Hemingway 及其主要作品如: A Farewell to Arms
6、, The Old Man and the Sea等; John Steinbeck及其主要作品,如: The Grapes of Wrath, The Moon is Down 等)。T: Hello, class. Do you enjoy reading?S: Yes. Who is this man and where is he from? (Ernest Hemingway; the USA) Have you read any novels written by Hemingway? Which do you like best? (A What other American w
7、riters do you know and what about their works? (John Steinbeck; The Grapes of Wrath, The Moon is Down; Washington Irving, Edgar Allan Poe)2. 導入主題學習必備歡迎下載教師通過展示圖片, 與學生分享美國文學信息的方式,將學生的注意力引導到美國作家及其作品上, 特別介紹 John Steinbeck的生平及其作品,激發(fā)他們的閱讀興趣。然后教師將話題集中到John Steinbeck的作品 The Pearl 上,從而導入到本課的主題。T: Excellent!
8、 I m surprisedyou know so much about American literature. I believe you have read many American novels in Chinese, but have you read any American novels in English, in their original version? So, today let s try one-JohnSteinbeck Thes Pearl.This is a well-written story, a nd I m sure you ll learn mu
9、ch from it after reading and even you would like to tell the story to your friends意圖說明 教師通過展示美國著名作家的圖片和討論,激發(fā)學生閱讀美國小說的興趣;介紹作者情況,補充學生的背景知識,增進對John Steinbeck 的了解,接著,鼓勵學生嘗試英文閱讀,并給予他們積極的閱讀預期和學習目標,有利于激起學生閱讀本文的興趣和學習的積極性。Step 2 Pre-reading (2)教師讓學生根據(jù)課文的標題,對故事的結局進行預測。T: Now, please look at the title of the s
10、tory- The Pearl. What does that mean? Suppose one day, you got the biggest pearl in the world, then what would become of you?In the story our hero gets one of the biggest pearls in the world, can you guess what happens to him and his family?意圖說明 通常一個人發(fā)了大財后都會過上富有的生活,通過讓學生假設自己的生活及預測故事的結局,能夠更充分地調(diào)動學生好奇心
11、及閱讀的興趣,也為學生克服閱讀中的生詞打下一定基礎。Step 2 While-reading (30)1. Skimming (4)學生快速閱讀全文并檢查預測是否準確,教師提醒學生在此過程中不要逐字逐句理解,只要關注文章大意即可。T: Read the story very fast to get the general idea and tell what happens to the hero and his family. ( Kino and his family suffered a lot and he had to desert the great pearl.)意圖說明 培養(yǎng)學
12、生速讀以及利用文章圖片和信息檢測預測和故事的實際結果是否吻合。2. Scanning (15)學習必備歡迎下載 學生細讀課文并標出故事中的人物,并填寫表格,理清彼此之間的關系。T: Well- done! You ve got the result of the story. Now, read the text again, underline the characters and fill in the following form.FatherBabyMotherConflictenemiesThreeSomeonehuntersDoctor servant 學生查讀,按正確的順序排列下
13、列句子。a. The hunters thought there was a coyote. One of the hunters shot and killed the baby.b. The following day, Kino tried to sell the pearl in the main square of the town.c. Somebody burnt down their house and they had to hide.d. They left the town and started to walk to the capital.e. That day, w
14、hen he was diving, Kino found an enormous pearl.f. Someone tried to get into their house in the middle of the night.g. Some men attacked Kino and he killed one of them with a knife.h. One day Kino s baby was stung by a scorpion, so he took the baby to the doctor.i. In the end, Kino threw the pearl b
15、ack into the sea.j. Some hunters followed Kino and Juana into the mountains.T: All right. You ve done a good job! Now, please read the sentences on the screen andput them in the right order. Let s see which team will( h,bee,thef, b,first!g, c, d, j, a, i)Beginning學習必備歡迎下載h. One day Kino s baby was s
16、tung by a scorpion, so he took the aby to the doctor. (refused to treat the baby)e. That day, when he was diving, Kino found an enormous pearl.f. Someone tried to get into their house in the middle of the night.b. The following day, Kino tried to sell the pearl in the main square of the town.g. Some
17、 men attacked Kino and he killed one of them with a knife.c. Somebody burnt down their house and they had to hide.d. They left the town and started to walk to the capital.Developmentj. Some hunters followed Kino and Juana into the mountains.a. The hunters thought there was a coyote. One of the hunte
18、rs shot and killed the baby.Endingi. In the end, Kino threw the pearl back into the sea.意圖說明 通過細讀 ,學生在標注的基礎上, 再完成表格填寫任務, 能夠以更直觀的方式弄清故事中諸多人物之間的邏輯關系。然后,學生通過小組合作的方式,把上述事件按照時間發(fā)生的先后順序排序,更清楚地了解故事情節(jié),明白故事的開始,發(fā)展及結局各個環(huán)節(jié)。3. Furthering understanding (11)教師繼續(xù)組織學生以小組為單位完成下列表格內(nèi)容,比較 Kino 剛得到珍珠時的感覺和一系列事件之后的感覺,以及他對于珍
19、珠的看法,并討論故事的深刻寓意。TimedescriptionsThe pearlKino s thoughtsKino s feelingsBeforeseries ofbad enormous and beautiful_(happy)_good luckevents the greatest pearl inenoughmoneytobeautiful dreamthe worldeducate their son,buy( wealth, hope, power)new clothes / a rifleAfterseriesofbadgrey and ugly see evileve
20、ntsfaces in the pearlhopeless, sad, painfulbad luckwalkedslowly (destruction)carryingthebodyoftheirdeadbabyignored故事寓意 : An incident would change a persons life dramatically!It is upon bad fortune that good fortune leans; it is upon good fortune that bad fortune學習必備歡迎下載rests. (禍兮福所倚,福兮禍所伏。)意圖說明 學生通過
21、具體信息完成表格內(nèi)容,在比較的基礎上進行小組討論,弄清為什么對于一件看起來美好的事物,人們在不同時期卻對它有截然不同的看法,以及它對人們所造成的影響,從而使學生理解文本所表達的深刻寓意。Step 3 Post-reading (8)故事復述學生根據(jù)上述故事情節(jié)及主要內(nèi)容,輪流向同組的其他同學復述該故事。教師在ppt.上展示關鍵時間狀語及動詞作為線索供學生參考。One daystungThat daydiveIn the middle of the night The following dayget intosellattackburntIn the endthrewStep 4 Homework1. 寫一篇 120 詞左右的故事概要意圖說明 語言輸出部分。 通過復述故事加深對情節(jié)的理解,同時訓練學生口頭語言表達能力。提供人物之間發(fā)生事件的關系流程圖圖幫助能力較弱的學生順
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