1、成e la carretera, la construcci de canonada de desg u s: a causa del drenatge canona des incr ustat en tons, dacord amb les especificacions pertinents i tenint en compte els requeriments raona bles de tecnologia de la construcci, ha de fer el tractament subgrade i la zona dexcavaci de spr s de le lev
2、aci de lexcavaci a la ubicaci corre cta i construcci de clavegueram. per tant, lexcavaci de terra-roca i terrapl caixa de la carretera, un acord raonable dobres de drenatge es va convertir en la cla u per a la realitzaci de l projecte suau. pre-construcci, nom s acce lerar lexcavaci del moviment de
3、terres per a subgrade i terrapl, per les obres de drenatge i posterior construcci crear cares, per tal de garantir la superaci de la totalitat del projecte. aiges avall de nou lautor: segons els requeriments de tecnologia de construcci de drenatge, seguint lordre codi dincrustaci despr s de la prime
4、ra per garantir la construcci de bon drenatge temporal durant lorganitza de construcci , perode de construcci en el seu conjunt. desplegament raonable de moviment de terres: aquesta enginyeria per la construcci de processament i subgrade moviment deterres excavaci enginyeria volum gran, base suau e
5、n la ple na segons situaci especfica lloc, par graf de cincia dividit construcci, arranjaments raonables distri buci de moviment de terres i nombre de moviment de terres aba ndonades exterior, festa pot camp redu?dins el moviment de terres de repetici cavat omple de tre ball, per accelerar el movime
6、nt de terres subgrade i pro cessame nt de subgrade de pr ogr s de construcci , des del princi pi a les condicions de construcci creada de canonada drenatge, garantiran enginyeria tot ordenat per. ca nonades, pai satgisme, il?lumina ci de nginyeria, construcci, enginyeria de transport: acausa del dis
7、seny de drenatge del sistema utilitzant combinat, fora de la reserva a drenatges vial la canonada transversal m s significatiu impa cte construcci i e nginyeria de drenatge de la canonada creua nt, i col?lectors enterrats profund,. 7.4.1 fase de pr paraci constr ucci (1) construcci de lestaci de llo
8、c: oficina de l sing, va crear camps i altres instal?lacions temporals, posa nt en el poder de lloc de construcci, corredor daigua. (2) lestabliment de la construcci de xarxa de control de topografia, organitzacions mesurar golfes i mesurar els resultats reportats pel comissionat, els propietaris. (
9、3) gran quantitat dexcavaci de subgrade, la identificaci de lrea de descrrega, per a la paret de roca es prepara b . (4) mbit construir 2.4m blaus met l?lics de paret, noms reservat per a la construcci de treballs amb interseccions trnsit transversal, estrictament segons lorganitzaci de tr nsit dels
10、 unitats organitzatives i residents al llarg del trnsit original. 7.4.2 etapes de construcci de moviment de terres de aquesta enorme qua ntitat de moviment de terres de lenginyeria, construcci sdelegates, staff: hello! in the run-up to the spring festival, we held one sessi on of four staff represen
11、tatives conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. here, on behalf of my company 2013 work reports to the general asse mbly, for consideration. pillar i, 2012 back in 2012, xx power companies adhere t o the partys 17 great
12、spirit for guidance, comprehensively implement the scientific concept of development, promoting cost-leadership strategy, standards, focus on implementation, lean management, continuously im prove, smooth present safety situation of enterprise management, business management and control scientific a
13、nd standardized, and the de dication of staff, manage a harmonious and democratic atmosphere of the good situation. main indi cators are as follow-the battery indicator : power generation totaled 7.815 billion kwh, beyond the annual budget implementation capa city of 315 million kwh, an increase of
14、757 million kwh. sales totaled 7.425 billion kwh, exceeding sales of 330 million kwh the annual executive budget, an increase of 729 million kwh. -s ecurity measures: unplanne d outages 2.5 times. no personal injury accident occurred, no major accident and above, no major fire accidents without envi
15、ronmental pollution accidents, safety for three consecutive years to maintain stability to good posture. business financial indicators: total profits of 255 million yuan, beyond the annual budget of 207 million yuan, beyond the datang company index 41.89 million yuan, an increase of 1.76 million yua
