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1、外貿英語函電參考答案Unit 1I. 詢盤 enquire / enquiry 報盤 offer報價 quote / quotation訂單 order傳真 facsimile (fax)電子郵件 e-mail電子商務 e-commerce互聯(lián)網 the Web / internet交貨期 time of delivery目錄 catalogue文檔 document / file支付 payment結帳 settle the account余額 balance客戶 customer / client國民經濟 national economy市場經濟 market economy營銷 mark

2、etingII. 1. market 2. economy 3. trade 4. economy 5. marketable 6. trade 7. marketing 8. trading 9. economy 10. economy11. market 12. tradeIV. INTEGRATED COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. Rm 808,Kyo-Won-Kong-Jea 35-2 YeoidoYoung Dung Po SeoulSouth KoreaTel: 822-782-4641Fax: 822-785-424516 June 200- Dr Br

3、enda YeohATT Computers Corp. Pte Ltd.88 Kitchener Road,#02-15Jalan Besar PlazaSingapore 208512Dear Dr Brenda Yeoh Subject: Integrated Circuit BoardsWe have just received your order for 400 integrated circuit boards (item No. KR10779)Unfortunately, these circuit boards are no longer produced as they

4、have been replaced by our model KR2000, which is cheaper, more reliable and more efficient than the circuit boards that you ordered. With this in mind, we imagine that you will be happy to change your order, but I should be grateful if you could contact me to tell me what you wish us to do about you

5、r order.The prices of the KR2000 and peripheral equipment are as follows:KR2000 integrated circuit board: US$23,200KT200X Toolkit: US$15,500KC200X connectors: (2 per pack) US$10,000I am also enclosing next years brochure and price list for your convenience.Yours faithfullyfor INTEGRATED COMPUTER TEC

6、HNOLOGY CO. LTD.Kim JungsupSales RepresentativeKJ: rhEnclosures 2Cc: Kim Sang-ChulMoon Young-SeungV. China North Industries Corp STAMP12 Guanganmen NanjieBeijing 100053China Mr. Williams Smith AUTOS Company 20 Broadway New York, NY 10027 U.S.A.VI. (略) Skill-drillingChina National Light Industrial Pr

7、oducts Import & Export Corp. Shanghai Branch 128 Huchiu road, Shanghai, ChinaTel: (021) 64468726Fax: 64468787 e-mail: (Date)Jameson & Sons Ltd.34 Madison SquareMelbourne E.C.2. Australia Tel: (0536) 70525345Fax: 356467132Dear Sirs, Re: BicyclesThank you for your letter of Jan. 25 enquiring f

8、or our bicycles.As requested, we enclose a price list and a copy of our catalog for your consideration. All prices are quoted( on the basis of) FOB Shanghai, subject to our final confirmation. Generally, delivery can be made in two months from receipt of an order.We look forward to your early reply

9、(or: good news/ favorable reply) Faithfully yours, (signature) 。Encl. As stated.Unit 2I. 公司 company / corporation / firm / house 信譽 standing / credit與。建立業(yè)務關系 to enter into (/ to establish ) business relations with小冊子 pamphlet / brochure你處(地) at your end / on your spot / in your place (area, district

10、)供你參考 for your reference / for your information以。為目的 with a view to與此同時 in the meantime / at the same time / meanwhile按照 according to / in compliance with / in accordance with / in conformity with達成交易 to conclude (close) the business ( transaction/ deal)在。業(yè)務方面 in the line of一系列 a (wide / full ) rang

11、e of具體詢盤 specific enquiry經營 to handle / to deal in / to trade in與。做生意 to do business with / to deal with / to trade with II.1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. d 8. b 9. c 10. b 11. c 12. a 13. b 14. cIII.1. dealing 2. transacting 3. deals 4. Business 5. deal 6. business 7. transact 8. Businesses 9. tr

