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1、English Practical Writing: Writing a Report報告及圖表描述 英文商務報告包括Introduction (This report aims/sets out to),Findings (It was found that), Conclusions(To conclude), Recommendations (It is suggested that.) ,以及參考文獻(reference)。括號中是每段開頭常用的表達方式。 BEC寫作-報告樣題 You work for PJT Co. Ltd, a manufacturing company. You

2、 need more staff in your department and your manager has asked you to write a report explaining why. Write 120-140 words.Report: More staff are needed in our departmentDate: July 16, 2018IntroductionThis report aims to explain why our department needs more staff.FindingsStatistics show that there ex

3、ists a big gap between the number of staff in our department and staff workload. While the number of order has been growing up, the number of staff has remained steady. Moreover, our customer service department recently received a complaint from one of our clients about a tremendous delay in our del

4、ivery, which is partly caused by staff insufficiency.ConclusionTo conclude, there are many reasons for the need of more staff. It is high time that the department should increase the staff number.RecommendationMore staff should be recruited in the upcoming job-hunting season to improve our performan

5、ce.Report Structure 1. Introduction 2. Findings 3. Conclusion(s) 4. Recommendation(s) In writing a report, how to describe tables, figures, and charts?n1. 表格表格(table)n2. 曲線圖曲線圖( line graph)n3. 柱狀圖柱狀圖/餅狀圖餅狀圖(bar/pie chart) 圖表報告圖表報告的的結構結構 第一段:介紹第一段:介紹(Introduction) 第二段:正文第二段:正文(Findings) 第三段:總結或評論第三段:

6、總結或評論(Conclusion)1. Introduction說明該圖表的性質、主要內容說明該圖表的性質、主要內容nWe should begin our essay with a clear statement. This is to provide the reader with an orientation as well as a context for the individual steps to follow. 右圖是美國右圖是美國Seattle市市Green Hall超市十一超市十一月所銷售的四月所銷售的四種皮鞋價格與種皮鞋價格與數量對比圖,數量對比圖,請對該請對該圖圖寫寫一

7、一個簡要的說明個簡要的說明。 This bar chart shows how price affects peoples demand /buying of shoes in the Green Hall Supermarket of Seattle in November. 右圖是美國右圖是美國海濱旅游小海濱旅游小鎮(zhèn)鎮(zhèn)Bluebeach自自1960年以來年以來所接待的游所接待的游客人數圖,客人數圖,請對該圖作請對該圖作一個簡要的一個簡要的說明。說明。This graph shows how the number of tourists/visitors to the Bluebeach t

8、own changes from 1960 to 2000.世界主要汽車生產國的年產汽車比例圖世界主要汽車生產國的年產汽車比例圖美國美國:44% 日本日本:23% 德國德國: 20% 韓國韓國:13%This pie chart shows the percentage of annual car productions from major car producing countries in the world. 開頭句:描述大致趨勢或總體情況 As is shown from the bar chart above/below/on the right, people buy fewer

9、 shoes as the price of shoes goes up. We can see from the graph that the number of visitors to the Bluebeach town increased steadily before 1990 and then decreased slightly. According to the pie chart above, there are four major car producing countries in the world/ the US is the largest car produce

10、r in the world.2. Findings描述描述總體總體趨勢,極值,轉折點趨勢,極值,轉折點 1.應用應用“there be”句式(例句式(例1, $ 150, 140 pairs) There are 140 pairs of shoes sold when the price reaches $ 150. 2.應用動詞應用動詞“have/has”(例例2, 1980) The Bluebeach town has 33,000 visitors in the year 1980. 3.應用原文中提供的動詞應用原文中提供的動詞(例例3) Korea produces 13% of

11、 the total number of cars in the world.表示數字的常用方法表示數字的常用方法主要有主要有下面下面三三個個句式:句式:1. 主語主語+動詞動詞+副詞副詞+時間時間 n. + v.+adv. +time2. There be +形容詞形容詞+名詞名詞+時間時間 There be + a. + n. + time3. 主語主語+witnessed+形容詞形容詞+名詞名詞+inThe number of tourists to Bluebeach town decreased slightly from the year 1990 to 2000.There is

12、 a sharp rise in the number of tourists to Bluebeach from the year 1980 to the year 1990.The last decade of the 20th century(時間時間) witnessed a slow decline in the number of tourists to Bluebeach(對象對象) = The number of tourists(對象對象) witnessed a slow decline in the last decade of the 20th century(時間時間

