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1、全國各地市中考英語試卷分類解析匯編:書面表達之話題作文【 2021 河南】 每個人都是獨一無二的,都有與眾不同之處,人們寵愛你肯定會有很多緣由;請以“ what makes me a good friend.”為題寫一篇英語短文;要求 : 1.語言表達精確,短文連貫穿順;2.文中不得顯現(xiàn)真實姓名和學校名稱;3.80詞左右;what makes me a good friend.【范文】one possible versionwhat makes me a good friend.i am a boy easy to get along with. i never get angry easil

2、y. that's the most important reason that makes me so popular.i'm always ready to help others. whenever my friends meet with troubles, i will give them a hand without even a moment's thought.besides,i'mquitehumorous.i can alwaystellsomejokesor funnystoriesto make my friends laugh. the

3、y say time spent with me is full of fun.i'm honest i never tell lies. so i'm a friend worth trusting.【2021 河北】 b 書面表達(計10 分)91. 假如在英語課上,老師請你們就“ lucky money 壓歲錢 ”這個話題分組進行爭論, 但你認為同學們對“ hobbies 愛好)”更感愛好,建議老師更換話題;請你依據(jù)下面的提示和要求,寫一篇發(fā)言稿,談一談你的理由;提不: 1 why do you like talking about hobbies.2 what s yo

4、ur reason for not talking about lucky money.要求:( 1 發(fā)言稿須包括全部提示內容,可適當發(fā)揮;發(fā)言稿中不得涉及真實的人名、校名和地名;開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù);詞數(shù): 60. 80;參考詞匯: ones own hobby, a proper topic 合適的話題 , personal, unhappy i think talking about hobbies is better than talking about lucky money. it is1【答案】one possible versioni think talking about

5、 hobbies is better than talking about lucky money. it iseasy and interesting.everyone has hisown hobby, likeplayingballgames, listening to music, drawing and so on. it can bring us pleasure and make us relaxed. we havea lot to say when we talk about it.lucky money, however,isn ta propertopicforus,be

6、cause it s toopersonal.whats more, not all of us can get lucky money. some may feel unhappy if we talk about it.so talking about hobbies is really a good choice.【2021 廣西玉林 】七、書面表達(共15 分)豐富多彩的課外活動 after-class activities可以充實校內生話,減輕學習壓力 . 同學們仍可以在活動中強身健體、在合作中增進友情;請以“ our after - class activities ” 為題,寫一

7、 兩短文,介紹你們學校以及你本人參與課外活動的情形 .內容要點: 1. 學校開展豐富的課外活動:2.毎天活動時間:下午4:20-5:20:3. 最寵愛的活動:4. 交到更多伴侶:5. 從中學到更多東西,身體更健康.參考詞匯:要求: 1.題目已給出,不計入總字數(shù)內.2. 包括全部內容要點,用上所給參考詞匯,不要逐句翻譯,可以適當發(fā)揮;3. 語句通順,語法正確,80 個詞左右 .4. 文中不得顯現(xiàn)考生真實的姓名、地點和所在學校的名稱.【范文】2our after-class activitieswehave allkindsof after-classactivitiesinour school.

8、they are colorful. wehave after-classactivitiesfrom 4:20pm. to 5:20 pm. everyday.wecan do sports, playinstruments,studyenglish,and so on.my favoriteactivitiesare swimming andplayingtabletennis.i m not the best,but i m very happy when i beat my companies.wecan make more new friendshere.and we can als

9、olearnmore from each other.it s important that playing sports can keep me fit. i like after-class activities verymuch. what about you.【2021 廣西南寧】假如你叫李華,是“中華好少年”china'sgood child 的候選人之一;請你寫一份材料. 介紹你在家里、在學校、在社會上in society的表現(xiàn);寫作要求 :1. 詞數(shù)在 80 詞左右 開頭已經給出,不計入總詞數(shù) ;2. 短文中不能顯現(xiàn)校名和人名,否就不得分;3. 所給的寫作要點都必需用上;

10、緊扣主題,適當發(fā)揮;mynameislihua.iamluckytobechosenasoneofchina'sgood children. 【范文】my name is li hua. i am lucky to be chosen as one of china's good children. i am a good boy in my home, i get up early everyday and do some reading, then i do exercise. doing exercise can not only help us keep fit, bu

