



1、傳統(tǒng)婚禮英文主持詞篇一:中式婚禮英文主持詞Hosts (Emcees) lines forNick and Yus wedding ceremonyLadies and Gentlemen, good evening! Welcome to Nick andHuang Yus wedding ceremony. Lets applaud for the weddinghost Sally and Kyle1.Opening開 場 白: Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen.First of all, please allow me on behalf of th

2、e couples families toextent sincere greetings to every distinguished guest here. Thanksfor your coming from all over China, and special gratitude for theAmerican family and friends.2.新人入場Now, please all rise, let us cheer the arrival of thebride and groom.-Please be seated.3.播放視頻Let me introduce the

3、 most handsome groomstanding by me, Nick from America, and the most beautiful bride atthis great moment, Huang Yu.I believe that everyone must be very curious about theircross-border marriage. How an American young man encounter acharming Chinese girl , andstart a love story , Let us share a video a

4、bout their romantic road tolove.4.誓約問答Although they have taken the vows in the UnitedStates, atthis greatest moment of their life, we will still want to witnessyour vows by request.Nick and Yu , Please face each other .Nick: do you take Huang Yu for your lawful wedded wife, Willyou love, honor, comf

5、ort, and cherish her from this day forward,forsaking all others, keeping only unto her for as long as you bothshall live 5.交換戒指Please exchange the rings.Firstly, Let the groom place the wedding ring on the bridesring finger. Then, the bride will also place the wedding ring on thegrooms ring finger.Y

6、ou may hook your fingers, raise them up to receive blessings.Nick, you may hug your charming wife and kiss her.6.切蛋糕Now, please let the couple cut the wedding cake byholding their four hands together.7.三拜九叩Since we combine Chinese customs with thewedding, let us invite the couple to take bows.*First

7、, 3 bows to the heaven and nature;*Then, 3 bows to the parents, for the gratitude of family loveand care; * Last, 3 bows to each other, for the eternity of marriage.8.交 杯 酒Now, welcome the couple to drink cross-cuppedwine from one anothers glasses.9.證婚人致詞Today, were honored to have Madam ZhangPing,

8、theChairwoman of the Standing Committee of Zhuhai PeoplesCongress , be the witness, giving her wishes to the newlyweds,welcome.10.新人父母代表致詞Now, lets have brides and groomsparents come to the stage together.Then, allow me to introduce them to every guests.Theyre the grooms parents: MadamJulie and Mr.

9、GeorgeThese are the brides parents:Madam Ding Lanju and Mr.Huang Qianfeng.Lets applaud for Qianfeng , on behalf of both parents to makea short speech.* What about the parents hugging each other for thecombination of 2 happy families* Let the couple and parents take a family photo.Please be seated.11

10、.新郎新娘致答謝辭Next, Let the groom address Welcomethe bride to address12.開香檳Its the champagne time now, let the couple fill upthe cupswith a mellow wine.13.祝酒Ladies and gentlemen, Lets raise ourglasses and drink a toast for this unforgettable moment.14.儀式禮成I conclude by congratulating the young coupleon t

11、heir marriage, and wishing them a lifetime of happiness together.Please beseated, and enjoy the delicious dinner tonight.篇二:教堂婚禮英文主持詞教堂婚禮英文程序和主持詞 主講人:許建軍(XX0315)Minister: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to jointhis man and this womanin holy matrimony. Do either of you haveany reason why y

12、ou should not legally be joined in marriage大家好,我們今天在這里出席這位男士和這位女士的神圣的婚禮。請問你們倆彼此當(dāng)中,位有誰有什么理由認為你們的婚姻不合法嗎?Is there anyone present who can show any just cause whythese two people should not be legally joined in marriage在場的各位當(dāng)中,有誰能提供正當(dāng)?shù)睦碛?,指出這兩位 的婚姻不合法嗎?(如果任何人知道有什么理由使得這次 婚姻不能成立,就請說出來)Then, (full name of th

