



1、英文寫作中使用率最高覆蓋面最廣的基本句式以下是短文寫作中使用率最高、覆蓋面最廣的基本句式,每組句式 的功能相同或相似,在英文寫作時可根據(jù)自己的情況選擇其中的1-2個(特別參加各種考試時),做到能夠熟練正確地仿寫或套用。1 表示原因 1 ) there are three reasons for this 2) the reasons for this are as follows. 3) the reason for t his is obv ious 4) the reason fo r this is not far to seek 5) th e reason f or this is

2、that. 6) we have go od reason to believe that 例如:there are three rea sons for t he changes that have taken pla ce in our life firstly, people' s living s tandard ha s been gre atly impro ved second ly, most pe ople are w ell paid, and they c an afford what they need or li ke. last bu t not leas

3、t, more and more peop le prefer to enjoy m odern life 注:如寫第一個句子沒 有把握,可將其改寫成兩個句子。如i: gr eat change s have tak en place i n our life there ar e three re asons for this.這樣寫可以避免套用中的表達失誤。2.表示好處1) it has the following advantages 2) it does us a lot of good 3) it benefit s us quite a lot. 4) 11 is benef ic

4、ial to u s. 5) it is of great b enefit to us 例女口: book s are like friends t hey can he ip us know the world better, an d they can open our minds and widen our horizons t herefore, r eading ext ensively i s of great benefit t o us. 3 表示壞處 1) it has more disad vantages t han advant ages 2) it does us

5、mu ch harm 3) it is harm ful to us.例如: however , everythin g divides into two. t elevision can also b e harmful to us. it c an do harm to ourhe alth and m ake us laz y if we sp end too mu ch time wa tching tel evision4.表示重要、必要、困難、方便、可能1 ) it is import ant (necess ary, diffic ult, convert ient, poss

6、ible) for s b. to do st h. 2) we thi nk it nece ssary to d o sth. 3) it plays an important role in ou r life 例如:computers are now be ing used e verywhere, whether in the gover nment, in s chools or in busines s. soon, co mputers wi ii be foun d in every home, too. we have go od reason to say tha t c

7、omputer s are play ing an inc reasingly important role in ou r life and we have s tepped int o the comp uter age 5. 表示措施 1) we should tak e some eff ective mea sures. 2) we should try our best to overco me (conquer) the diffi culties 3) we should do our utm ost in doi ng sth. 4) w e should s olve th

8、e p roblems th at we are confronted (faced) wit h 例如:the h ousing pro blem that we are conf ronted wi th is beco mi ng more and more s erious the refore, we must take some effec tive measu res to sol ve it. 6. 表示變化 1) some c hanges hav e taken pl ace in the past five years 2) a great cha nge will c

9、ertainly b e produced in the wo rld's comm unications 3) the com puter has brought ab out many c hanges in education 例女口: some ch anges have taken pla ce in peop le5s diet in the pas t five yea rs the maj or reasons for these changes a re not far to seek. n owadays, mo re and mor e people a re s

10、witchi ng from gr ain tomea t for prot ein, and fr om fruit a nd vegetab le to milk for vitam ins. 7.表示事實、現(xiàn)狀 1) we ca nnot ignor e the fact that 2) no one can deny the fact that 3) there is no deny ing the fa ct that 4) this is a phenomen on that many people are intere sted iri 5) however, th afs no

11、t t he case 仮ij女口: we cannot ignore th e fact tha t industri alizauon brings wit h it the p roblems of pollution . to solve these prob lems, we c an start b y educatin g the publ ic about t he hazards of pollut ion the go vernment o n its part should al so design stricter i aws to pro mote a cle ane

12、r envir on merit 8. 表示比較 1 ) compa red with a , b 2) i p refer to r ead rather than watc h tv. 3) the re is a st riking con trast betw een them例如:compared with cars , bicycles have sever al advanta ges beside s being af fordable f irstly, the y do not c onsume nat ural resou rces of pe troleum se co

13、ndly, the y do not c ause the p ollution p roblem las t but not least, they contribut e to peopl e's health by giving them due physical e xercise 9.表示數(shù)量 1) it h as increas ed (decreased) from to. 2) the populatio n in this city has n ow increas ed (decrea sed) to 800 , 000. 3) the output of july

14、 in t his factory increased by 15% com pared with that of j anuary.例女口: with the i mprovement of the li ving stand ard, the pr oportion o f people's income sp ent on foo d has deer eased whil e that spe nt on educ atjon has increased. 再如:from th e graph li sted above , it can be seen that studen

15、t u se of comp uters has increased from an av erage of i ess than t wo hours p er week in 1990 to 2 0 hours in 2000. 10.表示看法 1) peopl e have (tak e, adopt, as sume) diffe rent attit udes towar ds sth 2) p eople have different opinions on this pr oblem 3) pe ople take different views of (o n) the que

16、s tion. 4) som e people b elieve tha t others argue that. 例如:peo pie have d ifferent attitudes t owards fai lure. some believe th at failure leads to success ev ery failur e they exp erience tr anslates i nto a greater chanceof succes s at their renewed e ndeavor ho wever, oth ers are ea sily disco

17、uraged by failures a nd put the mselves in to the cat egory of i osers 再如:d o "lucky n umbers really bring good luck? dif fere nt peo pie have d ifferent v iews on it注:一個段落有時很適宜以問句開始,應(yīng) 掌握這一寫作方法。11表示結(jié)論1) in short, it c an be said that 2 ) it may be briefly s ummed up a s follows. 3) from wha t h

18、as been mentioned above, we can come t o the cone lusion tha t 例女口: fr om what ha s been men tioned abo ve, we can come to th e conclusi on that ex aminauon is necessa ry, however, its meth od should be improved.注:例句1可用于任何一個段落的結(jié)論句;例句3 則多用文章結(jié)論段的第一句。12.套語1) it s w ell known to us that 2) as i s known to us, 3) t his is a t opic that is being w idely talk ed about 4 ) from the graph (tabl e, chart) li sted above , it can be se


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