16、n, fcm assessment at grade four. -energy: power supply standard coal completing 312.25 g/k wh, down 0.1 g/kwh; integrated auxiliary power consumption ratio in 5.12%, down 0.26%; pol lutant emissions performance greatly reduced compared to last year, carbon 0.09 g/k wh, sulfur dioxide 0.104 g/kwh nox
17、 0.512 g/kwh; dust removal efficiency of more than 99.8%. -reliability index: equivalent availability factor in 93.47%, increased 7.95% from a year earlier. equivalent forced outage rate 0.08%, 0.16% reduction over the same period a year earlier. major achievements: first, we shoul d adhere to the t
18、wo management system basis, strengthe ning te chnological research, strengthen hi dden hazards control and intri nsi c safety enterprise construction took new steps. -the two management system for improvement. focus on promoting the power of the company management system and the application and impl
19、ementation of the safety loop five-star management system, improve the safety management system, realize the system of safety control. further regul ate security routines, safety supervision and management network role to play to achieve closed-loop. strengthening the supervision and management of h
20、abitual violation of, strengthening the safety supervision of outsourcing contractors. carried out in spring and autum n of security inspections, flood control and inspecti on, safety production month, day supervision of production safety and the olympi c games and other成n procs cla u, pri ncipalmen
21、t per lexcavaci subgrade. latrun pel poble cam les condicions del tr nsit abans que comenci la construcci de dos carretera pioner. una secci de construcci (secci xi) se centren e n latrun quin k0 + 440 hill road a la vorera, secci b construcci (secci est) es va centrar en latrun k1 + 480, k1 + 840 h
22、ill road a les voreres del gtze. vorera latrun obert moviment terra superfcie de treball, paral?lela a les opera cions superfcie de treball, segons el cabal de di sseny del sistema de drenatge, de seguir el princi pi de drenatge de construcci de moviment de terres incrustaci de codi a la caixa de la
23、 carretera. 7.4.3 canona des de desgu s establerts en letapa de construcci i moviment de terres caixa integrat estretament de la carretera, intercalades amb la construcci. segons el s princi pis i matries abans que siguin originals, des subgrade excavaci al tanc de cam, abeurador de desgus, formaci
24、subgrade, drenatge es poden formar, segmentats flux. 7.4.4 carretera base i superfcie capa construcci etapa carretera base pargraf de construcci enginyeria dividit localitzaci amb enginyeria drenatge com, tamb dos punts dun par graf de construcci per segment secci de punts per a la construcci dorgan
25、itzaci daig ua paral?lels: els princi pis de secci completa dut a terme la construcci, en general direcci constr ucci de drenatge cnonada completat direcci avan? constr ucci, estrictament segons subgrade cre u secci i la l nia de pendent per a la construcci de control, construcci enginyeria drenatge
26、 hou, groove backfill a, subgrade amb seg ents formant una. segons aquest pensament amdues cares constant aven? de la construcci fins a la base difusi . arranjaments dimplementaci dacord amb els principis dorganitzaci de la se cci important despr s de la primera construcci de gamma dintersecci , mov
27、iment de terres i drenatge, funciona despr s de la construcci i aca bats organitzacions caixa de la carretera, coix, base, asfalt construcci de paviment de formig . 7.4.5 la vorera i la vora lateral de paviment pedra en construcci etapa construcci segons el progr s de la construcci de la construcci
28、de la ca nonada i acabat construcci duna canonada, seguint una construcci vorera. 7.4.6 projecte r ecapitulaci: ta ncament de lloc de construcci, di spositius desortida, neteja net. 7.4.7 tancament de tancament fases construcci lloc, surt de lequip. 7.5 suport a la construcci del primer tram de la c
29、anonada establint noves conduccions est centralitzada en la localit zaci de carril de barreja, on el subministrament daigua, gas es barreja carrils, fanal del carrer, corrent de ll um, energia, telecomunicacions es troben a prop greenbelt i voreres,activities, comprehe nsive and tamping safety found
30、ation . troubleshooting, management mecha nism, give full play to role of technical supervision and realization of troubleshooting, management, improved process management. this year completed the boil er lower header leakage, boiler pressure, a major risk management, completed 29 of great risks and
