1、房屋買賣三方合同Three-party Property Sales & Purchase Agreeme nt甲方(賣方):Party A (Seller):乙方(買方):Party B (Buyer):丙方(居間方):北京安信瑞德房地產(chǎn)經(jīng)紀有限公司店Party C (Agent): Beijing AnxinruideReal Estate Brokerage Co. Ltd.Office合同編號:S-34-700000編號:Agreeme nt No.: S-34-700000No.:溫馨提示:尊敬的客戶,您好!歡迎您成為21世紀中國不動產(chǎn)客戶大家庭中的一員,能為您提供服務,我們
2、感到非常榮幸!為了維護您的權益,當您向本公司支付任何一筆款項時,務必要求我公司業(yè)務人員提供蓋有本公司印章或財務章的收據(jù)或發(fā)票,以此確認本公司收到該款項,否則,本公司不予認可。Dear customer,Thank you for choos ing Cen tury21 China Real Estate. It is our honor to provide you with our services!For your in terest, please claim payme nt receipt or in voice with our compa ny' s chop from
3、 your age nt whe n youmake any payme ntto our compa ny.您的成交委托協(xié)議編號:The serial nu mber of your en trustme nt agreeme nt :咨詢電話:65610088-124全國統(tǒng)一客服電話:400 - 650 - 8821Customer Hotl ine in Beiji ng: 65610088124Natio nwide Customer Service Hotli ne: 4006-50-8821房屋買賣三方合同Three-party Property Sales & Purch
4、ase Agreeme nt甲方(賣方):Party A (Seller):乙方(買方):Party B (Buyer):丙方(居間方):北京安信瑞德房地產(chǎn)經(jīng)紀有限公司( 21世紀不動產(chǎn)北京 店)Party C (Agent): Beijing Anxinruide Real Estate Brokerage Co. Ltd. (Century21 BeijingRealty)根據(jù)中華人民共和國有關法律、法規(guī)和北京市有關規(guī)定,甲、乙雙方遵循自愿、公平和誠實信用的原則,共同委托丙方代理 并見證甲乙雙方之間的買賣行為,經(jīng)甲、乙、丙三方協(xié)商一致,共同訂立本合同,以茲各方共同遵守。Pu rsuant
5、to relevant laws and regulations of the People' s Republic of China and relevant rules of Beijing Municipality, Party Aand Party B entrust Party C to act as their agent for the sales between Party A and Party B and bear testimony to the afore-said transaction in principle of voluntary, fairness
6、and honesty. Through friendly negotiation, Party A, Party B and Party C hereby agree to enter into this Agreement and abide by it jointly.第一條房產(chǎn)成交甲方自愿將自有的房屋產(chǎn)權有償轉讓給乙方。該房產(chǎn)符合北京市建設管理委員會制定的房屋上市標準,甲方岀售該房屋時亦同時將該房屋已分攤的土地使用面積和土地使用期限轉讓給乙方。房屋具體情況如下:1、甲方依法取得的房屋產(chǎn)權證號為: ;2、 房產(chǎn)位于北京市區(qū)【縣;房屋結構: ,房屋用途: ;(有產(chǎn)權車位的請?zhí)貏e注明)3、
7、房屋建筑面積 平方米;房屋使用面積 平方米(可不填);4、房產(chǎn)權屬轉移時,附帶附屬設施狀況及室內(nèi)裝飾情況見(附件二);5、甲方保證已如實陳述該房產(chǎn)權屬狀況、裝飾情況和相關關系,乙方對甲方上述轉讓房產(chǎn)的具體情況充分了解,自愿買受該 房產(chǎn);6、房屋共有人及共有人意見:房屋共有人:指對房屋共同享有所有權的兩個或兩個以上自然人、法人或其他組織的共有人。共有人共有人證件號碼共有人意見I. Sales & purchase of the propertyParty A agrees to sell the property to Party B. The property is qualified
8、 for sale in the market in accordance with the regulation ofBeijing Municipal Construction Committee. Together with the sales of the property, the allocated land area for the property andthe usable term of the land is transferred to Party B jointly. The property is described as:1. Serial no. of the
9、title certificate of the property is:;2. Address: , District (County), Beijing; architecture:,purpose:(please indicate if there is parking lot with title);2 23. Construction area:m ; usable floor space:m (optional);4. Together with the title of the property, facilities and interior decorations to be
10、 transferred are as described in Appendix (1);5. Party A shall guarantee that it has completely disclosed the facts about the property, including but not limited to the title,decoration and relevant information; Party B has fully understood the facts and agrees to buy the property voluntarily.6. Co-
