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1、joinin打印六年級冊英語單元教案The IateSt revision On NOVember 22, 2020六年級英語教案 Unit 2 共6課時第 1 課時 TeaChing COntentS: Part 1要求TeaChing Aims:1. IiSten and Sing the SOng2. recite the food WOrdS教學重 難 占八“ImPOrtaIIt points:and Sing the SOngthe food WOrdSDiffiCUIt POints:ReaCl the WOrdS Of the SOng COrreCtly and Sing教學過

2、程教學過程Warming-UP1 GreetingS2. Free talk教學調整:PrOCedUreS1 the StUdentS IiSten to the song, theyCan UnderStanCl the SOng With thePiCtures2. IearIl the titIe: Try new foods, and read3. ASk the QUeStion:What, S your favourite foodThen COntinUe to say:Try CarrOt StiCkS and CeIeryMaybe they Can be your favo

3、urites.And Iearn new things: CarrOt stick, CeIery4. COmmUniCate about the favourite food,and Iearrl new things: grape, cherry,COrn-On-1hecob, String bean5 OPen the books , IiSten to the SOng andPOintto the PiCtUreS Or the WOrdS Ofthe song, then Iearrl to Sing the SOng6. Sing the WhOIe SOngPraCtiCeSm

4、ake SentenCeS:If youIike , try , you Can try newfoods,SOmething new to you.HOmeWOrkCOPy andrecite the food WOrdS板Unit 2書applePearCeIeryCherrieS設String beansgrapesCarrOt StiCkSCherrieS計六年級英語教案Unit 2第 2 課時 TeaChing COntentS: Part 2 & Part 3教學要求TeaChing Aims:1. KnOW the food rainbow.2. ASk and answ

5、er:What, S you favourite foodMy favourite food is 3. USe the SentenCeS StrUCtmentbe good forbe bad fore教學重 難 占八“ImPOrtant points:Learrl to read and USe the SentenCe PatternSDiffiCUIt POints:and answer:What, S you favourite food My favourite food is 教學過程Warnling-UP1. GreetingS2. LiSten and Sing the s

6、ong<Try newfoods>教學調整:教學過程PrOCedUreS1. Free talk:What is your favourite food2. divide the food into SeVeraICategories:fruits, vegetables, sweets, drinks, 3. Pay attention to fruits and VegetabIeSCIaSSify the fruits and VegetabIeS byCOIOUrS4. AnSWer the QUeStiOnS:What is your favourite red food

7、5. Write down their favourite food foreach COIOUr in the rainbowCheCk the answersRead the SentenCeS One by One in rows6. furits and Vegetables With differentCOIOUrS are good for different bodiesPraCtiCeSTry to USe the Sentence Patterns:is/are good for Write Orl the not ebooks, read in differentWayS

8、COrreCtly and SkillfUllyHOmeWOrkRead , translate and recite the rightSentenCeS in Part 3.板書設計Unit 2 FOOd and healthfruits<red:tomato<Vege tablesOrange: Orange、KfoodSWeetSyellow: IemOndrinksgreen: WatermeIOblue: grape六年級英語教案 Unit 2第 3 課時 TeaChing COntentS:Part 4 & exercises books & SUPP

9、IemeIltary activities 1教學要求TeaChing Aims:1 LOOk at the PiCtUreS and read the words, then recite2. Read and UnderStand the dialogues3. DiSCUSS WhiCh foods are good for health, and WhiCh foods are bad for health.4. do exercises COrreCtIy教學 重 難 占八“ImPOrtant points:at the PiCtUreS and read the words, th

10、en reciteand UnderStand the dialoguesDiffiCUIt points:do exercises COrreCtly教學過程教學過Warming-UP1. GreetingS2. EXerCiSe books:Page 20 I:LiSten and ChOOSePage 17: II: LiSten and CirCIe教學調整:PrOCedUreS1 IOOk at the PiCtures, read the foodWOrdS2. divide into two CategOrieSbe good for OUr healthbe bad for O

11、Ur health3. IOOk at the Chart On the board andmake SentenCeS to talkbe good for OUr healthbe bad for OUr healthbe healthybe not healthy4. Page 61,do exercises:TiCk What * S good for your healthPraCtiCeSEXerCiSe books:IrListen and numberIII: LiSten and tick Of CrOSSHOmeWOrkEXerCiSe books:Page 18 V: L

12、OOk and WriteTherl recite the WOrdS板書設Unit 2isare good for OUr healthis/are healthyis/are bad for OUr healthis/are not計heaIthy六年級英語教案Unit 2第 4 課時 TeaChing COntents:Part 5 & exercise books教學要求TeaChing Aims:and UnderStand the IabeLthe eating habits and Write down your Own healthy eating tipCardS教學