13、e bridegroom here), do you take (fullname of the bride here) to be your lawful, wedded wife好,(新郎正式姓名) ,你愿意接受(新娘正式姓名) , 作為你的合法妻子嗎?bridegroom: I do.新郎: 我愿意。Minister: And you, (full name of the bride here) ,do you take (fullname of the bridegroom here) to be your lawful, wedded husband好,(新娘正式姓名) ,你愿意接受

14、(新郎正式姓名) , 作為你的合法丈夫嗎?Bride: I do.新娘: 我愿意。Minister: The rings, please.請交換結(jié)婚戒指。The two rings should be put on the Bible held by the Judge.Then the bridegroom take one up and puts it on the bridesfinger. The bride take the other one up and puts int on thebridegrooms finger. 兩枚婚戒被放到圣經(jīng)上。新郎把其中一枚為新娘 戴到她的手指

15、上。然后新娘把另一枚為新郎戴到他的手指 上。Minister: By the power vested in me by the laws of(the country name), I now pronounce you husband and wife. Youmay kiss the bride now, (the full nameof bridegroom here).以(國家名)法律所賦予的合法權(quán)利,我現(xiàn)在宣布,你 們正式結(jié)為合法夫妻。你現(xiàn)在可以親吻你的妻子了, (新郎 正式姓名)。 the bridegroomlifts the veil and kisses the bride

16、. The guests laugh, applaud, andthrow confetti. 新郎此刻揭起新娘的面紗,親吻新娘。親朋好友歡笑 鼓掌,拋撒彩紙,慶賀美滿婚姻。Process of the western-style weddingThe western-style wedding includes ceremony and banquettwo parts. The ceremony is held frequently in the church and thecloserelatives and good friends are invited. The banquet i

17、s lessheavenlinessthan the ceremony. The newlywed will invite more friends toparticipate.Process of the ceremonyAt 17:00. The ceremony start. The Father arrives, broadcastapproach music,the best man and bridesmaid enter the church,nearby weight stand and face the guest. The ring child gives theweddi

18、ng-ring to the Father.At 17:03. Along with the wedding ceremony marching song, thebride pulls her father and enters the church. And than brides fatherpersonally puts her daughters hand to the bridegrooms hand.At 17:10. Music stop and entire audience are silent. The brideand the bridegroom exchange t

19、he rings and take an oath.At 17:15. Chief wedding witness gives a speech.At 17:20. The ceremony finish. The newlywed leave the stageafter music resounds, the guest applauds the celebration and strewsthe flower petal to the newlywed.At 17:30. The newlywed and the guest photograph accepts asa memento.

20、Process of the banquetAt 17:40. The orchestra plays music, the guest enters thedining room, may enjoy themselves to dine the savory and drink.At 18:10. After the newlywed enters the dining room, first foodstarts to provide, and the waiter pours out the champagne to thevisitor.The important guest giv

21、esa speech.At 18:40. After the savory, the newlywed jumps the bridal waltz.The best man, bridesmaid and other guest enter the dance floorafterwards to dance together.At 19:00. All the people takes a seat again and waiting for thestaple food.At 19:30. While provide the sweet snack, the dance partycon

22、tinued.At 20:00. The bride throws the bouquet of flowers.At 20:10. The newlywed shuttle between the guest and thankfor their presence, also provide the coffee and each kind of drinks.At 20:30. After the newlywed cut the cake together, the guestdance or leave the banquet freely.西式婚禮分為儀式和宴會兩部分。儀式多在教堂舉

23、辦,相對更為肅穆、莊嚴,被邀請的也都是至親好友;晚宴則輕松許多,新人將邀請更多新人朋友參加。儀式17:00儀式開始。神父到位、播放進場音樂;伴郎、伴 娘先進入場地,分兩邊面對賓客站好;戒指童將戒指交給神 父。17:03隨著婚禮進行曲,新娘挽著父親入場;父親將新 娘交到等候已久的新郎手中。全場肅靜(停止奏樂),新娘、新郎交換戒指并 證婚人致辭;儀式完畢,音樂響起后新人退場,賓客鼓掌慶 祝并向新人拋灑花瓣;17:30新人與來賓拍照留念。宴會17:40樂隊奏樂,賓客陸續(xù)進入餐廳,可以享用餐前 開胃小菜和飲料;18:10新人進入餐廳后上第一道菜,侍者們給客人斟香 檳,重要來賓致辭;18:40開胃菜后,