11、t also help to train aperson s character. i often do some housework at home.at school, i study hard and do the homework carefully. in class i often answerquestionsand afterclass,i oftenhelp the studentswiththeirlessons. insociety, i oftenhelpthechildren.give them books,warm clothes,raisemoney forcha

12、rities.and on weekends,we can visitoldpeople,spend timewiththem and helpthem as much as possible. whenever and wherever, we can show our kindness.【2021 廣西賀州】 vi. 書面表達;最近, 你們學校開展了以“中國夢,我的夢”為主題的活動,作為一名中同學應當有自己的抱負,你的抱負是什么呢?請你以“my dream”為題寫一篇英語短文;要求:31. 描述自己的抱負;2. 如何實現(xiàn)這個抱負;3. 80詞左右,可適當發(fā)揮,短文的開頭已經給出,不計入總詞

13、數(shù);4. 文中不得顯現(xiàn)真實的姓名、地名和校名等相關信息;my dreameveryone has his dream. my dream is to be a doctor. when i was in grade seven, i was sick and often went to see doctors. the doctors were very friendly to me andtheyoftencheeredmeup.with thehelpofthem,i was gettingbetter.now i m veryhealthy. since then i have hope

14、d to become a doctor. in order to achieve my dream,i will study hard. ill give my love to the patients as much as possible and help them out of danger.to be a doctor is really great. i think my dream will come true one day.【2021 江蘇徐州】 書面表達 共 20 分假如你叫劉明liu ming,你班上進行了“ is daily homework necessary?”的分

15、組爭論,你代表第五小組,向全班用英語匯報爭論結果;請你依據(jù)提示和要求,完成匯報稿;提示:is daily homework necessary. different students have different ideas.三分之二的同學同意有助于懂得,熟能生巧;三分之一的同學不同意業(yè)余愛好時間少,疲憊,學習愛好降低;你的看法 至少兩點 要求: 1.匯報內容包含三大要點:自我介紹:姓名、小組;爭論情形:不同同學有不同看法;你自己的看法:2. 以第一人稱寫;3. 90詞左右 已給出部分不計入總詞數(shù) ;留意:文中不得顯現(xiàn)真實姓名和校名;dear class ,it is our turn to

16、report.4that's all. thanks.【答案】 dear class it is our turn to report.i m liu ming. im in team five. ill give a report about different ideas ondailyhomework. two thirdsof studentsthinkhomework isnecessary.they say practice makes perfect.whileone thirdofstudentsdisagree.they thinkhomework tookthem

17、too much time. they have little time for their hobbies. they often feel tired andlessinterestedon study.in my opinion,dailyhomework isnecessaryforstudents.but they shouldn t be too much. they can improve our skills. it might be some extensive reading, a paper or even just a game. it should leave eno

18、ugh freedom to us so we could do things we really like to do. thats all. thanks.【2021 江蘇淮安】 七、書面表達 共 20 分隨著家庭生活條件的提高,現(xiàn)在的孩子或多或少會有一些零花錢;請以how to spend our pocket money為題寫一段話,內容必需包括以下提示要點,詞數(shù)在 80100 之間;1. 你從哪里得到零花錢;2. 你平常用零花錢做些什么 至少兩點 ;3. 你覺得用零花錢仍可以做些什么更有意義的事 至少兩點 ;留意: 1.文中不得顯現(xiàn)真實的人名、校名和地名:2.文章的標題和開頭已付出,

19、不計入總詞數(shù);how to spend our pocket moneyas families are now living a better life, we kids can have some pocket moneyhow to spend our pocket moneyas families are now living a better life, we kids can have some pocket money.i usuallygetmy pocketmoney from my parents.sometimes,ican getsome by selling waste

20、 paper and bottles. i often use my pocket money to buy breakfast on my way toschool. i also buy some books to help me with my lessons with my pocket money. i think i can do something more meaningful. for example, i can go travelling to atouristattractionto enjoymyselfin the summerholidays.i can also

21、donatemypocket money to helppoor childreninwesternareasof china so thattheycan livehappily.【2021 湖北黃岡】 第三節(jié)書面表達(1 題,滿分 10 分)俗語說:“予人玫瑰,手留余香”;在我們的日常生活中,我們會遇到各種困難,因此,我5們會需要他人的幫忙;但同時,我們也要學會幫忙他人;其實,幫忙他人就是在幫忙自己;請你結合身邊的事例,以“幫忙”為話題,用英語寫一篇短文;留意:無需寫標題,開頭已經給出,但不計入總詞數(shù);文中要結合你幫忙別人或別人幫忙你的·一件事例;文中不得透露任何個人和學校的真實

