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1、一、單項選擇 (共 0 小題,每小題分,滿分1分)1 theundegrou in n. 3 has een service fr o a month。- o exciting _ _news is! .a. an c. / 。 he 2。if you dev lo _o talk wt othrs nenglsh, o llimrve oability i akig。a。 plan b. habitc. ay d。chne 3。 give m anther chnc, _i ll give ou all a wndeful urpri。a an b. or c. o ut 4. wher r

2、ethe plants? yo e, somene _ _ _ hem to the wino. a。m e b had mved c。 wulmov. as med 5。 we al know omeof te poic s du ie are t e rde and _te . a。 akeout b。 fn ouc. ome ou。 carr ot 6oo at thtgirl! it na? no, i_ be e. shha gonebckto herhomeown.a. mu n t b。c c.nen t 。 ou n。 - h ve you fou d te inf ation

3、 aboutang jag_ y c for you compsiton? otyet, i amtoobsythese s. a.wic。who c. hos d。 hen 8 canyou tellme_ _? his afternoon. 。 when wil we ty nanj g mer ine 3 b。 w re we c ake njing metr ine c. whewe will try njinmtro lne d。 wh he nanjing metro line as coe into ue.s ll we ask re fri ns to helpraise on

4、 f r carit? g d ea。 asa od saying goe,_ 。a。 ev too lte tlearnb.noai s, no gis c. many han mak ight ork d。 don t p l ureggsino as t 10。- my pa hs gne ong。 i ll ve it_。wh don t you have un le wang _? nobody can f he cant. a. repar, repaied .epa , repari g c eaiing, repai ed d。 aired, repair. 二、完形填空 (共

5、 5 小題,每小題1 分,滿分15 分) ma hnk tere is n san in the desrt o h d, _1_t is nt true。 in the dset, asweknw, here s a ltle_2_, butit is not _ fr m t plant till e ca see s me plnts _4_ nthe esert。t re is _5 n lacsintedes rt. we 6_ heepaces oa es。 heoases, there e vi lages andtow . pepe gro _7_ kin s of crp i

6、th iels t e。pople _8_ live ut de t e oases. ey have mels, heep nd othr n als. tese animls depn_9_ th esertplntf r t fo d anon nee _10_ wte。he _11_ e seflto t deset pople i nywys teyea themeat an rik the mil of he nia they us the amels for cryi g ate,fod, tentsandsoeting se。he people oth deerthae tok

7、 e m vinfro plceto place. they must a ays ook 1 gass r desrt ans fo tern als。w enh reisomor ood fo their animal , temovt _13_place.thedesertpeo l re _4_ no man i thedesr wou d evrefuse_15_ the people inroule and g e them oan ater. 1 .nd . bu c.or 。s2. a rain b.rai c.wind d. w ns 3.a. oo oenough c. e

8、n gh god d。 eoug4 a。 li e b。to li e c。live d。li5。 a. ones。 lants c. wood 。 wate. say b.tell 。 all . f d 7. a。 eve b l c。 a d. e 8. a sb。 to c. eithe d. s ll 9.a wih b. in c.n d。 by 1. . a littl b。 few c。much dany 。 a. w eplants c。 ropsd. aima2。 a. t . fo c。 ud。 after 13. a. otheb the othc。 theth s d

9、。 anothe1. 。el b。 ried .rindld。 arfuly 15。 。 help b.helps.h lpig d. to hep 三、閱讀理解 (共 15 小題,每小題1 分,滿分15 分)1。w n wa thefairheld?a。 on o。 ,211。 b on 5-7nov., 1。con 10 un., 01。 d。 n 6- dc。 , 2011. 2。peopl wen to _ to e th e ibi io。 no 64uhen rad, haidian di tic, bijing , c na b。 ms. xin hiqn hoe . ingb

10、nternational e hibit oncentr, chna d. chin national utomot veindustr pars aes cr aton 3. youcould o ia _ t otct theoga ze. a。 8610881035 b。860881 0376 c 088121556 d。 86-10-817513。 f you wa t t know ore abut he ehibtio, yucoldnot con c o anizer thrugh . a. teevisio b。 tlephone。 fax 。 e ail5. his ws h

