



1、直接引語和間接引語 Name No.一、直接引語:直接引用別人的原話。具有以下特點: 直接引語通常置于引號內(nèi) ,不作任何改動。沒有時態(tài)呼應(yīng)的問題。 引用原話前可以用逗號“ ,” ,也可以用冒號“: ”。 第二個引號前 ,亦即用重述的話之末 ,按其類別放一個句號( .)或問號( ?)等。二、間接引語:用自己的話轉(zhuǎn)述別人的意思,或引用自己說過的話。間接引語多數(shù)用賓語從句來表達(dá)。間接引語具有以下特點: 不要逗號 ,冒號 ,引號。要考慮人稱的變化(人稱的變化與漢語是一樣的)。要考慮時態(tài)的變化。要考慮時間狀語的變化,地點狀語的變化和指示代詞的變化。三、直接引語與間接引語的轉(zhuǎn)換。轉(zhuǎn)述陳述句或感嘆句 ,去冒

2、號和引號連詞用that (that,無詞意 ,不作成分 ,口語中可省 )接賓語從句 ,從句中要作人稱、時態(tài)等相應(yīng)的變化(時態(tài)為“主現(xiàn)從實,主過從相過”;人稱 /物主 /反身等代詞:引號內(nèi)的第一人稱改為與主句的主語相同的人稱;第二人稱改為第一人稱;第三人稱不變。 )。例如:"You speak English very well." She said.她說 ,“你英語講得不錯” 。She said that I spoke English very well. 她說我英語講得不錯。轉(zhuǎn)述一般疑問句 ,去冒號和引號。 連詞用 if/whether( 有詞意 " 是否 &

3、quot;,不作成分 ,不可省 )接賓語從句 ,其后改用 陳述句語序。從句中要作人稱、時態(tài)等相應(yīng)的變化。注意:當(dāng)助動詞為do/does/did 時 ,改為賓語從句時應(yīng)去掉 ,而在謂語動詞上體現(xiàn)時態(tài) ,但如為 don't/doesn't/didn't 時 ,則不能去掉。當(dāng)連詞為 if/whether 時 ,其前 謂語動詞say/says/said ask/asks/asked,say/says/said to sb ask/asks/asked sb 例如: He said,"do you have a knife?" He asked if/whet

4、her I had a knife.He asked ,"Have you ever been to the Great Wall?" 他問 ," 你去過長城嗎 ?"He asked (me) if /whether I had ever been to the Great Wall? 他問我是否去過長城?轉(zhuǎn)述特殊疑問句 ,去冒號和引號。用疑問詞作連詞 (有詞意 ,要作成分 ,不可省 )引導(dǎo)賓語從句 ,改用陳述句語 序,其后改用陳述句語序。從句中要作人稱、時態(tài)等相應(yīng)的變化。注意:當(dāng)助動詞為 do/does/did 時,改為賓語從 句時應(yīng)去掉,而在謂語動詞

5、上體現(xiàn)時態(tài),但如為 don't/doesn't/didn't 時 , 則 不 能 去 掉 。 當(dāng) 連 詞 為 疑 問 詞 時 , 其 前 謂 語 動 詞 say/says/said ask/asks/asked,say/says/said to sb ask/asks/asked sb 例如:Li Lei said,"Why didn't he go to school?" LiLei asked why he didn't go to school.She said:"Where are you from?" 她

6、說:“你去哪里?”She asked (me) where I was from. 她問我要去哪里。轉(zhuǎn)述祈使句或疑問形式的祈使句 ,通常改為 "Sb ask/asks/asked/tell/tells/told/order /orders/ordered+ 賓語 +不 定式 "的簡單句。 ask 表 "請求 ",tell 表“吩咐” ,order 表“命令”例如:"Open the door." The teacher said.老師說:“把門打開” 。The teacher told me to open the door.老師要我

7、把門打開。"Would you please show me the book?"He said.他說 :"你能把書遞給我嗎 ?"He asked me to show him the book. 他要我把書遞給他。四、直接引語變間接引語不僅有人稱、時態(tài)的變化,有時還要把物主代詞、指示代詞 ,時間狀語、地點狀語作相應(yīng)的變化。變化列表如下:動詞的時態(tài): (時態(tài)為“主現(xiàn)從實 ,主過從相過” ) 引語前或后的主句謂語動詞是過去時,賓語從句的謂語動詞作如下調(diào)整:一般現(xiàn)在時一般過去時 一般將來時過去將來時 現(xiàn)在完成時過去完成時 注意:時態(tài)不變的情況:一般過去時過去