22、信息;詞數(shù)為 80 左右;as thesayinggoes,rosesgiven,fragranceinhand.inourdailylife,we willmeet with a lot of trouble. 參考答案 one possible versionso itisnecessaryforus tohelpthosewho are introuble.i stillremember i helped one ofmy classmateswithhisenglishwhen we were inthefirstterm of junioreight. li hua, one of

23、my classmates, was not good at english while i did well. one day,he asked me to help him. so from then on, whenever he had problems, he would ask me, and i was patient to explain them to him. slowly, his english improved with my help. at the same time, i found my english improved too.actually, helpi

24、ng others is helping ourselves.【2021 山東濰坊】 八、寫作當前我國政府正致力于建設“節(jié)省型”社會,提倡節(jié)省, 抵制鋪張; 作為同學我們也能做些力所能及的事情,如步行或騎自行車上學; 順手關水、 斷電 ; 削減物品的使用和廢舊物品的回收、再利用等;請依據(jù)要求和提示完成主題為howto save 的海報,號召更多的人,加人到“節(jié)省”的行動中來;開頭、結尾已給出,不什人總詞數(shù);要求 :1.50詞左右 2. 文中不要顯現(xiàn)作者本人的真實信息; 提示 :tap水龍頭 , uneaten food/leftovers剩余飯菜 how to saveour governme

25、nt is aiming to build an“economized society”. i think it is every citizen's duty to work hard to achieve this goal.one possible version:our governmentisaimingto buildan “economized society ” . i thinkitisevery citizens duty to work hard to achieve the goal. as students, we still can do6something

26、 to help.first, dont waste things. wed better go to school on food or ride a bikeinstead of taking a car or a bus. turn off the lights as soon as we leave the classroom. remember to turn off the tap at once after washing our hands. when we go outto eat in an restaurant, ask for smaller dishes and ta

27、ke leftover home. before we buysomething new, think whether it is necessary.next, use things as long as possible. when we buy things, make sure they lasta long time. dont use a paper cup or a paper bag. its better to use a china cup or a lunch box. because you can use them again.finally,collectwhat

28、can be recycledinyour classroomor inyour neighbourhood and sell them. you should also buy things from recycled material.in a word, i think , one thing we should keep in mind no matter what a small effort we can make, it do make a difference.文章體裁: 應用文;試題分析:仔細閱讀文章要求,列出如下提綱;1. 節(jié)省減排,低碳環(huán)保;2. 讓有限的資源延長生命,盡

29、可能的少用一次性物品,節(jié)省用紙;3. 盡可能的收集可再回收,利用的物品;使用購買回收的材料制作的物品;時態(tài): 一般現(xiàn)在時;規(guī)律總結: 寫應用文時, 肯定要仔細閱讀文章要求,列出提綱; 提綱應包括文章要點和時態(tài),以免漏掉要點把握不住時態(tài);同時,也不要被要點束縛,呆板地翻譯要點,而應當適當發(fā)揮,機動敏捷地把要點的意思表達出來;【2021 遼寧鞍山】 viii.書面表達 20 分目前,同學考試作弊現(xiàn)象嚴峻,請環(huán)繞以下要點談談其中緣由以及個人建議.80 詞左右;一、緣由 :i.考試太多 : 2. 白身勤奮不夠; 3. 把大量時間用在上網和玩嬉戲上:4. 為了騙取家長和老師興奮 .二、你的看法與建議;a

30、tpresent,anumberofmiddleschoolstudentshavepickedupabad habit cheatinginexaminations. 7_viii. at present, a number of middle school students have picked up a bad habit cheating in examinations.there are fourmain reasons.first,schoolshave givenstudentstoomanyexams, some of which are too difficult. sec

31、ond, some students are not hard working and theydontwork hard at theirlessons.third,theywaste a lotof time playinggames or surfing the internet. so they havent enough time to prepare for the exams.finally, students have to do so to make their teachers and parents happy.inmy opinion,cheatinginexams d

32、oes greatharm toour study.westudentsshould be honest and diligent,and onlyin thisway can weimprove our studyand make progress.besides, our teachers should offer us fewer exams and more time to study for ourselves.b.【2021 江蘇揚州】 寫作 計 20 分81. 隨著年齡的增長,我們的課外活動領域會擴大,關注點也會增多;你們學校的english newsletter正在以 my a