11、owners of the property and intention for the saleCo-owners refer to more than one person, legal person or organization, who own the title of the property together.Co-ownersID No.Intention for sale of the property第二條成交價格及付款方式一、成交價格甲、乙雙方經(jīng)協(xié)商一致,同意上述房產(chǎn)成交價格為人民幣 元;即人民幣 仟佰拾_萬仟佰拾元整;上述交易總價款包括:【房價款】【公共維修基金】【室內(nèi)
12、不可移動之裝修】【空調】及其它【】。二、付款方式甲乙雙方經(jīng)協(xié)商一致,甲方認可乙方采取以下第 種方式付款:1現(xiàn)金支付乙方應在簽訂本合同當日,預先支付總房款的 %,即人民幣 元,(大寫)_佰_拾_萬_仟_佰_拾_元整,作為保證雙方履行合同的定金,該筆款項連同剩余款項經(jīng)甲乙雙方協(xié)商, 決定采用下列第種方式:a)全部支付給甲方,甲方開具相應的收款憑證;b)暫時存入21世紀不動產(chǎn)北京區(qū)域分部在特定銀行開立的監(jiān)管賬戶內(nèi),由該銀行監(jiān)管該部分資金,待該房屋權屬過戶手續(xù)辦理完畢及物業(yè)交割后,連同剩余房款一并支付給甲方。此業(yè)務須由甲乙雙方與21世紀不動產(chǎn)北京區(qū)域分部另行簽訂交易資金監(jiān)管委托協(xié)議;c)剩余款項的支付
13、:同時,甲、乙雙方在此鄭重確認:前述由21世紀不動產(chǎn)北京區(qū)域分部進行的資金監(jiān)管款項,一經(jīng)進入資金監(jiān)管賬戶即視同乙 方已履行向甲方給付定金和房款的義務。2、銀行貸款(1) 乙方應在簽訂本合同當日,預先支付總房款的 %,即人民幣 元,(大寫)佰拾萬仟佰拾元整,作為保證雙方履行合同的定金;(2) 乙方應在簽訂本合同 日內(nèi),另行支付人民幣 元整(大寫)佰拾萬仟佰拾元整,連同先前支付的定金 (定金折抵首付款),一并作為首付款(首付款金額按照貸款銀行的貸款條件不得低于房屋總價款的_%)。上述(1 )、( 2)款項經(jīng)甲乙雙方協(xié)商一致,決定采用下列第 種方式:a)全部支付給甲方,甲方開具相應的收款憑證;b)暫
14、時存入21世紀不動產(chǎn)北京區(qū)域分部在特定銀行開立的監(jiān)管賬戶內(nèi),由該銀行監(jiān)管該部分資金,待該房屋權屬過戶手續(xù)辦理完畢及物業(yè)交割后,連同剩余房款一并支付給甲方。此業(yè)務須由甲乙雙方與21世紀不動產(chǎn)北京區(qū)域分部另行簽訂交易資金監(jiān)管委托協(xié)議;c);同時,甲、乙雙方在此鄭重確認:前述由21世紀不動產(chǎn)北京區(qū)域分部進行的資金監(jiān)管款項,一經(jīng)進入資金監(jiān)管賬戶即視同乙方已履行向甲方給付定金和首付房款的義務。乙方采用銀行貸款的方式支付剩余房款,由21世紀不動產(chǎn)北京區(qū)域分部提供統(tǒng)一的金融按揭服務,乙方須與21世紀不動產(chǎn)北京區(qū)域分部另行訂立貸款委托協(xié)議。1) 經(jīng)辦理貸款的銀行審批,乙方符合貸款條件的,貸款銀行依據(jù)乙方簽署的
15、委托付款授權書將款項一次性劃至甲方 在同行開設的專用結算帳戶。2) 經(jīng)辦理貸款的銀行審批,乙方因自身原因尚不符合貸款條件的,雙方經(jīng)協(xié)商,選擇方式解決:A. 自銀行做岀不予批貸的決定起 日內(nèi),乙方自行籌集剩余房款,按照現(xiàn)金支付的形式支付給甲方,乙方承擔在此期間發(fā)生的各項費用;B. 乙方獨立或轉托他人申請其他銀行貸款,取得銀行貸款后將款項支付給甲方,在此期間發(fā)生的各項費用由乙方承 擔;C. 終止本協(xié)議的履行,由甲乙雙方返還相應款項,期間發(fā)生的各項費用由乙方承擔。三、關于稅費相關規(guī)定1、本合同履行期間內(nèi),甲、乙雙方自行按國家及地方相關規(guī)定自行繳納各項稅、費,丙方協(xié)助甲乙雙方進行相關稅費的確認及計算工
16、作。稅費分擔經(jīng)甲乙雙方協(xié)商,決定按照如下方式進行分擔:甲方承擔:;乙方承擔:;雙方對前述'目關法律規(guī)定繳納;在上述房屋交付前未支付的物業(yè)管理費、水、電、燃氣、通信費等其他費用,由甲方承擔,房屋交付之后發(fā)生的前述費用,由 乙方承擔;2、上述稅費可在丙方向應付費方預收后代為繳納,相關部門所開具的完稅憑證、行政事業(yè)性收據(jù)、工本費發(fā)票等單據(jù),待代 理事項完成后,由丙方交付給付費的一方。II. Sales price and terms of payme nt1. Sales PriceParty A and Party B agree that the sales price of the p
17、roperty be RMB;The price includes: price of the property, public maintenance fund, permanent interior decoration, air-conditioners and others .2. Terms of PaymentParty B shall make the payment in accordance withas follow:A. CashUpon signing of this Agreement, Party B shall pay 10% of the price (say
18、RMB) as the deposit. This paymentshall be made in accordance withas follow:a. Paid to Party A in full and Party A shall issue an invoice;b. Deposited temporarily to the escrow account of Century21 Beijing Region. This deposit will be released only when the title transfer from Party A to Party B is c