31、 3 general problems of governance. complete chemistry lab constructi on, thermal control, and complete the boiler scale integrated management, host shafting vibration of 10 scientific and technological projects, such as. complete supercritical 630mw on-line simulation system development and applicat
32、ion of circulati ng water mcc standby power transformation, the transformation of desulfurization waste water, the unit water supply system of compre hensive treatment and discharge valve modification of coal mill 5 key technological tra nsformation projects, group health is improved. -s cience and
33、technology innovation i s further increased. strengthen the characteristics of supercritical unit major issue s, gradually clearing the particularity of supercritical unit and regularity. developed motor oil time management, switch action times, statistics, coa l-ai ded measurement software, improve
34、s the production l evel of lean management. increased i nvestment in science and te chnology, re porti ng scie nce and te chnol ogy projects and 14 technical project total cost percentage of the total annual production output of 0.25%. large -scale coal-fired power plant flue gas de sulfurization, d
35、enitrification complete development and application of key technologies proje ct, won the national science and te chnology progress second prize. 630mw supercritical units optimized control strategies and the 630mw development and appl ication of on-line simulation sy stem for supercritical units, s
36、upercritical 600mw units of turbine driven boiler feed pump set of comprehe nsive treatment of defects datang technology respectively one or two and third. meanwhile, information technology achievements, the company was named china power i nformation technol ogy benchmarking enterprises. -repair and
37、 maintenance has improved further. modify the inspection standards and standards on a regular basi s, standardizing w ork procedures, che cking and i nspecti on project. dee pening the bfs+ system, and implements maintenance i nformation shared. reorganizing rb logic again, and ensure the success of
38、 the rb. innovating the mechanism of maintenance management, implemented a project manager system. successful completion of two autonomous maintenance, reliability improved steadily. implementing two c-level maintenance, project themselves 48.7% and 42.3%, respectively. accom plish two circulati ng
39、pumps repair and overhaul of four mills, maintenance teams to get exercise. promote the work of energy saving and consumption reducing, complete the unit energy consumption diagnosis, pla nt water balance test, 10 energy-saving projects. second, we should adhere to three on the economic benefits of
40、improving, outreach九年級上期數(shù)學(xué)期末檢測一、精心選一選(每小題3 分,共 30 分)1、下列函數(shù)中,自變量x 的取值范圍是x 2 的是() 。a.y=x2 b.y=xx2c.y=24xd.y=21x2如圖中 bod的度數(shù)是 ()a55 b110 c125 d 1503. 如圖,o是 abc的內(nèi)切圓, 切點(diǎn)分別是d、 e、 f, 已知 a=100, c=30 ,則 dfe的度數(shù)是 ()a.55 b.60 c.65 d.70第 2 題第 3 題4. 有一個(gè)不透明的布袋中,紅色、黑色、白色的玻璃球共有40 個(gè),除顏色外其它完全相同。小李通過多次摸球試驗(yàn)后發(fā)現(xiàn)其中摸到紅色、黑色球的
41、頻率穩(wěn)定在15% 和 45% ,則口袋中白色球的個(gè)數(shù)很可能是() a6 b16 c18 d24 5化簡xx1得() 。a.xb.xc.xd.x6一元二次方程ax2+bx+c=0 中,若 a0,b0,c0,則這個(gè)方程根的情況是() 。a.有兩個(gè)正根b.有兩個(gè)負(fù)根c.有一正根一負(fù)根且正根絕對值大;d.有一正根一負(fù)根且負(fù)根絕對值大。7在 abc中, a50, o為 abc的內(nèi)心,則boc 的度數(shù)是() 。a.115b.65c.130d.1558關(guān)于 x 的一元二次方程(k-1) x22x3=0 有兩不等實(shí)根,則k 的取值范圍是() 。a.k 34b.k34且 k 1 c.0k34d.k 1 9兩圓的
42、圓心坐標(biāo)分別為(3,0) 、 (0,4) ,它們的直徑分別為4 和 6,則這兩圓的位置關(guān)系是() 。a.外離b.相交c.外切d.內(nèi)切10、以下命題正確的是() 。a.圓的切線一定垂直于半徑;b.圓的內(nèi)接平行四邊形一定是正方形;c.直角三角形的外心一定也是它的內(nèi)心;d.任何一個(gè)三角形的內(nèi)心一定在這個(gè)三角形內(nèi)。二、耐心填一填(每小題4分,共 36 分)成e la carretera, la construcci de canonada de desg u s: a causa del drenatge canonades incr ustat en tons, dacord amb les esp
43、ecificacions pertinents i tenint en compte els requeriments raona bles de tecnologia de la construcci, ha de fer el tractament subgrade i la zona dexcavaci de spr s de le levaci de lexcavaci a la ubicaci corre cta i construcci de clavegueram. per tant, lexcavaci de terra-roca i terrapl caixa de la c
44、arretera, un acord raonable dobres de drenatge es va convertir en la cla u per a la realitzaci de l projecte suau. pre-construcci, nom s acce lerar lexcavaci del moviment de terres per a subgrade i terrapl, per les obres de drenatge i posterior construcci crear cares, per tal de garantir la superaci
45、 de la totalitat del projecte. aiges avall de nou lautor: segons els requeriments de tecnologia de construcci de drenatge, seguint lordre codi dincrustaci despr s de la primera per garantir la construcci de bon drenatge temporal durant lorganitza de construcci , perode de construcci en el seu conjun
