1、計算機應用基礎考生須知 : 1、請用正楷字體填寫個人信息(身份證號、姓名和學習中心) ;2、本試卷分為計算機、 數(shù)學和英語三門課程, 考試時間共 90 分鐘;3、所有答案均應寫在答題卷上,寫在考試卷上不給分;4、請按要求填寫相關信息和答題,保證字跡工整清晰一、單選題(本大題共 6個小題,每小題 5 分,共 30分)1. 為了指導計算機網(wǎng)絡的互聯(lián)、互通和互作, ISO 頒布了 OSI 參考模型,其基本結構分為 ( )。A.6 層 B.5 層 C.7 層 D.4 層2、下列各組設備中,全部屬于輸入設備的一組是(A.鍵盤、磁盤和打印機B.C. 鍵盤、鼠標和顯示器D.)。鍵盤、掃描儀和鼠標硬盤、打印機
2、和鍵盤3、按照網(wǎng)絡分布和覆蓋的地理范圍,可將計算機網(wǎng)絡分為()。A. 局域網(wǎng)、互聯(lián)網(wǎng)和internet 網(wǎng)C.廣域網(wǎng)、互聯(lián)網(wǎng)和城域網(wǎng)B.D.Internet廣域網(wǎng)、局域網(wǎng)和城域網(wǎng)網(wǎng)、城域網(wǎng)和 Novell 網(wǎng)4. 下列各項中 , 不屬于多媒體硬件的是()。A. 光盤驅動器B.視頻卡C.音頻卡D.加密卡5. 下列關于 Windows 98 “回收站”的敘述中,錯誤的是 ( )A、“回收站”中的信息可以清除,也可以還原B、每個邏輯硬盤上“回收站”的大小可以分別設置C、當硬盤空間不夠使用時,系統(tǒng)自動使用“回收站”所占據(jù)的空間D “回收站A”中存放的是所有邏輯硬盤上被刪除的信息6. 下面哪一個是合法的
3、 IP 地址: ( )A. 0C. 0.135B. 235D. 255.255.255、填空題(本大題共10 個小題,每小題 5 分 共 50 分)1軟盤的存儲容量計算公式是:盤面數(shù)每面磁道數(shù)X X每扇區(qū)字節(jié)數(shù)。2. 選定某個文件,并按下 Delete 鍵,則該文件被刪除到 中。3. 不少微機軟件的安裝程序都具有相同的文件名,Windows 系統(tǒng)也如此,其安裝程序的文件名一般為。4. 以微處理器為核心的微型計算機屬于第 代計算機。5. 在Excel中輸入數(shù)據(jù)時,如果輸入的數(shù)據(jù)具有某種內(nèi)在規(guī)律,則可以利用它的功能進行輸入。6. ROM存
4、儲器是指。7. RAM!指。8. 計算機中所有信息的存儲都采用 。9. 第一臺電子計算機是誕生于 年。10. 計算機所具有的存儲程序和程序原理是 提出的。高等數(shù)學一、選擇題:本大題共5個小題,每小題10分,共50分.在每小題給出的四個選項中 ,只有 個是符合題目要求的。1、已知f (3x) = log2(9x26x 5),則f(1)等于()A、1B、2C、3D、42函數(shù)f(x)=x cosx()A.在(-:,+:)內(nèi)有界B.在(-:,+:-)內(nèi)無界C.當 x >二時有極限D.當當Xr時是無窮大量3設 f(x)= 3x,則 limf(x)- f(a)等于()x - aA. 3a ln3B.
