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1、TEXT 97Health consumerism 保護消費者健康權(quán)益The wellness boom健康產(chǎn)業(yè)飛速發(fā)展(陳繼龍 編譯)Jan 4th 2007 | NEW YORKFrom The Economist print editionHelping consumers to lead healthy lifestyles is becoming a big business 引導消費者健康生活潮流的行業(yè)越做越大。BACK in 1979, a fat, unhealthy property developer, Mel Zuckerman, and his exercise- fa

2、natic wife, Enid, opened Canyon Ranch,“America's first totalvacation/fitness resort ”, on an old dude1 ranch in Tucson, Arizona. At the time, their outdoorsy, new age-ish venture seemed highly eccentric. Today Canyon Ranch is arguablythe premium health-spa brand of choice for thesuper-rich. It i

3、s growing fast and now operates in several places, including the Queen Mary 2. It is also one of the leading lights in“wellness ” , anincreasingly mainstream and profitable business.事情要追溯到 1979 年,身胖體虛的房地產(chǎn)開發(fā)商梅爾 ?扎克爾曼和他喜歡運動的妻子 艾妮德開辦了 Canyon Ranch 。這是“美國首個純粹的度假和健身勝地” ,位于亞利桑 那州圖森的一個老的度假農(nóng)場上。那時,他們冒險投資這一具有

4、新時代特征、倡導戶 外活動的行業(yè)似乎非常不合正軌。照現(xiàn)在看來, Canyon Ranch 已經(jīng)成為那些富豪們溫 泉療養(yǎng)的首選去處。它發(fā)展迅速,現(xiàn)已在好幾個地方開展業(yè)務,其中包括“瑪麗皇后 二世”。它也是“健康產(chǎn)業(yè)”的領跑者之一,而后者正日益成為一個有利可圖的主流第 1 頁行業(yè)“There is a new market category called wellness lifestyle, and in a whole range of industries, if you are not addressing that category you are going to find it in

5、creasingly hard to stay in business,” enthuses Kevin Kelly,Canyon Ranch's president. (Mr Zuckerman, now a trim and sprightly 2 78-year-old, remains chairman of the firm.) This broad new category, Mr Kelly goes on, “consolidates a lot of sub- categories ” including spas, traditional medicine and

6、alternative medicine, behavioural therapy, spirituality, fitness, nutrition and beauty.(1)As more customers demand a holistic approach tofeeling well, firms that have hitherto specialised in only one or two of those areas are now facing growing market pressure to broaden their business. “You can no

7、lo nger satisfy the consumer with just fitness, just medical, just spa,” says Mr Kelly.“如今市場出現(xiàn)了一個新領域,它倡導健康生活方式。就所有產(chǎn)業(yè)而言,假如你置此 領域于不顧,你就會發(fā)現(xiàn)要想在商業(yè)中立足會越來越難。 ” Canyon Ranch總經(jīng)理凱文 ?凱利熱情洋溢地說。(扎克爾曼仍是董事長, 78歲的他現(xiàn)在身體狀況良好,精力充沛。) 凱利接著說,這一新型市場領域內(nèi)容廣泛, “包羅萬象”,其中包括溫泉療養(yǎng)、傳統(tǒng)和 新型醫(yī)療、行為療法、精神療法、健身、營養(yǎng)以及美容。由于越來越多的消費者講求 整體健康,因此對

8、于那些至今仍然局限于以上一兩項內(nèi)容的公司而言,擴大業(yè)務的市 場壓力日益增大,難以回避。凱利說: “健身也好,醫(yī)療也好,溫泉療養(yǎng)也罷,單靠 哪一個都不再能夠滿足消費者。 ”Canyon Ranch's strategy reflects this belief. It is expanding a brand built on $1,000-a-night retreats for the rich and famous in several different 第 2 頁directions. This year in Miami Beach it will open the firs

9、t of what it expects to be many upmarket housing estates built around a spa, called Canyon Ranch Living. Together with the Cleveland Clinic, one of the world's leading private providers of t raditional medicine, it is launching an“executive health ”product which combines diagnosis, treatment and

10、, above all, prevention. It also has plans to produce food and skin-care products, a range of clothes and healthy-living educational materials.凱利的這一觀念在 Canyon Ranch 的戰(zhàn)略中得到了印證。該公司以為富人名流提供每 晚 1000 美金的休養(yǎng)服務為基礎,正朝數(shù)個不同方向拓展自己的品牌。今年,它將在 邁阿密海灘開發(fā)首批有望成為眾多上流人士居住地的房地產(chǎn)項目。 這些房地產(chǎn)位于一 個名叫“峽谷農(nóng)場生活空間”的溫泉周圍。它還會同提供傳統(tǒng)醫(yī)療服務的