33、fter-school activities為題舉辦征文活動,請依據(jù)以下表格提示 的內容,用英語寫一篇征文;活動關注點1. 看電視;以前自己;2.1.和家長溝通;現(xiàn)在2.做抱負者;3.家庭、我們在成長,我們應當要求: 1表達清晰,語法正確,上下文連貫;2) 必需包括表格中全部的相關信息,并適當發(fā)揮;3) 詞數(shù): 100 詞左右 征文的開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù) ;4) 不得使用真實姓名、校名和地名等;my after- school activitiesas we grow,both ourafter-schoolactivitiesand what we care about are beco

34、ming more and more.in thepast, i 8one possible version:my after-school activitiesas we grow,both our after-schoolactivitiesand what we care about are becoming more and more.in the past, i often watched tv or played computer games at home. sometimes i went out to play football with my friends. and i

35、only cared about my own feeling and never cared about others.but now, i often have a communication with my parents, and let them know whati thinkand what i want todo.and now iama volunteer.ioftenhelppeopleinneed. i don t think only about myself, but about others. this made me feel happy.wearegrowing

36、up.weshouldthinkmore aboutothers,notonlyaboutourselves.we should do some meaningful things.【2021 江蘇鹽城】書面表達假設你是江華,下周一你所在班級將舉辦英語課外閱讀溝通會;請依據(jù)以下提示,用英語寫一篇短文;向同學們介紹the famous rabbit-tortoise race這一故事;rabbitwin the second race be good at runningtortoisewin the third race swim across the rivertake turns to p

37、uton the back reachtogetherwhat i have learned;要求:1. 文章必需包含所供應的主要信息,并作適當發(fā)揮;2. 文中不得顯現(xiàn)真實的人名和校名;3. 詞數(shù): 90 詞左右(開頭已寫好,不計入總詞數(shù));we all know that the rabbit lost the first race against the tortoise.one possible versionweallknow thattherabbitlostthefirstraceagainstthetortoise.the rabbit paid more attention t

38、o their second race, he didnt sleep at all in it. at last9he won the race because he was good at running.today the rabbit and the tortoise had the third race. at first the rabbit ranfasterthanthetortoise,shortlyaftertherewas a wide riverahead it.the rabbit had no idea how to cross theriver, the tort

39、oise gotto the river bank,too.he put therabbiton hisback,theyswamacrosstheriver.they reachedthefinishingline at last.i can learn the spirit of the teamwork from the story. if we help each other, the world will be more beautiful.【2021 廣東湛江】 作文 滿分 20 分初三畢業(yè)在即,你班將組織一次課外活動;假如你是班長,請依據(jù)正面內容,用英文寫一篇 80 詞左右的活動

40、方案;內容要點 :1. 下星期天早上8 點在校門口集合,下午2 點返回;2. 坐公交車前往寸金公園cunjin park;3. 唱歌、跳舞、野餐、與老師合影;4. 帶齊食物、飲料等;5. 留意安全和防火;要求: 1.包含所給出要點,可適當發(fā)揮;2. 不里逐詞翻譯,詞數(shù)約80 字左右; 文章開頭不計入詞數(shù)3. 文中不能顯現(xiàn)考生的直實姓名、校名和共他真實信息;參考詞匯: at the school gate學校門 o; activity活動 ; keep away from fire 遠離火災 ourclassisgoingtohaveapicnicincunjinpartnext sunday.

41、 【答案】our class is going to have a picnic in cunjin part next sunday.we are going to meet atthe schoolgate at8:00 on sunday morning.and we willbe back at2:00p.m.weplan to take a bus to cunjinpark.wewillhave manyactivitiesthere,forexample, singing, dancing, having picnic and taking photos with our tea

42、chers. im sure we will have a lot of fun. i will ask my classmates to take plenty of food and drink.weshouldpay attentiontothesafety.and we must keep away from fireallthetime.【2021 山東菏澤】 書面表達(滿分20 分)親愛的同學 . 你的中學學習生活立刻就要終止了了. 請你以 "my english study為題10談一下三年來學習英語的心得體會;1 、要點包括 : 你在英語學習中所遇到的困難、解決的方法

43、以及學習感悟;2,字數(shù)要求 :不少于 80 字;my english study【答案】參考范文:my english studyhow time flies. my three-year middle school life will be over soon. looking back. i have many memories of my english study.when i entered the middle school, i had so many difficulties with my english.i was not able to understand the te