5、3aC.l n3D.3aIn 314.若x時,(仁茨)4-1與xsi nx是等價無窮小,則a=()(A) -4( B) 4(C) 1(D) -15. 若集合A = a, b, c,為空集合,則下列表示正確的是()A. aB.a =AC.a二 A D.二三 A、填空題:本大題共3個小題,每小題6分,共18分。6. 函數(shù)y = arcsin(x -)的定義域是:。2X7. 設函數(shù)f(x),則在點x= , f (x)間斷.sin x8. 方程x2 y2 = 4x在空間直角坐標系下表示 。三、解答題:本大題共2個小題,每小題16分,共32分.解答要求寫出推理、演算步驟。1 19求 lim ().x
6、176; x sin x10.若函數(shù) f(x 2) =sin2x,求1f (x), f (-), f (0)大學英語I. Phonetics (20 points)Direction: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronun
7、ciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet()1. A falseB. looseC. thoseD. miss()2. A. disappearB. fearC. yearD. pear()3.A. temperatureB. changeC. averageD. surface()4. A.newB.fewC.flewD.k new()5.A. men tal_B. metalC. totalD. metallic()6.A. thrownB. followC. brow
8、nD. show n()7.A. nin etee nthB. ninthC. souther nD. fifth()8A. constructi onB. coralC. crossD. model()9. A. oneB. sonC. aloneD. front()10. A.floodB.looseC.chooseD.moodII. Vocabulary and Structure (40points)Direction : there are 40 incomplete sentencesin this section . For each sentence there are fou
9、r choices marked A, B, C and D. choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHEET I.11. Who willthe bill?A. payB. pay forC. pay offD. pay out12. The degreewhich people get in volved in societies varies a great deal.A. toB. atC. inD. on13. While c
10、leaning a Iong-deserted house the other day I came an old photoof my gran dpa.A. toB. byC. acrossD. with14. you have bee n look ing for, my frien d, is the cha nee to throw yourself into the world ofUn iversity SocietiesA. WhatB. ThatC. WhichD. Those15. Their debts700.A. added toB.adds upC. add toD.
11、 add up to16. Another different experienee for meliving on my own is that now I have become moredecisive.A. whe nB. ifC. whileD. as17. The questions like Where do youwork? ” or Are you married?are tootoEuropea ns.A. impoliteB. correctC. wrongD. pers onal18. He spoke so quickly that I did notwhat he
12、said.A. catchB. acceptC. takeD. listen19. Yougo no w. It's very late.A. had ratherB. prefer toC. had betterD. would rather20. If I were you, I would take it easy,is no n eed to be n ervous.A. itB. thisC. thereD. which21. Ihere two years ago.D. movedA. moved toB. have movedC. have moved to22. He
13、usuallya bus to work in stead of going by taxi.A. takesB. carriesC. getsD. sits23. A child lear ns to read by see ing the wordsA. properlyB. repeatedlyC. repeatlyD. obviously24. Our frien dship isand we will n ever aga in be separated.A. restoredB. reservedC. restra inedD. repeated25. The beautiful
14、scene left a deepon the foreig n visitors.A. thoughtB. ideaC. thinkingD.impressi on26. The room is a little small;it is so hot.A. in additi onB. in additi on toC. additi onalD. add ing27. In this way they can get betterwith you and have a topic for beginning conversationwith you.A. acqua in tedB. si
15、milarC. popularD. known28. Jack _his thick coat because it was snowing .A . put onB . puts onC. wearD . has on29.If you want to teleph one him , you ' ll have t_ _up the nu mber in the book .A . lookB. seeC. findD . search30.greet ing, would you please give me an example to use in En glish?A. Ta
16、lk ing aboutB. Talked aboutC. Speak ing ofD. Spoke n ofIII. Cloze (20 points)For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below and marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blankening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Mr.
17、.J ones was very angry with his wife, and she was very angry with her husba nd31 several says they did n'tspeak 32 each other at all. One evening Mr. Jones was very 33 when he come back work, so he went to bed 35 after dinner. Of course, hedidn ' t say36 to Mrs. Jones before he went up stair
18、s .Mr. Jones washed the dinner 37 and then did some sew ing. When she went up to bed 38 later tha n her husba nd, she found a piece of paper on the small table 39 her bed. On it were the word“ Mother4Wak mm.Father. ”When Mr. Jones woke up the next mornin g, it was n early 8 a.m. and on the small tab
19、le n ear his bed he saw another piece of Paper. He took it and read these words: “ Father. Wake up. It is 7 a.m. Mother. ”()31.A. atB. ForC. OnD. About()32. A. ofB. betwee nC. toD. about()33. A. tiresomeB. tireC. tiringD. tired()34. A. onB. forC. toD. from()35. A. rapidB.soonC.soonerD. fast()36. A.