12、ansactions / deals 10. business 11. transacting 12. businesses IV. 1. 我們是德國工業(yè)化工產品主要生產商之一,欲與貴公司建立業(yè)務關系。2. 我們經營中國自行車出口,很想與你方進行這類商品貿易。3. 香港貿易公司已將貴公司名稱及地址轉交我方。茲去函于你聯(lián)系,愿與你方建立貿易關系。4. 感謝貴方6月7日來函,表示提供服務的意向。我們很愿意與你方探討擴大貿易的可能性。5. 請盡早答復我方要求為荷。6. 我們愿在平等互利的基礎上與貴公司建立業(yè)務關系。7. 我們是系列電扇及空調的一家主要出口商,現(xiàn)特去函自我介紹。8. 為促進雙方貿易,特

13、另郵航空寄去樣品,供你方參考。9. 為使你方了解我們經營的輕工產品,我們茲另郵給你們寄去幾本商品小冊子,供你方參考。10. 經納爾遜先生介紹,我們得知你們是中國食品的潛在買主。我們經營這類商品已有多年。V1. We owe your name and address to ABC Company.2. As soon as we receive your specific enquiry, we will send you the catalogue and samples.3. Their chief line is the export of electronic computers.4.

14、 Our silk has long been a best seller at your end.5. This product is being marketed in all European countries.6. Your letter of May 10 has been transferred to us for attention from our Head Office in Beijing.7. We have handled this line for more than 20 years.(We have been in the line for more than

15、20 years.)8. We can supply shoes in a wide range of styles and sizes.9. The trade between us is based on the principle of equality.10. Most countries in the world have engaged in international trade.11. We can offer you some oil if you need.12. There are two forms of international transaction. One i

16、s to trade in goods, the other is in service.VI.1. informing 2. market 3. in 4. sample 5. trade6. quality 7. prices 8. from 9. items 10. specificVII. (A)一國貨物及服務與另一國貨物及服務進行交換,這就是國際貿易。這種貿易除了有形的(即商品的進出口)外,還有無形的(即國際間服務交流)。西臘、挪威這類國家擁有大量的商船船隊,可以提供交通運輸服務,這就是一種無形貿易。對某些國家來說,無形貿易與其他一些國家的原材料出口或商品貿易一樣重要。在這種情況下,

17、每個國家都可以賺取外匯以購進本國的必需品。 (B)世界上沒有哪個國家能生產他所需要的所有產品。于是世界各國就加入國際勞務分工,以提高生產及再生產效率。有時一個國家可以以易貨貿易的方式獲得外國貨物及服務。易貨貿易就是不用貨幣而以一種貨物交換另一種貨物的方式做生意。單憑易貨貿易是不能滿足一國的進口需要的。但作為國際貿易的一種形式,對發(fā)展中國家仍有吸引力。因為這些國家外匯短缺,匱乏的外匯收入遠不足以滿足他們對外貿易的支付。 (C)在國際貿易中,服務貿易僅占很小比重。由其特性所致,服務交易遠不如貨物交易那么容易。因為服務貿易只能在提供服務的地方為對方所接受。這就是說,要么提供服務的一方到需要這種服務的

18、地方去,要么消費者到能提供服務的地方去。只有少量的服務能像貨物那樣,無須交易雙方移動就能進行交易。如:運輸服務、金融業(yè)、教育事業(yè)等。(D)敬啟者:承蒙中國銀行悉尼分行介紹,我們得知貴公司是中國紡織品和棉布的出口商?,F(xiàn)告知,紡織品是我方主要進口商品,眼下我們特別想從貴國進口印花細布。如果貴公司能確保價格可行、質量優(yōu)良、交貨及時,我們將能大規(guī)模的經營此類商品。如能空郵商品目錄、樣書及有關印花細布的必要信息,以便我方熟悉所供貨物的材料和工藝,我們將不勝感激。盼早復。 XX謹上VIII. (A)Dear Sirs,We have received your enquiry of July 5 for

19、Electric Motor.As the goods fall within the business scope of China National Import & Export Corporation, we have passed on your enquiry to them for attention. Please contact them directly for your requirements.We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves to you as a state-opera