44、acher in class, and i couldn't master the wordsand phrases.fora timei wantedto giveit up.later, with the helpofthe teacher and my classmates, i listened to the teacher carefully in class, kept on readingenglish every day and spoke english as much as possible. step by step i made great progress i

45、n english.in a word, only when you develop interest in studying english can you learnit well.【評分說明】1、此題為開放性試題,所供應范文僅供參考; 在符合題目要求的前提下. 答應考生自由發(fā)揮;2、此題共20 分. 評分可分為四個檔次:第一檔 :符合此題寫作要求. 短文通順完整 . 書本沒有語法、拼寫錯誤;書寫工整. 得 17-20分;其次檔 :符合此題寫作要求,短文基本通順完整. 有少量語法、拼寫錯誤,書寫較工整,得 13-16 分;第三檔 :基本符合此題寫作要求. 但短文不夠通順完整,語法、拼寫錯誤

46、較多,書寫不夠工整;得10-12 分;第四檔 :通篇語句不通 . 表達不清 . 且書寫特別潦草,得10 分以下;【2021 浙江寧波】 x. 書面表達(共15 分)11近來, “光盤行動 cleanplatecampaign”悄然流行,提倡“節(jié)省型社會( economized society)”已成共識;請你依據(jù)以下表格中的信息,用英語為某英語報社寫一篇短文,談談作為一名中同學,在日常生活中應當如何勤儉節(jié)省、反對鋪張,并作簡要評論;what to dowhat not to do turn off the light save as much paper as possible not use

47、 one-off chopsticks一次性筷子 not spend money buying unnecessary things留意:( 1)短文須包括上述要點,應適當增加細節(jié),以使行為連貫;( 2)詞數(shù): 80 詞左右,短文的標題和開頭已給出(不計入總詞數(shù));let s start with the things around us.recently, the“clean plate campaign ” has been very popular with many people.our government is doing its best to build an economiz

48、ed society.as a middle school student, i think 【答案】one possible versionlet s start with the things around us.recently, the“clean plate campaign ” has been very popular with many people.our government is doing its best to build an economized society.as a middleschoolstudent,ithinkwe shouldjoinintheca

49、mpaign.we can start the thingsaround us. firstly,makesure thatthe lightsare turnedoffwhen we finish our work and leavethe room. secondly,we can save as much paper as possible.thirdly, it is important for us to form the habit of turning off the tap after it is used.whats more, we must notspend money

50、buyingunnecessarythings.whenwe eat,wedbetter not use one off chopsticks and we mustn t waste food.ina word,savingenergyisveryimportant. lets worktogetherfromnow on.97words【2021 湖南益陽 】c作文請以“ my favourite school life”為題寫一篇英語短文;要求: 1.條理清晰、語句通順、語法正確、書寫規(guī)范;2. 文中不得顯現(xiàn)真實姓名和校名;3. 所供應詞匯僅供參考,考生可自由發(fā)揮;4. 詞數(shù): 70 詞

51、左右;參 考詞 匯 :subjects,takepartin,schoolactivities,getonwellwith, meaningful , colorful .12【答案】my name is beth. i'm 14 years old. my school is very big and beautiful. i'm very happy in the school.at school, we have six classes every day. i like all the classes, because myteacherscan make the cl

52、asseslivelyand interesting.myfavoritesubjectisenglish, so i join english corner every week. after class, i always take part in all schoolactivitiesand i m gettingon wellwithmy classmates.i likemylessons,my friendsand my teachers.ina word,ilovemy school.i findmy schoollifeismore and more meaningful a

53、nd colorful.【2021 湖南婁底】 b書面表達( 10 分)2021 年婁底市申請“文明城市”;作為中同學,我們應當為創(chuàng)建文明城市做點什么?請你依據(jù)以下英文提示,用英語寫一篇70 詞左右的英語短文;開頭已經寫出,詞數(shù)不計入總詞數(shù);1. respect 敬重 the teachers and the old; be polite and honest2. obey the traffic rules; cross the street politely3. protect the environment; dont spit吐痰) everywhere or throw rubbish around4. save resources; eat up all the food on the plateloudi applied for“the civilized city” in 2021. as a middle school student,whatshouldwedoforit.first,【答案】 one possible version:loudiappliedfor“the civilizedcity


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