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1、 小學英語試講稿-小學英語教師招聘面試必背模版Good morning ladies and gentleman. Iam No._. May I begin?Good morning boys and girls. How are you? I am fine, too. Thank you. Sit down please.導入提問 Whats your favourite season? Yes, you please. OK now sit down thank you.First, Lets sing a song. “Whats your favourite season?” su

2、mmer winter spring and fall. Ok, stop. Do you like it? 根據(jù)歌謠提問 Whats your favourite season? Do you? SorryYou? Sorry Its doesnt matterNow, this class, well learn about-_ in the new unit. Unit_(板書并慢速口述標題)Before our class, Ill devide you into two groups(手勢)group girls and group boys. Now look ,this for

3、boys, this for girls. If you can ask me question correctly and actively, you can get one apple. Clear, yes.Ok now, lets begin our class由舊識引入新內(nèi)容Whats the weather like today? What the temperate today? Can you? Oh sorry, ok thank you sit down, Lets listen to a tape and to know the temperate today. List

4、en carefully, Lets report. 針對聽力提問題引入要學的新內(nèi)容。 Can you speak in English?Ok please follow me. Boys, girls, group 1 and group 6. Great. Who can spell it? Lets listen carefully. (do body language) Can you get it? Its 23 degree. Its warm. Which season is it. Can you guess? Yeah Great. Its spring. The trees

5、 turn green. There are many flowers grass. Right? Spring(升)spring(降) boys girls role 1 role 2 great. Now Lets spell together. Ok. SPRING S-P-R-I-N-G 訓練句型。 Listen to me. Whats your favourite season? Who likes Spring?(示意舉手)Oh you six like Spring. You are good friends.Lets listen what the weather like

6、in USA. Listen again. Can you? Oh, its cool.what the temperate? 10 degree. Great 1 apple for you. Can you speak in English? Sorry? Now Look. Its fall. It call in fall. Fall fall. Group 2 group 4 role 4 role 6 great. Now lets spell it together. F-a-l-l fall. The tree turn yellow. The leaves fall down

7、. Right?Now lets listen. Whats the weather in Harbin? Listen again. The temperate is? Can you?10 degrees. Oh Maybe. Its -10 degrees(-讀法?) Its cold( body language) Its too cold in Harbin. Whats the season in Harbin? Yes,Ill tell you Winter(板書) Winter winter, you two groups. Two groups. Wonderful. You

8、 four you four yes you four. My favourite season is Winter. Because I can make a snowman.Now boys and girls. Please ask and answer, use the sentence and words.(指向新內(nèi)容) Ok?Please read after me. Summer summer.Open your book turn to page 15, Lets listen to a tape and read after it. Yes(自由走動4秒)Now its yo

9、ur turn. One read, one points. Ok stop. Who can read it?(示范舉手)you please. Loudly.Winter. Yes all of you read after her. Great sit down. Can you ask me?(point to sentences) Oh my favourite season is Summer. Now boys and girls turn to page 16. Let draw 4 trees in each season. Yes. Draw as you like. Do

10、 you finish? Now lets make a pair work. Ok?Ill ask 1 student to help me. Yes. You please. What your favourite Season? Whats the weather like ? What can you do in Summer. Excellent, thank you( 手勢)sit down. 1 apple for youNow ask and answer in pairs. OK? 2 minutes for you. Oh time is up. StopWho can s

11、how you dialogue. Yes you two please, dont be shy OK? 1 apple for you. You two please. Yes your pronunciation is very nice. Sit down. 1 apple for you. Now lets stop here. OK you can show me your dialogue after class. Clear?Now please look at the blackboard, we have learn some words and sentences. Do

12、 you remember it? Do you have any questions? Well down. Now lets count apples. Oh girls are winners. Congratulations. Boys come on next time. Now listen carefully. The homework is for you.No.1 listen to a tape and read after itNo.2 copy new words and sentences 3 times clear?No.3 make a survey about

13、your friends favourite season. Clear?But you can choose the third homework.Ok stop. Are you happy today? So Lets sing a song if you are happy together “ if you are happy and do now clap your hands, if you are happy and do now clap your hands.” sorry the bell is ringing. Time so say goodbye. Thank yo

14、u so much. Byebye.Thank you for listening.(轉(zhuǎn)身擦黑板) 備課模版Lets talk and lets practice. I. Contents: section 1: the dialogue about “Whats in the schoolbag?” and the answers. section 2: the pattern: How many +n.(pl.)+ do you have? And the answer: I have 23 +n.(pl.)II. Teaching aims1. Aims on the knowledge

15、(知識目標)(1) To enable the Ss to understand and speak: “My schoolbag is heavy. Whats in it? Thank you sooooooo much.” Make sure that Ss can use these sentences in real situations.(2) To help Ss to finish the survey.(3) Let Ss finish the assessment of “Lets check” in this unit.2. Aims on the abilities(能

16、力目標)(1) To develop Ss abilities of listening and speaking.(2) To train the Ss ability of working in groups.(3) To foster Ss abilities of communication and their innovation. 3. Aims on the emotion(情感目標)(1)To foster Ss consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition.(2) To lead Ss to show th