11、e ch a otorccle and parts fair。a.1th 。 86h c.31st d 42niarr ved n te classrom, eaytoshae m kowl ge aeience t 76 studns ho o d be my englishlit rature clss。 hvn taughin e us f 17 years, i haeno oubt bot my abltyo hold their attenti ad to pess on them madmirti nforthe l rtre of my m t rtnge。i was shoc

12、 ed whe the onit shoute , “ stand up! ” the entir class rse ien ered the room and i wasomewht co usedabouthow oge themtositdown agi, but oncthe ebarrssment (尷尬) wsover, i ucky egied my calmnes and admirati i went bac t my office w h t rosyglow whih cae from strong nsef cievement sudens kep di ries.

13、hwevr, as i r them th rsglow w sgradualy repaced bya strong neofsd es。 the fi t diay said, “ our li atur tacher did t t ac s a hing today erhaps rnxt lecture wi b bette。 ” greatly s r ri d。 red d ar after diay,eachxpressing similar hme.“ddnt i teach theanthi g? descibed he ntre ws n pilo phyand ad h

14、e hitorcal bcgrondfor al te wrks we w ll study in class,” i complan . “how should they sa i dntea tem anythng?it was a long term, and grdal became clertatyideas abou euction ere no the same as those of my s udn s。 itoughta tahe s j ws to ra e terestig esti s and pro ie nogh ak ond s tha s den culd d

15、 awt on onclions. mystud nts thought a tacher s o was t pro de exct inf rmato s iectly ndc arl a ossible。 wa a diff ce!how ver, i also lered lot, ad thee eriencew h my chnestudents has ma e me ettr american a er, knowin how oteah in a difeen cultur 1. we cn knw than thfrst dy te writ r 。 a. was dsap

16、poned t ers dents performnce b。 was very onfdenti he stdents。 t he idn t techthmmuch d.flvey onfid t n herself t fi s。 the nderlinedpha “r y low”can en 。 a. feeli gmbarras ed a d stan e b。 feeing appyand i eresting . feelinguces fl d proud。eelingangyand unbelie le 3。 the ri rs “trong snse ofachev me

17、nt” es from. 。 t ching expe ience for 17 y s. eabi t told their at ionc。hr ideas abot ducaton 。 w at an how se taughtin cla s。 the tudent saith write d a th anyhing be us。 te did t get enough exact ts . they ddnt u derst h lesson b。theyidn t ge d to hr tachng d. thy idnt ike her teachig . the bes ti

18、tl fr th passgecan be 。 a。 sudent dia s out a newteaher b。 confidet e glish iterature tech rc。 lea how to teach in chna 。tea ig in a f er n culture aanwhocouldn t achi e ideam came to wiseman toak forsomadviceth wisema thoght f r awhile, ilentlyscopd u(舀取 ) the erand a d, “hat is the hpe of at? he w

19、is man oured thewate into t lassbef ee oldaswe。 he n took tumbl , “now,wa r i lk gl sshpe。 the w an d nothing nd pored hewaein he vaseearby。the mnrelized it , “i now, wate like a ase 。 th wi e mn sookhi hed, gent arriedvase in th h ds ad orethewat r intothe pot filledith sand。 te learater isappeared

20、into the san. the m n was ls in togh。 h ise mn bent wnto grasp (抓) aandfl f sad an said, “ oo,thwater did aylike t .this is a li eie!” the an said ppily,“ now , o ell he s iet is lke arious cntin rs(容器) eveywhere, so ma shold belike water 。 when you ae inceti conaier, you wi l beome its haend siy di

21、e regula ontie, ju t ikehe wter, iap ringrpidyanduddenl, nd othing cn chnge!“ ye , ” t en the wi mn d d,“n ! the wise manw tout of t huse whle h mfoll we . undr theaves(屋檐 ), thewise man bentovr, tou ed ston tes fora while nd soped. the an rea hedouthis handtowhere the wse ma ha jus toche an s a hol

