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1、2000年全國(guó)碩士研究生入學(xué)統(tǒng)一考試英語試題SeCtiOn II CIOZe TeStDireCtions:FOr each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four ChOiCeS markedA , B, C and D. ChOOSe the best One and mark your answer On ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the COrreSPOnding Ietter in the brackets With a PenCil(10 POintS)If a farmer W

2、iSheS to succeed, he must try to keep a Wide gap between hisCOnSUmPtiOn and his PrOdUCtiOn. He must StOre a Iarge quantity Of grain 41COnSUIning all his grain immediately. He Can COntinUe to SUPPOrt himself and his family 42 he PrOdUCeS a surplus. He InUSt USe this SUrPlUS in three ways: asSeed for

3、sowing, as an insurance 43 the UnPrediCtable effects Of bad Wea什Ier and as a COmmOdity WhiCh he must Sell in Order to 44 Old agricultural implements and Obtain ChenIiCal fertilizers to 45 the SOiI He may also need InOney to COnStrUCt irrigation 46 and improve his farm in Other WayS If no SUrPIUS is

4、available, a farmer CannOt be 47 He must either Sell SOme Of hisPrOPerty Or 48 extra funds in the form Of IOanS NatUraIIy he Will try to borrow money at a IOW 49 Of interest, but IOanS Of this kind are not 50Obtainable.41.A Other thanB as Wen asC instead OfD more than42.A Only ifB much asC IOng befo

5、reD ever SinCe43.A forB againstC OfD towards44.A replaceB PUrChaSeC SlIPPIementD dispose45.A enhanceB mixC feedD raise46.A VeSSeISB routesC PathSD ChanneIS47.A SeIf-COnfidentB SeIf-SUffiCientC Self-SatiSfiedD self-restrained4&A SearChBSaVeC OfferD Seek49.A PrOPOrtiOnB PerCentageC rateD ratio50.A

6、 genuinelyB ObViOUSIyC PreSUmabIyD frequentlySeCtiOn III Reading COnIPrehenSiOnDireCtions:EaCh Of the PaSSageS below is followed by SOme questions. FOr each question there are four answers Inarked A, B, C and D. Read the PaSSageS CarefUny and ChOOSe the best answer to each Of the questions Then mark

7、 your answer On ANSvVER SHEET 1 by blackening the COrreSPOnding Ietter in the brackets With a PenCil(40 POintS)TeXt 1A history Of IOng and effortless SUCCeSS Can be a dreadful handicap, but, if PrOPerIy handled, it Inay become a driving force When the United StateS entered just SUCh a glowing PeriOd

8、 after the end Of the SeCOnd WOrId War, it had a market eight times Iarger than any competitor, giving its industries UnParaneIed economies Of SCaIe ItS SCientiStS Were the WOrld,s best, its WOrkerS the most skilled. AInenCa and AmeriCanS Were PrOSPerOUS beyond the dreams Of the EUrOPeanS and ASianS

9、 WhOSe economies the War had destroyedIt WaS inevitable that this PrimaCy ShOUId have narrowed as Other COUntrieS grew riche匚 JUSt as inevitably, the retreat from PredOminanCe PrOved PainfUL By the mid-1980s AmeriCanS had found themselves at a IOSS OVer their fading industrial COInPetitiVeness. SOme

10、 huge AmeriCan industries, SUCh as COnSUmer electronics, had ShnJnk Or VaniShed in the face Of foreign COmPetitiOn. BY 1987 there WaS Only One AmeriCan television maker left, Zenith(NOW there is none: Zenith WaS bought by SOUth Koreans LG Elec'onics in July.) FOreign-made CarS and textiles Were

11、SWeePing into the domestic market Americans machine-tool industry WaS On the ropes FOr a WhiIe it IOOked as though the making Of SemiCOndUCtors, WhiCh AmeriCa had invented and WhiCh Sat at the heart Of the new COnIPUter age, WaS going to be the next casualty.An Of this CaUSed a CriSiS Of COnfidenCe