17、eir loveliness to the poor.III. Key-points of this lesson(1) To help Ss ask and answer the question: Whats in it? (2) To enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully. (3) To develop Ss interest in English.IV. Difficult points(教學重難點)(1) To help the Ss ask and answer the question “Whats in i

18、t?” and make sure they can use the plural nouns correctly. (2) To finish the survey by themselves.V. Teaching methods(教學方法) 1. “Task-based” teaching method. 2.TPR( listen and guess the meaning, look and point, listen and do)VI. Teaching procedures (教學過程)Step 1. Warm-up and preview(復習導入)1. Free talk

19、between T and Ss about things in the classroom.2. Sing the song together: Books and pencils.3. Do some TPR, for example: Show me your English book. Show me your crayon.4. Review the numbers by asking: “How many crayons do you have?” Step 2. Presentation(新課呈現(xiàn))1. Present the pattern: “My schoolbag is

20、heavy.” “Whats in it?.” (1) Show a bag and say: “Look! I have a bag.” Carry it and say: “Oh, it is heavy. My schoolbag is heavy.” Help the Ss understand the meaning with the help of my body language. Then lead the Ss to read the sentence. Make sure they can say it correctly. (2) T: My schoolbag is h

21、eavy. Open the bag and say: “Whats in it? Whats in my schoolbag?”Take out a Chinese book. Then do the action again. Let the Ss read the sentence.2. Play a guessing game. Divide the whole class into four groups to have a competition. Let them guess: Whats in the bag? How many? 3. With the help of the

22、 CAI to present the dialogue. Set a situation to help Ss understand: Two Ss are coming. One girl is carrying a heavy bag on her back. They are talking.Girl: My schoolbag is heavy.Boy: Whats in it? Girl: 20 story-books, 32 pencil, 9 rulers, 12 crayons and 30 picture-books. Etc.Boy: What will you do?G

23、irl: They are for the poor. Boy: Great! Ill bring some school things too.4. Mention that we should take care of the poor.5. Play the cassette. Let the Ss listen and imitate the dialogue. Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation. Step 3. PracticeDivide Ss into groups of six children. Each

24、one would finish the printed form by asking and answering: How many storybooks do you have? Find out which group finishes faster. Story books picture-books sharpeners crayons pencils erasers pencil-cases rulers Chen Jie 8 24 3 32 26 4 1 3Step 4. Assessment Help Ss finish “Lets check” of this unit an

25、d workbook.Step 5. Add-activity1. Let Ss tell each other how many school things they have after class. Tell their parents how many school things they have at home. 2. Take care of everything they have.更多小學英語試講視頻及說課稿請聯(lián)系張老師)Unit5. Part B Lets talk導學案學習目標:1.能夠聽、說、認讀句子:There is anear/the和Th

26、eis near/the并能在情景中運用。2.會用所學語言介紹房間擺設。溫故互查:1. Chant and sing Cat, cat, my little cat, Where is my little cat?In the bag, in the bag, Your cat is in the bag. Dog, dog, my little dog, Where is my little dog?In the box, in the box, Your dog is in the box.2. Look and say (看一看,說一說。)自我檢測:1. Listen and

27、match(Lets try) 2. Listen and tick Listen and tick(在你聽到的單詞前打“”)Whats in Zhang Pengs room ? ( ) a bed ( ) a desk ( ) a closet ( ) a shelf ( ) two end tables ( )a phone ( ) a computer ( )a picture ( ) a trash bin 合作探究:1. Lets talk 2. Show and say分層訓練:1.Lets practice鞏固延伸:1.Lets check Choose and write.(

28、選擇填空.)( )1.There _a teachers desk in the classroom.A. am B. is C. are( )2.There _ten boys in the teachers office.A. am B. is C. are( ) 3.There _some oranges on the floor.A. am B. is C. are( ) 4. The air-conditioner _ over the bed.A. am B. is C. are( ) 5. The red curtains _ near the shelf.A. am B. is

29、 C. are( ) 6. There _ an end table, two curtains in my bedroom. A. am B. is C. are2. Lets share (1).Keep your room clean everyday!保持你的房間每天都干干凈凈的。(2).East or west, home is best!千好萬好,家里最好。3. Conclusion介紹自己的房間時說:This is my room. There is a , a and a . There are . The is near / on / behind / over the .