19、ompleted and the property handover has been concluded, andthe deposit will be released together with the remaining payment to Party A. To do this, Party A and Party B need to sign a separate Escrow Agreement with Century21 Beijing Region.c. Payment method of the remaining amount:;Party A and Party B
20、 hereby agree that, for the afore-said method (b), once the escrow fund is deposited in the escrow account of Century21 Beijing Region, it is deemed that Party B has performed its payment obligation of deposit and the sales price.B. Mortgagea. Upon signing of this Agreement, Party B shall pay% of th
21、e price (say RMB) as the deposit,which will be part of the down payment.b. Withindays after signing of this Agreement, Party B shall make up the rest part of the down payment (thedown payment shall be no less than % of the price in accordance with mortgage bank' s requirement).Through the negoti
22、ation, Party B agrees to make the afore-said payment inway as follow:a. Paid in full amount to Party A and Party A shall issue an invoice;b. Deposited temporarily into the escrow account of Century21 Beijing Region.This deposit will be released onlywhen the title transfer from Party A to Party B is
23、completed and the property handover has been concluded, andthe deposit will be released together with the remaining payment to Party A. To do this, Party A and Party B need to sign a separate Escrow Agreement with Century21 Beijing Region.c.Party A and Party B hereby agree that, for the afore-said m
24、ethod (b), once the escrow fund is deposited in the escrow account of Century21 Beijing Region, it is deemed that Party B has performed its payment obligation of deposit and the down payment.If Party B makes the remaining payment with bank mortgage, Party B shall sign a separateEntrusted Payment Aut
25、horizationwith Century 21 Beijing Region for its mortgage services.a. If Party B satisfies the criteria of getting the mortgage loan through the examination of the lending bank, the lending bank shall remit the loan in lump sum to the special settlement account opened by Party A at the bank in accor
26、dance with the Entrusted Payment Authorization .b. In case Party B does not satisfy the criteria of getting the loan through the examination of the lending bank, PartyB will chooseof the following methods as the solution:i) Withindays after the bank decides not to provide the loan, Party B shall rai
27、se the remainingpayment by himself and pay in cash to Party A. Party B shall bear all the expenses occurred during this period;ii) Terminate this Agreement, and Party A and Party B shall refund the money which have been paid toeach other. Party B shall bear all the expenses occurred during this peri
28、od.3. Taxes and feesA. Party A and Party B shall pay all the taxes and fees respectively in accordance with relevant regulations of the state and local governments. Party C shall assist Party A and Party B to calculate relevant taxes and fees. Through negotiation, Party A and Party B agree to bear t