12、AmenCanS StOPPed taking PrOSPerity for granted. They began to believe that their Way Of doing business WaS failing, and that their incomes WOUld therefore ShOrtly begin to fall as Weil The mid-1980s brought OIle inquiy after another into the CalISeS Of Americans industrial decline. Their SOmetimeS S

13、enSatiOnal findings Were filled With WarningS about the growing COmPetitiOn from OVerSeas.HOW things have changed! In 1995 the United StateS Can IOOk back On five years Of SOlid growth While JaPan has been StrUggIing FeW AmenCanS attribute this SOlely to SUCh ObViOUS CaUSeS as a devalued dollar Or t

14、he turning Of the business CyCle Self-doubt has yielded to blind Pnde UAnleriCan idusy IlaS CIlallged its Stiucture, has gone On a diet, has Iearnt to be more quick-witted, according to RiChard Cavaiiagh, executive ClealI OfHaIVard KeImedy SChOOl Of GOVenHneiIt"It InakeS me PrOUd to be an AmenC

15、an just to See how OUr businesses are improving their PrOduCtiVityr SayS StePIlen MOOre Of the CatO Institute, a think-tank in WaShington, DC. And Winiam Sahlman Of the HarVard BUSineSS SChOOl believes that PeOPIe Will IOOk back on tlis PeriOd as Ua golden age Of business management in the Ullited S

16、tateST51 The US achieved its PredOminanCe after WOrld War II becauseA it had made PainStaking efforts towards this goalB its domestic market WaS eight times Iarger than beforeC the War had destroyed the economies Of most POtential COmPetitOrSD the UnParaneled SiZe Of its WOrkfOrCe had given an impet

17、us to its economy52. The IOSS Of U.S. PredOminanCe in the WOrId economy in the 1980s is manifestedin the fact that the AmeriCanA TV industry had WithdraWn to its domestic marketB SemiCOndUCtOr industry had been taken OVer by foreign enterprisesC machine-tool industry had COllaPSed after SUiCidal act

18、ionsIDI auto industry had IOSt Part Of its domestic market53. What Can be inferred from the passage?IAI It is human nature to Shift between SeIf-doubt and blind PrideB IntenSe COmPetitiOn may COntnbUte to economic PrOgreSSC The revival Of the economy depends On international COOPeratiOnIDl A IOng hi

19、story Of SUCCeSS may PaVe the Way for further development.54. The author SeemS to believe the revival Of the U.S. economy in the 1990s Canbe attributed to theIAI turning Of the business CyCIeB restcturing Of industryC improved business managementD SUCCeSS in educationText 2Being a man has always bee

20、n dangerous There are about 105 InaleS born for every IOO females, but this ratio drops to near balance at the age Of maturity, and among 70-year-olds there are twice as many WOmen as men. BUt the great UniVerSal Of male mortality is being Changed. Now, boy babies SUrViVe almost as Well as girls do.

21、 ThiS IneanS that, for the first time, there WiIl be an excess Of boys in those CrUCial years When they are SearChing for a mate. MOre important, another ChanCe for natural SeleCtiOn has been removed Fifty years ago, the ChanCe Of a baby (PartiCUlarly a boy baby) SUrViVing depended On its weight. A

22、kilogram too Iight Or too heavy meant almost Certain death TOday it makes almost no difference. SinCe much Of the VariatiOn is due to genes, One more agent Of evolution has goneThere is another Way to COmmit evolutionay suicide: Stay alive, but have fewer ChiIdren. FeW PeOPIe are as fertile as in th

23、e past. EXCePt in SOme religious COmnlUnities, Very few WOmen have 15 ChiIdren NOWadayS the number Of births, Iike the age Of death, has become average MOSt Of US have roughly the Same number Of OffSPring Again, differences between PeOPle and the OPPOIlUnity for natural SeIeCtiOn to take advantage O