24、新郎新娘跳第一支舞。伴郎伴娘及 其他客人隨后進入舞池一起跳舞;19:00重新入座等待主食;19:30上甜點的同時,繼續(xù)舞會;17:1017:1517:2020:00新娘拋花束;20:10新人在客人們間穿梭為他們的光臨表示感謝, 提供咖啡及各種餐后飲品;20:30新郎新娘一起切蛋糕后,賓客跳舞或者自由退 場。傳統(tǒng)結(jié)婚誓詞:Till death do us apart(上邪,我 欲與君相知,長命無絕衰.山無棱,江水為竭,冬雷震震,夏雨 雪,天地合,乃敢與君絕。 )結(jié)婚誓詞在細節(jié)上會有一些差別,但基本的意思都 是相同的。這里選取了一個最完整的版本和大家分享。I, (name), take you,

25、(name), to be myopt: lawfully wedded(husband/wife), my constant friend, my faithful partner and my lovefrom this day forward. In the presence of God, our family and friends,I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness andin health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as

26、 in sorrow. Ipromise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, tohonor andrespect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherishyou for as long as we both shall live.從今天起我(姓名)接受你(姓名)為我的合法丈夫/妻子、我終身的朋友、我忠誠的伴侶、我的愛人。在上帝和 我們的親友的見證下,我鄭重宣誓成為你忠實的伴侶,無論 疾病或健康、 順境或逆境、 歡樂或痛苦。 我發(fā)誓無條件愛你、

27、 支持你達成你的目標、以你為榮、尊重你、與你一起歡笑哭 泣、并珍惜你直到永遠。Minister to Bride A:Do you A, knowing this mans love for you and returning it,realizing his strengths and learning from them, recognizing hisweaknesses and helping him to overcome them, take B to be yourlawfully wedded husband Bride A:I do.Minister:Place the ri

28、ng on his finger.A,你愿意了解這個人對你的愛,并回應(yīng)他的愛,認識 他的實力并從中學(xué)習(xí),認可他的缺點,并幫助他克服缺點, 承認他為你合法的丈夫嗎?新娘:我愿意牧師:請為他戴上戒指Minister to Groom B:Do you B, knowing this womans love for you andreturning it, realizing her strengths and learning formthem, recognizing herweaknesses and helping her to overcome them, take A to beyour

29、 lawfully wedded wifeGroom B:I do.Minister:Place the ring on her finger. Let these rings as locks-not binding you together-but as unlocking the secrets ofyour hearts for each other to know, and thus bringing you closertogether forever.牧師對新郎:B,你愿意了解這個人對你的愛,并回應(yīng)她的愛,認識 她的實力并從中學(xué)習(xí),認可她的缺點,并幫助她克服缺點, 承認她為你合法

30、的妻子嗎?新郎:我愿意牧師:請為她戴上戒指。讓這戒指成為你們之間的鎖扣不 是把你們綁在一起而是像鑰匙一樣,解開你們彼此心中 的秘密,讓對方分享,將你們更拉得近一些,直到永遠。篇三:西式婚禮英文主持詞西式婚禮英文主持詞we are gathered here this _ to unite this manservekeys,_ and this woman_ in the bonds of holy matrimony whichis an honorable estate. into this, these two now cometo be anyonepresent can show j

31、ust and legal cause why they may not be joined,let them speak now or forever hold their gives this womanto this man(man)_,will you have this woman as your lawful wedded wife, to live togetherin the estate of matrimony will you love her, honor her, comfort her,and keep her in sickneand in health;fors