46、t. desplegament raonable de moviment de terres: aquesta enginyeria per la construcci de processament i subgrade moviment deterres excavaci enginyeria volum gran, base suau e n la ple na segons situaci especfica lloc, par graf de cincia dividit construcci, arranjaments raonables distri buci de movime
47、nt de terres i nombre de moviment de terres aba ndonades exterior, festa pot camp redu?dins el moviment de terres de repetici cavat omple de tre ball, per accelerar el moviment de terres subgrade i processament de subgrade de pr ogr s de construcci , des del princi pi a les condicions de construcci
48、creada de ca nonada drenatge, garantiran enginyeria tot ordenat per. ca nonades, pai satgisme, il?lumina ci de nginyeria, construcci, enginyeria de transport: a causa del disseny de drenatge del sistema utilitzant combinat, fora de la reserva a drenatges vial la canonada transversal m s significatiu
49、 impa cte construcci i e nginyeria de drenatge de la canonada creua nt, i col?lctors enterrats profund,. 7.4.1 fase de pre paraci constr ucci (1) construcci de lestaci de lloc: oficina de l ng, va cre ar camps i altres instal?lacions temporals, posant en el poder de lloc de construcci, corredor daig
50、ua. (2) lestabliment de la construcci de xarxa de control de topografia, organitzacions mesurar golfes i mesurar els resultats reportats pel comissionat, els propietaris. (3) gran quantitat dexcavaci de subgrade, la identificaci de lrea de descrrega, per a la paret de roca es prepara b . (4) mbit co
51、nstruir 2.4m blaus met l?lics de paret, noms reservat per a la construcci de treballs amb interseccions tr nsit transversal, estrictament segons lorganitzaci de tr nsit dels unitats organitzatives i residents al llarg del trnsit original. 7.4.2 etapes de construcci de moviment de terres de aquesta e
52、norme qua ntitat de moviment de terres de lenginyeria, construcci sdelegates, staff: hello! in the run -up to the spring festival, we held one sessi on of four staff representatives conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans
53、. here, on behalf of my company 2013 work reports to the general asse mbly, for consideration. pillar i, 2012 back in 2012, xx power companies adhere t o the partys 17 great spirit for guidance, comprehensively implement the scientific concept of development, promoting cost-leadership strategy, stan
54、dards, focus on implementation, lean management, continuously im prove, smooth present safety situation of enterprise management, business management and control scientific and standardized, and the de dication of staff, manage a harmonious and democratic atmosphere of the good situation. main indi
55、cators are as follow-the battery indicator : power generation totaled 7.815 billion kwh, beyond the annual budget implementation capa city of 315 million kwh, an increase of 757 million kwh. sales totaled 7.425 billion kwh, exceeding sales of 330 million kwh the annual executive budget, an increase
56、of 729 million kwh. -s ecurity measures: unplanne d outages 2.5 times. no personal injury accident occurred, no major accident and above, no major fire accidents without environmental pollution accidents, safety for three consecutive years to maintain stability to good posture. business financial in
57、dicators: total profits of 255 million yuan, beyond the annual budget of 207 million yuan, beyond the datang company index 41.89 million yuan, an increase of 1.76 million yuan, fcm assessment at grade four. -energy: power supply standard coal completing 312.25 g/k wh, down 0.1 g/kwh; integrated auxi
58、liary power consumption ratio in 5.12%, down 0.26%; pol lutant emissions performance greatly reduced compared to last year, carbon 0.09 g/k wh, sulfur dioxide 0.104 g/kwh nox 0.512 g/kwh; dust removal efficiency of more than 99.8%. -reliability index: equivalent availability factor in 93.47%, increa
59、sed 7.95% from a year earlier. equivalent forced outage rate 0.08%, 0.16% reduction over the same period a year earlier. major achievements: first, we shoul d adhere to the two management system basis, strengthe ning te chnological research, strengthen hi dden hazards control and intri nsi c safety
60、enterprise construction took new steps. -the two management system for improvement. focus on promoting the power of the company management system and the application and implementation of the safety loop five-star management system, improve the safety management system, realize the system of safety
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