



1、2011 年終工作總結(jié)英文版范文 The year end is coming before we move on to the new year it s high time for all of usto do a review for the year. To me doing this annual reviewis like getting a report card.It s no different with my annualexceptrevithesew resultsaren t for my studies they re bigger. They re for myl

2、ife. 時(shí)間轉(zhuǎn)瞬到年底,在我們步入新的一年之前,我們所有人都應(yīng)該對這一年做個(gè)回顧總結(jié)。對于我來說,年終總結(jié)就算是拿成績單。年終總結(jié)和成績單一樣,只不過收獲的并不是學(xué)習(xí)成績,它們更重要,是關(guān)于我的人生的總結(jié)。Importance ofYear End Reviews年終總結(jié)的重要性 So why is it important to do a year end reviewThere are 4 simple reasons:年終總結(jié)為什么這么重要?有這樣四個(gè)簡單的理由: 1.Draw lessons from the year從一年中吸取經(jīng)驗(yàn)教訓(xùn) What have you experien

3、ced this yearWhat have you learned from them With everyexperience we face there are importantthings to learn. We can either let these incidencespass us by or we can stop to understandinternalize them and draw lessons from them.Life is your school and the lessons aredressed up as your everyday incide

4、nces. You don twant to be living year after yearwithout learning from your experiences. That s justsleepwalking your life away.2011這一年,你經(jīng)歷了些什么?從中你又學(xué)到了些什么?我們面對的每一次經(jīng)歷,都有一些重要的東西值得學(xué)習(xí),我們可能會讓發(fā)生的這些事情就從我們的生命中匆匆而過,或者我們也可以選擇停下來,理解并消化這些經(jīng)歷,從中學(xué)到經(jīng)驗(yàn)教訓(xùn)。生活就是你的學(xué)校,這些經(jīng)驗(yàn)教訓(xùn)會假扮成每天的瑣事。你也不想年復(fù)一年只是過生活,卻從不從經(jīng)歷中學(xué)到些什么吧,那樣的話,你只是在夢

5、游度日。There are a lot oflessons which I learn every year. Looking back at my review for 2007one of the biggestlessons I learned is that our reactions to life s situations is a choice andit smake out of situations we encounter. This realization came after a highlyintense period atmy job. At that time I

6、 was already a positive person but the situation wasso out of controlthat it really made me negative. It was after a short period of feelingmiserable that Irealized that the reality was such and it was up to me to make the best outof it. I couldeither sit and bitch about it which would do absolutely

7、 nothing to change thesituation or Icould take action and make the best out of it. This small shift in my mindsetcreated a bigshift in my reality it made me a lot more proactive and solution-oriented. Itmade merealize that many of us generate unnecessary baggage with negative situationsin life andit

8、 s all about taking action to create the lives that we want. Happiness is trulyachoice.每年我都能學(xué)到很多。現(xiàn)在回頭看看我 2007年的總結(jié),我學(xué)到的最重要的一課是 “我們對生活環(huán)境的反應(yīng)是一種選擇 ”,取決于我們?nèi)绾谓鉀Q遇到的情況。這種感悟是在我的工作經(jīng)歷了一段高度緊張的階段之后得出的。其實(shí)那時(shí)候我是個(gè)很積極向上的人,但是當(dāng)時(shí)的情況完全不在我的掌控下,讓我也變得消極了。有那么一小段時(shí)間,我覺得很痛苦,然后我就意識到,生活就是這樣,如何做到最好取決于我自己,我可以選擇干坐在那里抱怨牢騷,但這根本對改變現(xiàn)狀一點(diǎn)

9、幫助都不起;我也可以選擇采取行動(dòng)做到最好。這樣簡單的心態(tài)轉(zhuǎn)變使我的生活出現(xiàn)了很大的改變:我變得更加主動(dòng),積極選擇解決問題的方法。這也讓我意識到,我們許多人在遇到不利狀況時(shí),總是背負(fù)了太多不必要的包袱,只要采取行動(dòng),我們就能創(chuàng)造想要的生活。幸福快樂其實(shí)只是個(gè)選擇。Because Iwould write down lessons I learned each time in my life handbook I couldthen build uponmy learnings. Rather than deja vuing through life situations every time I

10、would thinkabout how I could apply what I had learned earlier and how I could dosomethingdifferent. As a result I kept moving forward in mygrowth.因?yàn)槲颐看味紩浵聦W(xué)到的經(jīng)驗(yàn)教訓(xùn)(在我的生活手冊里),所以我從所學(xué)中慢慢成長。每次總結(jié)后我都會想,下次遇到我會如何利用之前學(xué)到的改正錯(cuò)誤,而不是一次次的重復(fù)犯錯(cuò)栽跟頭。就這樣,我在成長的路上一步步前進(jìn)。2.Wrap up what you ve done this打year包今年所做的事情 Many thi

11、ngs can happen in ayear and this is the perfect time to wrap them up. Were thereany ups and downs Did youget a promotion Did you recently quit your job and joined anew workplace Did you juststart up a business Did you move to a new place Did youjust end an unhappy relationshipDid you move on from a