30、nit 5 My New Room Part B lets Learn導 學 案一、學習目標:1能聽說讀寫單詞in, on, under, behind和near。2能聽說認讀單詞over和in front of。3能聽說認讀句型Wheres the ? Its .并能在一定情境中正確運用。二、學習內(nèi)容:1詞匯:in, on, under, behind, near, in front of和over。2句型:Wheres the ? Its .三、學習重難點:1能運用7個介詞表達實際方位。2能認讀和運用短語in front of。四、學習導學案: (一)、溫故互查1請你根據(jù)課件圈出房間里的物

31、品單詞;mirror curtain closet trash bin end tableair-conditioner lamp bed sofa books 2小組合作:請用三個方位詞形容the cat 的位置 Wher is the cat ? Its 。 (二)、設問導學 1看看裝修小幫手在哪呢?Where is ? 2. listen and read (三)、小組合作1.對學兩人一組描述沸洋洋裝修的房間吧。 S1:Where is ? S2:Its .2.群學四人一組和美洋洋一起學唱chant吧。 Where, where, Where is the cat?in, in , It

32、s in the trash bin .on, on , Its on the chair .under, under , Its under the table.near , near, Its near the lamp.behind ,behind ,Its behind the TV.over , over, Its over the sofa.in front of, in front of,Its in front of the bed.(四)、課堂檢測Choose the right word(選擇正確的單詞填空) Look, there is a bed in the room

33、. 1.The cat is the bed .2.The book is the bed .3.The picture is the bed .4.The bag is the bed .5.The trash bin is the bed .6.The chairs are the bed .(五)、拓展延伸 共同展示請四人一組幫懶洋洋完成裝修任務,并共同描述展示。 A:This is my room . Its big and nice.B:The picture is over the bed.C:The lamp is near the window. D:The computer

34、is on the end table.Unit 5 My New Room Part B lets Learn導 學 案一、學習目標:1能聽說讀寫單詞in, on, under, behind和near。2能聽說認讀單詞over和in front of。3能聽說認讀句型Wheres the ? Its .并能在一定情境中正確運用。二、學習內(nèi)容:1詞匯:in, on, under, behind, near, in front of和over。2句型:Wheres the ? Its .三、學習重難點:1能運用7個介詞表達實際方位。2能認讀和運用短語in front of。四、學習導學案:(一

35、)課前的自主學習1課前自主復習下列物品單詞;mirror curtain closet trash bin end tableair-conditioner lamp bed sofa books (二)、溫故引新1Watch cartoon and read the words together.(三)、設問導學 1帶著 Where is the rabbit ?進入學習單詞。2Learning the words.(四)、合作展示1. Lets find out !你能找出房間里的錯誤嗎?2.Work in pairs兩人一組討論如何擺放。 -Where is the ? -Its .(五

36、)、拓展延伸 1Describle Mr rabbits room and your own room. 2.情感教育(六)課堂總結(jié)Where is the trash bin? Its the closet. Unit5 My New RoomPartB Lets talk一、教學目標與要求:能夠聽、說、認讀句子:There is a near/the和The is near/the,并能在情景中運用。能夠運用所學語言對房間擺設作介紹。二、教學重、難點:重點是熟練掌握There be結(jié)構(gòu)較長句式的表達法,同時這也是本課的教學難點。The books are on the shelf.一句為復

37、數(shù)句式,在教學中教師不應過多強調(diào)語法,而重在結(jié)合圖畫讓學生理解語意。三、課前準備:卡片、英語書、尺子、磁鐵、ppt四、教學過程:Step1.Warm-up1、Daily talk.2、律動3、介紹獎勵機制。Step2.Preview1、 TPR活動:教師用帶有介詞的動詞短語發(fā)指令,如:“Put your ruler under your book.”學生根據(jù)指令將各自的尺子 按指定位置放好,回答尺子在哪?2、 Lets try:教師放錄音,學生根據(jù)所聽到的內(nèi)容,把周圍的物品連到房間的相應的位置。連好線后,同桌之間對各物品的位置進行問答練習,看圖描述各物品的位置:“Where is the tr

38、ash bin? Its in front of the shelf.”等。Step3.Presentation1.Listen read and answer.2.Read tick and cross.3、組內(nèi)完成選圖后匯報。4、看圖試著復述短文。Step4.Consolidation and extension1、用所獲獎勵設計自己組內(nèi)的房間,并用所學語言進行描述。2、情感教育Step5.Homework用所學知識,描述房間家具擺設情況。 天立實驗小學 劉靈慧Unit 5 My New Room(B Lets talk)導學案一、學習目標1.我會聽說、認讀句型:(1)There is a

39、 (2)There are(3) Theis on/in/under (4)Theare on/in/under2.我能聽懂、會說房間中有什么物品,它們在什么位置。3.我的房間我做主:East or west, home is the best.二、自主學習1. 跟讀課文錄音三遍。2. 閱讀課文,用彩色筆標出不懂的地方。三、設問導入Where is Jerry now? Its _ the case. _ _ _ _ _ _ _四、合作探究任務一1、仔細觀察Lets try中的圖片,和小組成員討論圖片中有哪些物品。2、聽錄音,完成Listen and match練習,小組成員之間互查。任務二(Lets talk)1、觀察Zhang Peng 房間,和小組成員討論Zhang Peng房間里有什么物品,它們在什么位置。2、看圖片,聽錄音,判斷下列句子與圖片是否相符。(1)There is a bed, a desk, a closet and a shelf in my room. ( )(2)There are three end tables near the bed. ( ) (3)The books are on the shelf. ( )(4)The trash bin is in f


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