13、重 難 占八“ImPOrtaIIt points:Reacl and UnderStand the Iabe 1.DiffiCUIt POints:DiSCUSS the eating habits and Write down.教學過Warnling-UP1. Greetings2. Free talk教學調整:程教學過程My favourite food is ,it is/are good for my heaIthPrOCedUreS1. EXerCiSe books:Vl: Read, ChOOSe and WriteLearn the new things: WhOIe grain

14、s, junk food, WhOIe-Wheat breadRead the WOrdS and UnderStand2. EXerCiSe book:Page 22 V: LOOk , read and tick.3. We need:4. POint to the books and IiSten to the mp35. IiSten and read the SentenCeSPay attention to the WOrdS:exercise, PIenty of6. drill to read the SentenCeSPraCtiCeSEXerCiSe book:Page 1

15、9 VlI: Read and Write “T” Or “F”HOmeWOrkPage 21 III: LiSten and Write板Unit 2 FOOd and health書eat more eat PIenty Of 設drinkdo more exercises計六年級英語教案Unit 2第 5 課時 Part 6a & 6b教學要求TeaChing Aims:1. LiSten , read and UnderStand the dialogues2. LiSten and number NiCkt S answers3. LiSten and match Ann&#

16、39; S QUeStions With Nick' S answers in 6a.教學重 難 占八“ImPOrtant points:LiSten , number and match the exercisesDiffiCUIt POints:LiSten, read and UnderStand the dialogues教學過程Warming-UP1 GreetingS2. Sing the SOng <Try new foods>3. Read Part 5.教學調整:PrOCedUreS1 IOOk at the PiCture Of the boy Nick

17、, tell the PUPiIS to Iearrl the new WOrdS: fit, StrOng2 T asks the PUPiIs:Why is he SO fit and StrongLead the PUPiIS to answer according to the COntentS in Part 53. IiSten to the mp3, the PUPiIS feel the dialogues4. ShOW the COrreSPOneIing PiCtUreS and the sentences, UnderStand and Iearn to read the

18、m:IClOa IOt Of exercises everyday.I SleeP for 8 or 9 hours every Ilight etc5 OPen the books to Page 18, read theSentences togetherPraCtiCeS GrOUPWOrk:DiSCUSS: HOW Can We be fit and StrOngThen Write the advices HOmeWOrkCOPy the QUeStiOnS and the answers, then read.板書設計Unit 2 FOOd and heaIthJ Nick! Wh

19、y are you SO fit and StrOngIdOa IOt Of exercise every day.六年級英語教案 Unit 2第 6 課時 Part 7a & 7b教學要求TeaChing Aims:1. IiSten and read the text2. read again and Underline AUntie Pangt S bad habitsThen answer the QUeStions.教ImPOrtant points:學LiSten, read and UnderStand the text重難DiffiCUIt POints: Read t

20、he text and answer the QUeStiOnS COrreCtly.占八“教Warming-UP1. Greeting教學調學2. Read the dialogues between Ann and整:過Nick.程PrOCedUreS1. ShOW the PiCtUre Of AUntie Pang,Think: Who, S She教2 Iisten and try to UneIerStand the StOry,學ChOOSe the right answer:過WhO' S She程A. AUntie PangB. Granny Pang3. IiSte

21、n to the mp3 again, UnderStand theStOry againthen do exercises to check:and repeat the StOryPUPiIS read the StOry together , thenread in groupsin CIaSSPraCtiCeSthe text alone and Underline AUntiePangt S bad habits.Read OUt AUntie Pang' S bad habits to read the QUeStiOnS and answer3. CheCk the an

22、swers in CIaSSHOmeWOrkWrite OUt AUntie Pangt S bad habits板書設Unit 2IOVeS eating Very much計 BUt her eating habits are not healthy! She IikeS eating pizza, hamburgers, and ice CreanI She eats a IOt and ClrinkS too much COIaevery day六年級英語教案 Unit 3 共6課時第1課時1教學要求TeaChing aims:1. LiSten and read the PaSSag

23、e aboUt Mary and One Of her CIiarieSGraSP USefUI information to do Ex.教學重難ImPOrtant POints:1. Read the PaSSage in 1 and answer SOme QUeStiOnS2. Be able to COmPIete the :retelling PaSSage about Mary in 1, USingthe information they' Ve got in the PaSSage占八“DiffiCUlt POints:1 Be able to COmPIete th

24、e retelling the PaSSage in 1, USing theInfOrmation they, Ve got in the PaSSage教學過程Warnling-UP1. GreetingS2. ShOW a PhOtO Of a CIiary to Iead in thetopic and teach the new vocabulary: diary, keep a CIiary教學調整:PrOCedUreS1 LiSten and read the first ShOrt PaSSage about Mary and fill in the form2. Read t