22、e, but d nt know wha secretthhole o te sone step id。the wise mn said, “nrainy da ,the ra wter oudfallfromthe av s, he hole s th resultte wat ral。 life is l k watr, so wemusot only akev yeffort to fitte i ton, but al o we shold try o chanhe it ios to ealie o wn a e. . the bettitl oftisa sae is 。a。 ac

23、heve ou ream 。 lif is li ater 。we should cha e ourselves d. our lif time is sh2. th is anpou ed wter ino ev al c ntainers tohow that 。 a. eop e shoul ft differe t social itua ons. waer could fi di fe ent ontaie hlepeo le co nt c. veyody hadhs on y t lie in th world d。 notig anhn he wat xcpt hehuman3

24、. unerlined exressin “ too aumbl means “ inhi pssage 。a. ook q c look b。 ca ry srprisc.suddnly nd to。felt uie emar sed 4。 wh d thewise an say “y ” wea “ o” th ounma s ans e?becu e he wasnot sur ether t e young m n anwrwas rht or on。b. beause he houht houng an s aswer wpartly righ . c. because he und

25、 there we some mitakes in th oun ans ans er. d.bea e he got some in ratonfrm t o g man s anser. 5。 whi h ftholwng is ot rig t accordig to t assage ?. the wise man fi l madeisel uderstodb thyoung an。b。 life s shrt, so we s u y enjoy it 。c。 waer d opsould make hole n t stoe tbyl。 raizng u dream n es o

26、ur f rts d curage f chaning the envionment。四、閱讀回答問題(共 1小題 ,每小題 2 分,滿分 0 分) a t le fwte may t seem lik mchto you,ut tho sads of bttes wllb of eat help r peo ho i in dru tit rea i hinasinc last utmn, eehs b nvry l ttle rainnsuthw scina ome lce, especial y in nnan . guangi, sichuan, uizhu, hve experec

27、srios dought. crosdie,the landrack ,and wells(井 ) and rvers d edup。 mo than 20 ilio pe le r having df cultyi n ngsafe driki atr。a rlarni g ab u e rougt, many p ople aroudthe country elpedb giving wate ,money d other things last we , ever membr of th mmunis outh lague n yong pionees wre courgd to giv

28、 on botle of wat r to the drougt-hit areas. tuent in prim ry schools ad iddle schools quic ly join d te a tivi . i yuhu prmary school in i an, 90 tudn s bougt over , 0 botls f water with eir ockt moey。 they s wrot ther w hes n the ttle . he srious dro gt has a o mde studet ealize t e potance f savng

29、 waer。 udents frm nanhan mi dle school i huiz i guangng ent n te s et to tell pepl to take part i wat sving activ es?!?e head at some chiden in drought-hit a as don hav eno h rinkig wate . th y have to drink udd wter. i eel really sd ab t ha, said oe stu t“ i dei e t take a ower tw week nstead f eer

30、 dy to ave water” he sai. 1. why d d se us droug t hp en n so west china? _ _ _ _ _2. who qui kly ine the activi o give one tl of ater to the drough hit ar ? _ _ _ _3. what id peo e do afte earnin abo h dru ht? _ _ _ . is a tle of wa e lpfu for peol n drouhthit area? _ _ 5。 what ca yo learn fom he p

31、assage? _ _ _ _ _ _ theiternet has eomenot l e ary but a so a vir ulwo ld fo people. wit the deeopen ofth nternet, internet f iendshp as al comever ppular. nli frienare oee e w ha k ow eacoter though he ntent. mak ng nternet f edis hesame s making pen riends。m ny famous web its offer uite wa mintern

32、efriendshi oean fin man peoplon hse stes they share th same iterests。 ti diffi ult to make friend with someone ou can se orfeel hat is he ain o eo in erne ndshipirtual fri ndship oud notlast forever w t ou seing eachhr, bu it s an adva ag for some p opebeaue they eafraidtos a in p i. ohe oher hand,