8、完成時 /一般過去時現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時過去進(jìn)行時 過去完成時過去完成時當(dāng)直接引語表示真理或經(jīng)常性的特點時 ,保持原來的一般現(xiàn)在時。 例如: She said,"The earth is round." 她說:“地球是圓的” 。 She said that the earth is round. 她說地球是圓的。當(dāng)直接引語中有絕對具體的一般過去時間作狀語時,保持原來的一般過去時。例如 :He said,“ I joined the army in 1934. ”他說 :“我是 1934 年參軍的”。He said that he joined the army in 1934. 他說

9、他是 1934 年參軍的。 人稱 /物主 /反身等代詞:引號內(nèi)的第一人稱改為與主句的主語相同的人稱;第二人稱改為第一人稱;第三人稱不變。 指示代詞: this/these 改為 that/those. 時間狀語: now then,today that day,tonight that night, tomorrow the next day,next week the next week, last night the night before,yesterday the day before, the day before yesterday two days ago,ago before

10、. 地點狀語: here 改為 there 動詞: come,bring 分別改為 go,take 三、直接引語改為間接引語(賓語從句)的注意事項:1、當(dāng)直接引語為客觀真理時 ,從句的時態(tài)不變 ,與主句無關(guān)。The teacher tells/told us,"The moon moves round the earth." The teacher tells/told us that the moon moves round the earth2、當(dāng)助動詞為 do/does/did 時 ,改為賓語從句時應(yīng)去掉 ,而在謂語動詞上體現(xiàn)時態(tài) ,但如為 don't/doe

11、sn't/didn't 時,則不能去掉。He asked,"do you have a knife?" He asked if/whether I had a knife.Li Lei asked,"Why didn't he go to school?" LiLei asked why he didn't go to school.3、當(dāng)疑問詞作主語及其定語時 ,改為賓語從句后其后的語序不變。Who's on duty? What's in the box?What's wrong/the mat

12、ter/trouble with .?What happened to.?Which is the way to.?Whose daughter is Ann? Which boy is Bill?How many of you go to school by bike?4、當(dāng)連詞為 if/whether 及疑問詞作連詞時 ,其前謂語動詞 say/says/said ask/asks/asked,say/says/said to sb ask/asks/asked sb He says to you ,"Can you fly a kite?" He asks you if

13、/whether you can fly a kite.5、如果主句為 Could/Would you tell me 時 ,不表過去時態(tài) ,而是語氣較 Can/Will you tell me 更委婉的表達(dá)方 式。因此從句時態(tài)不變。 (直接引語中的二人稱不變 )Could you tell me? Are you a teacher? Could you tell me if/whether you area teacher.6、直接引語中 ,有 any,anything,anybody,anyone 時 ,改為賓語從句后 ,不能改為 some及其合成詞。 Do you know? Does

14、 anyone live here? Do you know if/whether anyone lives here?7、if 與 whether 的區(qū)別在以下情況中只用 whether 不用 if.放在句前時: I don't know whether /if he will come.= Whether he will come, I don't know. 與 or not 連用時 :"Do you like English or not?" He asked. He asked Whether I liked English or not. 與 t

15、o do 連用時:He wants to know whether /if we will go .=He wants to know whether to go. 做介詞的賓語時: He thinks about whether he was born in China. 從句中有兩種選擇時 :Tell me whether you go with us or stay at home.8、if/when 引導(dǎo)賓語從句及狀語從句的區(qū)別:I want to know if/when he (come) . If/When he (come), I(tell) you.(=I(tell)you

16、if/when he (come) . )9、選擇連詞填空時 缺什么選什么 : 缺時間選 when/what time 缺地點選 where, 缺定語選 which/whose/how much/how many/ what class/grade, 缺狀語選 how/how often/how soon/how long, 缺人選 who/whom 不缺的則選 that 或 if/whether, 動詞為 say/say to sb/tell sb 則選 that( 整個句子表達(dá)陳述語氣時 ) ; 動 詞為 ask/ask sb 則選 if/whether( 整個句子表達(dá)疑問語氣時 )10、

17、當(dāng)直接引語為祈使句時 ,改為復(fù)合賓語 ,句型為 :Sb tell/ask/order sb (not) to do stheg: Jim asked Li Lei,"Clean the floor twice a week." Jim asked LiLei to clean the floor twice a week. The teacher said "Don't talk in class." The teacher told/asked/ordered the students(LiLei) not to talk in class.1

18、1. think/believe/expect/suppose/guess 等引導(dǎo)的賓語從句 , 從句不用否定式 ,如果要用 ,常轉(zhuǎn)移到主句的謂語動 詞。I think. He isn't a hero. I don't think that he is a hero.They won't comein time.(I suppose) I don't suppose that they will come in time.12. 如果直接引語是反意疑問句或選擇疑問句,變?yōu)殚g接引語時與一般疑問句一樣,在從句前加連詞 if 或whether"You haven't finished the homework,haven't you?" My mother asked. My mother ask


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