25、he PaSSageS again and COmPIete the retelling in the first PerSOn and then in the third PerSOnP InShe is3. ReaCl Mary, S first CIiary and Pay attention to the PaSt forms: was, went,ate, WrOtePraCtiCeS1. TaIk aboUt the PiCtUreS2. RetelIing the PaSSage in differentPerSOnSHOmeWOrk1. Read the PaSSage板Uni

26、t3書diary, keep aCliary設hometown, beautiful, CaStie, Iake計WaS (be),Went(go),ate(eat),WrOte (Write)六年級英語教案Unit 3第2課時2 & 3教學要求Teaching aims:1. Learrl about the form Of the EngliSh diary.Learn SOme new WOrdS教學重 難 占八“ImPOrtant POints:1 USefUI WOrdS2. The form Of the EngliSh diaryDiffiCUIt POints: Wri

27、te a diary教學過程教學Warnling-UP1. Greetings2. Read the PaSSageS Iearnt in PeriOd 1教學調整:PrOCedUreS1 LiSten and read the PaSSge in part2, and then do UTrUe Or FaISen exercise1> Mary WrOte this CIiary On a CIOUdy day.過程2> She isn' t good at maths.3> She did five sums, but She OnIy got four rig

28、ht2. AnSWer:1> Why WaS Mary Sad2> DOeS Mary Iike MathS3> What WilI Mary do3. LiSten and read the PaSSage in Part3,and then do the UTrUe OrFalse" exercise1> Mary ViSited the Old CaStie On 19h AUgUS t.2> Mary ViSited the CaStIe With her aunt 4. AnSWer:1> HOW OId IS the CaStIe六年級

29、英語教案 Unit 3第3課時4 & 5教學要求TeaChing aims:1 LiSten and read the StOryAnSWer QUeStiOnS教學重 難 占八“ImPOrtant POints:1. Reael and answer the QUeStiOnSDiffiCUIt POints:GraSP the USefUI information accurately.教學過程教學過程Warming-UP1 GreetingS2. LiSten PaSSage 3 in Ia and do TrUe OrFaISe QUeStiOnS3. Read PaSSage

30、 3 and ask a QUeStiOn :What is LiZa going to Write about,China Or AUStralia教學調整:PrOCedUreS1 LiSten and read the StOry and answerQUeStiOnS:PiCtu:Tel-21> What is there in the CaStle2> What' S its name3> WhO takes the ice CreanlPiCture3-51> What does OSWald IOVe2> What is he going to

31、 do3> HOW much is the ice Crealn4> DOeS he get the ice Creain WhyPiCture6-13 TrUe Or FaISe1> OSWald has got an idea Of Pretending(f裝)to be a guide2> PeOPIe don" t Iike him.3> He have got money to buy ice Cream.2. Read the StOry again and do On Page24.PraCtiCeS1. Read the StOry in

32、 roles.HOmeWOrk 1. Read the StOry板書設計Unit 3StoP ShOUtingWOnderfUI great excellent六年級英語教案Unit 3第4課時6a & 6b教學要求TeaChing aims:1 PraCtice the Sentence PatternS: What WilI dowill+動詞原型教學重 難 占八“ImPOrtant POints:1. SentenCe pattern: What WiiI doW訂1+動詞原形DiffiCUIt POints:1. SentenCe pattern: What WilI doW

33、訂1+動詞原形教Warming-UP1 Greetings教學調整:學PrOCedUreS1.LiSten and number What SalIy WilI過do in the COrreCt Order程23142.LiSten again and then fill in WhatSalIy WilI do this SatUrdayW訂1do maths exerciseWilIIiSten to musicWilIgo ridingWilIread a StOrybookPraCtiCeS1 read and Write the SentencesHOmeWOrkWriteSOme

34、 Serltences by USing theSentenCe PatternS板Unit 3書設計What WilI dowill+動詞原形六年級英語教案Unit 3第5課時5教學要求Teaching aims:1. PraCtice the SentenCe Pattern: What IS going to dois going to +動詞原型教學重難 占八“ImPOrtant POints:1. PraCtice the SentenCe Pattern: What IS going to dois going to +動詞原型Difficult POints:1. PraCtic

35、e the SentenCe Pattern: What IS going to dois going to +動詞原型教Warming-UP1 GreetingS教學調整:學PrOCedUreS1. LOOk and answer What SimOn IS going to過do this Weekenel程He is going to PIay football On SatUrdaymorningHe is going to WatCh TV On SatUrdayeveningHe is going to PIay table tennis OnSUnday afternoOrLHe IS g


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