20、somethi ngB. no thi ngC. anythingD. everyth ing()37. A. thin gsB. materialsC. substa ncesD. objects()38. A. soB. forC. moreD. much()39. A. nearB. closeC. offD. from()40. A. upB. outC. dow nD. rightIV .Reading Comprehension (20 points)There are two reading passages in this part. Each passage is follo
21、wed by five questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage oneThe desire to make explorations is born with man. Wherever his imagination goes , man also has a strong wish to g
22、o. A large part of human history is connected with the exploration of the world in which we live. Aga in and aga in people have set out with surpris ing courage and patie nce to look into unknown regions and lands to see what had not yet been seen , to make known the unknown. With kites ,balloons an
23、d aircraft they left the ground to pass through the loweratmosphere. Now the outer space receives their atte ntio n.Why should man take the trouble of conquering space ? It is hard to list the specific practical ben efits that will result in. But one knows , from past experie nce in other areas, tha
24、t man will surely see and discover new things in space that will in crease our scie ntific kno wledge , and this new kno wledge will find its way into valuable practical uses. What we lear n about man himself , from his experience in space , and from the effects of space and the space flight environ
25、ment on him , will be extremely valuable. The new techniques developed to carry out the exploration ofspace, and to keep man alive in space, will certainly find practical uses in everyday life in some way. The areas that will ben efit are man ifold. They in clude com mun icati on , gen erati on of p
26、ower, tran sportati on and travel , food product ion , materials , fuels and many others. But to say defi nitely just what the practical results will be is almost impossible.41. The main idea of the first paragraph is that .A. ma n desires to explore what is unknownB. ma n ofte n goes wherever his d
27、reams goC. ma n is no Ion ger in terested in the study of the land and sea nowD. man' s history is his exploration of the world42. The word“ manifold ” in the second paragraph probably means.A.vastB.variousC.valuableD.practical43. The author seems to be in favor of.A. doubt ing the n ecessity of
28、 the space explorati onB. the explorati on of spaceC. explori ng more in space tha n in other areasD. his experie nee in space44.ln the last sentence of paragraph 2 the phrase “ the practical results ” refers to the results that .A. are obta ined from experie neeB. ca n be lear ned as kno wledgeC. c
29、a n ben efit us huma n beingD. help us make further explorati onPassage TwoThis is a time of year when we think about giving and receiving presents . Can you find a little extra to give ?On this page we suggest a few orga ni zati ons you might like to help.Littleton Children' s HomeWe don '
30、t want your money but children very welcome .,booksBetoysclothes .In good con diti on would beAlso we are looking for friendly families who would take our children into their homes for a few hours or days as guests. You have so much will you share it ?Phone Sister Thomas at 55671.Children ' Hosp
31、iceWe look after a small number of very sick children . This important work needs skill and love . We can not continue without gifts or money to pay for more nursing staff . We also need story books and toys suitable for quiet games .Please con tact The Secretary, Little Childre n' s Hospewby Ro
32、ad .Street FoodIn the win ter weather, it ' s no fun being homelesst ' s even worse if you ' . reWhwgigry hot food to at least fifty people every night . It ' s hard wqrkbut necessary. Can you come and help ? If not , can you find a little money ? We used a very old kitchen , and we
33、need some new saucepa ns Money for new ones would be most welcome in deed .Con tact Street Food , c/o Mary ' s Houseilmi ng Way.Littleton Pho ne 27713.Littleton Youth ClubHave you got an unwan ted chair ?a record-player ?a pot of paint ?We can use them!We want to get to work on our meeting room !Please phone 66231and we' ll be happyetct any-thing you can give us .Thank you !The Night ShelterWe offer a warm bed for the ni ght to anyone who has no where to go . We rent the former Commercial Hotel on Green Street
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