32、aking all others, be true to her as long as you both shall live(i will).(woman)_, will you havethis manas your lawful wedded husband, to live together in theestate of matrimony will you love him, honor him, comfort him, andkeep him in sickneand in health; forsaking all others, be true to himas long

33、as you both shall live (i will).behold the symbol of wedlock.the perfect circle of love, the unbroken union of this man and thiswoman united here today. may you both remain faithful to thissymbol of true join hands and repeat after me (man first, whileplacing ring on proper fingers).i, takeas my wed

34、ded wife, to haveand to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer orfor poorer, in sickneand inhealth, to love and to cherish, till death do us , takeas mywedded husband, to haveand to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer orfor poorer, in sickneand in

35、 health, to love and to cherish, till death dous as much as _ andhaveconsented together in wedlock, and have witnessed the samebefore this_ company offriends and family, and have given and pledged their promises toeach other, and have declared the same by I giving and receiving a ring,and by joining

36、 the authority vested in me by the state of newhampshire,i pronounce this couple to be husband and wife.篇四:傳統(tǒng)婚禮主持詞一、各位親友,諸位高朋,現(xiàn)在是農(nóng)歷*年*月*,*時*刻,真是良辰吉日、喜氣盈門、春風(fēng)拂面、艷陽高照、佳偶得配、永世奇緣,正是: 三生石上結(jié)良緣,佳偶得配一線牽; 蕊暖花艷良辰日,鸞鳳和鳴慶團圓。二、良辰吉日已到,請新娘上轎。新娘賞銀了。 (二個紅包,賞與轎夫和吹鼓手) 三、鼓樂齊奏,起轎。*年*月*日下午*點*分。(地點:*酒店大門前)一、鼓樂站立兩廂,吹打起來,落轎。

37、迎轎詞:花轎到門前,賓客兩邊站,笙簫迎淑女,鞭炮 響連天,鸞鳳至雙喜,藍田種美玉,聚樂生祥瑞,佳女配佳婿。 下轎詞:下轎啦,踏升新娘、新郎早生貴子二、“邁火盆”:紅紅火火步步高,紫氣東來震云霄; 夫妻合諧甜如蜜,一生平安樂逍遙。三、“跨馬鞍”:夫唱婦隨賽碧鴛,一生幸福保平安; 鳳毛濟美龍鱗映,琴琵琶瑟譜新弦。請新人咬一口蘋果,真是平平安安、幸福百年。鼓樂大 作,恭送新人,進入婚禮大堂。*年*月*日下午*點*分。(地點:*酒店大廳)一、請*府老先生及老夫人,*府老先生及老夫人上座。二、各位老先生、老夫人、各位親友、諸位高朋,今日 乃黃道吉日,*府公子弱冠而仕,*府小姐及笈(ji)而德,今日喜 結(jié)

38、連理,真乃是天作之合,正是:前世姻緣今再配,來生重逢永世緣;三生磬石協(xié)雅樂,魚水情深福壽全?,F(xiàn)在是農(nóng)歷*年*月*,*時*刻(*年*月*日下午*點*分) ,吉時已到,鼓樂響起,有請新人進入婚禮大堂。三、“挑蓋頭”:秤桿挑起蓋頭來,稱心如意娶女才;如膠似漆魚得水,貂蟬嫦娥再臨凡。四、“證婚儀式” :有請某老先生(或某夫人等)作證良 緣。五、“一拜天地” :千里姻緣一線牽,一拜;天作之合保平安,二拜;夫唱婦隨永團圓,再拜。(新人面向來賓, 跪在拜墊上, 做叩首狀即可, 寓意天、 地為大。)六、“二拜高堂” :感謝父母養(yǎng)育恩,一拜;畢生報答孝雙親,二拜;多福多壽永駐春,再拜。(新人面向父母,跪在拜墊上