29、he taxes and fees as follows:Party A shall pay:Party B shall pay:For any taxes or fees unspecified, unclear, or changed with the policy, Party A and Party B shall reach a consensus days before the title transfer, or Party A and Party B shall make the payment in accordance with the government regulat
30、ion.Fees including but not limited to property management fee, utility fees for water, electricity, gas, telephone and others before the handover of the property is concluded shall be born by Party A. And the fees after shall be born by Party B.B. Party A and Party B may entrust Party C to pay the a
31、foresaid taxes and fees and Party C shall transfer the payment proof, receipts and invoices issued by relevant government to the parties that make the payment.第三條居間報酬的金額及支付方式因甲乙雙方基于丙方的媒介服務而訂立房屋買賣合同,丙方有權收取相應的居間報酬,因此甲乙雙方在訂立房屋買賣合同時,約定選擇下列第種方式支付丙方的居間報酬:1、 居間報酬由一方支付,即方應于本合同簽訂當日按照房屋總價款的 %,即人民幣元向丙方支付居間報酬;2
32、、 居間報酬由甲乙雙方分攤,即甲方按照房屋總價款的,即人民幣元向于本合同簽訂當日丙方支付居間報酬,乙方按照房屋總價款的 %,即人民幣 元于本合同簽訂當日向丙方支付居間報酬。甲乙雙方的房屋買賣合同訂立后,因甲方或/和乙方的原因致使合同未履行的,居間報酬不予退還。III. Commissi on and terms of payme ntParty A and Party B agree to pay Party C the commission for providing the agency services in accordance withof thefollowing payment
33、methods:1. Born by one party. Partyshall pay% of the property price (say RMB) to Party C upon signing of thisAgreement;2. Shared by two parties. Party A shall pay % of the property price (say RMB), and Party B shall pay% of theproperty price (say RMB) to Party C upon signing of the agreement.The afo
34、re-said commission shall no be refunded by Party C to any party shall this agreement fail to be performed due to default of either Party A or Party B once this Agreement is entered by the three parties.第四條權屬過戶代理甲乙雙方辦理權屬過戶的所有證件資料準備齊全,由丙方為甲乙雙方提供有償?shù)倪^戶委托代理服務。丙方提供權屬過戶代理服務,權屬過戶的代理服務費金額為人民幣元,由方于本合同簽訂當日支付給丙
35、方,(或甲方支付 元,乙方支付 元);IV. Title tran sfer age ncy servicesParty A and Party B shall prepare the certificates and materials for title transfer and Party C shall provide chargeable title transfer services for Party A and Party B with fees.The service fee for title transfer agency services is RMB. The fee
36、 shall be paid by Partyto Party C upon signing ofthis Agreement (or, Party A pay RMB and Party B pay RMB to Party C).第五條房屋交付1、 甲乙雙方同意,于辦理權屬過戶手續(xù)(前/后)日內(nèi)騰出該房屋,并由丙方協(xié)助甲乙雙方辦理該房產(chǎn)的物業(yè)交割手續(xù)。若甲乙雙方協(xié)商確定權屬過戶后辦理物業(yè)交割手續(xù), 則由甲方向丙方預留押金 元,待物業(yè)交割完畢核對無誤后返還給甲方。2、 甲方承諾,自本合同簽訂之日起至該房屋物業(yè)交割期間,凡已納入本合同(附件二)的各項房屋裝飾及附屬設施被損壞或被拆除的,甲方應按
37、被損壞或被拆除的房屋裝飾及附屬設施評估值,向乙方支付賠償金。3、甲方自行承擔該房產(chǎn)物業(yè)交割前所發(fā)生的,應由甲方承擔的物業(yè)及相關費用,物業(yè)交割手續(xù)辦理完畢后,上述費用由乙方承擔。4、 甲乙雙方同意在簽訂本合同后 個工作日(以丙方通知為準),持本合同和相關證件共同到房地產(chǎn)交易管理部門辦理產(chǎn)權過戶手續(xù)。辦理產(chǎn)權過戶手續(xù)中所發(fā)生的相關稅費、土地岀讓金及手續(xù)費按國家規(guī)定收費標準由方支付。V. Han dover of the property1. Party A and Party B agree that Party A shall vacate the property days before th
38、e title transfer. Party C shall assist PartyA and Party B with the handover of the property. In case Party A and Party B agree to conduct handover of the property after the title transfer, Party A shall pay Party C a deposit in the amount of RMB, and this amount will be refunded toParty B after the