24、f it have diminished India ShOWS What is happening. The COUntry OfferS Wealth for a few in the great CitieS and POVerty for the remaining tribal PeOPleS The grand mediocrity Of today 一 everyone being the Same in SUrViVal and number Of OffSPring 一 means that natural SeIeCtiOn has IOSt 80% Of its POWe

25、r in UPPer-middle-class India COmPared to the tribes.FOr us, this means that evolution is over; the biological UtOPia has arrived. Strangely, it has involved Iittle PhySiCal Change NO Other SPeCieS fills SO many PlaCeS in nature BUt in the PaSS 100,000 years even the PaSS IOO years - OlIr IiVeS have

26、 been transformed but OUr bodies have not. We did not evolve, because machines and SOCiety did it for us. DarWin had a PhraSe to describe those ignorant Of evolution: they UlOOk at an OrganiC being as a SaVage IOOkS at a ship, as at SOme什Iing WhOlIy beyond his COmPrehenSiOnNO doubt We Will remember

27、a 20tl CentlUy Way Of Iife beyond COmPrehenSiOn for its UgIineSS BUt however amazed OUr descendants may be at how far from UtOPia We were, they Wiil IOOkjUSt Iike s.55. What USed to be the danger in being a man according to the first paragraph?A A IaCk Of mates.B A fierce COmPetitiOn.C A IOWer SUrVi

28、VaI rate.D A defective gene.56. What does the example Of India illustrate?A Wealthy PeOPle tend to have fewer ChiIdren than POOr PeOPleIBI NatUral SeleCtiOn hardly WOrkS among the rich and the poor.C The middle CIaSS POPUIatiOn is 80% Smaner than that Of the tribes.IDl India is One Of the COUntrieS

29、With a Very high birth rate.57. The author argues that OUr bodies have StOPPed evolving becauseA Iife has been improved by technological advanceB the number Of female babies has been decliningC OUr SPeCieS has reached the highest Stage Of evolutionD the difference between WeaIth and POVerty is CiiSa

30、PPearing58. WhiCh Of the following WOUld be the best title for the passage?A SeX RatiO ChangeS in HUman EVOkItiOnIBI WayS Of COntinUing Man,s EVOIUtiOnC The EVOlUtiOnary FUtUre Of NatUreD HUman EVOkItiOn GOing NOWhereText 3When a new movement in art attains a Certain fashion, it is advisable to find

31、 OUt What its advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched and UnreaSOnable their PrinCiPIeS may Seem today, it is POSSible that in years to COme they may be regarded as normal. With regard to FUtUriSt poetry, however, the CaSe is rather difficult, for WhateVer FUtUriSt POetry may be 一 even admi

32、tting that the theory On WhiCh it is based may be right it Can hardly be ClaSSed as LiteratUreThis, in brief, is What the FUtUriSt says; for a century, PaSt COnditiOnS Of Iife have been COnditiOnany SPeeding up, till now We IiVe in a WOrId Of noise and ViOlenCe and SPeed Consequently, OUr feelings,

33、thoughts and emotions have UndergOne a COrreSPOnding Change ThiS SPeeding UP Of life, SayS the FUturist, requires a new form Of expression. We must SPeed UP OUr IiteratUre too, if We Want to interpret InOdern StreSS We must POUr OUt a Iarge Stream Of essential words, UnhamPered by stops, Or qualifyi

34、ng adjectives, Or finite VerbS InStCad Of describing SOUndS We must make UP WOrdS imitate 什em; We must USe many SiZeS Of type and different COlOred inks On the Same page, and ShOrten Or Iengthen WOrdS at WiILCertainly their descriptions Of battles are COnfUSed BUt it is a Iittle UPSetting to read in

35、 the explanatory notes that a Certain Iine describes a fight between a TUrkiSh and a BUIgarian OffiCer On a bridge Off WhiCh they both fall into the river and then to find that the Iine COnSiStS Of the noise Of their falling and the WeightS Of the officers: 4Tluff! Pluff! A hundred and eighty-five k