13、) 表示變化的常用方法表示變化的常用方法Practice: Line GraphThe graph shows rates of smoking in men and women in the UK from 1960 to 2000.分析:分析:1. Women:1975前上升,前上升,1975后下降(找轉折點)后下降(找轉折點)2. men: 平穩(wěn)平穩(wěn)下降下降3. 時態(tài)時態(tài):一般過去式:一般過去式Line Graph1. Women:1975前上升,前上升,1975后下降(找后下降(找轉折點)轉折點) There was a significant increase in the numb

14、er of female smokers before 1975, and after the year 1975 the rates of women smokers slowly declined.Line Graph2. men: 平穩(wěn)下降,降幅稍大平穩(wěn)下降,降幅稍大 The rates of British male smokers went through/witnessed a continuous downward tendency/trend. The years from 1960 to 2000 witnessed a continuous downward tendenc

15、y in the rates of British male smokers.常用詞常用詞n表示曲線圖最高點和最低點可以使用表示曲線圖最高點和最低點可以使用下列句型:下列句型:nThe figure(s) + npeaked (bottomed out) at/ reached the peak(the bottom) of $150+in DecemberLine Graph The number of female smokers reached the peak of 350 in 1975, and after 1975 the rates of women smokers slowl

16、y decreased to the bottom in 2000. Over the years the number of male smokers declined steadily and bottomed out at 280 in 2000. 主語主語+動詞動詞to具體數據。具體數據。主語主語+動詞動詞tothe peak of具體數據。具體數據。主語主語+動詞副詞,動詞副詞,reaching the peak of +具體具體數據數據, e.g. the number rose significantly, reaching the peak of主語主語+動詞動詞副詞,副詞,r

17、eaching + 具體具體數據數據+時間。時間。 動詞動詞+by 與與+to的區(qū)別的區(qū)別對于對于上升到某個位置的描述:上升到某個位置的描述:n對于對于下降到某個位置的描述下降到某個位置的描述:n動詞動詞to具體數據。具體數據。動詞動詞tothe bottom of具體數據。具體數據。動詞副詞,動詞副詞,reaching the bottom of +具體具體數據,數據,e.g. The number dropped sharply, reaching the bottom of 50 in September.動詞副詞,動詞副詞,reaching + 具體數據具體數據。 主語主語+botto

18、m out at +數字數字ndecrease by; decrease ton3. 起伏波動的句型:起伏波動的句型: fluctuated sharply all through n4. 波動不大的句型:波動不大的句型: hardly changed through the period between and n5. 對于對于百分比進行描述所使用的句型:百分比進行描述所使用的句型: occupy/constitute % of the total takes up/accounts for % in the whole chartn嵌入時間時所使用的介詞和介詞詞組:嵌入時間時所使用的介詞和

19、介詞詞組:infromtobetween.andduringandat the start of at the end of overthroughout Practice 2:The line graph below shows the number of enquires to Tourist Information Office made by telephone, letter/email, and in person from January 2001 to June 2001.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting

20、the main features. (100 words)As can be seen from the graph, three different choices, including enquiring in person, by calling and by e-mail or letter, were presented. The number of enquiries made by communicating face to face witnessed a constant upward trend from 400 to 1200 over the half year, t

21、ransforming from the least popular way to the most prevalent mode.The line graph illustrates the number of enquiries to obtain tourist information in different means during a six-month period from January 2001.With respect to the number of enquiries by letter/email, it started at 800 in January, and

22、 remained relatively stable in the first four months before increasing smoothly to about 1100 in June(全用動詞全用動詞). However, the trend for telephone was quite different, with the number decreasing continuously from 600 in January to 450 in May and then reducing markedly to reach the bottom of 200(用用wit

23、h+ing分詞引出數據變化分詞引出數據變化). Overall, it is obvious that people tended to seek advice about traveling from the professionals in person.Line Graph總結:整體趨勢總結:整體趨勢1975前相反前相反,1975后類似后類似To conclude, the general tendency for male and female rates of smoking in the UK formed a striking contrast before 1975. As t

24、ime went on, the contrast faded away to about the same rate, with men still slightly more.n1. 可以出現在數據前面的修飾詞:可以出現在數據前面的修飾詞:below, under, over, more than, almost, nearly, about, approximatelyn2. 判斷判斷時態(tài)時態(tài),注意,注意圖表中是否有時間出現。圖表中是否有時間出現。如果沒有,則使用一般現在時,如果有,如果沒有,則使用一般現在時,如果有,通常使用一般過去時通常使用一般過去時。n3. 有選擇的利用數據,而不是