39、,做叩首狀,寓意父、母 為上。)七、“夫妻對拜” :美滿姻緣訂今世,一拜;舉案齊眉續(xù)來生,二拜;天道輪回萬世情,再拜。 (新人不用跪禮,新郎抱拳作揖、鞠躬,新娘道萬福即 可。)八、“感恩獻茶” :新郎手捧蓋碗:1.請?zhí)┥酱笕撕炔瑁?.請岳母大人喝茶。新娘手捧蓋碗:1.請公爹大人喝茶,2.請婆母大人喝茶。(雙方父母喝后,給紅包。 )九、“高堂致詞” :有情某老先生(或夫人)致詞。十、“結(jié)發(fā)儀式” :結(jié)發(fā)夫妻百年恩,發(fā)入錦盒不離分; 百年好合情永駐,生生世世親上親。(由雙方母親用剪子各自在自己兒、女頭上剪下幾根頭 發(fā),放入錦盒,用紅絲帶系好,展示親朋。 ) 十一、“合巹 大禮”:弱冠及笄結(jié)伉儷,一

40、碰,換;而立不惑愛河行,二碰,換;耄耋期頤永世情,再碰,干。巹瓢內(nèi)裝飲料即可,用紅絲帶相系,三碰兩換,寓意 青年、中年、老年永不離分,干后二瓢合一用紅絲帶系好,展示親朋。 ) 十二、“謝親朋”: 感謝親朋來道賀,一拜; 喜氣洋洋眾友來,二拜; 天長地久情永在,再拜。(新人向三個方向行禮。 )十三、“尾聲詞” :欣聞*府公子、*府小姐喜結(jié)連理, 吾心甚喜甚樂之,喜者今日佳偶得配,樂者真乃天作之合,欣喜之余,心潮澎湃,賦詩一首,以表 賀意:華光輝映慶合巹,楊枝潤蒂天作合; 新婚燕爾伉儷喜,鸞鳳和鳴涉愛河; 悠悠工尺弦樂細,皎皎圓月映紅額; 蕊暖花艷吳剛醉,月殿嫦娥步婀娜; 龍鱗輝映爭交頸,鳳毛濟美

41、彩霞奪; 白首偕老情一世,永駐愛巢共拼搏。 十四、“入洞房”:新郎背起新娘入洞房。 (音樂大作) 十五、“禮成”:各位親友,諸位親朋: 天南地北聚一堂,親上更親喜洋洋; 今日佳偶龍鳳配,來年麒麟降吉祥。我現(xiàn)在宣布*府公子、*府小姐新婚大典到此圓滿禮成。請各位先生、各位夫人、各位公子、小姐入席 高舉美玉金杯,同聲擊掌慶賀,暢飲瓊漿玉露,一醉劉 伶方休。司禮*再次感謝諸位。 (抱拳施禮退場) 篇五:山東傳統(tǒng)婚禮主持詞 婚禮主持詞濟寧附中李濤 各位來賓、父老鄉(xiāng)親們:大家上午好。 今天是個好日子,歡聲笑語,天降吉祥,兩顆相戀已久 的心,終于走到了一起在今后日子的里,他們將風(fēng)雨同舟、 相濡以沫、恩愛到老

42、、攜手一生。現(xiàn)在,吉時已到, 現(xiàn)在我宣布紅彬和 _的結(jié)婚典禮儀式現(xiàn)在開始。1.婚禮進行第一項:鳴炮奏樂!有請二位新人登場。 看咱的新郎是英俊瀟灑,相貌堂堂,濃眉大眼,落落大 方。 大家在看咱的新娘子,一身大紅旗袍,亭亭玉立,溫 柔大方,白里透紅,是與眾不同,身形苗條似仙女。他們往這兒一站,是天生一對,地上一雙。 (男左女右) (下面我們問幾個問題,看看他們的愛情 真誠度)先問紅彬: 您愿意娶您身邊_ 做你的老婆嗎?(大聲)請給點掌聲再來一次!侄媳婦俺侄怎么樣:你愿意嫁給俺侄唄?(大聲) 真是兩廂情愿,珠聯(lián)璧合.你倆商量好的吧。2.婚禮進行第二項:新郎新娘拜天地(鞠躬)一拜天地之靈氣,生活能有好