36、ilograms."This, though it fulfills the IaWS and requirements Of FUtUriSt poetry, Can hardly be ClaSSed as Literature. All the same, no thinking man Can refuse to accept their first PrOPOSition: that a great Change in OUr emotional Iife CalIS for a Change Of expression. The WhOle question is rea

37、lly this: have We essentially changed?59. ThiS PaSSage is mainlyA a SUrVey Of new approaches to artIBl a review Of FlItUriSt POetryC about merits Of the FUtUriSt movementD about IaWS and requirements Of IiteratUre60. When a novel Iiterary idea appears, PeOPle ShOUId try toA determine its PUrPOSeSB i

38、gnore its flawsC follow the new fashionsD accept the PrinCiPIeS61 FUtUriStS CIaim that We mustIAI increase 什e PrOdUCtiOn Of IiteratUreB USe POetry to relieve modern StreSSC develop new InOdeS Of expressionIDI avoid USing adjectives and VerbS62. The a"hor believes that FUtUriSt POetry isA based

39、On reasonable PrinCiPleSIBI new and acceptable to Ordinary PeOPIeC indicative Of basic Change in IIUman natureIDl InOre Of a transient PhenOnIenOn than IiteratUreText 4AimleSSneSS has hardly been typical Of the POStWar JaPan WhOSe PrOdUCtiVity and SOCial harmony are the envy Of the United StateS and

40、 EUrOPe BUt increasingly the JaPaneSe are Seeing a decline Of the traditional WOrk-moral VakleS Ten years ago young PeOPIe Were hardworking and SaW their jobs as their Primary reason for being, but IlOW JaPan has Iargely Eilfilled its economic needs, and young PeOPle don,t know Where they ShOUId go

41、next.The COnIing Of age Of 什Ie POStWar baby boom and an entry Of WOmen into the InaIe-dominated job market have Iimited the OPPOrtUnitieS Of teenagers WhO are already questioning the heay PerSOlIal SaCrifiCeS involved i CliInbillg JaPaiS ngid SOCial Iadder to good SChOOlS and jobs .In a recent surve

42、y, it WaS found that Only 24.5 PerCent Of JaPaneSe StUdentS Were fully SatiSfied With SChOOl life, COmPared With 67.2 PerCent Of StUdentS in the United States. In addition, far InOre JaPaneSe WOrkerS expressed dissatisfaction With their jobs than did their COUnterPartS in the 10 Other COUntrieS SUrV

43、eyedWhile Often PraiSed by foreigners for its emphasis On the basics, JaPaneSe education tends to StreSS test taking and mechanical Iearning OVer CreatiVity and self-expression. UTllOSe things that do not ShOW UP ill the test SCOreS 一 personality, ability, COUrage Or humanity are COmPIetely ignored,

44、" SayS TOSIliki Kaifii5 Chainnail Of the nlig Libe,al DemOCratiC Pal1y,s education committee. UFnlStratiOn against this kind Of thing IeadS kids to drop OUt and Illn WildT LaSt year JaPan experienced 2 J 25 incidents Of SChOOl violence, including 929 assaults On teachers Amid the outcry, many C

45、OnSerVatiVe IeaderS are Seeking a return to the PreWar emphasis On moral education. LaSt year MitSUO SetOyama, WhO WaS then education IniniSter, raised eyebrows When he argued that Iiberal reforms introduced by the AmeriCan OCCUPatiOn authorities after WOrld War II had Weakened the UJaPaneSe moralit

46、y Of respect for Parents.nBUt that may have more to do With JaPaneSe life-styles. UilI JaPaIlJ SayS educator YOkO MUro、"it's neer a question Of Whether you enjoy YOUrjOb and your life, but OilIy how much you CaiI endure. With economic growth has COme CentraliZation; folly 76 PerCent Of Japa