25、全部選取。n4. 注意單詞和短語的同義轉換-Lexical ResourceBar Chart: Relative Expression 一個數據一個數據“超過超過”另一個數據:另一個數據: surpass, outnumber, exceed The number of deaths caused by TB far exceeded the number of deaths induced by AIDS.Bar Chart: Relative Expression 對2個或者3個項目進行排序,用followed by, rank With respect to the factors t

26、hat caused deaths in Australia in 1990, TB led to the largest number of death, followed by diarrhoea and malaria. Speaking of the factors that caused deaths in Australia in 1990, TB led to the largest number of death. Diarrhoea and malaria rank second and third respectively. in the case of /in terms

27、 of / in respect of / regarding 在.方面 倍數表達法 女性的失業(yè)率是男性失業(yè)率的三倍。 The unemployment rate of females was three times more than that of male during the Economic Depression. The unemployment rate of women was three times as much as that of men over the period of Economic Depression. TB造成的死亡人數是AIDS的9倍 The numb

28、er of deaths caused by TB was nine times more than that caused by AIDS. The number of deaths caused by TB was nine times as much as that caused by AIDS.Bar Chart PracticeThe chart below shows the percentage of young people aged 15 to 24 employed in different sectors in New Zealand in 1990 and 2000.

29、Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features.In 1990, positions in commerce were considered as the most popular jobs with nearly 30% young people engaged in this sector. In the remaining parts including agriculture, hotel and restaurant, manufacturing, transport and other s

30、ectors, the percentage was similar, taking up 13%-15%. The bar chart illustrates the percentage of young adults aged 15 to 24 in different employment sectors in New Zealand in 1990 and 2000.如何描述1990年的情況?如何描述2000年的情況?Ten years later, the proportion of graduates who worked in commerce still ranked the

31、 first at 38%, followed by the percentage for hotels and restaurants which increased significantly from 15% to 24%. However, the percentages for other four fields decreased, as the figure for transport ranked the last in 2000 at 7%. In conclusion, the youth in New Zealand would like to work in comme

32、rce rather than any other sectors.Pie Chart1.考慮最大考慮最大因素:成本和因素:成本和超市超市利潤利潤,與農民所占份與農民所占份額比較(比較極值)額比較(比較極值)2. 其他兩其他兩項項簡單簡單提及提及Findings: The pricing of chocolate concerns 5 factors, among which cost of ingredients and overheads takes up the largest share (37%), several times as much as that of farmers (

33、only 4%).Supermarket is the second largest factor in the pricing of chocolate, which occupies 34% of the price. The rest of the price covers tax and chocolate company, accounting for 15% and 10% respectively. BEC樣題:樣題: How would you write a report about the following charts? The bar chart below show

34、s the proportions of English men and women of different ages who were living alone in 2011. The pie chart compares the numbers of bedrooms in these one-person households.Living alone in England by age and gender, 2011 (bar chart) Number of bedrooms in one-person households (pie chart) IntroductionTh

35、e two charts give information about single-occupant households in England in the year 2011. The bar chart compares the proportions of males and females living alone in different age groups, and the pie chart shows data about the number of bedrooms in these single-occupant homes. Findings A significa

36、nt majority of the people aged 65 or over who were living alone in England in 2011 were female. Women accounted for 72% of single occupants aged 75 to 84, and 76% of those aged 85 or over. By contrast, among adults younger than 50, the figures for males were higher. For example, in the 35-49 age gro

37、up, men made up nearly 65% of people living alone. In the same year, 35.4% of one-person households in England had two bedrooms, while one-bedroom and three-bedroom homes accounted for 28% and 29.8% of the total. Less than 7% of single-occupant homes had four or more bedrooms. ConclusionOverall, fem

38、ales made up a higher proportion of people living alone than males, and this difference is particularly noticeable in older age. We can also see that the most common number of bedrooms in a single-occupant home was two.總結:總結:占據占據: take up, make up, occupy, account for, represent, constitute統(tǒng)計表tables

39、 中國1950年最短,后期增幅最大,2050到最高值;西班牙也在增長,但增幅小于中國;美國在74左右,變化不大The average life span in China grew more significantly compared with the other two countries, from the least (65 years old) in 1950 to the predicted age of 83 in 2050. The life span in Spain also increased continuously, but with a slower pace, reachi


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