43、運氣;二拜日月之精華,萬物生長全靠她;三拜春夏和秋冬,風(fēng)調(diào)雨順五谷豐! 哎呀,看新郎、新娘的幸福勁兒淡定,淡定,成了新家,別忘爹媽。 其實還有兩位老人他們也很幸福,大家知道是誰吧?對, 二哥二嫂!能有今天的幸福,不能忘記父母的養(yǎng)育之恩。有 請爸媽上座。3.婚禮進行第三項:拜高堂一拜父母養(yǎng)我身,吃水不忘打井人。二拜爹娘教我心,富貴不忘養(yǎng)育恩。 三次再把父母拜,保證明年給您生個胖孫孫。今年夠嗆了,還這幾天。不過你倆都學(xué)醫(yī)的,管白?這 幾天?回去研究研究。 拜過天地拜高堂, 拜過高堂拜對方。4.婚禮進行第四項:夫妻對拜 既然結(jié)婚就別見外,夫妻當(dāng)眾對著拜。二位新人向左向 右轉(zhuǎn),找準自己的方向。我們大家

44、看一下,誰鞠躬鞠得越深 說明誰愛對方愛得越深: (好, 準備好, 新郎新娘莫著急拜,聽到我的口令后再開始拜) (大家監(jiān)督)一拜 有福同享,有難同當(dāng); (別著急)鞠躬,雙方要頭碰著頭;二拜 夫妻恩愛,相敬如賓;再鞠躬,雙方要碰著 臉貼著臉;三拜勤儉持家,同工同酬;三鞠躬,雙方要嘴 對著嘴!俗話說的好,兩人結(jié)伴世間走,鍋碰勺子經(jīng)常有, 幸福長久不長久,堂前請喝交杯酒。 (請端上兩杯紅酒) 這 杯酒你喝一口,幸福的日子天天有;問,感覺怎么樣? 最后,大冷天的,父老鄉(xiāng)親來捧場,讓我們的新郎新娘 向各位街坊鄰居鞠躬,表示感謝!向后轉(zhuǎn),鞠躬,深一點!5.第五項-入洞房了 新郎抱新娘入洞房。 真是百年修得同

45、船渡,千年求得共枕眠。6.下面進行第六項灑喜糖。誰灑喜糖? 好了,新婚儀式到此結(jié)束。篇六:婚慶主持詞英文版Ladies and gentlemen,We are about to witness and s romantic wedding.Im the new couples friend, the host of the wedding,Longfei. At thismoment, In the marriage hall, everything seems so amazing for yourpresence.Today,a father is going to open the g

46、ate of love ,which willbring his daughter to the road lead to happpiness.The bridegroom, , is going to welcome his beautiful bride withhis true heart and excitment, Now, welcome Mr. David!One of the manis her father, the other is her lover, they are twoof the most important man in her life. It not o

47、nly the deliver of love,but also the relay of love.Now, lets keep quiet, with our blessing, the new couple willwalk towards to the most holic marriage hall hand in hand.篇七:結(jié)婚誓詞:教堂婚禮英文主持詞 結(jié)婚誓詞:教堂婚禮英文主持詞Minister:We are gathered here today to witness the coming together oftwo people, _ and _ ,whose hea

48、rts and spirits are entwined as one. They now desire toprofess before all the world their intention henceforth to walk theroad of life together.To these two young people, this marriage signifies the birth of anew spirit, a spirit which is a part of each of us, yet not of any one ofus alone. This bir

49、th of spirit reminds us of spring, the season whenall life is reborn and looms again. It is appropriate, therefore, that thiswedding of _ and_ be in the spring, and that it be under the open sky,where we are close to the earth and to the unity of life, the totality ofliving things of which we are pa

