



1、教 學 內 容教 師 活 動學 生 活 動Lead in教學導入用多媒體播放一個flash短片,在片中會涉及到定語從句中關系代詞which, who, that和where等的用法.T: In the flash, what were they talking about?S: They were talking about their New Years plans.學生觀看短片,根據教師的引導回答問題,并嘗試完成pair work.這個環(huán)節(jié)的學生活動旨在創(chuàng)設一個視頻情境,幫助學生更直觀地進入學習定語從句的語境,從而為下一個環(huán)節(jié)的復習和鞏固打下基礎.另外,該環(huán)節(jié)也要求學生運用先前的英語學習經

2、驗,培養(yǎng)口語表達能力. Question and Answer學生對話:Q: What was the first plan of the wife?A: She wanted to visit the place where she was born.Q: What was her second plan?A: She wanted to visit Miss Scott, who was in France.Q: Why did the wife plan to visit Miss Scott? What did she say?A: Because the wife real

3、ly wanted to see Miss Scott, who had immigrated to France many years ago.Q: How did the wife say to her husband when she said the third plan.A: She said I planed to play golf twice a week, which would do my health good.Q: How did her husband feel when she said so?A: His plan is to prevent her from s

4、pending money.Revision復習環(huán)節(jié) Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks.聽錄音,填寫對話.T: Please listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks. The dialogue will be read twice.教師要求學生完成聽力任務,將對話中所缺的先行詞和關系代詞填入相應的空格內.這個環(huán)節(jié)通過聽力練習,要求學生能夠掌握并進一步熟悉關系代詞和先行詞的功能.Listening comprehensionP12聽力練習(附表格)三.Consolidation

5、:鞏固環(huán)節(jié)T: What is the attributive clause?教師先讓學生為定語從句下定義(definition),然后通過一篇有關定語從句的文章讓學生在完成兩個任務:一.找出文章中所包含的定語從句.二.回答所給的問題.(什么是定語從句?)這是一個學生自我知識建構的環(huán)節(jié),嘗試從傳統的教師”教語法”,轉化為學生習得語法與培養(yǎng)學生英語交際能力聯系起來.Scan the article and find out all the sentences which are attributive clauses.學生閱讀文章,找出定語從句(附表格)四.practice練習Find out

6、the precedent, the relative pronouns, the function of R.P.教師要求學生找出相關的定語從句后,然后完成表格.要求學生掌握先行詞,關系代詞和關系代詞的作用和功能.T: I can see you have finished your reading. Please complete the tasks on the table. You can discuss with your partners if there is any problem. You have 5 minutes.Fill in the table according

7、to the passage.學生獨立完成表格,教師鼓勵其遇到問題,可以與小組內的同伴討論,共同解決.五.using the language (group activity)小組組活動 Hand out some peoples pictures and ask the students to write the short passages with attributive clauses.教師先向學生示范游戲環(huán)節(jié)(make a guess) ,然后教師將全班劃分為5個小組,指定小組內的組長(Group leader),給每組分發(fā)3至5張的人物照片,要求學生共同完成短文(使用定語

8、從句).在教師所提供的這些人物照片中,既有文化名人,科學先驅,也有體壇健將,娛樂明星,這樣可以在激發(fā)學生想象力的同時,培養(yǎng)其人文素養(yǎng).T: Now well play a game called “Who is he? Who is she?” Suppose I can see some peoples pictures that you cant. But I will describe him or her to you using the structure of the Attributive Clause so that you can image the people and make a guess Is that clear? Now lets begin.Write short passage to describe the pictures and make a presentation.小組組員合作完成作品,并向全班展示.六. More practice 練習Writ


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