39、handover of the property is completed.2. Party A shall promise to compensate Party B for the damage to or the dismantling of the decorations and accessories covered by Appendix I of the agreement from the signing of the agreement to the handover of the property in accordancewith the evaluation of th
40、e damaged or dismantled decorations and accessories.3. Party A shall bear the property management fee and other relevant fees before the handover of the property and the aforesaid fees shall be paid by Party B after the handover of the property.4. Party A and Party B agree to conduct the title trans
41、fer days after signing of this Agreement taking title certificate andrelevant material. Party C will inform the specific date. Party shall pay the taxes and fees for title transfer in accordance withthe government regulations.第六條甲方的權利和義務(一)甲方的權利:1、甲方有查驗乙方身份的權利;2、甲方有按合同約定取得定金、房款的權利;3、甲方有追究乙方違約責任的權利。(
42、二)甲方的義務:1、向乙方提供真實、完整和有效的房屋相關資料的義務;2、有向乙方告知房屋真實狀況包括但不限于出租、抵押、滲漏和其他瑕疵的義務;3、 房屋產(chǎn)權轉移后 日內(nèi)將與本房屋相關戶口遷岀的義務;4、如期配合乙方進行產(chǎn)權轉移的義務;5、在房屋交付乙方前,保證本合同所列房屋附屬設施和設備的完好和狀況良好;6、在房屋交付乙方前,保證繳清與房屋相關且應由甲方支付的各項費用。VI. Rights and obligati ons of Party A1. Rights of Party AA. Party A shall have the right to check Party B' s
43、identificationB. Party A shall have the right to get deposit and property sales price as stipulated in the Agreement.C. Party A shall have the right of lawsuit upon Party B' s breach to this Agreement.2. Duties of Party AA. Party A shall provide Party B with true, completed and valid information
44、 about the property;B. Party A shall disclose to Party B the real facts about the property, including but not limited to the rental, collateral, leakage and other defect of the property;C. Party A shall change its residence address at the property days after title transfer;D. Party A shall cooperate
45、 with Party B for title transfer in a timely manner;E. Party A shall guarantee all the facilities and accessories of the property described in Appendix I are in good condition upon the handover of the property;F. Party A shall pay off all the fees related with the property before the handover of the
46、 property.第七條乙方的權利和義務(一)乙方的權利:1、乙方有權查驗與甲方所售房屋相關的手續(xù)、合同和證件;2、乙方有權實地查驗房屋的狀況;3、乙方對房屋的實際狀況有知情權;4、乙方有追究甲方違約責任的權利。(二)乙方的義務:1、乙方有按合同約定支付定金和房款的義務;2、乙方有如期配合甲方辦理產(chǎn)權轉移的義務;3、乙方有提供真實、完整和有效身份資料的義務。VII. Rights and obligations of Party B1. Rights of Party BA. Party Bshall have the right tocheck all the material, cont
47、racts and certificate about theproperty;B. Party Bshall have the right toinspect the property;C. Party Bshall have the right tobe informed of the facts about the property;D. Party Bshall have the right oflawsu it upon Party A ' s breach to this Agreement.2. Obligations of Party BA. Party B shall
48、 pay the deposit and sales price in accordance with the stipulation of this Agreement;B. Party B shall cooperate with Party A for title transfer in a timely manner;C. Party B shall provide true, completed and valid identification material.第八條丙方的權利和義務1、為甲乙雙方提供訂立合同的媒介服務,為甲乙雙方提供簽約場所,見證甲乙雙方簽訂房屋買賣合同;2、按期