50、rt.The beliefs and thoughts about love which motivate these twopeople are perhaps best expressed in the words of poet KahlilGibran:You were born to be together, and together you shall beforevermore.You shall be together when the wings of death scatter your ,you shall be together even in your silent

51、memory.But let there be spaces in your togetherness,And let the winds of the heaven dance between you.Love one another, but make not a bondage of love.Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your eachothers cup, but drink not from one cup.Give one another of your bread, but eat not of th

52、e same anddance together and be joyous, but let each of you be alone,Even as the strings of a lute are alone, though they quiver withthe same music.Give your hearts, but not into each others keeping,For only the hand of life can contain your hearts.And stand together, yet not too near together,For t

53、he pillars of the temple stand apart,And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in shadow.Minister to Bride:Do you _ , knowing this mans love foryou and returning it, realizing his strengths and learning from them,recognizing his weaknesses and helping him to overcome them,take _ to beyour lawfully w

54、edded husbandBride:I do.Minister:Place the ring on his finger.篇八:中式傳統(tǒng)婚禮主持詞 中式傳統(tǒng)婚禮主持詞新郎下馬,富貴榮華了。新郎新娘 手牽手,真心相愛到永久了。一對新人朝前走,天地為證天 長地久。尊敬的各位街坊四鄰,親朋好友大家早上好。新人 到門前,賓朋站兩邊,x府迎淑女,鼓樂迎新人嘍(有請一 對新人牽手同行,兩人從此牽手一生嘍)新人進家門,首先 邁火盆,以后的小日子是紅紅火火嘍走一塊檀香木,雕 成玉馬鞍,新人邁過去,步步保平安嘍走有請新人邁過笙 子,祝一對新人早生貴子。紅紅的蓋頭喜氣洋洋,帶著富貴 和吉祥,大家想不想看看新娘子

55、的花容月貌?我想問一下新 郎,挑蓋頭應(yīng)該用什么挑?新郎說: “用稱桿”我問一下新郎為什么要用稱桿?新郎說: “稱-心-如-意”稱桿是十六顆 星,代表著北斗七星,南斗六星,外加福、祿、壽三星。這 就是十六顆星。這叫稱心如意,富貴吉祥。來。新郎把新娘 子的蓋頭挑起來在這的親朋好友我想問一下,今天的新 郎帥不帥?感覺的帥的話,大家用掌聲來刺激他一下怎么樣? 如果大家覺得今天的新娘新郎更加美的請用熱烈的掌送給 她好不好?今天是公元年 月 日,農(nóng)歷 的 月初 ,先 生和小姐喜結(jié)連理,佳偶天成,那么下面我隆重的宣布: “婚 禮現(xiàn)在開始!鞭炮齊鳴,禮花披紅,鑼鼓喧天” 。鞭炮聲聲 震天響,闔家歡樂喜洋洋,親

56、朋好友齊相聚,來看新人拜花 堂。天作之合天長地久一鞠躬締結(jié)連理地久天長再鞠躬天地 為證幸福一生三鞠躬有請一對新人向后轉(zhuǎn),面對堂上泰山老 人行叩-首-大-禮。老泰山身體健康一叩首老少同樂家庭和 睦再叩首愿老人福如東海長流水,壽比南山不老松。松不老 老來坐享天倫,三叩首。有請伴娘拿上長壽茶。有請今天的 新郎官和新娘子給堂上老人敬茶。茶苦苦來好相處,茶甜甜 來豐收年。夫-妻-交-拜一拜頭碰頭,結(jié)發(fā)夫妻真心相愛到 永久。拜再拜臉碰臉,白頭到老心心相印到永遠。拜三拜嘴碰嘴,今生今世不后悔。拜新郎新娘結(jié)婚好,感謝來賓起的早多謝大家來幫忙,讓新人鞠躬表衷腸。有請一對新人行答謝禮一鞠躬,愿大家天天開心喜氣洋洋