47、n's 119 million CitiZenS IiVe i CitieS Where COmmUnity and the extended family have been abandoned in favor Of isolated, two-generation households. Urban JaPaneSe have IOng endured Iengthy COmmUteS (travels to and from WOrk) and CrOWded IiVing COnditiOns, but as the Old group and family ValUeS w

48、eaken, the discomfort is beginning to tell. In the PaSt decade, the JaPaneSe CliVOrCe rate, WhiIe StiIl Well below that Of the United States5 has increased by more than 50 percent, and SUiCideS have increased by nearly one-quarter.63 In the Westerner's eyes, the POStWar JaPan WaSIAI Under aimles

49、s developmentB a POSitiVe exampleC a rival to the WeStD On the decline64. ACCOrding to the author, What may Chiefly be responsible for the moral decline Of JaPaneSe society?A WOmen,s PartiCiPatiOn in SOCial activities is IimitedIBI MOre WOrkerS are dissatisfied With their jobsC EXCeSSiVe emphasis ha

50、s been PIaCed On the basicsIDl The Iife-StyIe has been influenced by WeStern VaIUeS65 WhiCh Of the following is true according to the author?A JaPaneSe education is PraiSed for helping the young CIimb the SOCial ladder.B JaPaneSe education is CharaCteriZed by mechanical Iearning as Wen as creativity

51、.C MOre StreSS ShOUId be PIaCed On the CUItiVatiOn Of creativity.D DrOPPing OUt IeadS to frustration against test taking66. The Change in JaPaneSe Iife-StyIe is revealed in the fact thatA the young are IeSS tolerant Of discomforts in IifeIBI the divorce rate in JaPan exceeds that in the U.S.C the Ja

52、PaneSe endure more than ever beforeD the JaPaneSe appreciate their PreSent IifeText 5If ambition is to be Wen regarded, the rewards Of ambition wealth, distinction, COntrOl OVer OIlJS destiny must be deemed WOrthy Of the SaCrifiCeS made On ambition,s behalf. If the tradition Of ambition is to have v

53、itality,it must be WideIy shared; and it especially must be highly regarded by PeOPle WhO are themselves admired, the educated not IeaSt among them. In an Odd way, however, it is the educated WhO have CIaimed to have given UP On ambition as an ideal. What is Odd is that they have PerhaPS most benefi

54、ted from ambition if not always their OWn then that Of their ParentS and grandparents There is heavy note Of hypocrisy in this, a CaSe Of ClOSing the barn door after the horses have escaped With the educated themselves riding On them.Certainly PeOPIe do not Seem IeSS interested in SUCCeSS and its Si

55、gnS now than formerly. SUnImer homes, EUrOPean travel BMWS the locations, PlaCe names and name brands may change, but SUCh items do not Seem IeSS in demand today than a decade Or two years ago. What has happened is that PeOPIe CannOt COnfeSS fully to their dreams, as easily and OPenIy as OnCe they c

56、ould. IeSt they be thought pushing, acquisitive and VUlgaE Instead, We are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles, WhiCh now more than ever Seenl in ample supply: the CritiC Of AmeriCan materialism With a SOUthamPtOn SUmmer home; the PUbliSher Of radical books WhO takes his meals in three-star rest

57、aurants; the journalist advocating PartiCiPatOry democracy in all PhaSeS Of life, WhOSe OWn ChiIdren are enrolled in PriVate SChOOIS FOr SUCh PeOPle and many more PerhaPS not SO exceptional, the PrOPer fbnulation is, 44Succeed at all COStS but avoid appearing ambitious."The attacks On ambition are many and COme from VariOUS angles; its PUbliC defenders are few and unimpressive, Where they are not extremely UnattraCtiVe AS a result, the SUPPOrt for ambition as a healthy impulse, a quality to be admired and fixed in the mind Of the young, is PrObably IOWer than it ha


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