20、ted corporation, handling the export business of Chinese Arts & Crafts and we have built up extensive connections with many important dealers in various districts.Enclosed you will find our latest catalogue and pricelist. We hope to enter into business relations with you. Yours faithfully, (B)Ge

21、ntlemen:Your name and address have been given to us by the Commercial Counselors Office of our Embassy in Pakistan. We are now writing to you in the hope of entering into business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit and exchanging what one has for what one deeds.We are ver

22、y well connected with all the major dealers here of industrial products, and feel sure we can sell large quantities of industrial goods if we can get your offers at competitive prices.We invite you to send us details and prices, possibly also samples, of such goods as you would be interested in sell

23、ing, and we shall gladly study the sales possibility in our market.On the other hand, please favor us with a list of those goods you are interested in obtaining from us so that we might be able to quote on some and give you all the necessary information regarding supply possibilities.We look forward

24、 to your favorably reply. Yours faithfully, Skill-DrillingDear Sirs,Your firm has been recommended to us by Messrs. Freemen & Co. Ltd., with whom we have done business for many years.We specialize in the export of Chinese cotton piece goods, which have enjoyed great popularity in world market. W

25、e enclose a copy of our catalog for your reference and hope that you would contact us if any item is interesting to you.As to our financial standing, you could approach the bank of China, New York for any information.We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours truly,Unit 3I. 詢購to enquire for /

26、 to make sb an enquiry for接受報盤 to accept an offer遞價 to bid for / to make sb a bid for大使館 embassy 代理 representative 工藝 workmanship 手工制作 hand-made 支付條款 payment terms 茲答復 in reply 與。有聯(lián)系 to be connected with 向。訂購 to place an order with sb for sth 現(xiàn)成市場 ready market 立即處理 prompt attention 市場需求(口味) the tast

27、e of the market 用現(xiàn)款(支付) (to pay) in cash 穩(wěn)定需求 steady demand (商品)在出售中 to be under offer / to be on sale 給。報盤 to make sb an offer for sth II.1. b 2. d 3. d 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. b 8. d 9. c 10. b 11. c 12. b 13. c 14. a III.1. bid 2. offer 3. enquiry 4. offered 5. bid6. offer 7. enquires 8. offer 9. enqui

28、red 10. offer11. bid 12. bidIV.1. 我們從John King先生處得知,你方有意供應男式皮鞋。2. 請傳真發(fā)來優(yōu)惠報盤,同時指明包裝、規(guī)格、可供數(shù)量及最早交貨期。3. 報價時請考慮我們可能會經常性地大量訂購這一因素。4. 你方1月10日詢盤已交我處理,因我們正好出口你方所詢商品。5. 我方包裝行業(yè)的合伙人高度贊賞你們的Zeta包裝機。我們想更多地了解一些有關情況。6. 希望你方價格能做得開,而且交易的達成將對雙方都有利。7. 盼望著能向你方進一步訂購,相信你方會盡力滿足我們的特殊需求。8. 如能給我們寄來建筑材料的最新價目表,我當不勝感激。9. 如能按所要求的數(shù)

29、量供應這種型號的商品,請給我方報實盤及最低價。10. 我們想要購買男式皮手套,請報最優(yōu)惠價格為荷。V.1. Could you please tell us the main items you export?2. Would you please quote your lowest price CIF London, Britain?3. We shall be very glad to place our order with you if your quotation is competitive and delivery date acceptable.4. We are please

30、d to note from your letter of May 5 that you are interested in our sewing machines.5. Kindly let us know the price and quantities of the best refined sugar you are able to deliver to us.6. We would appreciate very much your sending us the latest samples with their best price.7. We have ready buyers

31、of these commodities and if your prices are competitive, we have very reason to believe that we can place large orders with you.8. The said goods are not available from stock.9. Well be glad to place an order with you for 60 cases of green tea if your price is favorable.10. Were very much interested