57、再鞠躬,愿大家天天有個好心情三鞠躬,愿大家家庭幸福,永遠安康。有請新郎 抱新娘,歡歡喜喜入洞房嘍。篇九:傳統(tǒng)中式婚禮主持詞傳統(tǒng)中式婚禮主持詞山歡水笑同賀新婚喜,地久天長共祝百年好。 (響樂) 尊敬的各位親朋、各位貴友、女士們!先生們! 、街坊 四鄰們,大家好!今天是公元*年元月*日,農(nóng)歷*年*月初*,今 天久賦盛名的 - 大酒樓6樓的宴會大廳,是高朋滿座,金碧輝煌,正在恭候一對新人的到來。承蒙*氏家族和*氏家族 的厚愛,在這里為一對新人主持新婚慶典,我感到萬分的榮 幸,希望大家在儀式當(dāng)中,給予一對新人和主持人,多多的 掌聲支持,謝謝啦! (響樂)在這里我也要代表一對新人和他們的雙方家長,對各位

58、 來賓的到來表示熱烈的歡迎和衷心的感謝!祝各位來賓朋友 們,在今后的工作、 生活中生意興隆, 財源廣進, 心想事成, 萬事如意,抬頭見喜,低頭見錢。謝謝! (響樂)現(xiàn)在良辰吉時己到,我宣布*先生*小姐新婚慶典現(xiàn) 在開始。有勞嘉賓大架,全體起身。這正是“新人到堂前,賓主站兩邊,才子配佳人,鼓樂響連天。 ”有請新人入 花堂拉?。憳罚敖鑱硖焐匣穑汲苫鹨慌?,新人火上過,日子過的紅 紅火火啦!”(響樂)“一塊檀香木, 雕成玉馬鞍, 新人邁過去, 步步保平安。 ” (響樂)一撒金,二撒銀,三撒新人上臺轉(zhuǎn)過身。(響樂) 有請新郎官在自己新婚慶典的舞臺上三箭定乾坤: 一箭射天,天賜良緣,新人喜臨門啦!

59、二箭射地,地配一雙,新人百年好和。三箭定乾坤,先射天,后射地,天長地久,地久天長。 (響樂)一對新人在大家的掌聲祝福下,已經(jīng)來到了花堂上,有 請來賓落座。各位來賓,各位貴友,按照咱老祖宗的規(guī)矩,新娘的蓋 頭是到了洞房新郎才挑開了, 但是,今天來了這么多的客人, 這么多的朋友,這么多的嘉賓,大家是不是想早一點看看新 娘的花容呀! (想)。那好!今兒咱們就來個“與時俱進” , 提前在這里讓新郎揭開蓋頭,好不好?(好) (然后拿一稱 桿,問?)大家知道這是什么呀?(稱桿)對,這是稱桿, 稱桿這上面的是什么?(稱星)這秤桿也叫“喜竿” ,咱們 讓新郎官,拿這個“喜竿”挑開新娘的蓋頭,新郎官“稱心如意”

60、啦?。憳罚┻@正是“芙蓉出綠水,新人露花容” 。大家掌聲祝福啦! (響樂)介紹新人 朋友們,下面請允許我向大家介紹以下這兩位新人:這 位英俊瀟灑,精明干練,滿臉沾沾自喜,又有一點洋洋得意 的先生,就是新郎先生;掌聲祝賀 - 。(響樂)站在新郎旁邊的這位美麗大方,滿臉甜蜜的就是新娘小姐。掌聲祝 福他們?。憳罚┤菥胚荡蠖Y下面請新人行大禮,行三拜九叩之禮。一拜天地 一拜天地日月星,請一對新人轉(zhuǎn)過身,整衣冠,拱手作 揖,拜。風(fēng)調(diào)雨順,一鞠躬,五谷豐登,再鞠躬, 家業(yè)興旺,(響樂)三鞠躬,起身。再拜高堂,老祖宗。 有請雙方家長上臺入座,依次為女方家長,男方家長。 整衣冠,拜。 (響樂)祝父母多福多壽


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