49、為甲乙雙方提交相關材料,并及時向甲乙雙方通報工作進展情況,協(xié)助甲乙雙方辦理物業(yè)交割手續(xù)。VIII. Rights and obligations of Party C1. Party C shall provide agency services for Party A and Party B for signing this Agreement, providing the signing place, and bearing testimony of signing this Agreement;2. Party C shall provide Party A and Party B re
50、lated material, update them the transaction process and assist them with property handover.第九條甲方的違約責任(一)因甲方提供的房產(chǎn)相關手續(xù)、合同和證件不真實、不完整或無效導致房屋產(chǎn)權無法轉移或房屋無法交付使用的,甲方 應向乙方雙倍返還定金;(二)甲方未按本合同約定的期限將上述房屋交付(包括房屋交付及房屋權屬轉移)給乙方,甲、乙雙方同意按下列第_款內(nèi)容處理。1 、每逾期一日,甲方應向乙方支付已收款 %的違約金,合同繼續(xù)履行;2 、甲方逾期 日未交付房屋或未按期配合產(chǎn)權轉移手續(xù)的,乙方應書面催告甲方,自收
51、到乙方書面催告之日起的日內(nèi),甲方仍未交付房屋或進行產(chǎn)權轉移的,乙方有權單方解除合同,甲方應向乙方雙倍返還定金,若甲方由此給乙方造成經(jīng)濟損失的,應由甲方據(jù)實賠償;(三)因甲方未完全告知房屋真實狀況包括但不限于岀租、抵押、滲漏、質量缺陷等其他重大瑕疵的,甲、乙雙方同意按下 列第款的內(nèi)容處理:1、甲方應向乙方支付房屋成交價格 %勺違約金,合同繼續(xù)履行;2 、甲方承諾于 日內(nèi),保證房屋處于無瑕疵的狀況并為乙方所接受,合同繼續(xù)履行。否則,乙方有權單方解除本合同,甲方應向乙方雙倍返還定金,若甲方由此給乙方造成經(jīng)濟損的,應由甲方據(jù)實賠償;3、乙方有權單方解除本合同,甲方應向乙方雙倍返還定金,若甲方由此給乙方
52、造成經(jīng)濟損的,應由甲方據(jù)實賠償。(四)因甲方未如期將與本房屋相關的戶口遷出的,甲方除應于日內(nèi)完成遷出手續(xù)外,還應向乙方支付 元的違約金;(五)因甲方管理不善或故意將合同中約定的裝修、房屋附屬設施和設備損壞的,應按被損壞物品的實際價值向乙方補償并應向乙方支付元的違約金。IX. Breach of the Agreeme nt by Party A1. Party A shall refund doubled deposit to Party B in case the title of the property fails to be transferred or the property fa
53、ils tobe handed over due to the false, uncompleted or invalid certificates, contracts or material in relation with the property provided by Party A;2. In case Party A fails to hand over the aforesaid property to Party B within the period stipulated in the agreement, Party Aand Party B agree to adopt
54、 of the following solutions:A. Party A shall pay Party B% of the collected payment par day as the default fine and the agreement shallcontinue to be effective.B. In case the length of overdue period exceeds days and Party A has not handed over the property or transferthe property title to Party B, P
55、arty B shall send a written notice to Party A, and Party B shall have the right toterminate the agreement when Party A still fails to handover the property or transfer the titledays after PartyB sends out the written notice to Party A. In this case, Party A shall return double the deposit to Party B
56、 and compensate Party B economic damage due to the default.3. In case there occurs any damage on Party B as the result that Party A fails to disclose to Party B the real facts about theproperty, including but not limited to the rental, collateral, leakage and other defect of the property, Party A an
57、d Party B agree to adopt of the following solutions:A. Party A shall pay Party B% of the property sales pricepar day as the default fine and the agreementshall continue to be effective.B. Party A promises to recover the property to the condition satisfied by Party B withindays, and the agreementshall continue to be effective. Otherwise, Party B reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and in this case,Party A sh
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