12、bad partnership Any majorevents took place Or perhaps thereare nothing significant thathappened每年都會發(fā)生許許多多的事情,現(xiàn)在就是你把之前的事情打包的最佳時(shí)機(jī)。生活中有一些起起落落?你升職了?最近剛辭職進(jìn)入新的工作環(huán)境?剛開始創(chuàng)業(yè)?搬到新地方?剛結(jié)束一段不快樂的感情?走出了一段很糟的伙伴關(guān)系?發(fā)生了很多大事?也或許沒什么重要的事情發(fā)生?This is the time to wrap up the year. Itstime to let go of past baggage tie up the

13、looseends tidy up your feelings and get ready forwhat sahead現(xiàn).在是該打包這一年了,也是時(shí)候放下這些過去的包袱,做一些收尾讓工作有始有終,收拾起情緒,準(zhǔn)備迎接即將到來的新一年。3. Regainfocus重新找到重點(diǎn) After working for a few years yout thedfindyearstha sort of juststart to blend into eachother. Soon it s hard to tell one year apart from the next.Subsequently i

14、t s so easy to fallinto a routine without being conscious of it. Sometimes Ihear people commenting thatthey re not sure whatthexactlyve been doing with thepast few years of their livesbecause everything just seems like thesame工.作了幾年后你會發(fā)現(xiàn),每年似乎開始有些混在一起的感覺,很難把它們區(qū)分開來。然后不知不覺,工作就很容易變成例行公事的老套路。有時(shí)候我會聽到人們在說,

15、不知道過去的幾年具體都干了些什么,因?yàn)橐磺锌雌饋矶家粯印t s justlike driving. When you re driving init cancarbe hard to see where you are andwhereyou re heading to. On the other hand pausing for a short moment to look at themap canbe amazingly helpful. Where are you right now How far have you traveledWhere do youwant to go to

16、 Doing so helps you to regainfocus.這就像開車一樣。當(dāng)你開車的時(shí)候,很難看出來你開到哪和要去哪。而另一方面,如果你停下來看看地圖,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)超級有幫助。你現(xiàn)在正在哪兒?你走了有多遠(yuǎn)了?你想去哪兒?年終總結(jié)會幫你重新找到重點(diǎn)。 Like I mentioned above doing my annual review is like getting the report card for my life.How do I grade myself for this year Do I give myself an A A B C D or even F Thisa

17、ssessment reminds me if I have lived this year the way I had wantedto.我之前提到過,寫年終總結(jié),就像拿成績單一樣。今年給自己打多少分?A A BCD還是F4. Start這樣的自我評估會提醒我,讓我反思過去的一年是否是我想要的生活方式。the next year on a high note高起點(diǎn)開始下一年 Last but not least your annual review willhelp you to start the next year on a high note. AsI m going to share

18、 later in the post doinyour review includes setting your goals for thenext year. For this year 2011 my one singlebiggest goal was to build this blog. So thisyear while other people were figuring out whatto make out of their year I was a personon a mission. By mid-year I had already exceededsome of m

19、y goals and now that it s theend of the year I ve accomplished what I had setout to do at the beginning andmore.最后,年終總結(jié)會幫你從一個(gè)高起點(diǎn)開始下一年的工作和生活。正如我稍后要跟大家分享的,年終總結(jié)會包括你下一年的目標(biāo)。 2011年我的最大目標(biāo)是建好這個(gè)博客,所栽謖庖荒輳逼淥嘶乖謖已暗降贅酶尚裁吹氖焙潁name=baidusnap1>已經(jīng)是一個(gè)有任務(wù)的人了。年中的時(shí)候我就已經(jīng)超額完成目標(biāo),現(xiàn)在到年末,我已經(jīng)完成了年初的目標(biāo),甚至做的更多。 Exercise: Write Y

20、our Year End Review for 2011練習(xí):寫下你的 2011 年終總結(jié) Let s get started on your year end review for this year從今年開始寫下你的年終總結(jié)吧! Take out your life handbook orif you don t have your life handbook take out anynotebook or blank piece of paper. If you have a blog you can copy the questions andanswer them in your b

21、logentry.拿出生活手冊,如果沒有的話,就隨便拿本筆記本或是張白紙。如果有博客,也可以把這些問題復(fù)制過去在你的博客里回答。Set aside some quiet time withyourself for 30-45 minutes or so. Now write your answersto the following 6questions:給自己留出 30 到 45 分鐘的安靜時(shí)間,現(xiàn)在寫下對這6 個(gè)問題的回答: 1.What are your biggest accomplishments this year Accomplishments here refer toanyre

22、sults you are proudof今年你最大的收獲是什么?(這里的收獲指任何你感到驕傲的結(jié)果)2. What arethe biggest lessons you ve learned今this年最year大的教訓(xùn)是什么? 3. On a scale of 1-10 how satisfied are you with how you spent the year Or if you prefergiving grades what grade would you give yourself for how this year turned out betweenF- to A Why

23、如果讓你從 1 到 10給自己打分,今年你對自己的滿意程度是幾分?(如果你喜歡分等級的話,那么從F-到 A 你今年表現(xiàn)怎么樣呢?)為什么? 4. What do you want to accomplish next year such that it s your best yeareverAlternatively: 最想完成什么樣的目標(biāo)讓明年成為最棒的一年?或者: If it s now Dec 31 of next year what do you want to see in your life如果現(xiàn)在是 2012 年 12 月 31日,你希望自己生活是怎樣的? What does it take to make


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