11、全球私營醫(yī) 療先驅(qū)克利弗蘭醫(yī)療中心,正在開發(fā)一個集診斷、治療和預防于一體的“健康管 理”產(chǎn)品。它還計劃生產(chǎn)食品、護膚品、各種服裝以及健康生活教育資料。Already, the new world of wellness is becoming fiercely competitive. CanyonRanch's rivals include several big, established firms. Sir Richard Branson's Virgin group operates Virgin Life Carekiosks 3 in which people ca

12、n earnspendable HealthMiles. Insurers such as WellPoint and Britain's PruHealth are rewarding people who take part in health-improvement programmes with lower premiums or bigger deductibles. Wal-Mart is selling organic food, and even Coca-Cola is launching a wellness drink.健康產(chǎn)業(yè)這一新領域的競爭已經(jīng)越來越激烈。 C

13、anyon Ranch的對手包括數(shù)家根基已經(jīng) 十分牢固的大型公司。理查德 ?布蘭遜爵士的 Virgin 集團開辦了 Virgin 生活呵護涼 亭,在那里人們能掙到可供消費的 “健康里程”。WellPoint 和英國 PruHealth 等保險 第 3 頁公司正在為那些參加健康促進活動的人們提供獎賞, 比如較低的保險金或者較高的免 賠額。沃爾瑪也在銷售有機食品,就連可口可樂也正開發(fā)一種健康飲料。Perhaps the most interesting entrant to this nascent 4 industry is Revolution, a firm set up in 2005 b

14、y Steve Case, co-founder of AOL, an internet firm. (2) He is attacking on several fronts, mostly by buying controlling stakes in small firms that have a big idea and a viable business model, and helping them to grow faster. One of these is Miraval-Life In Balance, a similar outfit to Canyon Ranch, w

15、hich he hopes to turn into the “Nike brand of wellness ” by expanding from its spas, which offer 130 different experiences from yoga to organic cuisine. New initiatives include Miraval Livingresidential estatesoneopens soon in Manhattan skin-care lotions and food. Revolution also owns Lime, a wellne

16、ss broadcaster, and Exclusive Resorts, presumably on the grounds that luxury holidays are good for you. 入行不久、但在這一新生產(chǎn)業(yè)中最引人注目的大概要數(shù)史蒂夫 ?凱澤于 2005 年建立的 Revolution 公司。凱澤是互聯(lián)網(wǎng)公司 AOL(美國在線)的創(chuàng)始人之一。他正向數(shù)個領 域發(fā)起沖擊,大都是通過收購小公司的可控股并幫助它們加快發(fā)展速度來進行。這些 公司雖然小,但抱負大,其商業(yè)模式也具有較強的可行性。 Miraval-Life In Balance 就是其中之一,類似于 Canyon

17、Ranch,但規(guī)模要小得多。它的溫泉療養(yǎng)中心可以提供 包括瑜伽、有機烹飪在內(nèi)的 130 種不同的服務。凱澤希望拓展這個溫泉療養(yǎng)中心,使 其成為“健康產(chǎn)業(yè)的耐克品牌” 。先期采取的措施包括開發(fā) Miraval Living 住宅用房 產(chǎn)(有一家即將在曼哈頓開盤) 以及生產(chǎn)護膚液和食品。 Revolution 旗下還有健康產(chǎn) 業(yè)廣播公司 Lime 和提供豪華度假服務的 Exclusive Resorts 。In addition, Mr Case is rolling out Revolution Health, a consumer health-care第 4 頁business. ( 3)I

18、t will offer online health information, insurance policiesand new forms of health care, including walk-in treatment and screening in shops such as Wal-Mart, through its investment in a firm called RediClinic. Mr Case's partners in the venture include Colin Powell, a former secretary of state; Ca

19、rly Fiorina, the ex-boss of Hewlett-Packard; and Jim Barksdale, a former head of Netscape. 此外,凱澤還準備開展一項名為“健康革命”的消費者保健業(yè)務。業(yè)務通過投資于 RediClinic 公司進行, 服務內(nèi)容包括在線健康信息、 保險單以及新式保健如隨到隨治 (無需預約)、在沃爾瑪?shù)壬虉鲞M行(食品安全?健康?)檢測等。凱澤的投資合作 伙伴包括美前國務卿科林 ?鮑威爾、惠普公司前總裁卡利 ?菲奧里納以及Netscape 前董事長吉姆 ?巴克斯代爾。Doing well by helping you feel

20、good 一切都為了消費者的健康There is growing evidence that focusing holistically on wellness can reduce health-care costs by emphasising prevention over treatment. Mr Case reckons that one of the roots of today's health-care crisis, especially in America, is that prevention and care are not suitably joined

