



1、 Unit 3 Weather教學(xué)目標(biāo): 1、能聽、說、認(rèn)讀5個(gè)單詞:warm, cold, hot, cool, weathe     2、學(xué)會(huì)運(yùn)用Its cold in教學(xué)重點(diǎn):掌握單詞warm, cold, hot, cool, weather教學(xué)難點(diǎn):1、我國各地的天氣狀況,以及了解有代表性的“東西南北中”的氣候情況。      2、weather的發(fā)音教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備:課件、聽力練習(xí)表、Lets play中地點(diǎn)與天氣的卡片教學(xué)過程I、Warm-upLets chantMy shirt is red.My

2、 jacket is blue.My dress is old.My sweater is new.My socks are white.My shoes are too.My pants are old.My shorts are new.II、Presentation1、I have a new friend,Please look who is she?(出示賣火柴的小姑娘的圖片)She is the match girl. The match girl is a poor girl. Look at this picture.(出示賣火柴的小姑娘在寒風(fēng)中的圖片)引出單詞cold u 并

3、教授2、She feels very cold,can you help her?引導(dǎo)學(xué)生回答S1:She can wear my sweater.S2:She can wear my jacket.S3:She can wear my shoes.Does she feel cold now?No, she feels warm。教授新詞warm : 3、It is snowing and snowing,she feels a little cold yet,so we can fit the matches,make her warmer.(點(diǎn)燃一根火柴,并出示圖片)引出新詞hot 并教

4、授4、Does she feel cold now?No,she feels hot now. So she can eat ice-cream and watermelon. She feels cool now. 教授新詞cool u: 5、師做動(dòng)作,生說單詞6、She is really a poor girl. So lets go travelling with the match girl. OK?出示一張中國地圖,教會(huì)幾個(gè)城市的單詞Beijing、Harbin、lhasa、Hong Kong.(按照城市分為四個(gè)大組)As we know,before we want to go

5、travelling,we must know whats the weather here?So lets listen to the weather report,and listen carefully,whats the weather in your city?放錄音,聽天氣預(yù)報(bào),然后詢問學(xué)生:Whats the weather in Beijing/ Harbin/lhasa/Hong Kong?引出句子Its warm in Beijing。Its cold in Harbin. Its cool in lhasa. Its hot in Hong Kong.7、出示天氣預(yù)報(bào)的內(nèi)

6、容,強(qiáng)調(diào)weather report的發(fā)音。并再次收聽天氣預(yù)報(bào)。8、Lets dowarm,warm, Its warm in Beijing.cold, cold, Its cold in Harbin.cool, cool, Its cool in Lhasa.hot, hot, Its hot in Hong kong.III、Consolidation1.Lets playIts in KunmingIts in HainanIts in MoheIts in Yueyang2、Lets listen聽一段天氣預(yù)報(bào),將你聽到的城市的天氣在表格里打“ ”。warm hot cool coldBeijingShanghaiGuangdong HunanChangchun3.lets say四個(gè)同學(xué)為一組,每個(gè)同學(xué)輪流做天氣播報(bào)員,將表格中各城市的天氣用Good morning,This is the weather report. Its in 播報(bào)出來.warm hot cool coldBeijingShanghaiGuangdong HunanChangchun4、出示一組圖片fine day(好天氣)、rainstorm(暴風(fēng)雨)、flood(洪水)、dust storm(沙塵暴)全班起立宣誓Protect the enviorment,Its our respo


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