32、 in importing your goods. Could you please send us your catalogue, price list and samples if possible?VI. 1. enquiry 2. interest 3. catalog 4. manufacture 5. designs 6. workmanship 7. appeal 8. representative 9. range 10. order VII. (A)敬啟者: 事由:第2231號詢價單我們兩國之間不久前簽訂了貿易協(xié)定,這對雙邊貿易的發(fā)展具有十分重大的意義。我方擬采購電子計算機一

33、批。望你方能盡早航寄最優(yōu)惠的CIF上海到岸價,詳盡列明規(guī)格及交貨期,并隨附英文說明書三份。如果你方不能完全按照我方所列要求供貨,能否報來最近似的規(guī)格,或將本項詢盤轉交給能確切報盤的有關商號?復電、報價,或寄有關樣本、樣品時,請注明我詢價單編號,以便查找。盼早復。 謹上 (B) 敬啟者: 事由:紡織品本公司是紐約最大的紡織品進口商之一,我們切盼與貴公司建立貿易關系,發(fā)展我們兩國之間的貿易隨函附上第111號詢價單一份,盼貴方早日給我們報紐約到岸價,包括我方5%的傭金。報價時請說明最早交貨期和可供數(shù)量。若貴方報價具有競爭性,我們打算大量成交。如蒙早日復信,不勝感激。 謹上VIII. (A)Dear

34、Sirs,Re: Shan Di BicyclesKindly mail us a copy of your catalog and latest price list for Shan Di bicycles. We are very interested in bicycles both for men and women.There is a heavy demand for bicycles in this city, where cycling has become very popular. Owing to the high price of petrol, it is like

35、ly that more people will use bicycles instead of cars. If the quality of your bicycles proves satisfactory and your quotation is competitive, we are ready to conclude substantial business with you.Your early reply will be very appreciated. Yours faithfully, (B)Dear Sirs,Thank you for your catalog fo

36、r PADM Software dated Nay 6 and the photo booklet enclosedWe have approached a number of our customers in this areaand many of them take an interest in the application software. We therefore ask you to make us your best offer on CFR Tianjin basis for 500PADM Software packages.We would like to point

37、out that unless your quotation is attractive to the buyers here, it would be difficult for us to push successfully the sale pof your software products in this competitive market.Were looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully,Skill-Drilling Dear Sirs,We are interested to buy large quantit

38、ies of Iron Nails of all sizes and shall appreciate it if you would give us a quotation per ton CIF Alexandria, Egypt.It would also be appreciated if samples and brochure could be forwarded to us.We used to purchase this article from other sources but we now prefer to buy from your corporation becau

39、se you are able to supply large quantities at more attractive prices. Besides, we have confidence in the quality of Chinese products.We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Yours faithfully,Unit 4I. 實盤 firm offer 虛盤 non-firm offer確認,保兌 confirm保兌的 confirmed 不可撤銷的 irrevocable 匯票 draft

40、即期 at sight以 。為條件,為準 subject to及時,適時 in due course規(guī)格 specifications殷切地 with keen interest 品名 commodity 數(shù)量 quantity 包裝 pack(-ing) 裝運 ship(-ment) 支付 pay(-ment) 承諾過多 to be heavily committed / to have heavy commitments 按照要求 as requested 如所陳述 as stated 如所約定 as agreed 另郵 under separate cover / by separate

41、d mail 分期付款 to pay in installments / to make payment in instllments II.1. b 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. c 6. b 7. d 8. c9. b 10. a 11. a 12. d 13. b 14. c 15. dIII.1. sale 2. buying 3. priced 4. price 5. sell 6. price7. bought 8. buys 9. sold 10. prices 11. selling 12. boughtIV.1. 貴方4月3日來函收悉。得知貴方有意與我方建立業(yè)務往來關系