21、up. A growing number of employers now promote wellness at work, both to cut costs and to reduce stress and health-related absenteeism, says Jon Denoris of Catalyst Health, a gym business in London. He has been helping the British arm of Harley Davidson, a motorbike-maker, to develop a wellness progr

22、amme for its workers. 越來越多的證據(jù)表明,關注身心整體健康,強調(diào)預防重于治療,能夠降低醫(yī)療成本。 凱澤估計,當今醫(yī)療危機的根源之一就在于沒有將預防和保健與醫(yī)療恰當?shù)亟Y(jié)合,美國尤其如此。倫敦體育公司 Catalyst Health 的喬恩 ?德諾瓦說,越來越多的公司老板現(xiàn)在都鼓勵健康工作,這樣既可以降低成本,也可以減輕員工壓力,減少因病曠工 現(xiàn)象。德諾瓦一直以來都在幫助摩托車制造商 Harley Davidson 研究制定一個面向工 人的健康計劃。(4)The desire to reduce health-care costs is one force behind th

23、e rise of the wellness industry; the other is the growing demand from consumers for things that make them feel healthier. Surveys find that three out of four adult Americans now feel that their lives are“out of balance ”, says Mr Kelly.So there is a huge opportunity to offer them products and servic

24、es that make them feel more “balanced ” . This represents a big change in consumer psychology, claims Mr Kelly, and one that is likely to deepen over time: market research suggests that 35-year-olds have a much stronger desire to lead healthy lifestyles than 65-year-olds. 健康產(chǎn)業(yè)的推動力之一來自于人們對降低醫(yī)療成本的期望,

25、另一個推動力則是消費者 對那些有益健康的事物日益增長的需求。凱利說,調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn),如今 3/4 的美國成年人 認為他們的生活“失衡” 。于是為他們提供讓他們感覺更加“平衡”的產(chǎn)品和服務就 成了一個巨大的市場機遇。凱利認為,這體現(xiàn)了消費者心理上的巨變,并且隨著時間 的推移, 這種變化有可能進一步加劇市場研究表明, 35 歲的人對健康生活方式的 愿望比 65 歲的人更為強烈。(5)One difficulty for wellness firms will be acquiring the expertise tooperate in several different areas of the ma

26、rket. Another will be to maintain credibility in (and for) an industry that combines serious science with snake oil. One problem or is it an opportunity?in selling wellness products to第 6 頁consumers is that some of the things they demand may be faddish 5 or nonsensical. Easy fixes, such as new-age t

27、herapies, may appeal to them more than harder but proven ways to improve health. And there is much debate about the health benefits of vitamin supplements, organic food and alternative medicines, let alone different forms of spirituality.對于經(jīng)營健康產(chǎn)業(yè)的公司而言, 要同時擁有經(jīng)營幾個不同市場領域的專門技術是他們 面臨的難題之一。此外,在嚴肅科學和偽科學(比如

28、所謂能包治百病的萬靈油)混為 一體的行業(yè)中,要自覺保持誠信并贏得公眾的信任也都是一件難事。向消費者銷售健 康產(chǎn)品還存在一個問題(抑或是一種機遇?) ,那就是消費者的需求有的是趕時髦, 有的則莫名其妙。相比那些操作難度大但已經(jīng)證實能有效改善健康的方法,簡便易行 的方法如新時代治療技術對他們要更具有吸引力。而且,關于維生素補品、有機食品 和新型醫(yī)學對健康的益處的爭論也頗多,更不用說形形色色的精神療法了。One of Canyon Ranch's answers to this problem has been to hire Richard Carmona, who was America

29、's surgeon-general until last summer. In that role, he moved prevention and wellness nearer to the centre of public-health policy.( 6)The last time a surgeon-general ventured into business, it ended disastrously: during the internet bubble, Everett Koop launched DrKoop, a medical-information sit

30、e that went bust6 shortly after going public and achieving a market capitalisation of over $1 billion. This time around, the wellness boom seems unlikely to suffer such a nasty turn for the worse.去年夏天, Canyon Ranch 把美國國家衛(wèi)生總監(jiān)( Surgeon-general) 理查德 ?卡爾莫納 請了來,以期解決這一問題。此人擔任衛(wèi)生總監(jiān)時,就呼吁公共健康政策應以預防和保健為中心。上一次衛(wèi)生總監(jiān)涉足商圈最后不得善終在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)泡沫時代,埃弗雷 特?庫普發(fā)起了 DrKoop醫(yī)療信息網(wǎng)站,但在公開募股并得到了超過10 億美元的市場資本之后不久便關門大吉了。不過這一次,健康產(chǎn)業(yè)的繁榮似乎不可能再像當年那樣 遭遇悲慘結(jié)局。QUIZ 英譯漢(將劃線部分英文翻譯成中文) : NOTES(LONGMAN)1. dude


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