33、the caces f cheating re ry ighinan ntrnet frend ip。 somepeople maefin s o th int rnet th wrong i teios.so hil makin friends over theintern ,o has to be ve y arefu. ere are somesgestios fr u. don t give eso al ormation, such as yourtelephne nu r,d s, loc ion, schoolnaeas well as you arents ifomat n,t

34、 stragers ontheinte et. do no exhnepersonal pho osof yo o any fa iymem r witheope y u mever einern。 do notgo met a ersoyu hve ut t oerthe nernet.yud betr ak ler o exp rince peole foavie f you wntto otomeet ainternet f iend。 donot acept meonesre e you eel he or she is dishones根據(jù)上面短文的內(nèi)容回答問題。1i thn rne

35、t ecesarynd vir alor eple? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.hat is the man prblm of internet f iendshp? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3。why i the virtual friendship a advatag or sme peple? _ _ _ _ _ 4。whocan you ask for adie if ou go o eet n inter t friend? _ _ _ _ _5.what doesthe aricle ive su e tins abu? _ _ _ _ _ _ _五、綜合

36、閱讀 (共 0 小題 ,每小題分,滿分0 分) a ye contac means o kn intoanother pesnseyes.this is avrimporta pat ofbody(a)_ 。 t can be t tocomm nicaton。 e eotact c(b) how fe ins uhs fri ndlinss,interetandde anding. i eterncutries,(c)_ _eye on c in covers ionsisver iprant ifyouo nt se e c tac ,esternr ythintat ya e t lst

37、 ning. d f yo loaay,they may sthinkyu are ly。 howev r,in many asian co trie,looing ow n taki wth an older pr nli e a teace or a paet,is poli e.th se diff re es c ( )ca s rolem . eampl,an in erson migh look down while liste ing o a western s akr。the wstern seaker ight hink (e)this pesn is o intrete i

38、n what e r she s ing。 not sigeye c ta ca cus poble,but (f)使用太多也是不禮貌的。 i mn coutris,wa ingoher peo ,esp ciallystanges,fora lon timei impli e his aymake thm fee er s。1。在( )和( c)的空白處分別填入適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~。() _ _; ()_ _ 2.寫出劃線部分(b) 和(d)的同義詞或近義詞(b)_;(d)_ 3。將文中劃線部分(e)改寫成: this person_ _wht he r she is aying. 4。將劃線部分(f

39、)譯成英語 :_ _ _ 。從文中找到能說明本文主旨大意的中心詞語:_ _ _ b sou austalia is gea plce l。 its very ig, tteare anyp ple here. err ot of ani ls,bea ful owrs, and () iterest g pl esisuth austrla。do y u wan o lay(b )_ alas? do you w t (c)和。 .交朋友 kangaro ? youc n domay t ings you w t dohere。 it a oo placefo hildren (d )chld

40、ren n souhaustralia can have lo of un。te are manythings hi n to do。thy a ru around wt als.they can ( )_withsealions ddop i .han een pe o as on t had nildl epaks。 they are utchiden an lay on the lo eaches if ch l e ike wate,cn go s iming ther .the( f)cn visit he nti al par soo.t y are er grat.the is

41、a ig andope ace in ot ausrlia. child en sing,lauh ancy auh as tey like. 1寫出劃線部分(a) 和(f)的同義短語:_;_ 2。分別在( b)和(e)的空白處各填入一個適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~:_ _; _ _ 。將劃線部分(c)譯成英語 :_ _ 4。將劃線部分()改寫成 :children in south aus ralia ca _ _. 5。在文中找出能夠說明本文主題的最佳語句:_ _ 六、閱讀與表達(dá)(共兩節(jié), a 節(jié) 5分,節(jié)1分,滿分20 分) a)用下面方框中所給的單詞或短語填空,使每個句子在結(jié)構(gòu)和意義上正確。(提示 :選項中有一個是多余的) a: ad, weere told to olec s e inormtionabut zhou subway。 1 b:sure. it s reported tht subwa n 1 ill h v s testruat e edof this year.: geat!:it has otal lengt f 2。 2


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