42、并欲購買我方用品。 2. 承蒙我駐美大使館商務參贊處,我們得知貴公司名稱和地址。3. 承蒙R。G。尼爾遜出口有限公司推薦,得知貴公司為中國縫紉機潛在買主。本公司經營該產品,我們很高興與您建立業(yè)務關系。4. 我們想要購買男式皮鞋。能否寄來最優(yōu)惠的報價為感。5. 如能按要求的型號和質量供貨,我們將定期大量訂購。6. 貴方9月2日函收悉。很高興通知你方,所需貨物屬于我們經營范圍。7. 按要求特寄我方系列棉布產品剪樣,希望能及時到達并令你方滿意。8. 感謝你方9月4日來函,通知我方你對我們的肉罐頭很滿意并考慮向我試訂。9. 關于10月船期的500輛永久牌自行車,現(xiàn)隨函寄去我方形式發(fā)票No.3422一式

43、兩份。10. 由于供應情況良好,我們可報實盤,即期交貨。11. 由于所報價格格外低且有上漲的可能,我方建議立即訂購。12. 各種尺寸、型號的系列產品,我們均可供現(xiàn)貨。13. 很遺憾地通知你方,所需質量的貨物我們暫無現(xiàn)貨。14. 我們可以肯定,這些貨將會滿足你方要求,并等候你方首批訂貨。15. 價格包括包裝費,任何時候都可交貨。V.2. If you can reduce your price by 5%, we believe it is possible for us to conclude the deal.3. Our company is one of the leading impo

44、rters of TV sets in this area and we have been handling various brands of TV sets for over 20 years.4. We confirm having faxed you a firm offer for 50 tons of Peanuts, subject to your reply reaching us within one week.5. As we are heavily committed, we can only accept orders for shipment in November

45、.6. The price you quoted is competitive, but the date of delivery can not be accepted.7. Well highly appreciate it if you can offer 200 Flying Fish Bicycles for shipment in March and April.8. as for payment terms, we ask for an irrevocable sight L/C.9. According to your request of March 15th, we are

46、 making you an offer as follows.10. Owing to the reasonable price and fine quality, our cotton piece goods sell fast.11. As a result of the limited stock of the article, we suggest you accept our offer as soon as possible.12. The best we can do is to allow you 3% commission.13. As the peanut market

47、is declining, we can hardly conclude the business unless you reduce the price by 5%.VI.1. enquiring 2. direct 3. quotation 4. otherwise 5. receipt 6. subject 7. confirmation 8. discount 9. catalogue 10. brochure 11. separate 12. specific 13. appreciatedVII.(A)敬啟者:很高興通知你方,我們有意購買貴方羽絨被。為熟悉貨物質量和工藝,我們請求航

48、寄一些商品小冊子、樣品及有關各種規(guī)格貨物的所有必要信息。同時,請報附單內每樣產品的CIF紐約最低價,含傭3%。此地價廉物美的商品市場前景可觀。若樣品及價格令我方滿意,你方有望獲得大量訂單。預致謝意,期待貴方合作。 謹上(B)敬啟者:很高興收到你方元月15日詢盤。按要求,現(xiàn)隨函寄去我?guī)Р鍒D的商品目錄及價格單細目,同時另函寄去全套樣品一份。相信研究后貴方會認同我方產品確系價廉物美。對于常規(guī)訂購單項商品在50打或以上者,我方將予以5%的折扣。因柔軟及保暖性能好,尼龍床單越來越受歡迎。檢查我方價格后,貴方將不難看出,我們的產品難以滿足目前的需求。如貴方能在月底前下訂單,我們保證收到訂單后兩周內可以交貨

49、。提請貴方留意我其他尼龍產品(詳情見目錄)并恭候首批訂單。 謹上(C)敬啟者:11月21日函悉。今晨已發(fā)傳真作復。諒必您已從傳真中得悉,我們可報250長噸鋼管實盤,每長噸620英鎊,CIF拉哥斯到岸價,即期信用證支付。此報盤以一周內復到為準。如您所知,市場上對鋼管需求甚殷,不可能持盤太久。還望貴方注意,需求活躍勢必導致價格上揚。盼早復。 謹上VIII. (A)Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of September 15th and the enquiry enclosed for our “white Rabbit” pajamas.At your request, we are making you a firm offer for 20000 dozen Womens pajamas at USD 48.5 per dz. CFRC5 Lagos for shipment in July/August, 2004. Payment is to be made by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight. This offer is fir


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